Is it possible to grow alyssum as a houseplant? How to care for perennial rock alyssum? Alyssum “Snow Carpet”, “Night”, “Rocky” - when, how to plant and care

The low-growing spreading alyssum belongs to the genus of the cruciferous (cabbage) family. In another way it is called alicium, and popularly it is also called marine lobularia , alyssum. However, alyssium and sea lobularia are close relatives rather than the same plant. Its Latin name Alyssum comes from the Greek word “alyssa”, where “a” is the negation of “without”, “lyssa” is “dog rabies”. There is a version about its healing properties against such a disease.

Today it is a real decoration of any landscape design. It is used in creating picturesque compositions of flower beds, rose gardens, borders, mixborders, lawns, etc. Its characteristic honey aroma is very appropriate in recreation areas of squares, parks, garden plots and even on balconies.

Thanks to the spectacular coloring of the flowers, ground cover alyssum harmonizes perfectly with many plants. These are tulips, forget-me-nots, dwarf irises, muscari, roses, phlox, etc. It can be a colorful accent in the improvement of rocky areas, masonry walls, rock gardens, rockeries. They are often used to “mask” voids after spring flowers and bulbous plants have “retired.”

Low alissum bushes with half-woody strong branches can reach a height of up to 40 cm. Small pubescent leaves of oblong or ovoid shape grow at the base of the shoots.

Small alyssum flowers appear in tight clusters with a very pleasant scent. They are painted in white, fawn, yellow, pink, red, lilac, and purple shades.

It is the fawn and yellow colors that belong to alyssum, and the rest to marine lobularia. During flowering, the bush resembles a continuous colorful foam of fragrant, delicate inflorescences.

The discrepancy in the names of the plant is probably explained by the fact that it has about a hundred species and their varieties. Among flora lovers, gardeners, and summer residents, the following types of alyssum are especially popular:

Today, breeders have developed no less interesting varieties, namely:

New varieties are distinguished by their compact shape and low parameters. They can be grown indoors and as seedlings for open ground.

Propagation of alyssum by seeds is used by flower growers more often than by dividing the bush or cuttings. The timing of this work depends on the desired timing of flowering.

For their earlier timing, alyssum seeds are planted in a greenhouse from late February or early March. If you are prepared to expect later flowering, it is practiced to sow seeds in open ground from May. At this time, the earth is already sufficiently warm and the threat of night spring frosts has passed

The optimal time for sowing seeds for seedlings is April, and for planting flower beds in the soil is May.

To sow alyssum for seedlings in March-April, soil and containers for it are first prepared. At the same time, we take into account that this plant is undemanding in terms of its composition. After all, in nature it grows and blooms even on sunny rocks of mountain slopes. The main thing is that it is light, nutritious, and contains little lime.

One good option is proximity to well-lit stone structures. Due to their rapid heating, the plant will quickly grow and bloom. But in partial shade its flowering is poor, and away from the sun's rays only the green mass develops well.

Then containers are selected: boxes, containers, cassettes with small cells. They are filled with soil, which is moderately moistened with a weak concentration of potassium permanganate solution. This is a kind of insurance against possible diseases.

Very small seeds are planted in the prepared soil, not very densely, and lightly pressed without sprinkling with soil. After this, the planted seeds are placed in a well-lit, cool place (up to +12°C).

The first shoots begin after 5-10 days. After the first true leaf appears, the seedlings are watered moderately and fed with complex fertilizers. It is important to avoid waterlogging, excess feeding, and high temperatures.

Planting seedlings into separate pots begins when two true leaves appear. Although with the rapid, active development of alyssum, it may not be needed. In this case, it is advisable to plant the seedlings immediately in open ground and after 1.5 months they begin to bloom.

Flowering alyssum is planted for a permanent “place of residence” in May at a distance of up to 20 cm between plants. If it is possible to grow developed bushy seedlings, the seedlings are divided into several parts and each of them is planted separately.

Along with planting grown seedlings, seeds can be planted directly into the soil after the threat of frost until June. Before sowing, you should dig up the soil and fertilize it with calcium.

Then level the surface and sprinkle seeds on it sparingly. In this case, they are also not sprinkled with earth, but only lightly pressed with the palm of your hand. This is explained by the fact that their germination occurs depending on the intensity of sunlight.

At temperatures above +16°C, sprouts appear within 7-10 days. However, less favorable climatic conditions can slow down this process.

Weeding is carried out 2 weeks after the emergence of seedlings. There should be more than 10 cm between seedlings. After all, initially miniature sprouts can grow widely over time, covering the ground between the plants.

These agricultural techniques contribute to more active flowering and prevent the development of powdery mildew. Seeds sown in the soil will delight you with their decorative bushes with picturesque flowers by the beginning of July.

“Winter” sowing is carried out before snow falls, from October to November inclusive. Before the cold snap, the seeds will have time to take root on the ground, and in the spring full-fledged plants will appear with further flowering.

Seeds are sown in frozen soil so that they do not germinate before winter, but germinate only in the spring.

Despite its frost resistance at temperatures below -15 ºC, alyssum still needs shelter. In mild winters, you need to sprinkle with a small layer of dry leaves, and in snowy times - with a thicker layer. Under these conditions, alyssum will survive the cold and retain greenery on the bushes.

If a plant grown in summer is left in the soil for the winter, you should not prune it on the eve of severe cold. There will be enough done here after the end of autumn flowering. The next “haircut” is carried out in the spring.

Just as planting alyssum is quick and easy, caring for it in summer is not difficult. It consists of processes such as:

  • Watering the soil. The frequency of watering depends on the permeability of the soil and weather conditions. After all, alyssum tolerates aridity more easily than excess moisture, which leads to rotting and death of the roots. And excessive drying out can provoke the dropping of buds and flowers.

The need for moisture can only be determined by examining the soil at a depth of up to 4 cm. Hard and crumbly soil is a signal for watering. In extreme heat, it is good to irrigate the bushes in the morning and evening. To avoid damage to the peduncles, this should not be done with a strong stream, but by sprinkling.

  • Weed removal and loosening the soil between plants is carried out after watering. However, if the area is mulched, then watering and weeding are done infrequently. Moreover, even in the presence of mulch, weeding is necessary for air and water permeability of the soil.
  • Trimming Alyssum is planted in order to prolong the time of its abundant flowering. This must be done in the fall, when old branches and thin young shoots are cut off. In spring, dried or weak leaves and shoots, peduncles are removed at the end of the flowering period even before seeds form. Along with this summer, to speed up the next flowering, you should do this again and shorten the shoots by 10 cm. This work with overgrown bushes will give them a neater and more compact appearance.
  • Top dressing Nitrogen or mineral complex fertilizers are carried out when the snow melts in the spring and later during flowering. On the eve of flowering, you need to apply complex mineral fertilizers. However, if alyssum is grown on alpine hills, monthly feeding will ensure a longer life for the flowers. For more intensive development of shoots and leaves, nitrogen fertilizers and urea help. Annuals need to increase the amount of fertilizing up to 4 times per season. At the same time, they must receive fertilizer for the first time before flowering.

Thanks to these accessible methods of agricultural technology, you can skillfully manage the timing and splendor of alyssum flowers.

Seed collection time is late September-early October. To do this, grind the faded fruits at the place where they grow over an oilcloth spread under the plant. After this, remove large remnants of leaves, branches, and shoots from the coatings.

Place the collected seeds in a linen bag. In this form, they are stored in a dry, well-ventilated room without drafts until the next sowing for seedlings or open ground.

If the seeds fall off before harvesting, you can sweep them out from under the raised branches. Then clear away large lumps of earth and debris and repeat the above.

Growing alyssum from seeds. Dive: video

Plant and grow unpretentious, colorful alyssium. We wish you good luck and increased experience!

We will talk about an ornamental plant - alyssum. We will answer the question of how to sow alyssum for seedlings and how to care for it. In this article you will find not only the necessary information, but also interesting facts about the plant.

Did you know? In ancient times, some plant from the genus Alyssum was used against rabies, as evidenced by its Latin name: lat.a - not, without (denial) and lyssa - dog rabies.

Growing alyssum in seedlings

Let's take a brief introduction to alyssum. Alyssum is planted in flower beds, using it as a living border. Alyssum, or Alyssum, is a genus of plants from the Brassica family. The genus includes up to 200 species, which are found in Europe, Asia and even North Africa. The plant has a height of 15 to 40 cm. The fruit is a box with seeds that do not lose their viability during three years of storage. Next, we will consider the rules for sowing alyssum seeds in the soil.

How to plant seeds correctly

Seeds for seedlings are sown in March or April. The soil should be slightly alkaline (achieved by adding lime) and have a pH of 5.5-6.0. The soil is placed in a box, the seeds are laid on top and pressed slightly to the ground. You can lightly dig in with the same soil mixture, but this is not necessary.

How to care for seedlings

Many people are interested in the question: how long does it take for alyssumi to sprout? Is it possible to speed up the process? For seeds to germinate, the following conditions must be met: room temperature +13-15 °C, good lighting (preferably not only artificial light), covering the seeds to create greenhouse conditions (glass or film is used), regular ventilation, moistening the soil.

If all conditions are met, then alyssum will germinate in 7-8 days. After the first leaves appear, the plant needs to be fed with fertilizers, and when you notice already 3 leaves, plant it in separate pots. After transplanting into pots, the plant is completely ready for planting in open ground. You need to wait for warm weather and plant alyssum on the site.

Sowing alyssum seeds in open ground

Now we will talk about how and when to sow alyssum in open ground.

Timing and depth of sowing seeds

If you are determined to sow seeds directly into open ground, you need to wait for really warm weather. Unlike greenhouse sowing, seeds can be planted in open ground no earlier than May. They are buried no more than 0.5 cm into the ground. If planted deeper, the sprouts will not have enough strength to break through the soil.

Important! If alyssum in the garden acts as a living border, then the distance between plants can be made minimally acceptable.

When planting seeds, calculate the distance between flowers so that they do not interfere with each other - this is approximately 15 to 40 cm.

What kind of lighting does alyssum like?

When planting and caring for alyssum, you must first take into account the lighting and location of the plant in relation to the sun. Plant alyssum in sunny places that are protected from drafts. If this is not possible, then the plant can be planted in partial shade, but the flowering will not be as strong and uniform. When planting, keep in mind that alyssum grows well between heated slabs and stones, which will not only warm the flower, but also decorate your garden.

How to prepare the soil for sowing seeds

Prepare the soil for alyssum: add humus or compost a month before sowing. You also need to improve the drainage properties of the soil by adding expanded clay, river sand or small pebbles. After this, the ground is dug up and leveled with a rake. If the soil is acidic, you need to add a portion of lime, bringing the pH value to 6.0-6.3. When preparing the soil for alyssum, you should not leave the roots of the weeds or the above-ground part on the site so that they do not weed out again.

Care during the cultivation of alyssum

To achieve bright and beautiful flowering, you need to follow the rules of care when growing alyssum.

How to care for the soil

The fertilizers applied during planting are quickly exhausted, and the plant begins to starve. If the lack of minerals coincides with the flowering period, then you will observe several flaccid flowers on the plant, which will quickly fall off.

The lack of fertilizing makes alyssum more vulnerable to many diseases, so the soil needs to be saturated with humus and mineral supplements.

During the period of rapid growth (before flowering), alyssum is fed with nitrogen fertilizers. To do this, dilute 1 tbsp per 10 liters of water. l. urea and Agricola-7; Water the plant in the late afternoon, when moisture does not evaporate so much from the soil.

During flowering, complex mineral fertilizers must be applied. Humus can also be used as fertilizing.

In addition to fertilizing the soil, it is necessary to loosen and remove weeds. If the soil becomes crusty, the alyssum will begin to starve its roots of oxygen. To achieve the best results, you need to water and loosen either in the evening or early in the morning. At this time, less moisture evaporates from the soil, so the amount of watering can be reduced.

How to prune a flower correctly

The fragrant perennial flower needs pruning from time to time to maintain its shape and resources. Plant pruning is carried out not only for aesthetic effect, but also to remove diseased, dry and damaged shoots. As soon as the alyssum has bloomed, you need to cut off all the flower stalks. This is done to conserve the plant's resources.

Important! If you plan to get seeds for seedlings, then you cannot cut off the flower stalks!

25-30 days after the alyssum has bloomed, another pruning is carried out. Each shoot that extends from the main trunk is shortened to 3-4 cm. After this procedure, the plant sends out many new shoots in the fall and its crown becomes noticeably thicker. In addition, by renewing the shoots, you prevent the formation of diseases or pest damage on them.

The last pruning is carried out in the spring. Cut off dry leaves, diseased or damaged shoots. At the same time, you can trim healthy shoots to give a more beautiful shape.

Did you know? In Siberia and Altai, alyssum is used internally for inguinal hernia, colds and kidney stones.

How to deal with possible diseases

Alyssum begins to get sick under unfavorable conditions: in the absence of fertilizers and sanitary pruning. And waterlogged soil creates a favorable environment for harmful bacteria.

If your flower is sick, it needs to be treated urgently so that other plants do not become infected.

Late blight (or brown rot) is a disease that develops with excessive watering. The roots and root collar begin to rot, and the plant itself dries out. This is the same case when improper care leads to illness. To cure alyssum from late blight, you need to treat the plant (preferably all at once, so that there is no relapse) with fungicides (Ordan, Kuproksat) and refrain from watering.

Alyssum is an amazingly beautiful shrub that belongs to the Brassica family. Today there are more than 170 species that are grown in Europe. Among them there are both perennial and annual varieties of alyssum.

An unusual shrub is a decoration for any garden. The shoots of the plant branch well, tightly covering the soil. The leaves are small, oblong, bluish in color, pubescent. Simple four-petalled flowers are collected in racemes. Alyssum is a good honey plant; its aroma attracts pollinating insects. Flower color can be white, yellow, pink or purple. The plant has captivated gardeners with its long flowering, which begins in early spring and continues until autumn. With proper care, flower brushes become larger.

Growing alyssum in the garden: how to use and what to combine the plant with

Alyssum flowers combine well with other perennials. They are placed in a group with Turkish carnations, dwarf irises and tulips, marigolds, and phlox. To achieve contrast, alyssums are planted with other plants that bloom in blue and red flowers.

The honey aroma can be emphasized by placing decorative foliage plants next to the bush. Designers often use this flower when creating rock gardens, rockeries, and all kinds of flower beds.

Varieties of perennial alyssum (photo)

Perennial ornamental crops are divided into three types:

Alyssum rocky;

Sea alyssum;


Rock alyssum is a perennial plant with well-branched shoots, the height of which reaches about 30 cm. Its distinctive feature is that the flowering of this species lasts more than a month. With age, the plant needs rejuvenating procedures, as the shoots become bare. The rosettes consist of bluish-colored leaves. The bush is densely covered with yellow inflorescences, which are collected in brushes. If you place two plants side by side, then during the flowering period the bushes look like a continuous bright carpet.

The flowering period of this variety occurs in early spring. With good care, the reappearance of flower stalks is possible in the fall. As a rule, it occurs in varieties with white flowers.

Varieties of rock alyssum (photo)

Golden Wave - this variety blooms in the second year after planting. The plant is low and forms a dense carpet of yellow color. Looks good when planted on its own or in a group with other perennials. The variety is very aromatic.

Plenum is a variety with double golden flowers.

Citrinum - used for border decoration. The plant blooms in lemon color.

Compactum - the variety produces small fragrant inflorescences. The height of the plant reaches only 18 cm.

Sea alyssum is distinguished by its tart aroma. A perennial shrub grows in warm climates, reaching a height of about 40 cm. Widely distributed in coastal regions. The bushes are lush, with spreading branches. Marine varieties of the plant exude a honey aroma. The herbaceous shrub is undemanding in care, however, regular pruning of old shoots stimulates lush flowering. Hybrid forms grow well in fertilized soils.

The most decorative is ampelous alyssum, which is widely used for growing in hanging pots, landscaping terraces and gazebos. The most common variety is Esther Bonnet, which is grown in baskets. The plant looks like a lush white ball strewn with many small flowers. To create a spectacular composition you will need several plants in one pot.

Growing perennial alyssum: planting, care, propagation (photo)

Selecting a location

Alyssum is an unpretentious plant that grows well in open sunny areas. It also does well in the shade, but the flowering is not as memorable.

The planting site should be dry, well-drained and in a sunny area. The ornamental shrub is not picky about the soil, but acidic soils and wetlands are not suitable for growing it. Preference should be given to neutral substrates.

Alyssum tolerates heat well and does not suffer from lack of watering. Able to bloom even in dry years, but the duration of flowering is reduced. Excessive watering has a detrimental effect on shrubs. However, young plants need high humidity.

The place for growing alyssum should be spacious, as young shoots grow quickly. Within a month after planting, with good care, the plant covers a fairly large area. Experienced gardeners recommend planting bushes at a distance of up to 30 cm.

Soil preparation and planting

Perennial varieties of shrubs are grown by sowing seeds into seedlings, which allows for earlier flowering. To do this, prepare the soil in advance by adding lime to it. The seeds are evenly distributed over the soil surface. There is no need to cover them with soil. They need light to germinate. The containers are covered with glass or a bag and placed in a warm, bright place. When the first shoots appear, the glass must be removed. The seedlings are quite small; they must be cared for carefully. Picking into separate cups is carried out in the phase of four true leaves.

In order for the bush to branch well, you need to pinch the seedling when it reaches a height of about 10 cm. After some time, such plants become covered with inflorescences. The seedlings tolerate planting in open ground well.

Experienced gardeners sow seeds directly into the ground. This should be done in autumn or early spring. Pre-winter sowing is carried out when the earth has not yet cooled down. But if the weather is warm, then seedlings may appear that need good shelter for the winter.

Important! Sowing seeds before winter allows you to get plants that will bloom earlier than others. At the same time, their flowering is more magnificent.

Spring sowing of seeds is carried out when the air temperature is not lower than +15 degrees. Young seedlings need good care: watering, weeding. Thinning of seedlings is carried out after they have become sufficiently strong. After the procedure, there should be at least 15 cm between plants. Such plants bloom no earlier than July.

Caring for alyssum after planting

The plant does not require any special care. The whole process comes down to cutting and trimming. After winter, remove all broken shoots and dried leaves. At the end of summer, flower stalks and weak branches should be removed to encourage re-blooming later in the season.

Regular feeding of alyssum has a good effect on the condition of the plant. Feeding should be done twice a season. The plant needs to be fertilized with mineral complexes or organic matter. This gives it strength to grow and profusely bloom for a long time.

With improper care and non-compliance with the watering regime, alyssum is susceptible to diseases: gray rot, powdery mildew, rust and spotting. All of them are formed under conditions of high soil moisture. Sick plants are destroyed. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to reduce the level of air and soil humidity and spray with special preparations.

Reproduction of perennial alyssum

Experienced gardeners successfully propagate perennial plant varieties by dividing an old bush and cuttings. Cuttings should be carried out in the summer. The separated shoots are planted in light nutrient soil and well watered.

The division of the bush is carried out in the spring, during the period of planting seeds, somewhere in early May. To do this, old bushes are dug up and separated with a sharp knife so that each of them has enough shoots. In the new place, the plant is well looked after: watered well, shaded, weeded.

Varieties of annual alyssum

Many gardeners prefer to grow annual alyssum - lobularia. This plant is quite attractive and forms lush bushes. Today there are many varieties of lobularia known:

The Snow Queen;

Vanilla cloud.

In landscape design, a combination of annual and perennial varieties of alyssum, which complement each other, is very often used.

Annual species reproduce only by seeds, which are sown directly in the beds. Best time for sowing: late April or early May. If the nights are still cold, then the bed should be covered with non-woven covering material. After the seedlings have grown stronger, they can be transplanted to a permanent place. Caring for annual alyssum includes watering, weeding and fertilizing. Seeds are collected after they have ripened.

Today, the possibilities for decorating a garden and landscape design are practically unlimited. New varieties of plants are constantly being developed that have the highest decorative qualities. Today we’ll talk about the perennial allissum flower.

It can be used as a border crop, to decorate the perimeter of a terrace, or even as a balcony decoration. Alyssum is a genus of flowering plants that contains up to 170 species of the cruciferous family.

You can see the greatest species diversity of the flower in Europe, Asia and North Africa (scientists especially highlight this territory; they believe that the largest number of alyssum varieties have accumulated there). This one genus combines perennial herbaceous plants, annuals, and small shrubs.

The perennial alyssum flower has a close relationship with two more genera of flowering plants - Lobularia and Aurinia; at one time they were even considered representatives of this genus. For example, Lobularia maritima is also known as "sweet alyssum". This is the only exception to the genus - the remaining flowers have references to alyssum in their generic name.

We offer a description of alyssum flowers, which includes the botanical characteristics of the culture. It can be a small plant or shrub (from 10 centimeters to one meter in height). One of its main decorations is oval leaves and flowers in yellow and white shades (there are several types with pink and purple petals).

Alyssum flowers are often used for landscaping in the Mediterranean region. Some varieties have a characteristic pleasant aroma and fast-growing flowers. They are often planted in large blocks to provide both fragrance and abundance of flowers in your garden. This species is also characterized by tight clusters of flowers and seemingly folded branches.

It is allowed to grow alyssum flowers in hanging pots or boxes - they will develop and hang with tendrils from the flowers, which will need to be given a beautiful appearance from time to time.

Growing alyssum from seeds: planting and care

In harsh climates, alyssum is planted using seedlings in early February. When growing alyssum from seeds, it is possible to obtain magnificent bushes with buds already in bloom at the time of planting in a permanent place of development.

The plant does not tolerate frosts well, so planting alyssum in open ground should be done at a time when the danger has completely passed - late May and early summer are best for this. The process of growing alyssum from seeds is very simple, even a novice amateur gardener can handle it.

To obtain seedlings, it is necessary to distribute alyssum seeds over the surface of the soil in a prepared container and lightly press them down with your hand. You should not cover it with an additional layer of soil, since the flower is very heat-loving and constantly needs sun and warmth.

When planting alyssum, do not forget that over time the bush grows in width, not length - so you need to keep a distance, otherwise they will simply suffocate with each other (there is also a high probability of powdery mildew, which is not so easy to get rid of). Also, if the seeds have sprouted very densely, then you can thin them out - leave a distance of at least 10 centimeters between them. This is what growing alyssum from seeds at home looks like.

If you have chosen seedlings, then first you need to prepare them - prepare the soil with moist, loose soil, which is placed in a special container (it can be a box or any other device). Sow seeds at the end of winter - late February or early March is quite suitable. The procedure is exactly the same as in the first case - the seeds are lightly poured onto the soil, crushed a little and watered.

Then the container with the seeds must be covered with polyethylene and placed in a warm place for two months (growing season). If you did everything correctly, you will notice the first shoots after one or two weeks. At this time, it is very important to give the still immature sprouts a light source and bring the temperature to 12 degrees. They need to be watered regularly, but very sparingly - make sure that water does not accumulate in the soil - this can lead to rot and other various problems with the flower. After your seedlings get stronger and grow, they can be planted in open ground, remembering to keep a distance of at least 10 centimeters.

The flower grows best in natural conditions in regions with a warm climate, so your task in indoor or home conditions is to provide it with the most similar temperatures and conditions. As long as the plant retains its beautiful appearance, it can be grown as a perennial flowering plant. As it grows, the alyssum bush has the habit of rapidly branching closer to the ground, so it can be used as a ground cover plant, and can also be used for edging flower beds in the garden.

Alyssum requires almost constant care when growing from seeds. Along with other plants in this family, alyssum is drought-resistant and will grow in almost any environment, although it suffers a little in frost. If a bush with flowers is regularly pruned, it will retain its blooming appearance for a long time. And in the end, you will be pleased with a large number of seeds that you can use when planting. In warmer regions, pruning allows alyssum to bloom throughout the year.

The preferred environment for alyssum is sun or partial shade. Subject to these conditions, it will grow well in absolutely any soil, but with the condition of drainage. We've already mentioned that it can be used as a ground cover - so it can be used as a weed control and to keep the soil healthy in your yard.

Caring for alyssum includes regular pruning - do not forget to remove old flowers, dried branches and broken trunks from the bush in the spring. This procedure will allow the alyssum to bloom next season with renewed vigor.

We have already talked about how important it is not to overdo it with watering a flower. But gardeners advise not to forget about watering means: using a hose will allow you to evenly distribute moisture on the soil without breaking the flowers.

There are special watering systems that are built into the flower garden in advance - it’s worth thinking about purchasing such a tool, perhaps it will be useful to you more than once in your garden work.

Alyssum varieties

Alyssum rock was first described by the famous scientist Carl Linn in 1753. It is a perennial evergreen plant that can reach 20 centimeters in height. Its leaves are simple and smooth.

It produces cross-shaped inflorescences of yellow color (flowering time is from March to June). The birthplace of the flower is the entire territory of Europe, with the exception of the British Isles and Sicily.

Mountain alyssum prefers to grow in a sunny location in moderately moist soil. Externally, the bush resembles a golden basket, but is more compact. The leaves at the beginning of flowering are dark green, however, closer to autumn they turn yellow (take on a golden hue).

Like other species, rock alyssum “Golden placers” have recumbent branches - it is not for nothing that it is often used as a ground cover plant. The flowers are collected in a brush-shaped inflorescence of a radiant golden hue.

They will look impressive on garden buildings (for example, a rock garden), they can cover your cracks in a concrete fence or any other walls.

This variety of alyssum blooms very profusely. A flower is planted using seeds in the spring at a distance of at least 20 centimeters - so that the bush has room to turn around, as they say. In order for the seeds to begin to germinate, the air temperature should not fall below 18 degrees, and then within a week the first shoots will appear.

After this, it is advisable to transplant the bushes to a greater distance - 30-40 centimeters. Do not forget about fertilizing and regular watering; it is also worth loosening the soil around the bush from time to time.

Marine alyssum is one of the varieties of this flower crop. Its name comes from the Greek word meaning "little pod" (a reference to the shape of the fruit).

The name of the species - marine - implies a habitat: privileged, coastal zones.

This annual plant can grow up to 20 centimeters in length and the same in width. The stem is very branched with dense clusters of small flowers. The leaves are wide, with a hairy surface.

The fragrant flowers are five millimeters in diameter - four white petals in pink, purple, lilac and rose-red shades and four sepals. Six stamens with yellow anthers.

Flowers grow during the growing season and, in warmer regions, throughout the year. Pollination occurs with the help of insects. As a result, oval-shaped fruits containing two seeds are formed. The seeds themselves spread only with the help of wind.

Alyssum marine is native to the Mediterranean territories, and is also common in Macaronesia (Canary and Azov Islands) and France (specifically in the Bay of Biscay). It has also taken root in other temperate regions. Endemic species of alyssum marine are found on the territory of the island of Columbretes.

Typically this variety grows on sandy soils (beaches and dunes), but it can also grow on cultivated fields, steppes, slopes and wastelands (but in this case it is desirable to have calcareous soil). They can also grow at 300 meters above sea level.

It is best to plant the plant in late spring, and it requires virtually no care. If you prune, the alyssum will bloom much more actively.

Alyssum is a bright and colorful flowering herbaceous plant. It is also known as marine lobularia, stone stone or alyssum. In fact, there are some differences. In particular, alyssum flowers are colored in shades of pale yellow. In the garden, this is a wonderful cover plant - it is used to decorate alpine hills, borders, masonry, planted in the foreground, and hide bare soil. A win-win neighborhood - irises, forget-me-nots, roses and tulips. At home, alyssum is grown in flowerpots on the balcony, veranda or gazebo.

General characteristics

Alyssum is a cabbage plant. The height, type of shoots and appearance depend entirely on the particular variety. The color also depends on the same, but the most common shade is yellow and its variations. The fruit is a small seed capsule with equally small brown seeds.

The rhizome of the flower is superficial and fibrous. But it accumulates moisture well so that the plant can survive temporary drought. The classic type of inflorescences is an elegant brush of miniature cups with four petals. The aroma of alyssum attracts beneficial insects, including bees. In cultivation it is also a honey plant.

Alyssum is not only beautiful, but also useful. Decoctions are prepared from it to treat fever and colds, it is part of diuretic preparations, and is used in cosmetology as an ingredient in tonics for the care of problem skin. Once upon a time they even tried to treat people bitten by rabid animals, which is where the name of the plant comes from. It literally translates as “against dog rabies.”

Types of alyssum

In the genus Alyssum there are about several hundred species of annuals and perennials. Most of them come from Siberia or southern Europe, as well as from the subtropical regions of America and Africa. Perennial varieties are cold-resistant and easily survive in northern regions, but they have a shorter flowering period. Annuals bloom for a long time and are especially colorful, but they grow for one year. In ornamental gardening, only a few of the most famous and unpretentious species are used.

Lobularia marine

Lobularia marine is now considered an independent plant species, but until recently it was considered one of the varieties of alyssum. This is a perennial branched plant that covers the ground with shoots. It is relatively low, up to 40 cm, covered with short silvery hairs.

Lobularia is a heat-loving perennial. The leaves are oval and fleshy. The flowers are small golden, collected in graceful bright brushes.

Main varieties:

— Esther Bonnet is a hanging plant with shoots up to 25 cm. Flowers are mainly pastel cream and pink shades. The variety blooms from July to September.

— Tiny Tim is a miniature flower with shoots of about 8 cm and fragrant snow-white blooms.

— Princessin Purple – ampelous form with long, extended shoots. The inflorescences are an elegant delicate lilac shade. Because of their beauty and elegance, the name of the species appeared.

— Violet Koning is a bushy plant with a spherical shape. This is a low variety, up to 15 cm. The flowers are bright purple.

Alyssum Gmelina, or mountain, is a small frost-resistant perennial. Its height is up to 20 cm. Gray-green ascending stems creep along the ground. The peculiarity of this species is the original rounded leaves, which gradually narrow upward and turn into lanceolate.

The inflorescences are graceful racemes of miniature yellow flowers. They bloom in April and bloom in May. The fruits are decorative, pubescent.

This is not a cover plant, but hemispherical bushes up to 25–40 cm. Thin branched shoots even become woody at the base. As a result, an elastic and dense ball is formed.

The leaves of the rock variety have a gray tint due to the edge. They are assembled into elastic rosettes. Sunny yellow flowers have an interesting shape of petals and are collected in dense brushes. The variety blooms in spring, but under favorable conditions it is capable of re-blooming by the end of summer.

There are several popular varieties - bright lemon Citrinum, miniature and dense Compactum, bright and variegated Variegata, brown Dudley Neville, tall and long-lasting Plenum, low creeping Procumbens and others.

A creeping groundcover variety forms a dense, elastic, but at the same time high carpet. Its height is up to 40–60 cm. The spade-shaped leaves have a silvery tint and an unusual openwork texture. Stem ones are simpler, not so decorative. The flowers are small, up to half a centimeter in diameter. Alyssum blooms towards the end of spring. The color is classic, bright yellow.

New varieties

The popularity of alyssum is rapidly growing among flower growers, so breeders are developing new ornamental varieties. There are cup, sinuous, silver, rough and other types. Among the interesting new varieties it is worth noting:

— White carpet is a ground cover plant with abundant and long-lasting white flowering.

— Paletta is a miniature bushy plant up to 10 cm. Any shade, even brown. It is planted to create colorful flower beds and alpine lawns.

— Gold placer is a spherical bush with narrow leaves. This species is distinguished by the shape of the brushes: they are smaller and denser, bright yellow in color. This alyssum is used to decorate walls, masonry, and rocky hills.

— Pink rug is a branched fragrant bush up to 12 cm. It has an unusual appearance: gray, pubescent leaves combined with small pink racemose inflorescences. This variety is used for framing flower beds, decorating balconies, verandas and gazebos.

— Big Jam is one of the largest-flowered varieties up to 35 cm. Its flowers are almost twice as large as usual. Colors range from white to lavender and purple. This is an ideal variety for the northern regions. He is not afraid of frost and drought. Big Jam continues to bloom even during frosts down to -3C.

Even inexperienced gardeners can handle this unpretentious flower. The optimal soil is light, fertile. You can use slightly alkaline mixtures. Drainage is required to avoid excessive moisture. It is also important not to overfeed the flower. If the nutrition is too intense, the foliage grows well, but the alyssum hardly blooms.

To prolong flowering, you need sun and air. Well-ventilated areas are ideal. Aging perennial plants need to be gradually thinned out towards young and strong ones.

For regular maintenance, it is enough to loosen and weed the soil. Fertilizers are introduced before and after flowering. For groundcover varieties, consider liquid fertilizers, but they must be applied carefully to avoid burning the leaves.

Perennial varieties are pruned to prolong flowering and decorativeness. The stems are shortened by about a third during fruit ripening. Sometimes this can trigger re-blooming. In order for annual varieties to please longer, the outdated peduncles need to be removed.

Frost resistance

Keep in mind that the frost resistance limit of alyssum is not infinite. It will not survive temperatures below -15C. In regions with harsh winters, perennial varieties are covered with dry foliage and snow in winter. This way you can prevent the rhizome from freezing.

Transplantation and propagation

Methods of growing alyssum are classic:

Seeds. They are sown in a greenhouse or open ground. It is necessary to distribute them evenly over furrows up to 15 cm deep. If you plant a flower at the end of spring, by autumn it will already please you with its first bloom. In warm regions, alyssum can be planted at the beginning of winter.

Seedling. Seedlings are always more convenient. This way you can almost immediately get strong flowering bushes. The first flowering begins after about 2 months. In addition, this way it is more convenient to create decorative compositions. The seeds are planted in shallow boxes, the soil is treated with slaked lime and covered with film. The boxes are kept warm in the light, with regular spraying and ventilation. Within a week the first shoots are visible. After the first two full-fledged leaves appear, the flowers can be transplanted into separate pots, and by the end of spring - into open ground.

Vegetative propagation. This method is almost never used due to the fact that alyssum in gardens is most often annual. When dividing a bush, it is important not to damage the rhizome. You can also cut cuttings of about 10 cm, which are placed in water until the first roots appear. Then they are transplanted into open ground, and by the end of summer - to a permanent place.

Pest and disease control

Alyssum is relatively unpretentious and rarely gets sick. Its main threat is the cruciferous flea beetle. To remove it, you need to treat mature and mature plants with a special vinegar solution. Caterpillars are removed mechanically and removed with insecticides or tobacco infusion. Timely treatment will also protect against cabbage moths.

With improper care or constant waterlogging, late blight appears - a special type of root rot. In this case, treatment with fungicides is necessary. Powdery mildew is destroyed by Bordeaux mixture. Among the diseases in Alyssum, viral mosaic is also found, but it cannot be treated.

Alyssum - photo

Look at our selection of photos to find out what alyssum looks like and what it goes with! With our tips, your flower garden will always be beautiful and well-groomed!