Wax aroma plates. Florentine sachet

The Florentine sachet is a magical little aromatic treat made with beeswax and fragrance. Essential oils or fragrances are used as flavoring agents. We recommend using natural essential oils for the New Year's sachet, which not only spread a wonderful aroma, but also improve mood and give cheerfulness and optimism, because the power of essential oils on the human body has long been known. And the aroma of the wax from which the Florentine sachet is made is so enchanting! Especially now, when it’s winter outside, it’s so nice to inhale the warm honey aroma that reminds you of summer, sun, herbs, flowers...

Most often, beeswax is used for the Florentine sachet, but there are also recipes using stearic acid and palm wax.

What can you use wax sachets for?

  • a great way to scent your laundry in your closet

  • if you place an aromatic tile somewhere in the room, you will feel a slight smell of essential oils and wax throughout the room

  • Florentine sachet can be used as a Christmas tree decoration

  • By selecting an invigorating composition of essential oils and placing the sachet on your desktop, you will receive a source of good mood and performance

  • aromatic tiles with soothing esters at the head of the bed will help you quickly relax and fall asleep peacefully

  • as a sachet for aromatizing car interiors.

Dried flowers, dried oranges, spices, pine needles, pine cones, and coffee are used for decoration. Thus, the result is not just aromatic tiles, but a miniature painting, which is perfect for decorating a home, a Christmas tree, or a gift for the New Year and Christmas holidays.

As a mold, you can take silicone molds for cookies and cupcakes or lids from tin jars, plastic mugs, whatever you like.

The scent will last for about 2 months. After the aroma has dissipated, you can melt the wax again and make a new sachet.

So, to create a Florentine sachet you need:
  • beeswax (can be replaced with any other);
  • stearic acid (optional);
  • essential oils or cosmetic fragrances;
  • dried flowers and herbs for decoration;
  • container for melting wax;
  • suitable molds;
  • tubes.

Melt the wax in a water bath. The mixture can be dyed to the shade you want, but keep in mind that water-soluble dyes will not work.

Add essential oils to the cooled liquid wax up to 10% of the wax weight. The optimal thickness of the wax plate is 5-6 mm. The sachet hardens very quickly, so you need to decorate quickly. And for this it is better to create an approximate picture in advance by laying out the herbs on the table.

When the tiles are decorated, insert a tube vertically - this will be a hole for the rope.

Leave the wax mold on a flat surface until it hardens.

To remove the sachet from the mold quickly and without damage, place the mold in the freezer for 20 minutes. After the time has passed, remove the sachet from the mold.
Sasha is ready.

Essential oils for Florentine sachet

The magic of the New Year holidays is difficult to forget - and you want the house to smell like a real Christmas tree, comfort, warmth and fun. It is not artificial flavors that will help create such a festive mood, but natural ones, which are traditionally used at Christmas.

New Year is the time for winter essential oils - these are pine essential oils, citrus oils (orange, tangerine, lemon grapefruit), spicy essential oils (ginger, cinnamon). They will not only set the mood, but at the same time freshen the air, or even help scent a fluffy Christmas tree that doesn’t smell as strong.
Of course, on New Year's Eve you want to look amazing. Therefore, leave a little time for yourself before your guests arrive. Accept

Do you want your house to smell like tangerines and cinnamon or another scent you love? At the same time, there were no viruses or bacteria in the air! Was the flavoring natural and beautiful? Make a wax sachet!

What can you use a fragrant wax plate for:
- If you hang aromatic tiles in a room, you will feel a slight smell of essential oils and beeswax throughout the room.
- By choosing an invigorating composition of essential oils and placing the sachet on your desktop, you will receive a source of good mood and high performance.
- An aromatic tile with soothing essential oils at the head of the bed will help you quickly relax and fall asleep peacefully.
- This is a great way to scent your laundry in your closet.
- This sachet looks interesting in the car in winter, instead of artificial flavoring.
- The Florentine sachet can be used as an original element in interior design, as well as as a decoration for the Christmas tree.
- And, of course, it will be an unusual, beautiful and, at the same time, practical souvenir-gift to all your friends, family and friends. A hand-made aromatic plate can be given as a gift for any holiday (New Year, February 23, March 8, etc.), for any reason or without!

It’s easy to make an unusual natural flavor using the “Wax Sachet” creativity kit. The set contains everything you need to create 2 Florentine sachets of different shapes and with different decorations.

You can also make a sachet from improvised materials.

To make a Florentine sachet you will need:
- beeswax,
- mold,
- filler (flowers, spices, herbs, etc.)
- essential oils.

There is no need to buy special molds for sachet

Will serve perfectly for these purposes:
- lids from tin cans of different shapes
- plastic mugs
- silicone molds for baking cookies and cupcakes
- Of course, you can use soap molds.

Fillers for sachets can be:
- any dried flowers and herbs, petals, buds, leaves;
- dried berries and fruit slices, zest;
- large seeds of plants and trees;
- spices (cloves, cinnamon sticks and vanilla pods, star anise, etc.), coffee beans, cereal grains, nuts;
- needles, twigs of evergreens, small cones.


1. Melt the beeswax in a water bath. Place a small enamel mug or bowl filled with wax in a saucepan or frying pan with water. Place a mesh or napkin on the bottom of the pan. The wax will melt faster if you grate it.

While the natural beeswax melts, a wonderful healing aroma will spread throughout the apartment. Feel free to inhale the aroma of natural beeswax with your whole family - this is an excellent inhalation for the prevention and treatment of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

2. Once the wax is completely melted, remove the bowl from the water bath and pour the wax into the mold in a thin layer (about 0.5-1 cm). Be careful when working with hot wax!

3. Now comes the fun part! While the wax has not hardened, add dried flowers, spices or dry fruits according to your taste and desire.

It will be better if you come up with a theme before starting to make the sachet. For example, “Spicy-citrus sachet”, which will contain spices and slices or citrus zest. Or “Forest Glade” - with flowers and leaves of different wildflowers. Another option is “Beautiful Rose”, where you can use dry petals of donated roses...

4. To get a neat hole into which you can then thread a ribbon, you will need a cocktail tube 3-4 cm long.

5. Add essential oils at the rate of 5-7% by weight of wax.

  • The combination of orange/tangerine essential oil and the aroma of natural cinnamon will create a warm, cozy mood in the room.
  • The aromas of lemon and cedar will help you get ready and work productively.
  • Lavender promotes easy falling asleep and sound sleep.
  • And lavender in combination with geranium will effectively protect clothes in the closet from moths.

6. Leave the mold with the decorated wax on a flat surface until it hardens completely. When the wax hardens, carefully remove the sachet from the mold. Also carefully remove the tube.

7. When choosing aromas, creating compositions, let go of your imagination and remember only one thing: the most important thing is that the appearance and smell of the wax plate give you pleasure!

Try, experiment and get real pleasure from working with natural living ingredients and healing aromas!

The wax sachet retains the aroma of essential oils for up to 2 months. Then the warm smell of wax will remain for a long time. To continue to enjoy the sachet, drop a little of your favorite scent onto the surface - the unusual flavor will again “work” in full force.

FLORENTINE SACHE. The tradition of scenting rooms and linen closets has probably existed as long as civilization itself. In the ancient world, aromatic oils were smoked, and the floors of medieval castles were lined with fragrant straw. And even nowadays it is customary to put a bag of lavender or other dried flowers in the wardrobe. We also know from our grandmothers that orange peels or lavender flowers repel moths and smell much nicer than mothballs. Usually, when we hear the phrase “aromatic sachet,” we immediately imagine a bag of herbs, but this is not always the case; in Florence, it is customary to hang a wax plate scented with oils in the closet. The Florentine sachet is a magical little aromatic treat made with beeswax and fragrance. I chose essential oils as fragrances, because... They are natural, but you can also use aromatic fragrances as you wish. But I am a supporter of everything natural and high quality. And the aroma of wax is so enchanting... I didn’t even think it had such an intoxicating smell! Especially now, when it’s winter outside, I take the wax in my palms and inhale the warm honey aroma, close my eyes and here it is summer, sun, grass, flowers.... After reading information on the Internet, I finally decided to experiment. This activity , I’ll tell you, it’s addictive, like any hobby. I put my sachet with lavender in the closet with bed linen and hung it in the bedroom next to the pillow for a good sleep. I hung it in the kitchen with the smell of coffee. And she put the vanilla sachet in her personal laundry drawer. They write that the scent will last about 2 months, we'll see. After the aroma has dissipated, you can melt the wax again and make a new sachet. You can add any dried herbs, dried orange slices, spices, there are many options. In the cinnamon sachet, the cinnamon itself was drowned in wax, I will now know that I need to wait a little time before adding the cinnamon. I grew lavender myself and it’s still worth its weight in gold, because... It’s only bloomed for the second year, I hope this year the harvest will be bigger and I’ll start adding it to soap. A little history: For the first time, such a sachet was produced by the oldest pharmacy in Florence, “Pharmaceutical di Santa Maria Novella,” which has been serving customers since 1612! This pharmacy still operates to this day and also produces various products made according to ancient recipes!!! Can you imagine what her story is!!! more than four centuries, I am delighted, I wish I could visit there. I love the history of the times of apothecary gardens, monastic orders, and I painstakingly search for historical information about the production of healing potions, medicinal herbs and aromatic oils... Sometimes it seems to me that I lived in the Middle Ages and practiced alchemy. I still re-read and re-watch the book and film “Perfume” with ecstasy, my husband says that I’m a maniac))). p.s. It’s been 2 days since I made them, the aroma of the house is incredible and delicate, to be honest, I didn’t expect such an effect!!! You can now do without an aroma lamp)))

Florentine sachet is a natural flavoring based on beeswax and essential oils. Beeswax perfectly preserves aromas and is not lost in the sachet. It gives warmth, smells of summer, sun, field and herbs.

Why use wax sachets?

A great way to scent your laundry in your closet.

If you place an aromatic tile somewhere in the room, you will feel a slight smell of essential oils and wax throughout the room

Florentine sachet can be used as a Christmas tree decoration

By choosing an invigorating composition of essential oils and placing the sachet on your desktop, you will receive a source of good mood and performance

An aromatic tile with soothing ethers at the head of the bed will help you quickly relax and fall asleep peacefully.

This sachet looks interesting in the car instead of artificial flavoring

We will need natural beeswax, sachet filler and essential oils.

The filler for the sachet can be dried flowers and herbs, petals and seeds, spices (cloves, cinnamon, star anise), pine needles, citrus zest.

There is no need to buy sachet molds. These can be silicone molds for cookies and cupcakes, there can be lids from tin jars and even plastic mugs.

Manufacturing technology

1. Melt the beeswax in a water bath. To do this, place a small enamel mug or bowl of wax in a saucepan of water. The wax will melt faster if you grate it or try to grind it as much as possible. While the wax is melting, feel free to inhale the aroma of natural beeswax - this is an excellent inhalation for the prevention and treatment of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

2. Once the wax is completely melted, remove the bowl from the water bath and pour the wax into the mold in a thin layer (about 0.5-1 cm).

To prevent the dishes from spoiling, while the remaining wax in the bowl is still warm, wipe the dishes, collecting all the wax, with a napkin. The rest will not be difficult to wash off with water.

3. While the wax has not hardened, add dried flowers, spices or dry fruits according to your taste and desire.

4. Don't forget to add a drop of essential oils. The combination of pine essential oils, orange/tangerine and cinnamon will create a festive mood in the room.

5. Place a cocktail tube into the uncured wax and hold it until the wax “sets.” This is necessary so that the finished tile has a neat round hole into which you can thread the ribbon. Leave the wax mold on a flat surface until it hardens.

6. To quickly and without damage remove the sachet from the mold, place the mold in the freezer for 20 minutes. After the time has passed, remove the sachet from the mold.

How to pack a gift

It will be beautiful if you pack the finished sachet in a bag or wrap it in wrapping paper. Place the sachet in a beautiful box - you will get an exquisite original gift.

The wax sachet will retain the aroma of essential oils for 2 to 4 months. Then the warm smell of wax will remain for a long time. You can drop a little of your favorite scent onto the surface and extend the time you enjoy the unusual flavor.

Such a tile can be melted and, after changing the filler and essential oils, cast again. And this can be done many times.

So that once again on the eve of the New Year holidays you do not have to buy all sorts of trinkets for a present, I propose to make unusual, beautiful and, most importantly, practical souvenirs with your own hands.

Florentine sachet is a natural flavoring based on beeswax and essential oils. Beeswax perfectly preserves aromas and is not lost in the sachet. It gives warmth, smells of summer, sun, field and herbs.

What can you use wax sachets for?
- a great way to scent your laundry in your closet
- if you place an aromatic tile somewhere in the room, you will feel a slight smell of essential oils and wax throughout the room
- Florentine sachet can be used as a Christmas tree decoration
- by selecting an invigorating composition of essential oils and placing the sachet on your desktop, you will receive a source of good mood and performance
- aromatic tiles with soothing ethers at the head of the bed will help you quickly relax and fall asleep peacefully
- this sachet looks interesting in the car instead of artificial flavoring.

We will need natural beeswax, sachet filler and essential oils.

Filler for sachet Dried flowers and herbs, petals and seeds, spices (cloves, cinnamon, star anise), pine needles, citrus zest can be used.

Sachet molds no need to buy. These can be silicone molds for cookies and cupcakes, there can be lids from tin jars and even plastic mugs.

Manufacturing technology:

1. Melt the beeswax in a water bath. To do this, place a small enamel mug or bowl of wax in a saucepan of water.
The wax will melt faster if you grate it or try to grind it as much as possible.
While the wax is melting, feel free to inhale the aroma of natural beeswax - this is an excellent inhalation for the prevention and treatment of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

2. Once the wax is completely melted, remove the bowl from the water bath and pour the wax into the mold in a thin layer (about 0.5-1 cm)
To prevent the dishes from spoiling, while the remaining wax in the bowl is still warm, wipe the dishes, collecting all the wax, with a napkin; the rest will not be difficult to wash off with water.

3. While the wax has not hardened, add dried flowers, spices or dry fruits according to your taste and desire.

4. Don't forget to add a drop of essential oils. The combination of pine essential oils, orange/tangerine and cinnamon will create a festive mood in the room.

5. Place a cocktail tube into the uncured wax and hold it until the wax “sets.” This is necessary so that the finished tile has a neat round hole into which you can thread the ribbon.

6. Leave the mold with wax on a flat surface until it hardens.

7. To quickly and without damage remove the sachet from the mold, place the mold in the freezer for 20 minutes. After the time has passed, remove the sachet from the mold.

It will be beautiful if you pack the finished sachet in a bag or wrap it in wrapping paper.

And, if you put the sachet in a beautiful box, you will get an exquisite original gift.

The wax sachet will retain the aroma of essential oils for 2 to 4 months. Then the warm smell of wax will remain for a long time. You can drop a little of your favorite scent onto the surface and extend the time you enjoy the unusual flavor.
Such a tile can be melted and, after changing the filler and essential oils, cast again. And this can be done many times.

My master class for Home Hearth magazine.