DIY crafts from improvised materials at home. DIY crafts from improvised materials at home Handmade cards

To keep you in a great mood in any weather, make new things from available materials. Quick crafts that take less than an hour to make.

The content of the article:

Sometimes you want to pamper your child with a new toy, but you don’t have the financial resources or time to make one. Therefore, we decided to select for you the fastest simple crafts that you will spend no more than an hour on. The family budget will not suffer, since they are made mostly from waste material and all sorts of leftovers.

How to make a doll from threads and a dandelion with your own hands?

You will create it while relaxing in a cozy chair. The main thing is to place everything you need nearby so that you don’t have to get up again. This:
  • threads;
  • half a sheet of cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • strip of flesh-colored fabric;
  • markers.
If you don't have cardboard on hand, but have a postcard, use it. The height of this paper material will determine the height of the doll.
  1. Wrap the threads around the card in an impressive layer.
  2. Tie the finished winding with thread. Determine where the doll's head will be. Mark it by also rewinding it with thread.
  3. Do the same for your right and left hands. To make a doll's hands from threads, wrap your hands at wrist level and cut the yarn in the area of ​​the toy's fingers.
  4. Also use threads to separate the torso from the legs, and perform them using the same technique as the arms, just make them longer.
  5. Measure a strip of flesh-colored fabric according to the volume of the head, glue its sides.
  6. Wind hair threads around your hand and cut through the resulting roll on one side. Glue to the head, trim the bangs if desired.
  7. Use markers of different colors to draw facial features.
  8. Sew a sweater for a toy or tie it with a piece of fabric to make an apron. You can tie a handkerchief to make it a cloak. Children are happy to make such clothes, and they will certainly appreciate a new doll made from threads.

If you are making a girl doll, then you do not need to mark her legs. Let the threads cut evenly at the bottom become a skirt.

Such simple crafts will surely delight the kids. You can also create a fluffy dandelion from leftover threads.

For this charm you will need:
  • yellow and green yarn;
  • wire;
  • PVA glue;
  • knitting fork or metal staple;
  • scissors;
  • gypsy and thin needle.
Manufacturing sequence:
  1. Wind the yellow yarn around a crochet fork. Thread a thread of the same color into the gypsy needle. Sew it down the middle.
  2. Lubricate the resulting line well with glue. Remove the created fabric of yarn from the fork and roll it with a roller.
  3. A thread is wound in the middle to give the workpiece a dumbbell shape. Coat the middle of this part with glue on top and wait until it dries.
  4. Such simple crafts are interesting for both adults and children. They are made quickly, but part of the time is spent waiting for the glue to dry. Therefore, it is better to make crafts in the evening, and continue the entertaining needlework the next day. What are we going to do now?
  5. Cut the resulting dumbbell in the middle. On the first and second flowers, you need to cut the loops with scissors and carefully comb them to get fluffy caps of two dandelions.
  6. The green yarn from which we will make sepals must be cut into pieces 4 cm long. We thread the same thread into a gypsy needle, sew the pieces across, but not in the middle, but 2/3 away from the edge.
  7. Trim the top with scissors, trim it, make another line parallel to the first.
  8. Apply glue to the back side of the flower and attach the sepals here. Wrap it with the same thread you used to stitch it. Glue both ends and leave the workpiece to dry.
  9. Meanwhile, you will wind the green thread onto the glue-coated wire. You will get a stem.
  10. Insert a thick needle into the sepal from below and twist to make a hole for the stem. Install it there, having previously lubricated this part with glue.
  11. The leaves can be crocheted, but since we are making simple crafts, cut them out of green paper or cardboard and glue them to the stem.

How to quickly make crafts from animal tissue?

If you want to spend less than 30 minutes making a new toy, then make these funny mice. They don't even need to be sewn. By making the slits in a certain way, you will make these rodents.

See if you have:
  • pieces of felt;
  • juice straws;
  • beads or small buttons.
If yes, then put some scissors and glue nearby and start an exciting activity.
  1. For each mouse you need to cut two parts from one fabric. The first will become a body, pointed on the muzzle, rounded on the other side. Cut out the ears in the shape of a figure eight.
  2. From a fabric of a different color you need to cut out a small circle for the nose and two larger ones for the ears, and glue them in place.
  3. Using scissors or a utility knife, make 4 cuts on the body of the mouse. Two will be vertical, at the back of the head, and the other two you will make in the rump area to place the straw here. Place the ears on the head, threading them through the slits.
  4. All you have to do is glue beads or buttons instead of eyes and marvel at how quickly crafts are made from simple materials.
The next one is also created in a very short time. Cut out a hedgehog or a Christmas tree from felt or rubberized fabric. Make holes in them with the tips of the scissors. This is necessary so that the child can attach fruits and vegetables here with the help of laces, thereby training his fingers.

If your child is bored, you can make a fabric applique with him. Such funny bunnies are also sewn onto the worn knees of children's trousers to update this item.

Transfer the applique onto the fabric and cut it out. The bunny is decorated by sewing a bow to his ears and a carrot on his body. Attach eyes and other facial features. If this is an applique, then you need to glue the hare onto the cardboard.

And here are some simple crafts - in the shape of birds. You can cut them out from leftover felt, glue on a nose, eyes, wings and perform a home performance.

DIY crafts from pine cones for children

They are also made simply and quickly.

To make gnomes, take:

  • Pine cones;
  • light plasticine;
  • pieces of felt or fleece;
  • glue;
  • brush.
Follow this procedure:
  1. Let the child roll a ball out of plasticine and use the back of the brush to make indentations for the eyes, mouth, and nose. They will be filled with pieces of plasticine of the corresponding color. So, the eyes can be brown or blue, the mouth red.
  2. Attach the head to the top of the pine cone. Cut a triangle out of felt and glue its sides together to form a cone. Place this cap on your character's head.
  3. Cut out mittens from the remaining fabric and attach them to the pine cone with plasticine.

For a craft made from pine cones like an owl, we will also need:
  • 2 acorn caps;
  • yellow paint with a brush;
  • plasticine;
  • accessories in the form of feathers, ribbons.
Manufacturing instructions:
  1. First, you need to paint the cone and the acorn cap, and continue subsequent work when they are dry.
  2. Let the child roll small balls from black plasticine and stick them to upside-down acorn caps - these are the pupils.
  3. Make a nose out of orange plasticine, attach it in place.
  4. This owl craft made from pine cones is decorated with feathers or ribbon.
To make a snowman, take:
  • pine cone;
  • pieces of thick fabric;
  • two toothpicks;
  • cotton wool;
  • 2 ice cream sticks;
  • white paint.
Next, work in this order:
  1. Let the child paint the pine cone and remove it until it dries completely.
  2. Mom will cut out a scarf from plaid fabric and tie it around the snowman’s neck. Make headphones from felt and glue them to the character’s head.
  3. The child will make a snowman’s nose and mouth out of plasticine and attach it to his face.
  4. Make your hands from wire wrapped in a strip of fabric or ribbon. You need to wrap the wire around the bump.
  5. Place toothpicks in the snowman's hands, with pieces of cotton wool glued to the bottom of these sticks.
  6. Paint the popsicle sticks and when dry, place the snowman on these skis.
The fourth craft is a Christmas tree made of pine cones and an owl. The bird is made from a small pine cone. Fill the acorn caps with play dough to make the eyes. Attach the nose from plasticine, after which the owl from cones craft is ready.

Quick and easy to make and these are the piglets. Glue the scales from the cones to the fir cones in the form of ears. Attach the snouts that will become the acorn caps. You can use plasticine rather than glue for this.

Paint the piglets pink, you can use spray paint for this. Once it's dry, only then will you attach the little black beads that will become the eyes.

For this craft you need an unopened pine cone. But over time, the scales open up. To avoid this, dip the cones in wood glue diluted with water for half an hour.

Remove them from the solution and shake them off. After 3 days, the cone will dry completely, securing the scales, which will now not open. After this, you can cover this natural material with paint and make new objects.

The next simple craft is a forest corner. For her, take:

  • CD disk;
  • plasticine;
  • spruce and pine cone;
  • acorn cap;
  • glue;
  • paints;
  • eyes for toys.
It’s better to make this craft with the whole family - someone will work on the hedgehog, another will decorate the disk, and the child will paint the Christmas tree, let it dry while it’s done.
  1. Paint the disk green and draw flowers on its surface.
  2. Let the child roll the caps and stems of the mushrooms and connect them.
  3. The base for the hedgehog can be sculpted from plasticine or polymer clay. Then cover it with brown paint.
  4. When it dries, stick scales from a fir cone into the back of the hedgehog. Place a cap on his head.
  5. Glue the eyes, nose, mouth, put a cane stick in your hand. In the other there will be a basket with mushrooms, which are molded from plasticine.
  6. Attach the hedgehog to the stand, after which another wonderful craft is ready.
If you remove part of the cone from one side and paint the blank white, you will get wonderful flowers. You just need to attach yellow plasticine circles in the middle.

Tie floral wire to the pine cones and place picturesque flowers in a jar previously wrapped with twine.

You can also make another craft from pine cones for the garden, such as a wonderful decorative basket.

If you need to quickly make a hedgehog to bring to kindergarten, mold its body and head from beige plasticine, and roll out its eyes and nose from black plasticine. Stick in the seeds, which will become spines.

Simple crafts for a great mood

Now the sun rarely comes out, and the weather is increasingly cloudy. To avoid succumbing to despondency at this time of year, create mischievous tricks that will certainly improve your mood.

Place these cheerful flowers in a vase at home, which can be made from practically nothing. All you need to do is:
  • colored paper;
  • cardboard from a white box;
  • marker;
  • stationery knife;
  • tape;
  • scissors.
For each flower you need to cut out three blanks. Two are made from the same colored paper; they will each contain six petals. Place one of them in front of you, stick a circle on top, with holes pre-made for the eyes and mouth with a stationery knife.

Color the eyes with a black marker and bend the petals forward.

Cut a stem from cardboard. At the top, on one side, glue the finished part, on the other, a pre-cut flower with petals.

Fold a green sheet of paper in half, draw an oval line on it, and cut along it. If available, use zigzag scissors. Keep the notches simple.

Tie the paper flowers with a ribbon, and if you have taffeta, then use this fabric for decoration. You have got a bouquet that will never fade and will make you happy.

You can attach flowers with a toothpick to washed beets or pineapple. You will get a beautiful shell for a turtle. You will make her arms, legs and head and neck from carrots. Attach these parts to the body using toothpicks as well.

If you want the New Year to come quickly, decorate white objects in your apartment by turning them into snowmen.

Attach black magnets to the refrigerator, and now a holiday character has taken up residence in your kitchen. If you draw on a white vase or glue round eyes and an orange nose in the shape of a carrot, then another snowman will amuse everyone gathered at the table.

See what other quick and easy crafts you can make.

Useful tips

There is always time for children to do something.

There are a huge number of beautiful and unusual crafts that you can make for children or with them.

For such crafts, you don’t always need to prepare a lot of tools and parts, but rather just have paper, thread, glue and scissors.

Read also:

  • 20 creative ideas for kids
  • Crafts made with a glue gun and hot glue
  • Children's crafts for kindergarten

Here are some fun crafts you can do with your kids:

Crafts for children with photo instructions: homemade cinematograph

1. Take some photos using heart-shaped sticky notes stuck to the wall. Glue one heart for the first photo, 2-3 hearts for the second, etc.

2. Print the photos. You can take small photos, smaller than 10x15.

3. Stack all the photos and secure them at one end with a stapler or tape.

Paper crafts for children: piñata in the shape of a watermelon slice

You will need:

Thin colored paper (corrugated paper)



Stationery knife (if necessary).

1. Prepare two sheets of cardboard of the same size and draw a watermelon slice on each.

2. Cut out the slices.

3. To make the slice voluminous, you will need to cut out several strips of cardboard, 10-15 cm wide.

4. Start gluing all the parts with tape - connect two slices with cardboard strips (step 3). The bottom may need to be folded or cut into smaller strips. Leave some room for sweets to fill the insides of the slices.

5. Fill the inside of the slice and seal it with the last cardboard piece.

6. Cut thin colored paper (yellow, red and green) into strips 2 cm wide. Cut fringe on each strip. Think about exactly how much paper and what color you will need.

7. Begin carefully gluing the strips onto the cardboard piece. Start at the bottom and work your way up, wrapping the cardboard in this crepe paper.

8. Cut out watermelon seeds from black tissue paper and glue them to the piñata.

New crafts: Mr. Toast

Crafts for beginners: a cup of tea with a small note

You will need:


Tea bag.

Paper crafts (master class): Cardboard hat-cake

You will need:

Paper plates

Colored cardboard

Wide braid


Compass or other tool for creating a circle

Stationery knife




Regular and double-sided tape.

1. Cut out circles from a cardboard plate for each layer of the cake. For the first layer, simply cut a small circle from the plate (bottom of the plate).

2. Cut three strips of different lengths from colored cardboard - the length of each depends on the circumference of each circle (layer of the cake).

3. Glue the ends of the strips together to make rings.

4. Apply glue around the circumference of the plate and attach a ring of colored cardboard.

5. Apply glue on top of the ring (along the edge) and glue a circle cut from a plate (bottom of the plate). You have completed the first layer.

6. For the second layer, apply glue and attach the second ring. Glue a circle on top of this ring as well. You have completed the second layer.

7. If you wish, you can create a third layer in the same way (4-6)

8. Cut a long strip from the braid, tie a bow in the middle and glue it to the top of the cake.

9. Make holes along the edges of the plate that is at the base of the cake and tie an elastic band so that the cake hat can be put on.

Crafts for children: small crown

You will need:

Felt in two colors

Braid (golden)

Thread and needle

PVA glue (fabric glue)



1. Cut two rectangles from felt. In this example, each size is 7 cm x 15 cm.

2. Place the rectangles on top of each other and glue them together.

3. Cut out the tops for the crown.

4. Glue gold braid to the bottom of the felt. Leave a little ribbon to hang down.

5. Sew the tops of the future crown along the edges.

6. Use a thread and needle to connect the ends of the felt, and glue the ends of the gold braid one on top of the other.

7. Cut out the number 1 from felt of a different color and glue it to the crown.

8. Make two small holes in the felt, one opposite the other, and insert the ends of the elastic into them. Tie knots at the ends. For reliability, you can sew an elastic band to the first layer of felt, thereby hiding any unevenness that could be on the outside of the crown.

Craft "Skates" (master class with photos)

You will need:

Safety pins

Felt or colored cardboard

Knitting thread

Chenille needle

Pencil and paper

PVA glue (for cardboard), fabric glue or hot glue (for felt)

1. Draw a skate on paper and cut it out.

2. Use as a template, trace the skate onto felt folded in half and cut out one shape that matches the two skates (see image).

3. Insert a safety pin and begin “tying the laces” of the skates using thread and a needle. Make the laces long so that the skates can be hung as decoration.

4. You can glue the ends of the felt.

DIY children's crafts: soft animal

You will need:

Cotton balls

Toy (plastic) eyes

Colored pompoms

PVA glue.

Take a cotton ball, glue toy eyes and a small pompom for a nose.

Simple crafts: thread spool in the shape of a cat

You will need:




1. Draw a cat on cardboard. It is advisable to make its body rectangular to make winding the thread more convenient.

2. Cut out your cat from cardboard.

3. For the eyes, it is enough to make two small holes.

4. Make a small cut in the upper part of the body to insert the end of the thread into. You can make another cut for the other end of the thread (when you start winding it).

DIY spring crafts: flowers made from pompoms

You will need:


Knitting threads of different colors

Paper clips.

1. First you need to decide what size you want to make your pompom. From cardboard, cut out 4 semicircles with elongated “legs” on which you will wind the knitting threads.

1.1. Bend the legs of the arches to create the folds you will need later.

1.2. Cut out smaller cardboard arches and glue them to the larger arches (see image). This is necessary so that later it will be easier to insert the scissors when creating pompoms.

2. Glue together the part on the right (with a small semicircle glued) and on the left, so that the small semicircle is between the two large arches. Each piece received will be used to create half a pom pom.

3. Try drawing out your pom pom design on paper and draw a dotted line down the middle - this line shows the top view of your cardboard piece. Based on the picture, you will know where and what thread to wind.

Start winding from the center line, adding new layers of thread of different colors. When winding the threads, move slowly towards the outside of the part.

4. Repeat with the other cardboard half. You can wind it the same way as on the first half, or you can make a different design. If both halves have equally wound threads, then the flower will turn out with the same pattern on both sides.

5. Bend the legs of each arch with wound threads and glue these arches to make a complete circle. Use a paper clip to press down the bent legs.

6. Insert scissors into the gap between the cardboard pieces and begin cutting the wound threads in half. As a result, your hidden pattern will begin to appear.

7. Slide one thread between the cardboard pieces, tie a knot at the base and a knot at the ends of the thread so that the flower can be hung.

8. Remove the clamps. The pom pom will not be completely symmetrical, so you will need to trim it a bit with scissors.

* If you wind the threads in a certain order, you can make animals from pompoms. In some cases (when you need to make animal ears, for example), you need to insert pencils between the cardboard parts.

When creating animals, it will be very important to trim off the excess ends of the threads after you have created the pompom. This is necessary so that the animals turn out neat and symmetrical.

*You may need to practice a little.

Here's what you can get from pompoms:

There are many ways to usefully spend your leisure time, and one of the most exciting ways for both adults and children is doing something with your own hands. To do this, it is enough to have a little imagination and desire.

From this article you will learn how to make an original thing for your home yourself and you will be able to see photos of simple but unusual crafts made at home.

Crafts made from plastic

Making a doll and sculpting a plastic face is a very entertaining activity that requires a little skill. But the result will certainly please you.

To do this you will need:

  • Plastic (polymer clay);
  • Sandpaper;
  • Dry pastel;
  • Wire;
  • Foil;
  • Primer;
  • Glue;
  • Brushes;
  • Pliers.

First of all, you need to think through every detail and sketch out a sketch of the future doll on paper, and then begin making the wire frame.

Next, you need to form the head from clay in proportion to the body and give it volume. After completely working out all the details (nose, mouth, eyes, forehead, cheeks), you can apply dry pastel with a brush to give a natural shade to the skin.

The next stage will be sculpting the body, during which you need to pay special attention to small details, as well as giving the body a natural shape.

After the work is completed, you need to mark the parting on the doll's head and leave the clay to harden. In order to speed up the process, you can put the workpiece in the oven for a while.

Once the clay has hardened, you can begin to create the face using a brush and paints. Show your imagination.

Hair is an integral attribute of every doll. They need to be glued gradually, row by row, starting from the bottom.

The final stage will be sewing clothes for the doll.

Every mother will be glad to receive such an unusual doll as a gift from her child. A gift for dad could be face sculpting from polymer clay. All parents will definitely appreciate such beautiful crafts made at home!

Knitted crafts

Crocheting is a very simple and fun hobby. In order to knit a square potholder you need:

  • Close three air loops into a ring.
  • Knit one row in the first and third loops, and three rows in the second loop.
  • To form a corner, you need to knit three more rows in each of the columns of the second row.
  • The elastic band must be woven with colored threads.
  • Tie the edging and loop with a shell.

There are many more types of knitting to create unique products.

Crafts for the garden

To decorate your garden plot, it is enough to make crafts at home from the simplest available materials; below are the most popular ones :)

For example, a shovel blade will turn into funny black birds in the blink of an eye.


You need to do the following:

  • Paint the canvas, wait until the paint dries.
  • Prepare the location of the birds: wrap the surface with thick wire.
  • To make the paws, use the dough, place the piece on the wire, gluing the fabric to the top of the paws.
  • Attach eyes made from dough to the top of the canvas. Do the same with the beak.
  • Draw the pupils with black paint.

A shiny vase sparkling in the sun will be an excellent decoration. You can collect fruits and vegetables in it. To make it you will need disks, an unnecessary vase, and glue.

The discs need to be finely chopped and glued to the vase with the shiny side up. Let the glue dry.

Crafts for the New Year

You can also make a garland yourself! And now you will learn how to easily and simply make this craft with your own hands at home.

You will need:

  • Light bulbs (220 V)
  • 6 meters of wire

Work algorithm:


  • Cut the wire into 50 cm pieces. There should be 9 of them. The last piece will be 150 cm in length. In the future, it must be used to connect the plug.
  • Strip the ends of the wire and insulate them using heat shrink tubing.
  • Assemble the sockets and screw in the bulbs connected in parallel.

You can decorate the garland with cups covered with special paper. Simply insert the light bulbs into the slots at the bottom of the cups. It will turn out very beautiful!

Another New Year's attribute is the Christmas tree.

To make a Christmas tree from buttons, you need to prepare a cone-shaped base from thick paper or cardboard and decorate it with buttons.

You can use buttons of a wide variety of colors and sizes, stick them on top of each other, or simply cover the finished Christmas tree with spray paint.

Crafts for Easter

Using wooden clothespins, tape and a paper plate, you can make a very cute basket:


  • The side of the plate is cut, folded upward, and secured with tape.
  • Clothespins divided into two parts are glued to the sides.
  • The resulting basket is decorated with a satin ribbon with a bow.

An Easter bunny made of felt will be an excellent decoration for the holiday.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Cut out the parts in the required quantity and sew them together with the right sides facing inward.
  • Cut the fabric in the allowance areas, turn the resulting blanks inside out and stuff them with padding polyester.
  • Sew the resulting parts together.
  • Decorate the face, paws and ears using embroidery or paint.

Such crafts will certainly decorate your holiday!

Children's crafts

You have learned how easy it is to make decorations for the garden, home and holidays. But that's not all! Beautiful and unusual crafts can be made at home and for children.

For example, an ordinary egg tray can easily turn into a cute hedgehog. It’s enough to rummage through the closets and find everything you need for this:

  • Egg trays;
  • Wrapping paper;
  • Acrylic paints;
  • Beads;
  • Scissors;
  • PVA glue.

First you need to fold the wrapping paper so that its shape resembles a pyramid. This is a preparation for the future hedgehog. Then make a hedgehog's face from one cell, gluing it to the top of the pyramid.

Then you need to glue the pre-prepared needles and ears. The nose for the hedgehog will be a pip cut from the end of one of the cells.

To finish everything off, you need to glue beads to the hedgehog in place of the eyes and paint it with paints.

For those parents who love to sew with their children, the following lesson on making felt mice is suitable:

  • Make a pattern from felt, cut and sew the parts together.
  • Stuff the resulting blank with cotton wool. Place a coin on the bottom for stability.
  • Sew on ears, eyes and tail.
  • Make a mustache from threads.

Now your kids can proudly boast to their peers that they sewed these mice themselves!

Crafts for your home

Unusual hand-made candlesticks can be a wonderful element for decorating a room. To bring your idea to life, you will need to find several small jars, dried leaves and glue.

Making a candlestick is quite simple:

  • To remove dirt, you need to wipe the jar with an alcohol-containing solution.
  • Place the leaves on the glue-coated surface of the jar and let dry.
  • All that remains is to light the candle, place it in the candlestick and enjoy the warmth and comfort that the soft light of the candle creates.

Nothing brightens up a room and brings it to life like flowers. To create a bouquet you will need: wire, corrugated paper and tape.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Cut out the required number of petals from paper. To create one flower you will need from 10 to 15 such petals.
  • The core is made of yellow paper, cut into a fringe at one edge.
  • Leaves are cut out of green paper.
  • A piece of wire of the required length must be wrapped with green tape, wrapped on one side with a strip of yellow paper intended to create a core and secured.
  • Glue the petals, making them voluminous in advance.

The flower is almost ready. All that remains is to glue the green leaves onto the stem.

The most ordinary polyplastic box will be noticeably transformed if liquid wallpaper is applied to it.

Crafts for decorating a room

Each of you can make very unusual things that will decorate your home and attract the attention of guests.

Such an item could well be an ordinary key holder. To make it you will need thick napkins, cardboard, glue and paints.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • From a cardboard blank, you need to cut out the base for the key holder of the required size and glue the loops on one side on which it will be hung.
  • Since the key holder will imitate brickwork, you need to cut out small rectangles from cardboard and stick them on the base.
  • Prepare a sign with the inscription and stick it in the center of the workpiece.
  • Carefully glue the crumpled napkins to the “bricks” and additionally soak them with glue.
  • When the workpiece is completely dry, you need to paint it to match the color of the brickwork. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.
  • To consolidate the result, you should coat the key holder with varnish and let it dry.

The simplest paper bags will find a second life in your skillful hands. It is enough to cut them into equal strips, wrap them around a stick, carefully remove them and secure them at both ends. After which these tubes need to be woven into a basket around a flower pot.

Then insert the rope into the pre-made holes in the top of the pot, securing it with knots. And in less than an hour, a new original flowerpot will decorate your home!

Photos of crafts at home

– this is real art. Such crafts can be given as gifts, used to decorate your home, and it’s simply a pleasure to spend your free time creatively, creating something beautiful with your own hands.

If you achieve a certain level of skill, handmade items can be sold. You can start with simple and even children's crafts, get better at it and move on to a more complex level.

Paper flowers are the most common crafts

Paper is an accessible and inexpensive material. The crafts made from it turn out beautiful, and the technique itself is quite simple. It's not difficult to master.

The peculiarity of such crafts is their fragility. They are easily destroyed by moisture.

DIY paper crafts for adults can be given as gifts if they are designed correctly.

Paper flowers

The most common paper crafts are, of course, flowers. Such a bouquet is appropriate to present on a holiday. They will not wither and will delight the hero of the occasion for a long time. Extraordinarily delicate and beautiful flowers can be made from corrugated paper. The stem can be made from wire or bought ready-made in a store. The finished one already has stamens with beads at the end. First, we make a blank for the petal from cardboard and cut out petals from paper using it. The first piece of paper is glued with a funnel, wrapping the stem itself. The wide edge needs to be cut with fringe. We glue the petals to the stem in layers, wrap it and cover it with colored green tape. The flower is ready. If you make a bouquet, it will be very beautiful and bright.

Handmade cards

Children can also be involved in creativity. They will be very interested in participating in the process of creating such crafts:

  • Roses from leaves. You can create beautiful compositions from yellow and red autumn leaves. When the leaves dry out, such flowers will become more fragile, but will not lose their beauty. It is best to take large maple leaves. The first leaf is bent in half and rolled into a tight roll. This will be the core of the flower. Then each leaf is wrapped around the core, bent in half in height so that the petal protrudes above the core by about a centimeter. The next leaf is wrapped in the same way, but on the opposite side of the core. These manipulations are carried out until a rose of the desired size is obtained. All leaves are fastened at the bottom with thread. When the roses are ready, you can attach them to the remaining leaves to make a bouquet.
  • New Year's toys. The most convenient way to make New Year's toys is from pine cones. The cones themselves serve as an excellent decoration. You can cover them with paint and varnish, decorate them with beads and ribbons and hang them on the Christmas tree in this form. Children will be interested in crafts made from pine cones in the shape of deer and dogs. To do this, use glue to attach wooden sticks (legs) and a head made of fabric, a small spruce branch or paper to the cone.
  • Photo frame made of shells. The easiest way is to decorate a ready-made wooden frame. You can do it yourself. The larger the frame area around the photo, the greater the scope for creativity. You will need the frame itself, paints (preferably acrylic), superglue, and shells. The frame itself can be painted in any color. You need to glue the shells after you have already laid them out on the frame in the desired order. The shells are tightly glued to the frame. After the glue has dried, you can insert the photo, the frame is ready. The shells themselves can be varnished or left as is.

Plastic bottles are a popular material for handmade items

Plastic bottles have long occupied one of the first places as a material for handmade items. It is a flexible, durable and inexpensive material that can be used to make almost anything.

Don't throw away plastic bottles. If you reach a certain level of skill, you can make amazing and very beautiful ones out of them.

Ships. You can use not only 1.5 liter bottles, but also small ones, for example, for shampoo or hair conditioner. You need to remove the label from the bottle. If it is already colored, then there is no need to paint anything.

Close the lid tightly so that there is air inside, so the boat will stay afloat. Using an elastic band or thick thread, attach a piece of wood or half a cork to the middle of the bottle. Inserts a flag into the cork. The ship is ready. The child will love to use it both in the bathroom and in the river.

Stand for pens and pencils. You can make an excellent stand for your child and involve him in the process. The stand is very easy to make. The bottom of the bottle to the desired height is cut off. The resulting cup can be covered with fabric or pasted over with paper, decorated with drawings, stickers, threads, and ribbons.

You can make a fashionable and original decoration from a plastic bottle. The plastic will not be visible. Take a plastic bottle and cut out a rectangle. We take the width as the circumference of your arm (so that it can be taken off and put on), and the height is the thickness of the bracelet.

It can be made thick or thin if desired. The resulting plastic bracelet is sewn together with threads to form a circle. On top you can simply wrap it tightly with multi-colored threads, ribbons, or trim it with fabric or lace.

Boxes for small items. To make a small box for small items, you need to take 2 plastic bottles of the same size and cut off the bottoms so that the cut part is about 7-8 cm high.

One half can be made a little smaller. A zipper is sewn into both halves along the edge, so that the box is zipped.

The resulting box can be decorated with a leaf to make an apple.

Crafts using the quilling technique are suitable for experienced craftsmen

The quilling technique refers to paper crafts, although sometimes woven ribbons are used in it. This technique is becoming increasingly popular. Crafts made using quilling turn out to be voluminous and beautiful.

To make an applique or postcard, all you need is paper, scissors, glue and a toothpick. If you are making a postcard, you will need another sheet of cardboard.

A special feature of quilling is the creation of three-dimensional pictures of twisted ribbons. For such needlework you will need a special twisting tool.

You can buy it at the store or make it yourself from a pencil and a large thick needle. The needle is inserted with the sharp end into the pencil, and the septum on the eye of the needle is removed with pliers. You should get a small fork with two teeth.

The easiest way to start mastering this technique is by making flowers. The paper tape is wound onto a manufactured fork to form a skein. On one side it is flattened and glued to paper. The result is a voluminous petal.

It's a little more difficult to make a rose. To do this, take a narrow ribbon and screw it onto a fork. Then you need to bend the tape at a right angle and continue to twist, making such bends that you get uniform, identical petals with a sharp end.

These paper roses can be used to decorate cards, gifts, make appliques, attach to wire and make a real bouquet of spray roses.

For Valentine's Day, you can make hearts that are convenient to decorate both valentines and the entire apartment for a romantic evening. To do this, take a red thin ribbon, fold it exactly in the middle and twist each end.

Or you can make a heart from a thin ribbon by simply bending it into a heart shape and gluing small rolls of red ribbon inside along the edge. In this way you can make butterflies, leaves, trees, branches and even entire paintings.

In contact with

The idea of ​​making a bouquet of paper flowers is very good. To make paper crafts, we will need to purchase colored paper, cardboard, markers, a stationery knife, tape, scissors and PVA glue.

Paper bouquet

First you need to make three blanks for each flower, two of which should be the same color, they should have six petals.

Place one blank in front of you and glue a circle on top of it.

On the mug, first make holes for the eyes and mouth in the form of a smiley face.

After gluing the mug with the flower, you need to color the eyes with a black felt-tip pen, and then bend the petals inward.

The next step is to cut out the stem, which we then attach to the flower, and on the other side of the flower we need to attach the same blank.

You can also make leaves for the bouquet, which can be made from green paper.

First you need to draw an oval and cut it out, and then use scissors to make notches.

In order for individual pieces of paper crafts to become a single whole, tie the flowers with ribbon or some other fabric to decorate the bouquet.

This bouquet will never fade and will be an excellent decoration for your home.

Simple crafts from plastic bottles

The simplest crafts for children include bottle crafts.

For example, from a bottle you can make a piggy bank, which requires only a marker, a stationery knife, dice (4 pieces), a small bottle, glue and colored paper.

The first step is to cut a straight line, the width of which can be 5 centimeters, and the length of this line should be enough to encircle the bottle.

We draw eyes with a marker, and draw nostrils on the bottle cap. Using a utility knife, cut a hole for coins.

As legs for the pig, you need to attach the dice using glue.


This craft develops a child’s imagination and is also useful in everyday life.

Ball of thread

The craft can be used as a lampshade for a lamp or simply hung as a decoration.

A ball of thread is made very simply; to make it you will need colored threads, a ball, and transparent glue.

First, we need to inflate the balloon and tie its tip so that the air does not escape.

Then you need to wrap the inflated ball with threads, then apply glue to the surface of the ball and wait until it dries.


Now you need to separate the ball from the threads, to do this, just pierce it with a needle and the craft is ready.

Plasticine gnome and pine cones

As a simple DIY craft, you can make a gnome. For the craft you will need a pine cone, light-colored plasticine, pieces of fabric, glue and a brush.

First of all, the child should roll a ball out of a piece of plasticine, after which, using a brush, they need to make indentations for the nose, eyes and mouth on the ball.

At the next stage of our craft, we need to attach the resulting head to the top of the cone.

Then the child must cut out a triangle from the fabric and glue it on the sides, resulting in a cone. The cone will act as a hat for our character.


Finally, you need to make mittens from fabric, and then attach them to the pine cone using plasticine and our gnome from the pine cone is ready.

Paper bookmark

A paper bookmark is perfect as a simple craft for kindergarten. For children to be able to make this simple craft, they will need a pencil, ruler, colored paper, scissors and glue.

To begin, children must draw a square measuring 20 by 20 centimeters.

Then divide the resulting square into 4 equal parts using a pencil and ruler, resulting in 4 squares measuring 5 by 5 centimeters.

The second step is to divide the upper right and lower left squares in such a way as to obtain triangles, that is, you need to draw a line diagonally from the upper corner to the lower corner.

We don't need the triangles with the outside and can cross them out.

Then you need to cut out a figure from paper without taking into account the crossed out triangles.

The top triangle needs to be trimmed. If everything is done correctly, the paper will be in the shape of a diamond, to which two triangles are glued.

The next step is to fold all the triangles in half, and then one by one place them on the tip of the rhombus. You should end up with a pocket that fits over the tip of the book page.

To make a bookmark original, you can advise children to cut out some kind of applique from colored paper.

Photos of simple crafts