The most favorable days for planting peppers. Planting pepper according to the lunar calendar Planting days for pepper according to the lunar calendar

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Although there is still time until spring, many gardeners are actively preparing to welcome the summer season. Because for many it starts already in February. Preparing the soil, purchasing seeds, processing planting containers - this is a small list of activities necessary for growing seedlings of vegetables and flowers.

Bell pepper is also one of those crops that are grown through seedlings. And today we will talk about when and how to plant pepper seedlings in order to get strong and healthy seedlings.

Which pepper to plant for seedlings - choice of seeds

The choice of varieties is huge - you need to look at the regionalization of the variety

Having decided to grow sweet bell peppers on his plot, the gardener goes to a specialized store to buy seeds. What should you pay attention to when purchasing? First of all, it is a manufacturing company. Its reliability will provide the gardener with high-quality seed material.

Shelf life is another criterion that must be taken into account. Pepper seeds can remain viable for 3-4 years, but you should not wait until the deadline. With each year of storage, the germination percentage decreases. Fresh seeds will ensure friendly shoots.

If, among the many bags of seeds, one or more are found in the gardener’s supplies, with an expired date, you can

When to plant bell pepper seedlings in 2020

Planting pepper

Peppers have a long growing season. For some varieties it can be about five months. And, it is quite obvious that sowing seeds in open ground may simply not yield a harvest. The seedling method will give you the opportunity to enjoy a tasty and healthy vegetable at an earlier date.

Like most vegetables, peppers are divided into several categories based on their ripening time:

  • early varieties (they include super early and mid early)
  • medium ripening varieties
  • late ripening

When choosing the timing of sowing seeds, you can use the general recommendations that are indicated on the packaging of purchased seeds. These are average sowing times. Therefore, it is better to determine them yourself, based on the climatic conditions of your region or region.

By counting down from the date when frost usually occurs in a particular region.

Stepping back two and a half months (this is the average age of the seedlings being planted), you will get the approximate time for sowing the seeds.

To this we should also add the time for preparing the seeds for sowing and the time for their germination. This option is suitable for planting seedlings in open ground. For greenhouse cultivation, the sowing time is shifted another two weeks towards winter.

By experimenting with timing, an early ripening pepper variety can be harvested in August. When sowing seeds in the first ten days of April, fruiting will occur at the end of summer. This option is often used when, for some reason, the optimal time for sowing has been missed.

Temperature conditions for growing peppers

Warmth for pepper is a determining condition for obtaining a good harvest. It needs it at all stages of development, starting from sowing seeds.

If the soil in the seedling box is warmed to 26-28°C and the seeds are properly treated, germination will occur after a week or 10 days.

  • At 20°C it will happen in two weeks
  • An indicator of 18°C ​​will delay the emergence of seedlings for three long weeks
  • A mark of 14°C will make you wait a month for sprouts

At lower temperatures, the seeds “freeze” and their development stops.

During the period when pepper sprouts have emerged into the light, it is recommended to reduce the temperature for them to 16 ° C, this will allow the seedlings to direct their energy to strengthening the root system.

After the formation of two true leaves, the temperature is brought to 22°C and maintained at this level until the moment when it is necessary to pick the seedlings. Further (after diving) the required temperature should be at least 25°C.

There is such a thing as " physiological zero"- this is temperature
a mode in which the plant does not develop. So, for peppers it is 14°C.

It follows from this that planting pepper in open ground at this temperature is ineffective. We should wait for warmer weather. In areas where this work occurs at the end of May or beginning of June, determining the sowing date will look like this.

Let's count back the age of the seedlings - 2 or 2.5 months, germination period - 2-3 weeks. It turns out that mid-March is the time for sowing pepper seeds for open ground, and mid-February for greenhouses.

Time to sow bell pepper for seedlings

When to plant sweet peppers depends on the location of further cultivation

Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict the exact timing. Nature is capricious and often unpredictable. Therefore, each gardener relies on his own gardening experience, because the timing of sowing peppers differs for different regions.

When planning to grow pepper seedlings on your own, the gardener must know exactly where they will grow in the future. There are several options.

  1. Unheated polycarbonate greenhouse
  2. Greenhouse using polyethylene film or non-woven covering material
  3. Open ground

The timing of fruit ripening is also taken into account.

  • Early varieties begin to bear fruit in 100-120 days
  • In mid-season peppers, the fruiting period begins after four months
  • Late varieties will delight you with a harvest after five months

February sowings are relevant for growing both mid-season and late varieties. This allows you to get the earliest possible harvest and extend the fruiting period of peppers.

It’s not scary if the seedlings contain not only flowers, but also fruit buds. If transplanted carefully, the root system will not cause much harm.

It is better if this is transshipment of the plant. It should be noted that a strong pepper bush grown at home requires a fairly large volume of fertile soil in the planting container.

Sowing peppers for seedlings in March is more common. They cause less housework for the gardener to care for plants. The seedlings do not have time to grow much or stretch out. Although there are many options for solving these problems.

If the finished seedlings cannot yet be planted in the ground, then cooler conditions for growth should be created. Peppers will slow down their development.

For reference: gardening centers sell drugs that inhibit plant development. The use of retardants (the scientific name of the substance) makes it possible to control plant growth.

“Athlete” is one of them; it promotes the formation of a strong stem and does not allow it to stretch. Promotes the formation of a powerful root system and healthy foliage. Its most effective use is in shaded and dense plantings of seedlings.

When to plant sweet peppers in the Moscow region

Based on the above, we can conclude that the best period for sowing seeds is in central Russia, there will be a period from the beginning of the second decade of February to mid-March. These deadlines are suitable for the Moscow region.

When to plant peppers in the Urals and Siberia

My Ural peppers this (already last ;-)) year (summer 2016)

For gardeners Siberia and the Urals, where the climate is cooler, sowing time should be calculated so that fruiting occurs in July and August. This is the warmest time in the region. To get a harvest of mid-season peppers in early August, you need to start sowing 135 days before. Plus two weeks for germination. It turns out that this work will be completed in the third ten days of February.

When to plant peppers in Ukraine

The spring (rather winter) sowing schedule looks different in Ukraine. In some areas, already at the end of April and beginning of May, it is possible to plant mature seedlings in the ground. Therefore, you need to start sowing seeds in January.

Dates for sowing pepper seeds according to the lunar calendar in 2020

Almost all gardeners have heard, and many put into practice, recommendations for growing plants according to the lunar calendar. Some people are skeptical about this, but for others it is a guide to action. But no one will deny

It has long been known: vegetables that produce root crops are sown and planted on the waning moon.

It is advisable to plant garden crops with fruits on the aboveground part when the Moon is waxing.

During the new moon and full moon, it is better to refrain from working with plants.

  • January - 6.21;
  • February - 5.19;
  • March - 6, 21;
  • April - 5, 19;
  • May - 5, 19;
  • June - 3, 17;

In addition to coordinating planting dates by region, it is also necessary to take into account the recommendations of the Lunar calendar. Planting is considered completed from the moment the seeds are soaked, since their placement in a humid environment activates growth processes.

For a crop like pepper, this is important, because the plant is considered quite capricious. To prevent seedlings from getting sick, the seeds must first be soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate. Favorable days for sowing pepper in 2020 will be the following dates:

  • in January - 10, 11, 18, 31;
  • in February – 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 24;
  • in March - 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 26;
  • in April – 2, 3, 4, 9, 13, 16, 25.

The seedlings will be ready for moving to the greenhouse in 50-70 days, depending on the variety. At this point, the seedlings should have a height of 20-25 cm and formed buds.

Favorable zodiac signs for pepper are Aries, Taurus, Leo. Less suitable - Gemini, Sagittarius.

In practice, each gardener decides for himself what to rely on.

Judging by my personal practice, constantly looking at the Moon does not give much positive effect, and in extremely fanatical cases it can even cause harm. Much more important than the Moon for summer residents are weather conditions and hints from nature.

My wonderful peppers - summer 2016

When preparing the soil, be sure to take into account that pepper is a demanding and capricious plant. It needs fertile, loose soil. To obtain the desired composition, you can mix humus, sand, peat and turf soil in equal parts. Instead of sand, you can add 0.5 liters of ash and 2 matchboxes of fertilizer. Superphosphate will do.

All components are thoroughly mixed, and the soil is disinfected in the planting boxes. Containers must have drainage holes to avoid stagnation of water. After a day you can start sowing.

Spread over the surface of the soil, maintaining an interval of 1 cm between grains. Place the rows every 2-3 cm. If sowing is done in individual pots, then put 2 seeds in them. After germination, weak sprouts should be pinched.

The seeds can be deepened with a match if the sowing area is small, or sprinkled with the same moist soil. Only more sand should be added to it to make it easier for the sprouts to break through to the light. Cover the boxes with film or glass to retain heat and moisture. Move to the warmest place in the apartment.

Crops need daily ventilation to prevent mold from developing.
All recommendations for growing sweet peppers fully apply to hot peppers. However, you should remember that it needs to be sown in a separate container at home, and in the garden, choose a site away from its sweet brother.

How to plant pepper seedlings in February: video

Good luck with your sowing!

To get strong seedlings, it is important to know the favorable days for planting peppers. Before planting seeds in boxes to grow successful sprouts and harvest an excellent harvest, it is worth considering the effect of the Moon on the growth rate of the cultivated plant.

Favorable days for planting pepper seeds

In February and March you can start sowing peppers. The influence of the Moon on the speed of seedling development is determined by the phase in which it is located. Therefore, a sowing calendar is compiled annually, determining which favorable days for sowing pepper and other crops fall during a given period of time. The basic principle of planting according to the Moon is this: after the new moon, plants with above-ground fruits are planted, after the full moon, root crops are planted. Following this rule, the farmer has several days each month to plant a certain crop.

Favorable days for planting peppers in February

The last month before spring – February – is the most suitable for sowing seeds for seedlings:

  1. Long sunny daylight hours have already formed and contribute to the growth of strong plants.
  2. February seedlings will be ready for planting in the ground in June. At this time, the threat of returning cold weather has passed in the middle zone.

Sowing pepper seeds is done on the waxing moon or after the full moon, if the days are favored by fertile zodiac symbols. It is believed that the closer the planting period is to a full disk, the better the result can be achieved. On the days of the full moon or new moon, it is generally not recommended to engage in planting processes. In addition to the phases of the moon, when calculating successful days for planting, the signs of the Zodiac are taken into account. Some of them are recognized as fertile, others are not.

It is important to remember that the primary stage of growing pepper is not placing the seeds into the soil, but their contact with water (the grains are soaked before planting). This process should coincide with successful rounds according to the lunar calendar. At the beginning of the month it is better to sow late varieties of the crop for seedlings, and at the end - more. According to the lunar calendar for this year, favorable days for planting peppers are in February: 17, 18, 21, 22, 25, 26. At this time, the night luminary will be in the signs of Taurus, Pisces (fertile) and Cancer (the most fertile). Seeds sown from these dates will produce excellent seedlings.

Favorable days for planting peppers in March

The first spring month of March is favorable for cultivating any seedlings. The cold weather has already passed, and the daylight hours are so long that additional illumination can be abandoned. The sprouts stay warm, ripen faster, and do not differ at all from the seedlings planted in February. And although time is somewhat lost, you can sow hot and early varieties of sweet vegetables for seedlings. Favorable days for planting peppers in March: 3-7, 20-22, 24-26. At this time, the Moon is in Taurus, Libra, Scorpio (fertile) and Cancer (the most fertile) symbols of the Zodiac.

Favorable days for picking pepper

The process is planned when the first pair of carved leaves appear on the sprouts. It is better to do it on favorable days for replanting peppers, calculated according to the Lunar calendar. Then the seedlings will be better accepted and begin to develop faster. It is advisable to make a pick:

  1. To the waxing Moon, which is accompanied by rapid growth. All nectar in seedlings from the rhizome moves up the stems. Even if damaged, the roots will not suffer much; there is a high chance that they will survive.
  2. At the fourth stage of the Moon - waning. At this time, the life-giving juices of crops flow into the roots and accumulate there. This is a neutral stage for picking bell peppers.

In addition to these positions of the Moon, the transplant is also influenced by the Zodiac sign in which it is located during the work. The right time for diving is when the night luminary is in fertile Scorpio, Taurus, Libra, and Cancer. Sagittarius, Aries, Leo, Aquarius, Gemini will have an unfavorable effect on the transplant. Pisces is considered a fertile symbol, but it is not favorable for diving.

Favorable days for picking pepper in March

Peppers are often sown in February, and by March it’s time to transplant them. This month is the most suitable for such work. Favorable days to pick pepper in March:

  1. 20, 21, 24-26 – a new month in fertile Taurus, Cancer. Moisture rises from the roots to the stems and leaves. This is the most favorable period for transplantation.
  2. 29-30 – Growing month in Virgo. The dates are prosperous, juices flow to the roots and saturate them with strength.

Favorable days for picking pepper in February

The most favorable days for picking pepper seedlings in February according to the lunar calendar fall on the 25th and 26th, when the ascending month is in the most fertile sign of the Zodiac - Cancer. If the young sprouts of pepper seedlings have already grown and become stronger by this time, they can be safely plucked. It is strictly not recommended to work with seedlings during the new moon.

Pepper is considered the most vitamin-rich vegetable of all those present in our garden. The crop in question has a long development period, so gardeners in our country grow it from seedlings. To obtain a bountiful harvest, not only proper care is necessary. Many gardeners try to sow seeds for seedlings, taking into account favorable days for planting peppers in 2018.

People have noticed that the celestial bodies influence not only the ebb and flow of the oceans, but also the development of plants. As a result of numerous studies, scientists have determined that as the phases of the moon increase, nutrients in garden crops rush upward. When the moon wanes, the juices are directed downward, which contributes to the formation of a powerful root system.

Using these features of the earth’s natural satellite, astrologers create a special calendar every year, which indicates favorable and risky dates for planting, fertilizing and picking all garden crops. From our article we will learn when to plant pepper seedlings at the end of winter, as well as in March and April this year 2018.

Note! Tuberous crops such as potatoes, carrots, beets and others form roots during the growing season, so they develop better during the waning moon. Peppers, tomatoes and cabbage form better crops on the aboveground part; they reach towards the sun, so they grow better during the waxing moon. The period of the new moon and full moon are considered infertile; do not sow grains on these days, you will waste them.

Favorable days for planting pepper seedlings in 2018 according to the lunar calendar

A crop such as pepper is cultivated in most regions of our country. As we have already said, the vegetable has a long growing season. Depending on the variety, seedlings are moved to a permanent place 50..75 days after the appearance of the first shoots. Pepper is considered a fairly heat-loving plant; its seeds take a long time to germinate, so some gardeners sow seeds for seedlings in the middle of winter. This allows you to obtain developed seedlings at the time of transplantation into a greenhouse or garden bed.

Important! There are several disadvantages to sowing seedlings in January. First of all, this is insufficient daylight hours, the need for additional illumination with phytolamps. If there is a lack of lighting, such peppers will grow along with crops planted in February.

For gardeners who want to try sowing late varieties of pepper for seedlings in January, the last ten days of the month, or rather the 21st-22nd, is considered a favorable period; 25-26, as well as January 29, 2018.


February days are considered the optimal period for sowing late and mid-late varieties of pepper for seedlings, because the growing season of such crops is within 120-125 days. Pepper is considered an above-ground plant, so its cultivation should begin during the waxing moon. As the seedling develops, it will gradually draw nutrients from the root to the top.

According to the lunar calendar of 2018, there will be a new moon on February 16; before that, the moon was in the waning stage. That is, the first part of the month is unfavorable for sowing seedlings. Crops planted at such a time will take a long time to develop; their immunity is weak, which contributes to the development of various diseases.

Advice! Healthy seedlings can be obtained by sowing seeds in boxes on February 17 and 18, as well as from February 21 to 22 and on the 25-26th of the same month. The remaining days of February are considered unfavorable.


Warm March days are considered the optimal time for sowing pepper seeds for seedlings. During this period, the plants will have enough natural light. To obtain high-quality and well-developed seedlings, it is recommended to place seedling containers on a well-lit windowsill.

Advice! The best period for planting pepper seedlings in March are days from 3 to 7, as well as March 20-22 and 24-26 of the month.


Many gardeners consider April a bad month for sowing pepper seeds for seedlings, but this is not entirely true. With proper care of seedlings, periodic watering and timely application of fertilizers, you can achieve good results. It should be noted that at this time young crops will receive sufficient heat and light even when grown on a sunny windowsill. Residents of central Russia can safely grow seedlings in April, because by the time they plant the crop in open ground they still have enough time.

Advice! The best dates in April for sowing pepper seeds for seedlings are considered to be 3-4, as well as the second half of the month 12; April 14 and 18, as well as April 19.

Unfavorable days

The barren phases of the moon are the period of the new moon or full moon:

  • for February the period is from the 14th to the 16th;
  • for March from 1 to 3, as well as March 16 and 30;
  • for April the period is from April 15 to 17 and April 29-30.

Seedling care

Sowing seeds on a good day does not mean at all that the gardener can expect a good harvest. To get high-quality seedlings you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Sow the grains in separate containers, for example, peat pots with a diameter of 5-6 centimeters. This is due to the fact that the vegetable in question does not tolerate picking.
  • Pepper takes a long time to rise. To speed up the appearance of sprouts, the seed material is kept in hot water at a temperature of about 50 degrees for 5 hours. After this, the seeds are placed in a damp cloth and germinated for 2-3 days until the grains hatch.

Before sowing, seedling containers must be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate. Then the boxes or individual pots are filled with nutrient substrate and the seeds begin to be sown. Next, the seedling containers are covered with plastic film and placed on a sunny windowsill. The improvised shelter is removed immediately after the first shoots appear.

The main care of the crop consists of periodically moistening the soil. Plants that are grown in a common container after the appearance of 3 true leaves must be moved to separate pots. The best period for picking peppers in March 2018 is considered to be the period from the 20th to the 26th, as well as March 29 and 30. In April, similar operations are carried out on 12;13;17; 18th, as well as 21st and 22nd.

Before picking, you need to prepare a sufficient amount of fertile soil for the seedlings. The soil for peppers should consist of 30% organic matter, such as peat, compost or humus, 60% ordinary garden soil and sifted sand (a liter jar per bucket of soil). For 10 liters of soil add 8-10 grams of superphosphate, 5 grams of potassium fertilizer ammonium nitrate. Pots with a volume of about 200 milliliters are pre-filled with drainage made of small pebbles or expanded clay.

The process of picking peppers is carried out in the following sequence:

  • water the seedlings well with warm water;
  • take a spoon and carefully remove the seedling from the common container;
  • make a small depression in the pot, pour a little water and transplant the pepper there;
  • squeeze the plant with soil;
  • fill the soil to the level where the crop used to be.

After diving, the seedlings are moved to a shaded area of ​​the room for several days for rooting. It should be understood that bright sunlight will only retard the growth of crops and will contribute to the withering of their above-ground parts.

Advice! You can use old newspapers to shade the peppers from sunlight.

Further care of the crops consists of periodic watering, which is carried out up to 3 times a week as the top layer of soil dries. After 12-15 days from the moment of picking, when the root system of the plants has recovered, you can fertilize. To prepare the fertilizer, 3 grams of potassium, 2 grams of phosphorus and 1 gram of nitrogen fertilizers are dissolved in 1 liter of warm water. Fertilizers are applied to seedlings every two weeks. To improve the effect, mineral fertilizers should be alternated with organic ones. An example of such a substance is a solution of mullein in a ratio of 1 to 10 with water.

Favorable days for planting seedlings in 2018

Pepper seedlings undergo a hardening process on the balcony or in the open air, then they are moved to a permanent place. In any of these situations, favorable timing must also be taken into account.

To the greenhouse

Growing peppers in a greenhouse allows you to speed up the ripening time of the crop, especially if you have a heating system. Seedlings planted in January can be moved to the greenhouse as early as 26; March 29 or 30. At later sowing dates, it is recommended to move seedlings from April 20 to 22, as well as from April 24 to 27. Favorable dates in May are considered to be the period from May 18 to 22 and from May 26 to 28.

In open ground

Pepper seedlings are moved to the garden bed when long-term warm weather has established and the threat of return frosts has passed. When carrying out such actions, the gardener should look at the weather forecast for the next 10 days, and also become familiar with the favorable dates according to the lunar calendar.

Advice! It is advisable to plant peppers in open ground in May from the 18th and 19th, as well as from May 24 to 28, 2018. Similar operations can be done in June on the 1st and 2nd, as well as on the 6th and 7th, 10th and 11th.

Care after landing

Caring for the crop is quite simple; it consists of several simple operations:

  • protecting plants from possible frosts;
  • periodic watering;
  • feeding;
  • formation of culture.

Peppers react painfully to cold weather and sudden temperature changes. Gardeners have noticed that the flowering period of these plants is delayed when temperatures drop to 15 degrees Celsius. It is recommended to protect newly planted seedlings from the scorching rays of the sun or low temperatures with spunbond or agrofibre. The second protection option is the construction of an improvised greenhouse.

Adult crops in open ground are watered depending on the weather, on average every 5 days, using up to 2 liters of liquid for each bush. During fruit formation or during a period of persistent drought, the interval between soil moisture is halved. It is advisable to carry out watering in the evening hours, with water previously heated in the sun. Cold liquid causes pepper to develop worse and produce less yield.

Advice! For better aeration, the soil must be loosened the day after watering. A thick layer of sawdust, peat or chopped straw stems will help prevent unwanted evaporation of moisture.

One of the most important measures for caring for crops is fertilizing. The first such action is carried out two weeks from the moment the seedlings are planted in a permanent place, when the plants have taken root and began to develop intensively. To prepare a nutrient solution, dissolve 10 grams of urea or superphosphate in a bucket of warm water. During the flowering of pepper, wood ash is added to the soil at the rate of 200-250 grams of the drug per square meter of land. During fruit formation, plants are fed with a special liquid based on potassium salt and superphosphate (a tablespoon of these substances per 10 liters of water).

To obtain large and high-quality vegetables, as well as for the purpose of their uniform ripening, every gardener must learn how to form pepper bushes. After the crop reaches a height of 25 centimeters, it is necessary to remove its top. This procedure will stimulate the formation of numerous side shoots. These branches are also removed, leaving only 5-6 of the most developed ones. To speed up the ripening of the crop, in early August you need to cut off the top of the pepper bush.


Focusing on sowing and planting peppers according to the lunar calendar 2017, even in regions with not very favorable soil and climatic conditions, gardeners have an excellent opportunity to get a full harvest.

Basic rules for sowing peppers

In most regions of Russia, the best, guaranteed and traditional method for growing pepper and obtaining a high yield of this useful crop is the seedling method. In the southern regions, it is allowed to sow seeds directly into open ground around May-June, but such planting of a heat-loving crop in the central zone of our country, including the Moscow region, is accompanied by a late harvest. As a result, the fruiting period is significantly reduced.

Among other things, during summer sowing a large amount of weeds appear, which increases labor costs for growing peppers:

  • the middle zone of our country and in the Moscow region - pepper is grown only by seedlings, so seeds that have undergone preliminary preparation must be sown in late February or early March;
  • in the southern regions of our country and in Ukraine, pepper is sown for seedlings from approximately mid-January to early February;
  • in the northern regions, it is recommended to sow pepper seeds in the last days of February or early March.

To grow pepper in home gardening conditions in the northern regions of our country, in the Urals and Siberia, preference should be given to the earliest ripening varieties and hybrid forms of early ripening, which allows you to get a full harvest even in the short northern summer. Today, Russian breeders have developed a significant number of promising forms of pepper. Therefore, it is recommended to grow zoned varieties that are maximally adapted to domestic soil and climatic conditions.

Lunar calendar for planting peppers for 2017

The optimal timing when you need to sow pepper seeds and plant the grown seedlings in a permanent place depends on the lunar phase and the fertility of the constellation in which the celestial body is located. However, if for some reason it was not possible to plant or sow at the optimal time according to the recommendations of the sowing lunar calendar, then You can always focus on the phase of the moon and carry out such work exclusively on the waxing moon.

Rules for growing peppers

Cultivation of heat-loving vegetable crops requires increased attention from the gardener, and All work must be performed as competently as possible and within the optimal time frame.

Sowing seeds

To get the most friendly and strong shoots, you must comply with a number of requirements:

  • checking the fullness indicators by immersing in a 3% saline solution and then rejecting all floating seeds;
  • disinfect the seed material in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for a quarter of an hour;
  • germinating seeds on a well-moistened cloth or paper napkin;
  • additional stimulation with an ash solution is performed if there is doubt about the quality of the seed.

For sowing, it is recommended to use ready-made nutrient soil substrates intended for growing garden vegetable crops. This soil has a balanced composition and is enriched with all the nutrients necessary for the full growth and development of pepper.

Planting seedlings

Depending on the growing method (open or protected ground), the timing of planting seedlings of sweet and hot peppers in a permanent place may vary. Besides everything else, you need to focus on weather conditions in the cultivation region and adhere to the recommendations of the sowing lunar calendar. As a rule, from May 1 to May 15, seedlings are planted on greenhouse ridges, and from May 10 to May 30, peppers can be planted on ridges in open ground, but always using temporary film cover.

Planting patterns may vary slightly, depending on the vigor and varietal characteristics of the crop. You cannot plant pepper seedlings on ridges where tobacco, potatoes, physalis, tomatoes, eggplant and peppers were previously grown. It is best to use for growing garden crops the areas occupied in the previous season by root crops, herbs, cucumbers, legumes and pumpkin crops, as well as cabbage.

The depth and diameter of the planting holes should be slightly larger than the size of the peat cup in which the pepper seedlings are grown. Sweet peppers and bitter varieties must be planted at a considerable distance from each other, due to the risk of cross-pollination. The standard distance between hot pepper seedlings should be approximately 25 centimeters, with a row spacing of 50 cm. Tall varieties are planted according to a 60 x 60 cm pattern. When planting low-growing varieties, you need to adhere to a 40 x 50-60 cm pattern.

Watering and fertilizing

Irrigation measures should be carried out quite often, but without flooding the soil. On hot and dry days, watering is carried out every other day, and in cool and cloudy weather, it is enough to water a couple of times a week. The water should be warm. The average water consumption during irrigation for each adult plant should be a couple of liters.

Peppers need to be fed approximately three to four times during the growing season.. The first feeding of the plant is carried out after the appearance of two true leaves, but not earlier than two weeks after the dive. The optimal composition would be half a teaspoon of urea and 2.5 ml of sodium humate per liter of water. The second feeding of seedlings is done ten days after the first application of fertilizers, with a composition based on urea and potassium monophosphate. After transplanting to a permanent place, fertilizing should be done monthly. A good result is achieved by using microfertilizers, which can be “Ideal”, “Orton-Fe” or “Aquadon-micro”.

Formation of bushes

Proper formation will allow you to get a rich harvest for seasonal consumption and storage for the winter. Important to remember, that excessive pinching can negatively affect the growth processes of a garden crop and often causes a slowdown in development, so additional shoots must be removed and pinched carefully, in the morning, minimally damaging the above-ground part of the bush.

The sowing lunar calendar can bring invaluable benefits to any gardener and gardener, since the data takes into account not only the lunar impact on the health of garden crops and soil processes, but also the influence of zodiac signs on the development of pepper.