Plowing the land. When and how is it better to plow the land? Plowing with a walk-behind tractor: devices and operating rules Plowing the land manually and mechanically, which way to choose

Plowing the land in a dream yourself with a tractor or plow, seeing it plowed and sown is one of the prosperous signs. Especially if you dreamed of fertile soil. Dream books say that the dreamer is actively searching for business and marriage partners. The larger the plowed field, the greater the chances of success. Detailed answers to why arable land is dreamed of can be found from famous interpreters.

The psychologist, known for his predictions, considers why one dreams of plowing the land in two ways. His dream book states that soil plowed by a plow or on a tractor means despair from the mountain of work that has piled up. At the same time, he urges not to lose hope of gaining a well-deserved reward and profit for your work.

Interpretations of a dream about a plowed field from a famous psychologist:

  • to follow the plow yourself - to large amounts of work, difficulties;
  • working on a tractor is a reason to start your own business;
  • seeing plowmen - to the implementation of creative projects;
  • sowing arable land personally - to a generous reward, achieving goals.

Feel free to open your own business

If you happen to plow the land, see arable land where birds walk, or plant plants in a dream, know that there will be no better omen for the implementation of your own project. Dream books recommend starting to implement even the most daring ideas. Long-standing expectations will be justified if you dreamed that all the work of sowing fell on you.

Unexpected joy, big profits, a fruitful year - this is exactly what you dream of plowing and harrowing virgin soil. The predictors are unanimous here: they call for casting aside doubts and getting closely involved in major projects.

Take care of your personal life urgently

A field plowed in a dream symbolizes fertility. If a girl dreams about it, it’s time to think about having a child. Women's dream books talk about the readiness of young people to get married and engage in procreation. Plowing the ground, walking on it barefoot - leads to an established intimate life.

The famous psychologist Freud draws a clear parallel between the plowed area and the genitals. He explains in detail why you dream of digging, plowing, planting. According to his forecasts, changes in intimate life will not take long to happen. And most importantly, they will all be only in a positive direction.

When to take care

Plowing the ground and falling under it in a dream is bad. A dream means the onset of a disease. If you dreamed that you were stuck, or could not get beyond plowing, be attentive to your well-being, rest more often and be in the fresh air.

Dream books predict conflicts with children for those who dreamed of infertile virgin lands and were unable to plow the land for a long time.


It is increasingly rare to see a summer resident with a shovel in his hands, scattering clods of earth with weeds around him. This is harmful to the garden and the person himself. How to replace manual labor with mechanical labor?

Ensuring a high level of productivity largely depends on the quality of the work carried out on plowing the land. In previous times, this procedure was extremely labor-intensive and took more than one week. Now the work of business executives has been greatly simplified, since with the help of a walk-behind tractor or a motor-cultivator, you can plow a large area in just a few hours. Working with this technique has its own rules and features.

Plowing a large area with a motor cultivator

Many novice farmers wonder what is the difference between? According to knowledgeable people, there are no fundamental differences between these two agricultural devices. However, some features can be highlighted. A cultivator is a mechanism for cultivating land for subsequent crops, improving the soil structure and ensuring an optimal level of mixing of soil with fertilizers applied to it. In addition to soil cultivation, walk-behind tractors can perform a number of additional tasks such as mowing grass, planting, hilling a vegetable garden, harvesting crops, or clearing an area of ​​dried leaves.

Thus, the walk-behind tractor is characterized by wider functionality compared to a motor-cultivator, and it also has more power, which is important when developing virgin lands, for example. But the weight of the cultivator is much less than that of a walk-behind tractor, and working with this type of equipment is much easier and requires less physical effort. This device also costs much less. Therefore, if we are talking about carrying out exclusively arable work on a relatively small area, then many business owners, choosing between two types of equipment, give preference to a motor cultivator.

The method of mechanical tillage has a number of undeniable advantages compared to traditional manual tillage. First of all, plowing with a walk-behind tractor or cultivator requires significantly less physical and time expenditure, which increases the productivity of agricultural workers tens of times. Also, thanks to this technique, it becomes possible to carry out a number of additional works in parallel with plowing. For example, you can simultaneously loosen the soil and also add the necessary fertilizers to the soil. In addition, tillage with a walk-behind tractor or a walk-behind cultivator ensures more uniform and deep plowing of the land, improves its condition and structural quality.

The soil is saturated with a sufficient amount of oxygen and reaches the optimal degree of moisture. In addition, the soil is cultivated, which slows down the growth and development of weeds. According to statistical data, when plowing is carried out mechanically, the yield indicators in the cultivated area almost double. You can also plow the land using a tractor. However, this is not available to everyone due to the high cost of this type of equipment. In addition, arable work with a tractor can only be carried out on large and open plots of land, near which there are no trees, bushes or buildings.

Plowing land with a tractor

Despite all the advantages of walk-behind tractors and walk-behind cultivators, these mechanisms also have certain disadvantages. For example, mechanical tillage is contraindicated in areas filled with weeds with a deep root system. This is due to the fact that during arable work using walk-behind tractors, the surface soil layer falls off to the side, and this contributes to the proliferation of weeds.

In addition, the soil plowed with a walk-behind tractor requires additional treatment - clogging. This problem is especially relevant when working on hard soils. Also, with regular mechanical tillage, damage to the fertile soil layer may occur. The situation can be improved by parallel application of mineral and organic fertilizers to the soil.

To get the most favorable results when carrying out arable work using a walk-behind tractor, it is recommended to follow. First of all, it is necessary to correctly configure the mechanism by adjusting the width and depth of plowing. These indicators largely depend on the area of ​​the cultivated area and the quality characteristics of the soil. However, according to knowledgeable people, there are adjustments that are considered optimal in most cases.

Carrying out arable work using a walk-behind tractor

The width of the plowed furrow should be no more than 50–60 cm. As for the plowing depth, its ideal indicators are 10–15 cm.

When cultivating hard soils, the depth of the furrow can be increased to 20–25 cm. To do this, you need to achieve such a position of the apparatus so that the plow rests on the ground with its entire base. Otherwise, it will either go too deep into the soil or, on the contrary, be pushed out of it. To attach the plow itself to the mechanism, it must be raised approximately 15 cm above ground level. Usually special stands are used for these purposes. It should be emphasized that the quality of subsequent arable work largely depends on the correct settings of the walk-behind tractor or cultivator before its operation!

First of all, the site must be properly prepared by clearing it of weeds, stones and various types of debris. After this, stretch the so-called orientation cord along the first row of the site. This manipulation is necessary in order to make the arable row as even as possible. Then prepare the device. To check how correctly the adjustments have been made, it is recommended to plow a test plot of a minimum area. Moving to the main area, place the walk-behind tractor or cultivator at the beginning of the furrow.

Cultivator treatment of a trial plot of minimal area

When starting arable work, slightly deepen the device into the soil, lightly pressing it downwards. Next, follow the walk-behind tractor along the guide cord, holding the handles of the walk-behind tractor. Make sure that the mechanism runs in a straight line and do not allow it to sink excessively into the soil. When the length of the furrow comes to an end, you need to make a U-turn and continue plowing in the opposite direction. To cultivate the land as uniformly as possible, it is necessary to ensure that the speed of movement of the mechanism is low, and the rotation speed of its cutters, on the contrary, is quite high.

When carrying out arable work, you can move both in a circle and in a zigzag manner. We can say that it all depends on your personal preferences; only experienced specialists advise taking into account the shape of the treated area. If the site has a rectangular shape, then circular plowing would be the ideal option. Owners of a square plot are recommended to give preference to zigzag digging. When cultivating a vegetable garden, it is best to create beds along the perimeter of the plot and place them parallel to each other. This will facilitate the process of plowing and subsequent planting work.

In addition, many business owners are faced with the problem of excessively hard soil, which cannot be processed even with the help of special equipment; this is often typical for virgin soil. What can be done in this case? Knowledgeable people advise adhering to a system of stage-by-stage tillage. The soil also becomes softer and more pliable when wet. Therefore, carry out arable work either after heavy rainfall, or after preliminary intensive watering. In addition, you can try to develop a virgin soil layer using a walk-behind mill. To do this, you should walk along the same strip several times in a row, gradually deepening the device into the soil.

When the work is completed, take care to clear the mechanism of soil, grass and other debris. Then rinse it with water and dry thoroughly. This is necessary to ensure the longest and most reliable operation of the walk-behind tractor or cultivator!

First, you need to figure out how many times a year it is necessary to plow the land and what benefits does each plowing provide? The main plowing of the land should be carried out in the fall.

This procedure is called autumn plowing - it should begin during the first frosts, i.e. when the ground begins to chill. The main advantage of this treatment is the death of the larvae of various pests that have entered the soil for the winter. Also, during autumn, the soil intensively absorbs moisture, which has a very good effect on its fertility in the next season.

If the main plowing of the land is carried out in the spring, this can lead to the appearance of harmful organisms and fungi on the surface of the earth, which threatens to infect the cultivated crops with all kinds of diseases. Beneficial bacteria, which are rich in the top layer of the earth, on the contrary, can end up in the depths and die. Autumn plowing preserves beneficial bacteria in such a way that with the arrival of spring they are completely restored, which is so necessary for the crops grown.

In spring it is better to harrow the soil. This should be done as soon as the topmost layer of soil dries out a little. In this way, you can retain all the necessary moisture that has accumulated in the soil over the winter.

You should also remember that it is necessary to plow the land in the fall using organic fertilizers. Burnt straw or manure can be used as organic matter. A necessary condition for using such fertilizer is that straw or manure must “burn out” for at least a year. Fresh manure can, when added to the soil, can significantly damage and destroy all the beneficial substances and organisms that are necessary for the proper and good growth of crops.

It is best to turn to professionals for plowing the land, who will do all the necessary work very efficiently and exactly at the time when it is necessary. Possessing all the necessary equipment and knowledge, they will carry out plowing according to all the rules, without spoiling the top fertile layer of soil. This will also be economically beneficial, since you can always find the best option for cultivating the land at minimal cost.

Why is plowing the land necessary?

The most important problem with soil, especially in humid climates, is salinity. Salt accumulates in the soil due to excessive moisture - when the top layer has time to dry out, but the lower layer of soil constantly remains wet. Since water contains a certain amount of salt, it accumulates in the soil if the soil is not plowed in time and the soil is not allowed to receive a sufficient amount of oxygen, which is also necessary for the normal development of beneficial bacteria.

It is also very important to plow the soil correctly - this will help avoid the appearance and development of soil erosion. Soil erosion can occur due to excessive moisture, which can lead to the leaching of all necessary minerals and microorganisms from the soil. Frequent use of heavy farm equipment can also negatively impact soil health. Heavy machinery contributes to excessive soil compaction, which in most cases leads to the death of beneficial microorganisms and a subsequent decrease in yield.

If the cultivated soil is too clayey, then peat can be added to it during plowing. Peat loosens the soil well, making it darker, which will allow the soil to warm up better in the spring.

It should be remembered that autumn plowing of the land must be carried out to a greater depth than in spring. If you plan to grow root crops in your field, this will be a necessary condition for their good development. To grow cereal plants, deep plowing may either not be necessary at all, or it can be done once every few years to renew the surface of the fertile soil layer.

For proper and high-quality plowing of the land, you need to have the necessary knowledge so as not to harm the land instead of benefiting it. The use of specialized equipment is also necessary. Farm equipment that is too heavy can damage the soil, while equipment that is too light will most likely not cope with the task.

By contacting our company, you will no longer have to worry about carrying out high-quality and correct work. We will do all the necessary work that will allow you to effectively grow certain agricultural crops on your land. Also, our specialists will do all the work exactly at the time when it is really necessary and beneficial for the earth.

Plowing the land is not such a simple matter. Entrust the work to people who know and can do a lot in this area.

Why do you need to plow the soil at all? This question is always asked by inexperienced gardeners who simply do not understand that plowing the land is a process that makes the land fertile and suitable for sowing various useful plants. Correctly, the land is plowed once or twice a year. Once if this happens in the fall, twice if in the spring and autumn. Autumn plowing is especially important.

How does autumn plowing help get rid of weeds?

So, how does the process of plowing the ground allow us to practically destroy those plants that, without our knowledge, sprout in the beds every spring? Everything is quite simple and primitive. The main thing is that the plowing of the land takes place at the right time and is carried out by competent specialists who know to what depth the land can and should be plowed in a particular area.

Plowing the land in the fall saves us from weeds because due to frosts, which necessarily occur in late autumn or early winter, the damaged roots of the weeds freeze, which means that those weeds that are frozen will no longer be able to grow again in the spring and annoy you with their presence .

Those who regularly plow the land on their site know that over time this helps to almost completely get rid of harmful plants. If, of course, you plow the land annually. Of course, plowing the soil once or even twice a year is much easier than going out into the garden every day for an unequal battle with weeds, because the latter takes much more time and effort.

When should autumn plowing be done?

When would be the most appropriate time to plow the land in the fall so that it is as effective as possible? It is clear that this depends primarily on the region, because temperature and other weather conditions often depend on it. However, the approximate timing of plowing the land is such that it must be carried out at the very end of autumn, after harvesting; in the southernmost regions, it can, of course, be carried out in December.

Why shouldn’t you rush into pruning and carry it out, for example, in September, even if for some reason you have already managed to harvest your entire crop? Because, as a rule, weeds can still grow in the few months that remain before frost. This means that all your work on plowing the land will go to waste.

November is the ideal month for organizing land plowing in most regions. It is already cold enough that the weeds do not have time to grow, much less their seeds, but at the same time the earth is still soft enough and it is not difficult to plow it. It is very important to have time to plow the soil before the air temperature at night drops below five degrees.

Plowing the land manually and mechanically, which one to choose?

Many gardeners know that you can plow the ground with a plow, various special tools, or just the old-fashioned way with a shovel. Naturally, each of these methods has a number of advantages and disadvantages. For example, when digging up the soil with a shovel, the fertile layer will definitely not receive any damage, but plowing may be superficial and ineffective, and in addition, take a very long time. This method is well suited for very small areas and is completely unsuitable for large pieces of land.

Plowing the land with walk-behind tractors is very effective if your plot is at least six acres. One of the absolute advantages of this method is digging up the soil to a depth of about twenty-five centimeters, which will allow you to saturate it with oxygen, clear the roots of weeds, and also dig up all the underground passages of rodents so that they cannot harm your plantings in the next season.

It is also a myth that plowing the land is completely unnecessary

Quite often on the Internet there is the opinion of novice gardeners that it is not necessary to plow the soil. She can handle oxygen saturation and other issues herself. This is nothing more than a myth, because even our ancestors, who began to plow the land many thousands of years ago, understood that only this would lead to an increase in the productivity of the land. Leaving the soil alone will probably only lead to an increase in weed production.

Owners of country plots of land and summer residents annually cultivate the land, plow it in order to achieve the largest possible harvest.

Plowing is necessary for:

  • saturating the earth with oxygen;
  • mixing the elements that make up the soil;
  • improving the structure of the soil (it becomes crumbly and smooth);
  • destroying weeds.

But not everyone knows how to do it correctly: beginners need information on how to plow the land.

Not a single agricultural implement for plowing the land will be able to perform its functions efficiently if there are many hillocks and holes on the site. Therefore, before you start plowing, you should level the ground. They do it as follows.

  1. Stumps are uprooted, stones are removed, bushes are eliminated and tall grass is mowed.
  2. Pegs are prepared, on which several marks are placed every 10-15 cm and stuck into the ground at the same level.
  3. Using a shovel, they remove the soil in the most elevated places (on hummocks) and place it in the lowlands.
  4. Gullies and deep holes are filled with specially brought soil.
  5. Check the ground level: it should reach the marks on the pegs.
  6. The area is treated with a rake.
  7. After manual digging (processing with a cultivator) and leveling the ground with a rake, the surface quality will meet the established requirements.

Very large plots of land are leveled using a tractor. It is advisable to plan slopes of more than 30° in the form of terraces.

Plowing the land with a walk-behind tractor

In small summer cottages, where plowing the land with a tractor is impossible (heavy equipment will not be able to maneuver), it is rational to use a walk-behind tractor. This unit is equipped with various attachments: plows, dippers, cutters, etc.
The implement for plowing the land should be adjusted before plowing, for which these tips are used.

  1. First, the land must be cultivated with a moldboard plow. To do this, the rubber chassis is replaced with steel lug wheels with a diameter of 500-600 mm and a width of 180-200 mm. Preference should be given to non-solid rims, otherwise movement will be hampered by accumulating earth and grass.
  2. The power of the walk-behind tractor must be such that there is no slippage even with the significant weight of the unit: together with the lugs, it can exceed 70 kg.
  3. The plowing depth is set. To do this, the unit is installed on bars with a cross-section of 150 mm, and the beam must take a strictly horizontal position. The plow is attached so that the ploughshare completely touches the ground with its edges.
  4. After the walk-behind tractor is prepared for work, you need to install it on one of the edges of the site approximately in the center. When cutting the first furrow, you must strive to make it as even as possible. At the end of the section, the unit is turned around and installed so that its right wheel faces the first furrow. The next furrow is cut. This technique is called “dumping”: in this case, the soil moves from the edges to the center.
  5. When working with a walk-behind tractor, you should not lean on the handles and push the unit forward.
  6. To reduce the load on the engine and save fuel, and most importantly - to obtain a high-quality plowed area, the right wheel of the walk-behind tractor should be driven along the ridge, along its edge or center.
  7. During plowing, the plow stand should not deviate from the vertical. This will be prevented by the special design of the plow coupling: arcuate grooves allow you to compensate for deviations in the angle of inclination by tilting the plow in the desired direction.
  8. If the walk-behind tractor leans to the right, you need to turn the plow share counterclockwise, loosening the nuts in the adjustment groove. After this, the nuts on the bolts should be tightened again.
  9. In order to adjust the inclination of the plow stand (necessary for setting it to the width of the track), it must be aligned with the inside of the right wheel.
  10. The plow must be installed so that its toe and heel are horizontal. Then, when entering the ground, it will not bury itself too much and will not be pushed out.
  11. To compensate for the asymmetrical load acting on the plow during plowing (it deviates to the right), it is recommended to tighten the cord as a guide before passing the first furrow. The first furrow should be no deeper than 120 mm: the right wheel will subsequently follow it and set the direction of the unit.
  12. When using a long hitch beam, it is recommended to use a support wheel. In this case, the depth of entry of the plow into the ground will be fixed. The support wheel can be installed on any side, while on the right it will roll along the furrow, and on the left – on uncultivated ground.
  13. Plowing the land in the fall should be done in a collapsed manner. Along the edges of the site and in the center, the furrows should be separated to prevent the retention of excess melt water during floods. As a result, the soil will dry out faster and be ready for plowing.

How to plow a walk-behind tractor with the handles turned

The work will be easier to do, and labor productivity will be higher, if you follow the following rules.

  1. It is better to plow the area along its long side: this way you can minimize the number of turns.
  2. It is necessary to change the trajectory of movement annually to avoid gradual movement of the fertile soil layer outside the site along the long side and to the edges of the short sides.
  3. Slipping of the walk-behind tractor when plowing virgin soil can be prevented if you go through the area twice: first with a smaller depth of the implement, and then with a maximum depth.
  4. Hardened soil is easier to work after it is moistened (after rain). Processing with a milling cutter should be carried out in several stages.
  5. You need to install the handles of the walk-behind tractor with some offset to the left: this will make it more convenient to walk on uncultivated ground.

Important: the engine temperature must not exceed the established limits. During the process of plowing the land, you need to monitor this parameter and, if necessary, take breaks to allow the unit to cool down.

We plow the ground with a motorized winch

In small areas, a motorized winch is successfully used for plowing the land. The plow is driven deep by the plowman, and the driving force is a gasoline engine with a drive to which a cable is attached. You can make such a unit yourself. Here are instructions for making plowing tools.

  1. The engine you should choose is a motorcycle engine from Minsk. Also suitable for chainsaws. The main condition is that the power must be at least 3 hp. The electric motor is not suitable for this: its power is less than necessary.
  2. The cable drum can be made from the rear wheel hub of a motorcycle. If such a part is missing, you can use a pipe.
  3. The diameter of the gear and drum is selected so that it can ensure the movement of the plow at a speed of 5-7 km/h (in 1st gear).
  4. A chainsaw tank is suitable as a fuel container. Its volume will be sufficient.
  5. The lugs will be pins welded to the lever in the shape of the letter “P” (it is necessary as a platform for the feet). It is recommended to spring them - this will make it more convenient to work.
  6. A saddle and a long lever are attached to the top of the plow so that you can sit while plowing the area.

The photo shows all the main parts from which the motorized winch is assembled.


  • drum (made from pipes by welding two flanges);
  • flange on which the sprocket is mounted;
  • driven sprocket removed from the motorcycle;
  • fasteners for installing the sprocket on the drum;
  • washer necessary for attaching the cable to the winch;
  • bolt for attaching the cable to the winch;
  • bearings on which the winch drum rotates;
  • a spacer sleeve installed between the bearings;
  • the drum axis on which the parts are mounted;
  • engraver and axle nut;
  • fasteners for installing the drum on the winch frame;
  • spacer bushings welded into the racks;
  • racks to which the drum is attached to the frame.

At the end of the story about how plowing is done, there is a video demonstrating the process clearly.