Flower with beautiful pink flowers. A pink flower is the best decoration for the site

Indoor plants will add coziness to every room. They create oases at any time of the year, no matter where they are installed between the bed and nightstand, on your wall or windowsill. These exotic beauties also cleanse the air of pollution. You can choose your favorite flower from a wide range of species and varieties to realize your floral design concepts.

Houseplants such as African violets (Saintpaulia), Euphorbia pulcherrima or royal orchids (Orchidaceae) impress with weeks of lavish blooms. Lush ornamental foliage plants, such as the picturesque Dieffenbachia and the majestic Philodendron, act as architectural elements that transform your home into an evergreen garden. But there is something you should keep in mind, the different care requirements at home. Plants such as succulents will live for weeks without water, while tropical flowers require daily care. Therefore, you should know in advance about caring for indoor plants, and choose those that are ideal for your lifestyle.

If you don’t know the name of a flower, we bring to your attention a catalog of indoor flowers and plants, with which you can determine the name of the plant and choose the right care at home.

Abutilon may not be one of the most popular ornamental plants, but more and more people are beginning to notice the beauty of this small bush. Undoubtedly, the hybrid cable car will decorate not only the apartment, but also the terrace and garden. Its decorative appearance is due to large, bright flowers, as well as leaves.

Abutilon hybrid (Abutilon x...

Agave is native to the desert areas of North America. Species belonging to this type have different sizes, leaves, and flowering periods. Agaves are grown mainly for their decorative leaves, although their inflorescences are also beautiful, however, agave blooms after a very long time (tens of years). The worst thing is that after flowering it dies. Fleshy, thick leaves, collected in rosettes with sharp...


Aglaonema occurs naturally in southeast Asia. The flower, depending on the variety, reaches up to one meter in height.


Loves partial shade and warmth; the temperature should not fall below 18°C; at lower temperatures, the flower stops growing. Watering is intensive, the plant loves high air humidity, responds well to spraying, but does not like...

Aglaonema variable, or variable(Aglaonema commutatum), belongs to the Araceae family. Of the 50 species, several species are most often grown at home. In general cultivation, more attractive hybrid varieties and even interspecific hybrids are found. Aglaonemas are popular in home cultivation due to their attractive decorative...

The correct name for Adenium grown at home is Adenium obesum, or Desert Rose (Adenium obesum) - an unusually interesting plant, impressive in the structure and color of its flowers and original form, characteristic of bonsai. It is grown as a houseplant; in summer it can decorate a terrace or garden. Find out more about the unusual...

Among the types of ferns, it is worth paying attention to the fern, also called “Venus hair” - adiantum. The flower is cute, delicate and elegant, but due to improper care, the adiantum will have an unattractive appearance. Adiantum varieties are characterized by fans with fronds, with the shape of a slightly rounded triangle. The stems are thin, visually similar to hair. Adiantums are suitable for...

A species grown at home - Aichryson x domesticum, called the “tree of love” and “flower of love”, belongs to the Crassulaceae family. A small branched shrubby succulent similar to Aeonium domesticum, distinguished by ellipsoid-shaped leaves; in Aichrizon species the leaves are more diamond-shaped. Aichrizon homeis easy to confuse with another...

Alocasia is native to the Malay Archipelago and its leaves grow from a rhizome. A beautiful variety is Alocasia Lowe, which has shiny, dark green leaves with white veins. The leaves reach a length of up to 60 cm. The tubers of the plant reach up to 4 kg in weight and are food for the inhabitants of Asia (only a boiled or baked fragment is suitable for consumption - raw, poisonous).


Aloe is a genus that contains hundreds of plants, although the most famous species of the genus are still Aloe vera and aloe vera(Aloe arborescens). More species and varieties are appearing that you should pay attention to; species are characterized by high decorative qualities. Aloe arborescens and aloe vera famous for their healing properties, in this article, first of all...

medicinal plant, Aloe vera or, Aloe real, also called Aloe Barbados. An easy to grow houseplant. Aloe has been known since ancient times; mentions of the plant were contained on Sumerian clay tablets dating back to 3,000 BC. Alexander the Great reportedly recommended giving the leaves to wounded soldiers to help the soldiers' wounds heal faster. The plant is probably...

Delicate and romantic pink has always been associated with love and kindness. That is why psychologists recommend decorating window sills with plants endowed with inflorescences of various shades of this tone. A home in which flowering plants with pinkish buds grow has a special warmth and comfort. You can find out which indoor plants are endowed with such flowers from the article.

Beautiful fuchsia and fragrant oleander

A flower with pink buds called fuchsia has been grown indoors for about 200 years. This amazing indoor plant, due to the unusual shape of the buds, is called by some lovers “Japanese lantern”.

Fuchsia varieties and hybrids are full of variety, but the most delicate of them are always endowed with pinkish petals.

The flower looks like this:

  1. A small bush with very flexible shoots.
  2. The leaves are oval, green or with a reddish tint. The edges are jagged.
  3. The drooping fuchsia bud is represented by a bright calyx, in the center of which there is a bunch of long stamens and a horizontal corolla with bent edges.

Shoots can take any shape. With the help of various supports, fuchsia can be grown as an ampelous, bush, pyramidal or standard plant.

Oleander is also a flower with pink flowers, although the coloring of different varieties varies. It is also called pink laurel. In the photo there is always a noticeable resemblance to this noble plant. The flower can be described as follows:

  1. In a room, the bush can reach 2 m.
  2. The leaves are glossy, very similar to bay leaves.
  3. The buds are simple and double. When opened, they emit a very delicate, pleasant aroma.

Attention! The sap of the oleander plant is poisonous, so you need to work with it carefully, wearing gloves.

Cyclamen and azalea

A flower with pink flowers, cyclamen or drywort, pleases with the appearance of buds in late autumn and winter. In the hot summer, the above-ground part of the plant dies off, and its tuber “sleeps.” In general, the flower looks like this:

  1. The round-shaped tuber is almost completely hidden in the soil.
  2. At the end of summer, a rosette of many leaves grows in the center of its above-ground part.
  3. In the center of the “bouquet” there are flower stalks.
  4. The flowers are very bright, interesting in shape, reminiscent of butterflies with raised wings.
  5. The petals come in a variety of colors - it depends on the variety. In most varieties they are pinkish in color and vary in intensity.


After the bud opens, the petals remain for about 10 days. Up to 100 buds are formed on one plant per season. Cyclamen does not require complex care. The main thing for its normal growth and development is to ensure a cool temperature.

Azalea – This pink-flowered flower is a member of the rhododendron family and is also favored by gardeners. Some call it the most beautiful flowering plant you can grow indoors.

Azalea can be described as follows:

  1. A highly branched, low bush (up to 30 cm tall).
  2. Leaves are elongated.
  3. Azalea flowers can be simple or double.
  4. The petals are corrugated and fringed. Their color depends on the variety, but most often they are various shades of pink.

Like cyclamen, azalea requires coolness. Under normal indoor conditions, a potted crop brought from a greenhouse quickly dies.

Advice. By separating the space on the windowsill from the room, for example with plywood, glass or plastic, you can create suitable conditions for cold-loving flowers.

Mandevilla and geranium

A very interesting flower with pink flowers, which is grown indoors as a vine. By installing a suitable support, the mandeville can be shaped into any shape.

The appearance of the mandevilla is as follows:

  1. The stems are climbing, very long (up to 3 m).
  2. The leaves are elongated, shiny, slightly corrugated.
  3. The buds are simple, gramophone-shaped. Consist of 5 petals.
  4. The flower in the center is yellow.


Mandevilla cannot be called demanding. She loves light, warmth and moderate watering.

The well-known geranium, which began to be grown on windowsills a long time ago, is also rich in varieties with pink-colored petals.

Geranium looks like this:

  1. Branched bush with low shoots. There are ampelous types.
  2. The leaves are round in shape with a pubescent edge.
  3. The flowers are simple and double shaped. Their size and color depend on the variety.
  4. A huge variety of varieties have been developed that have pink inflorescences.
  5. The culture does not require care. Feels great both in the room and on the balcony and loggia.

You can always create a certain atmosphere at home with the help of indoor plants. If most of them are endowed with pink buds, then romance and love will always be felt in the home.

The surest way to give your site freshness, to make it truly spring and light, is to plant pink flowers in its flower beds. The names of such plants with a brief description will be presented in the article below, but it should be noted in advance that among them there are both single flowers and bushes, and even trees. Also, pink representatives of the flora can be annual or long-lived. Take this into account when designing your site.

The pink flower is a characteristic feature of the perennial plant Brandushka. These tuberous bushes begin to bloom in mid-April, and delight the eye with such beauty almost until the end of summer. Following the brandushka, they appear in the colchicum - its closest relative. They look like small, almost lilac stars that can be planted throughout the area to create a magical spectacle.

Pink ones literally stick to the branches of the bergenia plant. As a rule, they tower above many other representatives of garden flora, so they always attract attention. Next to it, a bean tree will look very harmonious. Its small flowers bloom in the spring, along with the leaves, and form a weightless cloud that becomes an indispensable decoration of any garden.

The pink flower is also characteristic of many ornamental almond varieties. Among these are Gruzinsky, Lideburg, and Petunnikova almonds. But the flowers of a dark pink, rich hue are characteristic of the three-lobed variety of this plant. It has more impressive dimensions than other decorative species, so it fits best into an orchard.

Phloxes have incomparable beauty. Their long stems are literally strewn with bright pink flowers that do not fade for two months. It is easy to form a flower carpet from them, since they always grow close to each other. If phloxes are properly cared for, they will bloom in the fall.

Stunning pink flower - tulip. As a rule, it pleases the eye only in the spring, starting in March. At such a time, pink with a blue bottom or pink with silver edges may bloom in your flowerbed. Closer to May, a terry pale pink variety will become a worthy decoration of the flowerbed.

Among the most common plants that are characterized by this delicate color is lilac. It blooms by the end of May, and with proper care it does not lose its flowers for another month. In any garden, lilacs will be an excellent alternative to small fences.

Perhaps the most charming, and at the same time simple, pink flower is the daisy. Among them there are terry varieties and winter-hardy ones; with large flowers and very small, dwarf ones, which can form a stunning spring carpet on your site.

Pink color is also characteristic of a whole host of flora representatives. Here you can name tea rose, iris, hawthorn, dahlia, clematis, and even peony. Decorative pink plums create a stunning effect in the garden.

Some gardeners prefer to decorate their garden plots in any one color and its shades. Among them there are also those who are most impressed by the color pink or its various tones. Let's consider the main annual and perennial plant species and varieties that are most suitable for decorating a flower bed or flower garden in this range of shades.

Large (up to 5 cm in diameter) pink flowers of the perennial are among the first to appear in early spring. firebrands(Bulbocodium). Each bulb produces several buds in the spring before the leaves grow, then two or three more flowers bloom during the summer.

It blooms almost simultaneously with brandushka colchicum, having pink funnel-shaped inflorescences and wide leaves.

Chionodoxa(variety “Pink Giant”) - low-growing (up to 15 cm tall) spring plant; Blooming in April, perennial varieties bloom for 3-4 weeks.

A little later, in May, it begins to bloom kandyk(Erythronium). When decorating a garden in pink, perennial flower varieties with such big names as “Pink Perfection” and “Rose Beauty” are ideal.

A large number of small flowers, collected in panicle-shaped inflorescences, bloom on bergenia (bergenia) among the rounded leaves that winter under the snow.

Large pink (up to 6-7 cm in diameter) flowers look great hellebore varieties named "Gertrude Flober", "Roseus Superbus" and "Hans Schmdt". Flowers of these species bloom already in April-May.

A bushy spherical plant up to 1.5 m high, begins to bloom simultaneously with the unfolding of the leaves. Single pink inflorescences with a juicy color have blooming flowers up to 2.5 cm in diameter and look like a floating cloud for up to 2 weeks, surprising with their beauty and tenderness (see photo of almond flowers).

Recently, a variety of three-lobed almonds with a trunk height of up to 3 m, having rich pink flowers, which are densely located along the entire length of the shoots, has become increasingly popular. Flowering begins in mid-May, its maximum duration is 20 days. Ornamental garden varieties of almonds, which also produce rather large fruits, are still relatively rarely used by gardeners.

(variety “Phlox Subulata”) begins flowering in May, forming rather dense thickets of creeping shoots with numerous pink flowers. With careful care (timely watering and fertilizing, sufficient sunlight), phlox can bloom again in the fall.

Among phloxes, garden varieties of paniculate phlox “Inspiration” and “Elenka”, which have large pink flowers in a light color scheme, are also suitable for a garden in pink tones.

Tulips garden roses begin to bloom in May, but, unfortunately, the flowering period does not last long. By planting late annual varieties of double tulips (the “Angelique” variety with pale pink flowers is shown in the photo), you can extend the flowering of a flower bed or flower garden until the end of May.

Peony It also blooms in May-June, but its flowers are very demanding of bright sunlight. The variety “Reine Elizabeth” is ideal for decorating a garden in pink tones; it blooms with large double inflorescences up to 20 cm in diameter. Careful care of the plant allows you to get up to a hundred buds on a stem 0.8 m high.

False sedum blooms together from May until almost the end of summer; its pink flowers among green succulent leaves look like corymbose inflorescences (see photo).

It can please you with its flowering lily of the valley variety "Rosea", which stands out among other varieties with unusual pink flowers (see photo).

They also begin to bloom in May. daisies- perennial (biennial) garden flowers, not very demanding of careful care. Having planted the “Rose” variety, you can admire large double inflorescences of a light pink hue (the diameter of the flowers reaches 5-6 cm) until the end of summer (see photo).

It is advisable to divide the bushes of biennial daisies with the onset of summer. The plant easily tolerates transplantation, takes root quickly and painlessly, and continues flowering.

Roses- among the huge number of varieties, you should pay attention to the winter-hardy variety “Maiden’s Blush” with double flowers. They have various pink shades and a fragrant aroma. The variety “Mrs. John Laing" has very large buds and blooms profusely for a long time. Remontant types of roses are characterized by secondary flowering before autumn, although the re-blooming of flowers is less friendly than in summer (see photo below).

To decorate the garden, you can successfully use climbing garden varieties of roses of a pale pink shade “New Dawn”, plants with large fragrant double flowers “Conrad Ferdinand Meyer”.

A true decoration in May for a flower bed or alpine hill in the garden will be the Saxifraga arendsii variety with flowers of a dark pink hue, and the low mossy saxifrage variety Elf will stand out effectively among other plants with its abundant flowering.

Rhododendron small-leaved- an evergreen bush up to 60 cm high, has small pink flowers located on the branches in small groups of 3-5 pieces.

(variety Rosea Flore Pleno) is a wonderful decoration for the garden. Hawthorn looks very good in a single planting, but hedges made from it look more picturesque. At the end of flowering at the beginning of summer, the hawthorn hedge may already be strewn with large red berries, very rich in vitamins (as in the photo below). Hawthorn berries are successfully used in the treatment of certain diseases.

Decorative plum, very popular in Europe, unfortunately, in Russian gardens it is still considered an exception. In fact, the term “ornamental plum” brings together into one group ornamental garden trees such as almonds, cherries, cherries, thorns, etc. Referring to different types of plants, they are united together according to their functional purpose - to decorate the garden with their colorful blooms.

The size of the tree flowers reaches 5 cm in diameter. In addition to tree-like varieties of decorative plums, there are also shrubby varieties that are widely used for decorating and creating hedges. Ground cover species are used in the construction of rock gardens and flower beds. All of the above plants are quite unpretentious and can easily become a true decorative addition to the garden.

Blooms in summer weigela- its pink inflorescences are similar in shape to tubes. The plant has decorative leaves edged in white. The compactness of this shrub also attracts many gardeners with its ease of care.

Iris- if you can purchase a rather rare variety of iris “Pink Talkum” with unusually beautiful pink inflorescences, these annual beautiful flowers will certainly become the pride of your garden plot during its flowering periods (see photo). This variety, although it is an annual, can bloom several times during the season.

Essential in the rose garden dahlias annual or perennial. Names such as “Promotion”, “Rose Tendre” and “Rose Preference” are familiar to many gardeners. Thus, the variety “Carried Angel” with huge inflorescences of bright pink color will delight you with delicate pink flowers of simply gigantic size (the diameter of the inflorescences reaches 22 cm), “Rose Tendre” has light pink inflorescences with a diameter of up to 17 cm, which bloom on a rather long stem. Dahlias of the “Rose Preference” variety have rich pink flowers (bud diameter is 12 cm).

The opposite of “Carried Angel” is the “Rose Effect” variety - the size of the inflorescences of this variety is up to 6 cm in diameter, the bright flowers number up to 20 buds on one plant. In such cases, by skillfully combining the sizes and shades of flowers, you can achieve very interesting and original effects when decorating a flower bed or flower garden.

Perennial unpretentious lupins, which begin to bloom at the very beginning of summer and bloom again in August, collected in beautiful inflorescences with buds in the form of candles, will certainly become a stylish decoration of your garden (variety “Monsieur Alexander”).

Carnation It blooms, as a rule, in summer (June - July). Garden varieties such as “Desdemona” and “Pomegranate” and Turkish carnations “Rosakonigin” with large (up to 5 cm in diameter) flowers that have a pleasant aroma are ideal for decorating a garden in pink tones.

Often planted in gardens mallow- the best garden decoration in the selected range of pink shades here will be the “Terry Pink” variety. The plant forms voluminous pink inflorescences on stems up to 1 m high (the size of the flower in the form of a hemisphere reaches 12 cm in diameter).

It is considered one of the favorite flowers among flower growers. petunia(see photo). Very popular annual varieties with delicate pink flowers “Karmin Queen”, a new hybrid “Cherry Tart”, blooming with bright pink flowers up to 6.5 cm in diameter.

To summarize this brief review of pink ornamental plants, it should be noted that they are frost-resistant decorative cabbage, unfortunately, almost never found in our gardens. Rosettes of large leaves, painted in bright pink and fawn colors, look great in mixborders and rock gardens in late autumn, at a time when almost all the plants in the garden have already bloomed.

The surest way to give your site freshness, to make it truly spring and light, is to plant pink flowers in its flower beds. The names of such plants with a brief description will be presented in the article below, but it should be noted in advance that among them there are both single flowers and bushes, and even trees. Also, pink representatives of the flora can be annual or long-lived. Take this into account when designing your site.

The pink flower is a characteristic feature of the perennial plant Brandushka. These tuberous bushes begin to bloom in mid-April, and delight the eye with such beauty almost until the end of summer. Following the brandushka, they appear in the colchicum - its closest relative. They look like small, almost lilac stars that can be planted throughout the area to create a magical spectacle.

Phloxes have incomparable beauty. Their long stems are literally strewn with bright pink flowers that do not fade for two months. It is easy to form a flower carpet from them, since they always grow close to each other. If phloxes are properly cared for, they will bloom in the fall.

Stunning pink flower - tulip. As a rule, it pleases the eye only in the spring, starting in March. At such a time, pink with a blue bottom or pink with silver edges may bloom in your flowerbed. Closer to May, a terry pale pink variety will become a worthy decoration of the flowerbed.

Among the most common plants that are characterized by this delicate color is lilac. It blooms by the end of May, and with proper care does not lose its small flowers for another month. In any garden, lilacs will be an excellent alternative to small fences.

Perhaps the most charming, and at the same time simple, pink flower is the daisy. Among them there are terry varieties and winter-hardy ones; with large flowers and very small, dwarf ones, which can form a stunning spring carpet on your site.

Pink color is also characteristic of a whole host of flora representatives. Here you can name tea rose, iris, hawthorn, dahlia, clematis, and even peony. Decorative pink plums create a stunning effect in the garden.

The pink range for flowering plants growing in the middle zone is not new. More than 100 types of flowers of various shapes and sizes can please the eye with petals of various shades of pink. Which specimen should you choose for your garden? And what does the presented bouquet, composed of soft pink buds, say?

Which pink flower to choose for your garden?

The dacha plot allows you to enjoy the variety of shades, and therefore there is also a place for pink tones here. But which colors should you prefer? Of course, one immediately remembers soft pink tea roses, which have been considered the main decoration of the garden for several decades. Single large buds or small ones scattered throughout a lush bush - it doesn’t matter: both of them will become the highlight of the flower garden.

Potted specimens will begin to open their buds at the end of spring, turning towards the sun. Later ones can wait for the onset of autumn, standing out against the backdrop of fading nature. In the matter of caring for this flower, of course, there are many tricks and nuances, and some of them relate to the choice of seedling. There should be no damaged leaves on it, their color is juicy green, not dull or yellowish. In addition, in all the abundance of buds, those that have not yet had time to bloom should prevail.

Among the variety of varieties with pink petals, gardeners recommend Diamant - terry lush balls exude a fragrant aroma and greatly overlap the foliage due to their considerable size. From a distance it seems that there is absolutely no greenery in this pink kingdom. Chinese species and varieties are more reminiscent of rose hips, since their buds are not so dense, the core with stamens is clearly visible, and the color is uneven: towards the center the saturation of the already light color of the petals fades away. Particularly attractive here is the “Angelwings” variety, which is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, early flowering (mid-late April), but also low germination (65-70% of seeds). In addition, over time, their petals fade, turning from bright pink to almost white.

Chrysanthemums are pink no less often than roses. These stars of long and thin petals, seated around a lemon-yellow fluffy center, bloom in July and decorate the countryside until October, surviving light frosts. Due to the fact that the bulk of chrysanthemums are perennials, you don’t have to think about sowing them every year. The height of the bush is 40-150 cm, and throughout the green canvas there is a lush cap of small flowers.

In addition to the fact that they look great in flower beds, chrysanthemums are also often used in cut bouquets. The only factor that is important to consider when planting this flower is location. The bush should sit in direct sunlight and on well-drained soil, and since this plant is sensitive to day and night, it is not advisable to place it near garden lights to avoid internal disturbances. Of the varieties, “MonaLisa”, which has a green core, has earned special love from gardeners with pink petals, "SantiniTango", "Batini" and "ArtistPinkImproved".

Delicate pink lilies are the embodiment of femininity, purity and freshness. A bouquet that spreads a strong, bright aroma is not always appropriate in an apartment, but in the garden several bushes will definitely take root and deserve their share of attention. "LiliumDolcetto" is one of the most famous varieties with a similar color. This is a hybrid with long (up to 25 cm) flowers, whose petals have a pearlescent coating on the outside. The attractiveness of the variety lies in its winter hardiness; moreover, it does not even require shelter. And for connoisseurs of unscented specimens, the Asian hybrid “TropicDiamond” has been developed: raspberry-pink gramophones reach 15-18 cm in length and tolerate frost well.

Pink indoor flowers: photos and descriptions

Of those flowers that can grow in an apartment no worse than in the fresh air, the palm is held by geranium, which can probably be found in every home. A single long stem with rounded leaves and crowned inflorescences of 8-14 flowers emitting a strong aroma: this is what a classic indoor geranium looks like. In addition to its decorative functions, the plant also has many healing properties: daily inhalation of its aroma in front of the bush for 8-10 minutes stabilizes the state of the nervous system, eliminates insomnia, and relieves stress. For this reason, geranium was considered a remedy that could improve the atmosphere in the house, reduce the frequency of quarrels, and improve mutual understanding in the family. In addition, the phytoncides of this plant have a positive effect on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, the cardiovascular system, and in the summer it helps protect the apartment from flies.

Such an exotic flower as anthurium, which is an ampelous plant, best takes root near windows facing any side, excluding the south. The flower tolerates shade well, suffering much more from dry air, so it needs to be constantly sprayed. It blooms buds all year round, but is also valued for its large, heart-shaped foliage. The flowers are not inferior in beauty to this greenery: the “Lacetti” variety has a delightful light pink color of single-petal flowers, the same heart-shaped as the leaves. The cylinder-shaped core is most often yellow-green and quite long. To make the colors brighter, it is recommended to fertilize the anthurium with mineral fertilizer in March.

The decoration of an apartment can be not only Pink flowers: which ones to choose for the garden? Just a flowering plant, but also a deciduous one. Irezine, grown in the garden as an annual, lives at home for more than 1 year, has leaves with a beet-pink color and greenish veins. It has inflorescences, but they are not so much attractive as they are unusual: purely in appearance, these balls strongly resemble a ball of woolen threads.

Achimenes is also valued in the apartment. Under natural conditions, it grows in the tropics, so it is not surprising that it does not like harsh winters. In the middle zone it is grown only indoors, where it is possible to maintain the desired temperature. The plant is hanging because the shoots are soft, do not hold their shape and constantly tend to fall down. In addition to the lanceolate dark green leaves, with a purple color on the inside, the shoots contain small flowers up to 5 cm long and the diameter of the petals up to 7 cm. Their color is raspberry-pink, the upper petals are slightly smaller than the lower ones, with a corolla every 3 days dies off, giving way to a new one. The flowering period of Achimenes is spring-autumn.

Pink color of flowers: meaning and symbolism

In bouquets, pink flowers are found a little less often than red or white ones. What is their significance? Colombians traditionally kept pink anthurium in the newlyweds' bedroom during their honeymoon, promising them a happy family life. Raspberry-pink callas given to an unmarried girl spoke of admiration for her beauty and admiration for her. In a broader sense, pink flowers are softer in color than red ones, but they belong precisely to this primary color. Therefore, its main meaning is love, but tender, reverent, mixed with reverence for the recipient. Pink flowers are often given to those to whom they want to show respect, and they are also presented as a sign of courtesy, politeness and courtesy.

A bouquet of pink clover was given for good luck, or with an interline recognition that the one to whom this flower was given brings happiness to the giver. Gentle mallows - please pay attention, believe, forgive, treat what happened with understanding and leniency. Pink lush caps of peonies, which not long ago surpassed even roses in demand, are able to say more than the queen of flowers: they promise to give the whole world to the one to whom they were given. Unlike a rose, they do not shout about the feelings of the giver, but guarantee his reliability in marriage and fidelity. Dreams of a shared future and never-letting-go love are symbolized by bright pink phloxes, and crimson gladiolus assures of the sincerity of intentions and feelings.

One of the main elements of any garden are flowers. They make it beautiful, bright and memorable. Their variety is so great that making a choice sometimes becomes very difficult.

This page is about, as well as describing the planting and flowering period of these plants. You can also familiarize yourself with the catalog of indoor plants. And we'll start with how to use a garden flower catalog to select the best specimens for your site.

Selecting from a catalog of garden flowers for your garden

Location– the main criterion that is responsible for the life and active development of plants. If you plant light-loving flowers in a dark place, then they will not be able to delight their owners with their beauty for a long time. This means you need to know in advance the insolation in your own area and the attitude of your favorite plants to light. Therefore, before selecting plants, decide which area you want to plant with garden flowers. After this selection, you can move on to the next point.

Features of colors. According to morphology, flowers are divided into annual (marigolds, petunias) and perennial (hostas, daisies, lilies). The difference lies in the different periods of their life and development. The first type is cheaper, but it grows only one year; the next year it is necessary to purchase plant material again. Using the catalog search form, you can sort flowers by life expectancy. Perennial plants can be planted only once, and they will delight their owners every year. The second type is more expensive than the first.

Origin. It is better to plant native plants that are perfectly adapted to existing conditions. Of course, no one has canceled experiments; you can try growing exotics.

Plant size is very important. If a mixborder is arranged in the garden, then the largest and tallest plants should be planted at the very end, and small and abundantly flowering plants should be planted at the beginning. In my The catalog of garden flowers contains photographs, thanks to which you can navigate by the size of the plant. All seed packages usually indicate the sizes of interest. If you buy seedlings, it is better to find out all the necessary data from reliable sources.

Color spectrum- the key to a beautiful and delightful garden. You can create certain style solutions thanks to plant color combinations. Contrasting monochrome flower beds are beautiful. The main thing is to choose the right varieties and types.

The catalog below will help you search for garden flowers according to various inflorescence color criteria.

Garden - flowers catalog with photos and names

The decoration of any garden includes some bulbous plants that bloom in spring - these are crocuses, tulips, hyacinths, muscari and others. Summer-flowering bulbs include lilies and irises. To make your flower garden bright and beautiful, you can plant violets, salvias, ageratums, marigolds, peonies, hostas, some varieties of decorative onions, amaryllis, daffodils, petunias, and many other plants. Now try to choose garden flowers yourself - a catalog with photos and names will help you.