What to do if the seedlings are very elongated. Tomato seedlings have stretched out - what to do, what to do? From seeds to fruits

Lack of lighting, incorrect temperature conditions, excess moisture and density of crops are the main reasons why seedlings stretch out. Thin seedlings are not a disaster, unlike blackleg, but such a plant will not be able to fully realize its potential and reward you with a harvest.

Therefore, we propose to talk in more detail about why do seedlings stretch, what to do to prevent seedlings from stretching, but she grew up strong and moderately well-fed.

Pulling seedlings: how to avoid it?

  • Don't sow your seedlings too early unless you can provide additional light. It is the lack of light that is the main reason why seedlings stretch out. The problem is especially pressing for those who grow seedlings in an apartment and have, at best, 1-2 “southern” windowsills. But even on a southern windowsill in February-March there is still too little light. And at some point you notice that the seedlings stretched out- this is a normal reaction of a still healthy plant that strives for light. In this case, additional lighting of plants in gloomy weather, as well as in the evening and morning, will help. For these purposes, they do not use ordinary incandescent lamps, otherwise the seedlings will get burned, but special phytolamps or housekeeper lamps, fluorescent lamps. If you don’t want to burden yourself with additional illumination of the seedlings, plant them later, otherwise you are guaranteed thin seedlings.
  • Too high a temperature encourages plants to grow, and the seedlings are stretched to the detriment of the development of the root system. You know that before the seeds hatch, the air temperature should be approximately 25 degrees, after the first shoots sprout, it is lowered to 15 degrees, and after a week it is raised again to 20 degrees (on average, for different crops the temperature can be higher or lower , but in an apartment it is difficult to maintain such subtleties of the microclimate). The night temperature should lag behind the day temperature by 3-5 degrees. For an apartment, 15 degrees is, of course, cool, but you have to make sacrifices and leave the window open at night. Otherwise, don't be surprised why are the seedlings thin and long?
  • Seedlings also become very stretched due to excessive watering. If at the same time the temperature in the room is high, you will create tropical conditions and get vines, not strong ones. For about a week after germination, the seedlings are not watered unless absolutely necessary, and then watered about once a week.
  • Thickened plantings are another sign that the seedlings have stretched out. In the struggle for valuable light, without which photosynthesis does not occur in plants, the seedlings stretch out. If we are talking about tiny plants, pick them up. If the seedlings are closely grown, you can use the famous Jacob Mittlider's method and remove one or two lower leaves as soon as the seedlings begin to touch. When placed in a stressful state, seedlings stop growing and the stem “gets fat.” After about a week, the plants begin to grow again; if necessary, the operation can be repeated.
  • Improper feeding of seedlings indirectly affects the elongation of seedlings. In the initial stages of development, the plant needs, for the most part, phosphorus and potassium to form a good root system. Seedlings do not need shock doses of nitrogen at first. If you use soil for planting with fertilizers, and also soak the seeds in growth stimulants, the seedlings are not fertilized for the first two weeks.

The seedlings have stretched out: what to do?

If additional lighting is not available and the seedlings are stretched out, you can correct the situation using the following methods:

Adult seedlings, on the eve of permanent planting, can simply be planted, like overgrown ones, in deep holes at an angle of 45 degrees, with the root system to the south, sprinkled with soil right up to the leaves. What will it give? Over time, roots will appear on a long stem, and the stem, tending to the sun, will straighten, and you will get a strong plant.

For small seedlings that will have to languish in the apartment for a long time, we urgently stop watering them and be sure to lower the temperature. This “shock therapy” will cause the seedlings to stop growing for a while, and when they wilt slightly, carefully bend the stem into a ring and sprinkle it with soil right up to the leaves. If there is enough space in the container with seedlings, you can not bend the stem, but simply add soil to the leaves. Additional roots will appear on the stem, and the seedlings will grow strong.

To keep the seedlings strong, growth regulators (for example, “Athlet”) are also used, which promote the development of the root system and do not allow the above-ground parts to outgrow. These preparations are used both for spraying and watering at the root, but not before two or three true leaves appear. Although not all gardeners welcome such artificial intervention in the growth process of vegetable crops.

So, to prevent seedlings from stretching, it is enough to provide them with normal lighting and temperature, and not do a disservice with watering and fertilizing. But if the seedlings have a thin stem, this is also not a death sentence: watering is stopped, the temperature is lowered, and the plant itself is deepened into the ground down to the leaves. The use of growth regulators is up to you.

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​Ventilate the room more often;​​The seedlings are stretched out due to lack of light. If they are stretched out, add more light and add more light. Additional lighting is best done with LED lamps. They have an efficiency of up to 90%. To slow down the stretching of seedlings, you need to supplement it with a lamp with a blue spectrum, because it slows down growth and promotes thickening of the stem. To slow down the upward growth of seedlings and, conversely, to enhance root growth and strengthen the trunk, you need:

Therefore, if your seedlings stretch out immediately after germination, this is not a big problem. But if tomato seedlings stretch out after diving, this can complicate transplanting into the ground, especially if the seedlings need to be transported.​

​I'll start right away with​

​Provide bright lighting during this growth period. Use lamps with high efficiency that emit little heat, otherwise temperature control will become impossible. After the formation of two or three leaves, cabbage seedlings have lower requirements for light intensity.

However, with this stop in growth, the stem thickens, which is what is actually required for growing powerful, stocky seedlings. Of course, the operation should be carried out when at least one leaf has formed at the growth point.​

​As the seedlings grow, the leaves begin to come into contact with the leaves of neighboring plants. At this moment, the competition for light and living space begins. This is a natural reaction of every seedling plant trying to go through all the phases of growth and eventually produce seeds. To complete its life cycle, the plant is ready to reach for light, on which photosynthesis directly depends. In this case, the stem almost does not thicken, the lower old leaves turn yellow prematurely and are dropped, and so on. ​Would you like to receive new articles by email? Enter your Email​ If we plant such seedlings in a greenhouse, then we need to continue to form them into 2 shoots, each of which is separately tied with twine to a wire (trellis) and then 3 to 4 clusters of fruit are formed.

​Hello, dear friends!​

​If possible, take the seedlings to a heated greenhouse;​

​If it stretches out, immediately add soil to hide the “long trunks”, it is advisable to place it on the windowsill (in a bright place). It is better to grow seedlings at temperatures below room temperature (they also grow upward from heat)​


Why do cucumber seedlings stretch out?

​1) move the seedlings to a more illuminated place, preferably even on the balcony.​

​Of course, the best place for growing seedlings is a south-facing window, because the seedlings need to be provided with maximum daylight, plus add lamp lighting after dark.​

How to properly grow cucumber seedlings

​solutions to this problem​

From seeds to fruits



​Pruning can be done again, which will only improve the result, and seedlings with thick, strong stems will surprise everyone. Tested by personal experience. Vegetable growers, inspired by success, begin pruning even from cotyledon leaves and are not mistaken, since the result is always positive.​

​Such a depressing picture can often be observed among many vegetable growers who love to grow their own seedlings. If there is a way out? How to keep seedlings from stretching. There is always a way out. It is necessary to create optimal growing conditions, taking into account the requirements of various crops for these conditions. Let's look at some features for specific crops.​

​With respect, Roman. See you soon!​ If our tomato seedlings have stretched out and turned pale green, it means they are lacking nitrogen. Therefore, we urgently need to feed her. To do this, take 1 tablespoon of urea per 10 liters of water and pour this solution over the seedlings, at the rate of half a glass for each pot. After this, you need to put the seedlings in a cold room with an air temperature of 8–10 degrees night and day and not water them for several days. After this procedure, the seedlings will stop growing and become green, maybe even with a purple tint. Now you can safely move our normalized seedlings to a room with normal conditions.​

​In this article you will find simple answers to a difficult question,​

While there is snow, I add seedlings to them, begin to harden them gradually from a 0.2 mm layer of snow, building up to 1 cm. The roots of the tomato become thick and purple. Such a plant is no longer afraid of light frosts (up to -2 degrees) and can be planted earlier in open ground or an unheated greenhouse.​

If the seedlings immediately stretch out without having time to grow normally, then they can be saved. There may be several reasons for pulling seedlings. Firstly, this is the very high temperature that happens in our apartments, more than 20 degrees, we need to lower it, we can remove the second frames, cover the central heating radiators, open the window slightly. The second reason is the lack of light; you can put a fluorescent lamp on the window and illuminate the seedlings in the morning and evening. You should not sow seeds early when there is not enough light, stick to the optimal sowing time. To save seedlings, we need to plant them; we often grow more seedlings than necessary, then add soil.​

​2) find the seedlings a cooler place than where they are now.​

Of course, in the best case, you need to prevent the seedlings from being pulled out, but if this happens, then there are several options to cope with this problem.

​, although this is not a problem at all. So the solution​Cucumbers, unlike cabbage, cannot tolerate low temperatures. Sharp temperature fluctuations are also detrimental to cucumber seedlings. Therefore, it is not recommended to regulate the growth of cucumbers by changing the temperature regime. Therefore, only intense lighting can save the situation.​

​Unfortunately, pruning leaves is not applicable to other crops, with the exception of onions. Therefore, you shouldn’t even experiment.​


To be able to crunch on juicy greens already in mid-June, cucumber seedlings are first grown. It is important to make sure that it does not stretch out. These simple methods can be used to bring tomato seedlings into proper shape. If you have your own answer to the question: “​

What to do if tomato seedlings become very elongated immediately after germination?

​Your seedlings are stretched out because they don’t have enough light, you need to illuminate them with a fluorescent lamp. If it stretches out too much, throw it away, it will no longer be of any use. When you plant the next one, feed it with special fertilizer for seedlings, it does not allow it to stretch out. I don’t remember the name of the fertilizer, ask in stores where they sell seeds, tell me what you need for seedlings so that they don’t stretch.​


If the tomato seedlings are very elongated, then you need to:

Beautiful glade

​Of course, there is no need to suddenly move the seedlings from a warm place to a very cold one; the temperature should be reduced gradually.​​The first option involves sinking the stem into the ground; if the seedlings are growing outside, then the earth has not yet warmed up much, so it is better to plant the plant at an angle.​ ​This is a pick ​http://www.rusagroweb.ru/mittlaider/vyrashchivanie...y-rassada-ne-vytyagivalas.html​​All types of cabbage.​

​Tomato is a heat-loving and light-loving plant. Despite the high heat requirements, tomatoes have great biological plasticity. They are resistant to sudden fluctuations and prolonged temperature drops. To prevent the seedlings from stretching out, when seedlings appear, the temperature is reduced for 4–5 days during the day to 12–15°, at night to 8–10°. It is not dangerous to reduce the night temperature during this period to 4 - 5o degrees. The rest of the time, they maintain the temperature during the day at 18 - 25o, at night 8 - 10o.​

​Cucumbers are long-time companions of farmers. It’s nice to crunch on a green, juicy fruit picked from the garden. To get this opportunity as early as possible, you must first grow cucumber seedlings. Such plants produce a harvest 3-4 weeks earlier than those grown from seeds planted directly into the ground. Seeds are buried in open or closed ground when the threat of return of spring frosts has passed. In the middle zone it is the end of May. At the same time, you can grow cucumber seedlings, which will quickly produce the first harvest.​

What to do if seedlings are stretched



In such cases, I don’t throw away the seedlings, I let them grow further. When planting in the ground outside, I break off the lower leaves, let them dry for about 10 minutes, then plant them lying down, covering the stem with the torn leaves with soil. A tomato planted in this way acquires new roots and becomes stronger.

​pick it up, that is, tear off the lower part (long root) and plant it again);​

Feride 333

​As it becomes lighter and cooler, the seedlings will stop reaching for the light, i.e. up, and will become stronger at the root and strengthen the trunk of the plant.

​The second option is to cut the stem, the cut is made above the fifth leaf. The top needs to be placed in water and when the roots appear in a week, you can plant them in the ground like ordinary seedlings. On the second part of the seedlings shoots will appear, we leave only the top couple, and cut off the rest, this should be done 20-25 days before planting.

​I think that you did not mean fertilizers, but retardants that inhibit plant growth, for example, “Athlet”. - more than a year ago

​The most crucial moment when growing cabbage seedlings occurs at the stage of seedling growth before picking. Before you know it, the seedlings will stretch to such a height in a matter of hours that they will become completely unsuitable for picking. Two reasons usually lead to this result. Lack of light and elevated temperature.​

​This resistance of tomatoes to extreme temperature conditions must definitely be used to keep the seedlings from stretching. In general, tomatoes tend to stretch out at all phases of their growth. As soon as the illumination decreases, problems will not take long to appear.​


​It is important to know a few rules: 1. In order for the seedlings to be strong, they should be no more than a month old when planted in a permanent place. Usually it is 20-25 days.2. Be sure to plant the seeds immediately in separate wide pots. This plant does not like to be disturbed again, so picking is excluded. The roots of a cucumber grow in breadth; for this reason, the pots should not be narrow.3. A plant grown at home can stretch. To avoid this, you do not need to create too high a temperature in the room and you must maintain moderation in watering. This will help avoid pulling. The seedlings will be strong, stocky and have dark green leaves. After knowledge is acquired, theory can be put into practice, and the activity is exciting. It is interesting to watch how a small seed germinates and over time turns into a bushy plant, on which yellow flowers first appear, and then green fruits.​



​If the seedlings have become very elongated, you can divide the plant stems into two parts. You need to cut off the top of the plant above the fifth or sixth leaf. We place the cut-off upper part in a jar of water and new small (1-1.5 centimeters) roots will grow on the lower sections of the stems in 7-10 days. Now we plant these plants either in separate pots (10x10 centimeters) or in seedling boxes with nutrient soil at a distance of 12x12 centimeters from each other. Thus, we will additionally receive ordinary seedlings formed into one stem.​


​No need to throw it away. It must be covered with earth so that it does not break and it will continue to grow. We also have little light in our apartment. But of course, look for a place with more light.​


​rearrange to a more illuminated and cooler place;​

  1. ​You need to give it more light, without artificial lighting it will stretch out, without lighting it is practically impossible to grow seedlings, and as an option, if there is a glazed balcony and it is warm enough to carry the seedlings on it. and don’t close the balcony door to the room. You also need to not chase early varieties and grow seedlings so that they suit your climate.​
  2. ​The seedlings stretch upward if there is not enough light and more than warmth in the place where you are growing them.
  3. ​Elongated tomato seedlings lend themselves perfectly to picking! Since tomatoes are planted during the picking process, which we do, we place long stems of tomatoes in the ground and a new powerful root system grows on them, which is very good for the subsequent growth of tomatoes.​
  4. ​There may be the following reasons: little light and a lot of heat. Most likely your seedlings are in a warm room on the windowsill. And under the windowsill there is a radiator battery, from which heat comes. With an excess of heat, the seedlings will grow upward faster, and with a lack of light, this growth will be unhealthy - the sprouts will be thin, pale and weak. This can also happen if the plants are planted very close to each other. Therefore, seedlings need to be either planted less frequently or thinned out on time, leaving the strongest plants. Keep in a place where it is light, but not very warm. If necessary, add fluorescent lamps.​
  5. ​During the period of growing seedlings, the following temperature is maintained: before emergence 16 - 20o, from the moment the first seedlings appear, it is reduced to 6 - 8o for 5 - 7 days, and then gradually increased to 14 - 17o on sunny days and to 12 - 15o on cloudy days , at night 8 – 10 o. During this same period, maximum light is needed.


Fortunately, there is a unique solution to the problem of stretching tomatoes proposed by Jacob Mittlider - regular pruning of the leaves. The essence of this agricultural technique is to introduce tomato seedlings into a state of shock by trimming the leaves. As soon as the leaves of tomato seedlings begin to come into contact with the leaves of neighboring plants, you need to “barbarously trim” one or even two lower leaves. In this case, the plant experiences shock and stops growing in height for about a week.

Irina Sinkina

​Before planting the seeds, they are placed in a piece of thin cloth and placed in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes to remove spores of viral diseases. After this, the seeds are washed and placed in a bowl with a little water, kept at room temperature for a day. The time has come to harden the seeds. To do this, place the bowl with the contents on the warmest shelf of the refrigerator for a day. Now you can plant the seeds in separate pots, cover them with cellophane and put them in a warm place for germination. To prevent the seedlings from becoming bad and stretching, it is important to look 3 times a day (evening, morning, afternoon) to see if the cotyledons have emerged from the ground. As soon as they become visible, the pot with the plant is placed on a bright windowsill. First, the seedlings are grown at +28+23°C. At lower levels it may not grow well. After 3 days it is reduced to +20°C. Then the seedlings will not stretch. Not very frequent watering will help with this. The pots are moistened as the soil dries. Cucumber likes to grow in a bed rich in organic matter. In such a place, the plants feel great and the yield will be excellent.

All summer residents and gardeners spend a lot of effort growing seedlings of their favorite vegetables or flowers. As early as January, concerns begin about choosing and purchasing seeds, preparing the soil, planting containers, and ensuring favorable conditions for growth. Unfortunately, the result is often not pleasing to the eye. Quite often, plant growing enthusiasts are faced with the problem of excessive stretching of young plants. Why do seedlings stretch out, what to do if you are faced with such a situation?! The article below will tell you the answers to such questions.

Reasons why seedlings may stretch upward

In the case of increased upward growth, the plant weakens, which significantly reduces the likelihood of obtaining a bountiful harvest of vegetables or beautiful flowers. There may be several factors that provoke the stretching of the stem.

Little light

Lack of good lighting is the most likely reason that the stems are stretched upward excessively. This is due to the fact that when there is a lack of light, the “kids” begin to look for it and reach out to it.

Important! In order to grow healthy, strong seedlings, it is necessary to add light using lamps both in the morning and in the evening. When the weather is cloudy outside, it won’t hurt to “illuminate” the seedlings even during the daytime. Even before you start sowing, make sure you have lighting fixtures.

Incorrect sowing dates

The most important stage of sowing work for growing seedlings is the choice of optimal timing for sowing seeds. It is important to take into account the characteristics of the varieties of vegetables or flowers you prefer, as well as the climatic conditions of your region. Experienced gardeners and summer residents advise that when carrying out any agricultural work, rely on the recommendations of astrologers according to the lunar calendar.

You should not rush to sow seeds, because if there is no opportunity for replanting due to weather conditions, the young plants may overgrow or die.

Temperature too high

Such growing conditions lead to the fact that the aboveground part of the seedlings begins to develop more actively than the root system. Therefore, creating an optimal temperature is a must for growing healthy vegetables or flowers.

Attention! Before emergence, the “kids” need a temperature of about twenty-four degrees Celsius. After the seeds have sprouted, it is necessary to provide the shoots with temperature conditions that are almost ten degrees lower.

For good growth, seedlings will need a temperature of about fifteen degrees Celsius. Then (in approximately ten days) the temperature can be raised to twenty degrees.

If you want to provide your “pets” with ideal growing conditions, then try to adjust the temperature to natural conditions. That is, ensure that temperatures fluctuate between daytime and nighttime by approximately five degrees Celsius.


Watering young plants too much can also cause them to stretch out. Moreover, the influence of this factor on abnormal growth is significantly enhanced in the presence of high temperatures.

After the first seedlings have appeared, it is advisable not to water them for about five days. Then it is advisable to water approximately every fifth day.

It is important to know! The main indicator of the need for watering is the condition of the soil. If the recommended period has not yet passed, but the soil looks a little dry, then the seedlings can be watered earlier. Conversely, if after five days the soil looks moist, then watering can be delayed.

Too dense crops

In this situation, the desire of the “kids” to become longer can be explained by ordinary competition. When sowing is thickened, young plants try to overtake each other. If you notice that the seedlings have sprouted too thickly and are starting to grow upward quickly, then you urgently need to pick them into separate small containers.

When the moment is lost, and the seedlings begin to stretch upward, it is necessary to tear off a couple of lower leaves on each bush. This method causes a kind of shock in plants; they begin to develop their underground part more intensively than their above-ground part. After a week, it may be necessary to repeat the procedure if the shoot begins to gain height again.

Illiterate feeding

Attention! In the first stages of “life”, seedlings need mainly fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus. Application of nitrogen fertilizers in the early stages may result in abnormal growth. Such fertilizers can be used no less than ten days from the moment the first shoots appear.

What to do if the seedlings have already stretched out

If your “pets” have outgrown, experts advise planting them in a permanent place as soon as possible. At the same time, the sprouts must be placed deeper into the ground. The plant should not be planted level, but at an angle of forty-five degrees. The root system of a vegetable or flower crop should be directed to the south. It is recommended to cover the stem with moistened soil to the level where the first leaves grow. With this planting option, additional roots are formed on the stem immersed in the ground. The plant itself will become stronger and begin to grow evenly.

Know! In a situation where, due to weather conditions, it is not possible to plant the overgrown “kids” in a permanent place, you can proceed in two ways.

The first option comes down to artificially slowing down the growth of the “baby”. To do this, we reduce watering to a minimum, lowering the temperature to seven or even five degrees Celsius. These actions should lead to a slowdown in the growth process. The stalk will become a little wilted, but more pliable. Without much effort, the sprout can be bent into a ring shape and then sprinkled with earth.

The second method is aimed at increasing the volume of soil in the planting container, if its size allows it. The soil must be added to the level where the first leaves begin to grow. This approach will strengthen the root system of a young vegetable or flower and, accordingly, improve its health.

What to water so that the seedlings do not stretch out

A simpler, but quite effective way is to use special growth regulators, the most popular of which is “Athlete”. The use of this composition will normalize the development processes of young plants, making the stems and roots more powerful and strong. The products can be applied by spraying or by watering right under the roots.

Attention! Above we reviewed general recommendations and techniques to normalize the process of plant growth. However, some types of vegetables and flowers have individual properties that must be taken into account to grow good seedlings.

Tomato seedlings

Tomatoes have the characteristic feature of developing a root system very easily and quickly when the stem is buried in the soil. The sprouts of this vegetable crop can even be cut. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in an aquatic environment or damp soil. You need to cut off the top of the sprout, about five centimeters long, and separate a piece of the remaining stem from the roots. Both parts then need to be rooted in water or soil to create two separate bushes. If the seedlings are very elongated, then they can be divided not into two, but into three parts.

When the tomato stem has just begun to stretch, it can be transplanted to a garden plot at an angle. In this case, it is necessary to prepare not a deep hole, but a small trench of shallow depth. Place a tomato stem in it to the level where well-developed leaves begin to grow, and sprinkle with soil. In a few days, additional roots will appear on the stem located in the ground, and the bush itself will become stronger, and therefore more fertile.

Important! Diseases can weaken tomatoes. At the early stage of tomato growth, a disease called “black leg” is quite common. It depletes the vegetable, makes its stems thinner and weaker.

The reason for the appearance of such a disease in tomatoes is the high density of sowings. In such a situation, the affected seedlings must be removed and the soil watered with manganese solution or Fitosporin; any fungicide is also suitable for this purpose.

Pepper seedlings

The main causes of improper growth for peppers are lack of heat or light. This vegetable crop is not capable of developing additional roots when the stem is immersed in the ground. Planting seedlings at an angle will also not produce results. An overgrown pepper bush needs to be pinched at the top. This will allow the stem to get stronger and begin to develop in breadth. This procedure will stop the growth of the stem for at least a couple of weeks. At the same time, it will begin to branch strongly, become much thicker, and a bonus harvest of peppers will grow on additional side branches.


Attention! When sowing and planting eggplants, experienced gardeners recommend pouring soil not all the way to the edge, so that, if necessary, you can add it and, therefore, deepen the stem.

In a situation where the container is filled with soil almost to the edge, you can increase its height using available means, such as plastic and tape. You can also stop the stretching of eggplants by lowering the temperature in the room where they grow.

Seedlings of cucumbers, zucchini, squash, zucchini, pumpkin, watermelon, melon

The stems of these plants have very good flexibility. Therefore, in case of strong pulling, the stems must be rolled into a ring shape, while being pressed to the ground and covered with earth.

Cabbage seedlings

If your young cabbage has outgrown, then before planting it in the ground, you need to pinch the root of the sprout a little. The length of the area that is pinched should be no more than five millimeters. Then the sprout is planted, deepening to the level where the cotyledon leaves grow. At the same time, it is important to provide the cabbage bushes with good lighting and optimal temperature (about ten degrees Celsius).

Important! A week after planting, the cabbage needs to be fed. Potassium sulfate in an amount of ten grams per square meter of garden is suitable for this.

You can also use wood ash for fertilizing. Its quantity will be one hundred and fifty grams per meter of planted area.

To ensure normal germination of cabbage seedlings, it is advisable to keep them at a temperature of about twenty degrees Celsius. However, after the first shoots appear, the temperature must be reduced by approximately ten degrees. If this condition is met, the “kids” are provided with good lighting, then the cabbage will be strong and healthy. The above tips and recommendations are suitable for all types of cabbage crops.

Radish seedlings

If you decide to grow radishes through seedlings, then know that it is very important for them to maintain the recommended distance between sowings, as well as the temperature regime. If these conditions are not met, the sprouts will begin to stretch upward, and root crops may not form at all. If you notice that the radish is beginning to rapidly gain height, then it is recommended to hill it up as quickly as possible. If the container allows, you can add soil to it to deepen the radish sprouts.


This vegetable crop can also be grown in seedlings. But it is necessary to take into account that the onion tends to stretch upward and lie down. Trimming overgrown foliage will help correct the situation.

Experienced plant growing enthusiasts advise carrying out the first pruning when the onion grows to approximately fifteen centimeters. The procedure can be carried out using ordinary scissors. The recommended cutting length is five centimeters.

Attention! The frequency of repetition of the pruning procedure depends on the intensity of onion growth. The main thing is to maintain the height of the bush no more than ten centimeters.

This method of regulating growth is applicable only to onions; it is better not to experiment in this way with other plants.

Flower crops

If you decide to grow flowers in seedlings, you may encounter excessive stretching of the stems. The causes of developmental disorders in flower crops are identical to those inherent in vegetables. Methods for dealing with overgrown flower seedlings may vary depending on the characteristics of individual flowers.

Petunia seedlings

The main reason why petunias may begin to develop incorrectly is a lack of light. Experts recommend that when planting elongated young petunia flowers, deepen them into the ground up to the cotyledon leaves or pinch the crown of the plant. If young petunias have grown very tall, then you can work with them like tomatoes. This involves cutting off the crown and rooting both parts of the flower in water or soil. At the same time, it is important to provide the flower “babies” with good lighting.

Snapdragon, viola (pansy), lobelia

Since the seeds of these flower crops are very small in size, it is very difficult to sow evenly. Thickened crops often occur, which becomes the first reason for the improper development of young flowers. These flower crops are sown very early and take a long time to germinate, so they often do not receive enough light.

Know! Elongated seedlings of these flowers can be shortened either from the top or the bottom. It is recommended to pinch the top part a little. And the roots can be shortened to a length equal to ten percent of the total. After these procedures, the flowers can be planted.

Marigolds, hollyhock (mallow)

The sprouts of these flower crops tend to stretch out without any reason. There is no need to worry about this. It is recommended to plant “baby” marigolds or hollyhocks unchanged. Having established themselves in a permanent place, they begin to grow and develop normally. These flowers are very hardy and tolerate any adverse conditions well.

Schizanthus or Schizanthus

Mandatory conditions for growing healthy shoots of this beautiful flower are: fertile soil, moderate watering, good lighting. If one of the conditions is not met, the seedlings may begin to develop incorrectly, and their stems will be thin and depleted.

Experienced flower growers advise sowing schisanthus seeds in the fall, which will allow you to get beautiful bright flowers by spring. To protect from low temperatures, crops must be carefully covered.


Know! Excessive elongation of the stems of young flowers can occur even with proper care. Don't be upset, this situation can be easily corrected.

Cloves very easily send out additional roots, similar to petunias or tomatoes. Consequently, an overgrown seedling can be divided into several parts. Then they need to be placed in water or well-moistened soil for rooting.

What to do to make seedlings grow strong

To ensure the correct development of young plants, it is enough to observe a number of conditions, namely:

  • use of high-quality seed material;
  • disinfection of seeds before sowing;
  • the use of nutritious, clean soil with a loose structure;
  • maintaining optimal distances when sowing, and later when planting in a permanent place;
  • choosing the right time for sowing;
  • placing containers with seedlings in southern sunny rooms;
  • use of lamps for illumination;
  • maintaining the required level of humidity;
  • ensuring optimal temperature conditions;
  • competent feeding.

Basic conditions necessary for the normal development of seedlings

Temperature + lighting

The seeds must be disinfected, and then it is advisable to harden them. Germination containers should be placed on warm surfaces. The planting container must be thoroughly disinfected. The same requirements apply to the soil. This will avoid fungal infections.

Important! Most flower or vegetable crops are germinated at a temperature of about twenty degrees Celsius.

Intensive lighting is not required at this stage. When the first seeds germinate, the container with the crops must be moved to a more illuminated place. At this stage, the temperature should be reduced slightly.

When a young plant has at least two true leaves, it is advisable to provide it with a temperature of ten to fifteen degrees Celsius. Such temperature conditions will ensure optimal growth of vegetable or flower crops.


It is very important in the first stages of the “life” of plants not to overdo it with soil moisture. Even if the planting container has drainage holes, there is no guarantee that the seedlings will not suffer from excess moisture. Recommendations for frequency and volume of watering depend on the types and varieties of crops grown. The main indicator that a flower or vegetable requires watering is slight drooping of the leaves.

Seed density

Sowing seeds too densely provokes competition between seedlings. Under such conditions, the “babies” of flowers or vegetables try to outstrip one another, as a result of which they grow weak and emaciated. Such plants are highly likely to be susceptible to various diseases and fungal infections.

Know! Greed in the desire to obtain a bountiful harvest often leads to the opposite results.

It is very important before starting sowing work to reasonably assess your strengths and capabilities. You must have enough containers for sowing, as well as well-lit areas or lighting fixtures to provide the crops with proper germination conditions.


After studying the material in the article, you can get comprehensive answers to the question: why do the seedlings stretch out, what to do if this happens. By following simple tips and recommendations, you can get a generous harvest or achieve beautiful flowering even in a situation where young plants have begun to stretch upward.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

It's finally spring! Gardeners are already itching with all their might - the seeds have been purchased, the soil for seedlings has been prepared, fertilizers have been stored. We sowed seeds to grow seedlings and lo and behold, the sprouted seedlings stretched out and lay down.

Eternal questions


There are many reasons why seedlings stretch. Seedlings are stretched due to the fact that the proportion between lighting, heating, watering regime, frequency of sowing seeds and fertilizing is disturbed.

  1. Insufficient lighting at elevated temperatures and dry air cause the plant stem to elongate, become thin and weak.
  2. Sowing seeds too thickly causes seedlings to reach for the light, competing with each other.
  3. Excessively applied fertilizers speed up this process.

What conditions need to be created for seedlings so that they do not stretch?

For sowing, prepare the soil, seasoned with complex fertilizers.

  • Nitrogen is essential for plant growth and development.
  • Phosphorus fertilizers will allow the root system to strengthen and develop.
  • Potassium will strengthen the plant's immunity.


The seeds are disinfected, germinated and hardened. The sowing containers are kept warm until germination. Most crops germinate at a temperature of +20-25°C; lighting is not required.

But with the appearance, not even of shoots, but only of the first loops, the seedling container is transferred to a place with good lighting and a lower temperature. With the appearance of 2-3 true leaves, the temperature around the seedlings is reduced to +12-15°C. It will delay the growth of seedlings.


With the appearance of 2-3 true leaves, you can spray the young plants with preparations such as Athlete. But this drug does not just slow down the growth of the plant, it affects the cells - stopping their division. It is unknown how this will affect the harvest in the future. Therefore, use such drugs with caution.


Another factor affecting the quality of the resulting seedlings is soil moisture. Even the presence of drainage holes in containers where seedlings are grown does not protect against excess soil moisture. It is impossible to definitely recommend. But we can say that the seedlings need watering if the leaves begin to droop slightly.

Densely growing seedlings compete with each other for food, water, light, they grow long, pale and frail. Transplanted into a garden bed, such seedlings get sick for a long time and are not able to bear a full harvest.

In dense plantings, the likelihood of fungal diseases is high, and the close proximity of seedlings allows the infection to quickly spread among all plants.

"Ambulance" for seedlings

No matter what the reasons, the seedlings stretched out. What to do with it? The answer to this question depends on the type of plant that has outgrown. What is suitable for tomato seedlings should not be used for peppers or eggplants; the method of planting overgrown pumpkin seedlings is not applicable for cabbage. Let's start with tomatoes.

Tomato seedlings stretch out greatly and fall - what to do?

There are two reasons why tomato seedlings may fall: the seedlings are overgrown or the seedlings are sick. Remedial methods depend on the cause.

If the tomato seedlings have become very elongated, there are several options for correcting overgrown tomato plants. A very elongated tomato bush can be cut into several parts and each piece can be rooted separately. Or just cut off the top and put it in water until the roots appear.

If the tomato stem is not very elongated, it can be planted at an angle. It is not worth digging a hole too deep to plant an elongated bush. When planting, it is enough to dig a trench, shallow but long. Place the tomato stem horizontally into it until it reaches a well-developed leaf and cover it with soil. With such planting, the roots will be at the required depth, and the stem buried in the ground will give rise to the growth of additional roots, which will bring additional yield.

Tomato plants can also fall due to damage by “blackleg,” an infectious disease that affects seedlings of densely sown seeds. In this case, the diseased seedlings are removed, the soil is shed with Fitosporin, a pink solution of potassium permanganate or any fungicide.

It is useless to trim and root the top or plant with the elongated stem horizontally positioned. You won't get any additional roots - this method is only suitable for tomatoes.

With a lack of light and heat, peppers stop their growth, and at the same time, root growth stops. At the same time, peppers are less likely to stretch out and are more patient with growing conditions. A flower growing in a fork can retard the growth of a pepper seedling.

If this happens in a permanent place of growth, the flower is urgently removed, and at the seedling stage it will stop the bush from stretching. Before planting in open ground, the flower or ovary is removed from the fork, and seedlings without a fork are pinched over 5-6 leaves.

The main crop is formed on the growing side branches. In addition, the stem of a pinched plant does not grow in height for 2-3 weeks, but thickens and branches more intensively.

If eggplant seedlings have stretched out, how to help?

Everything is very simple with them too. If, with the emergence of seedlings, the ambient temperature is lowered, the seedlings will not grow. When picking seedlings into separate cups, it is very convenient to pour a layer of soil not to the top edge, but a little lower.

If the plant stretches out, there will be a place where you can add soil. If there is no such space left in the glass, a separate glass can be expanded a little. To do this, wrap the top of the cup with a tape made of dense polyethylene or a backing for a parquet board. It is cut out 5-7 cm wide and wrapped around the top edge of the cup so that free space is created above the cup. It is convenient to secure the edges with a stapler or tape.

The soil is poured into this volume. Additional roots may not form, but the plant will stand straight and strong.

Cucumbers, zucchini, watermelons

All of these plants, as well as pumpkin, melon and zucchini, belong to the Cucurbitaceae family. By their nature they are vines. They have a very flexible stem. Their overgrown seedlings are dealt with in this way: the elongated stem is carefully rolled into a ring, pressed to the ground and sprinkled with soil.


Cabbage is most often grown through seedlings. It is not difficult to grow it, it is important to create the necessary conditions. The most important ones are temperature, lighting and watering.

Germination of any cabbage seeds occurs at +20 degrees. With the emergence of seedlings, the seedling boxes need to be moved to a colder room, where it is maintained at +10-12 degrees.

Keeping seedlings in such conditions with simultaneous sufficient lighting allows you to slow down their growth. The seedlings become rich green, stunted with a powerful root system.

If for any reason the seedlings of any cabbage stretch out, correct the mistakes made in the same way.

  1. They start with a pick. Each plant is planted in a separate cup.
  2. When transplanting, be sure to pinch the root tip of the seedling - this will slow down the growth of the seedlings.
  3. When planting, the cabbage plant is buried down to the cotyledon leaves.
  4. Elongated plants are provided with good lighting, if necessary, supplemented with fluorescent lamps, the air temperature is lowered to +10-12C, and nutritious soil is added to the stems of elongated plants.
  5. After a week to ten days, the transplanted seedlings are fed with potassium fertilizers or ash infusion.


Ornamental plants planted as seedlings can also stretch out. The reasons for this phenomenon are the same as when growing vegetables: increased temperature with insufficient lighting, too dense sowing, high humidity and too much fertilizing.

. At this time the day is short and there is not enough light. Seeds are sown in a hot, dry atmosphere in an apartment. The seedlings are hot, dark, and stretch out. It is possible to bring such seedlings to flowering.

To do this, when picking, it is necessary to plant young plants a little deeper, up to the cotyledon leaves, pinch the tops, improve the lighting of the plantings and lower the ambient temperature. Severely overgrown plants can be pruned, and the resulting cuttings take root easily.

And they sow seedlings very early. They have very small seeds and take a long time to germinate. The emerging seedlings suffer from excess heat and lack of sunlight; trying to compensate for the dry air, flower growers flood the seedlings with water.

When sowing, it is difficult to scatter small seeds evenly over the surface of the sowing container - the seedlings appear thickened.

You can combat this problem by pinching the tops of the plants, shortening the roots, planting them at a sufficient distance into the seedling box, illuminating the seedlings with fluorescent lamps until 14-16 hours of daylight, and lowering the temperature of the plants.

Preferably. so that the seedlings look like this!

It is possible to obtain viable schisanthus seedlings only by providing it with fertile soil, sufficient lighting, and moderate watering. With a lack of lighting and nutrition, the plant stem becomes elongated and there will be few flowers. For abundant flowering in the spring, it is better to plant the seeds in the fall and cover the crops before frost.

Plants sown in January can become very long. Friendly shoots sometimes become very elongated even with additional lighting. After the seedlings are planted in separate cups, the elongated seedlings are cut off. The remaining plants stretch less. The cut parts can be rooted.

They sprout easily and are undemanding to growing conditions. Seeds sown for seedlings sprout vigorously and easily tolerate unfavorable growing conditions - elevated temperatures, lack of lighting, uneven watering.

Even if the seedlings stretch out on the window, after transplanting to a permanent place, the seedlings take on a normal shape and bloom well.

Weak, elongated, pale seedlings are bad. It is impossible to get a full harvest from such plants. Even ornamental plants from overgrown seedlings bloom weaker.

Simple rules for growing strong, healthy seedlings:

  1. For sowing, use full-bodied, disinfected and germinated seeds.
  2. Fill the planting containers with disinfected, fertile, loose soil.
  3. Sow the seeds at a sufficient distance from each other.
  4. Place the seedling boxes in a well-lit area with moderate temperature.
  5. Water with warm water in moderation.
  6. Fertilize the seedlings in a timely manner.
  7. Monitor daily and, if necessary, prevent viral and fungal diseases.
  8. Gradually accustom the seedlings to the open air.

Try to protect the seedlings from being pulled out to get a rich harvest and beautiful flowers!

Best regards, Sofya Guseva!

Zinnia is an ornamental plant from the Asteraceae family, which is used for growing in flower beds and also at home. During the flowering period, it produces beautiful inflorescences of various colors. Zinnia reproduces successfully by seedlings. You can sow the seeds immediately in open ground, but the young plants obtained in this way will bloom only closer to August. Therefore, many grow seedlings in greenhouse conditions, as this allows them to speed up flowering.

One of the most common problems when obtaining seedlings is their stretching. Thus, the seedlings give a signal that certain mistakes were made in the process of caring for them.

Why do zinnia seedlings stretch?

The reason that the emerged seedlings begin to stretch upward, forming a long unstable stem, may be the following factors:

  1. Sowing seeds too early. Since the seedlings grow very quickly, you should not plant the seeds before April. Strong seedlings can be transplanted into the garden bed no earlier than the threat of night frosts has passed.
  2. Lack of sunlight. For optimal development of seedlings, it is recommended to extend daylight hours to 12 hours using.
  3. High room temperature. Air temperatures above 25 degrees Celsius promote active growth of shoots in height.
  4. Dense plantings. When sowing in a common container, the seedlings growing close to each other begin to fight for a place in the sun, stretching upward.

How to save stretched seedlings?

If mature bushes have already stretched out, they can be planted in the flowerbed a little ahead of schedule. In this case, the too long stem must be deepened into the ground - this way new ovaries will form on it. In addition, a support should be installed near each plant and tied up. Maintain a distance between bushes of at least 35 cm.

Transplantation into open ground is possible only if the weather is stable and there is no drop in temperature at night.

If the seedlings have not yet fully formed, or the long-awaited warming has not arrived, you can slow down the growth of zinnia. To do this, add it to the container where the seedlings grow. Or lay the seedling on its side and sprinkle half of the elongated stem with soil.

Zinnia shoots that are too long can be neatly folded into a loop.

Pinching the tops will allow zinnia to stop growing in height - thus, the plant will redirect its forces to the formation of side shoots. And in order for the stem to begin to grow in mass, the seedlings should be brought into a cool room overnight.

To stop growth, young bushes can be watered or sprayed with a solution based on special preparations, for example Atlet (1 ampoule per 1 liter of water).

Strengthening stretched zinnia seedlings - video