How to plant sunflowers in open ground with seeds. How to properly plant a sunflower from a seed

Even as a child, getting to my grandmother’s 6 acres and passing by other open areas, I happened to see sunflowers on one of them. They look very decorative even in single plantings. Moreover, these are not just flowers, but also plants that produce crops.

This year we will definitely plant sunflowers on the site. Especially for these purposes, we decided to buy not ordinary seeds, but a bag of decorative seeds. We took the variety “Sunny Circle” from the agricultural company “Gavrish”.


Sunflower belongs to the Asteraceae family. The original name is literally translated from Latin as “sunny flower”. Our Russian name is also not accidental and means “flower under the sun.” The fact is that the inflorescences of this plant turn towards the sun until the end of the flowering period (the process is called “helionutation”). Adult faded sunflowers always look in one direction - to the east.

Why did we choose “Solar Circle”? There are several reasons:

  1. Early ripening (from the emergence of seedlings to the ripening of the crop takes from 64 to 71 days).
  2. The high decorative value of this peeling variety is supported by good productivity. The striped seeds are large, varietal, very tasty and healthy.
  3. Tallness (from 1.5 to 2 m) will please the eye not only for us, but also for our neighbors.
  4. Resistance to diseases and pests. In particular, to downy mildew (peronospora) and sunflower moth.
  5. Flowering and ripening are friendly, the plants are aligned.
  6. This variety is a very good honey plant that attracts a large number of pollinating insects to the site.

Besides, it’s interesting to see if the cats will pay any attention to such beauty. Overall, I'm looking forward to summer.


Seeds are sown in open ground in April-May, when the temperature of the surface layer of soil is from +13 to +16 C. The place should be well lit by the sun and protected from open gusty winds.

It is better to plant sunflowers on the north side of the site, not far from a fence, the wall of a house, a thick tree trunk or dense bush. This plant prefers fertile loams, but does not tolerate acidic, swampy soils.

The best predecessors are grain crops and corn. Sunflower develops worse after beans, peas, soybeans, beets, and tomatoes. It is clear that observing crop rotation does not imply planting sunflowers in the same place year after year. You definitely need to take a break for at least 3-4 years.

Seeds from a purchased package, as in our case, have already undergone the necessary processing and are completely ready for planting. If you use ordinary store-bought seeds (we sell them in bags of 900 g), do not be lazy to pickle and calibrate the seeds.

The area must be dug up before sowing. Often, superphosphate or ammophos (10 g per 1 m2) is added to the soil. Planting pattern - 30x40 cm. Depth of planting seeds in the soil - from 1.5 to 2 cm. Be sure to provide a good drainage layer before planting.

It is better to put several seeds in each hole at once. You can sow sunflowers at intervals of 2-3 weeks to get the harvest at different times and observe the beauty of these flowers for as long as possible.

After planting, organic fertilizers are evenly distributed over the surface of the plot (some summer residents also resort to mulching) and watering is carried out. You should not put organic matter in the holes.

Further care comes down to several important components:

  1. Water daily as the top layer of soil dries out. In this case, there should be no stagnation of water.
  2. When fertilizing, do not put too much emphasis on nitrogen fertilizers. It is better to concentrate on potassium-phosphorus supplements, especially after flowering begins.
  3. Sunflower beds must be weeded regularly. There is no need to hill up the plants.
  4. Preventative treatments against pests and diseases are desirable. The following diseases pose the greatest danger to sunflowers: gray and white rot, downy mildew, and phomopsis. Pests that pose a threat are: cotton bollworm, sunflower moth, and gray moth.

The harvest is harvested in August, when the baskets with seeds dry out and turn brown. The heads are cut off entirely using a sharp knife. Next, they are cut in half and hung to dry in the shade (clean newspapers must be laid underneath).

To make the seeds as tasty as possible, soak them overnight in salted water and then gently roast over low heat.

As many summer residents on forums testify, growing sunflowers is not at all difficult. This plant will delight you with its beauty in mid-summer, and by August it will delight you with a nutritious harvest.

I will try to supplement the article with current photographs at the end of this season.

Sunflowers are a robust and easy-to-grow annual plant. The fruits of annual sunflower are used in the production of sunflower oil, kozinaki, halva and many other products. To effectively grow sunflowers, you should plant spring barley, corn or legumes before it, except beans due to the presence of a common disease with sunflowers.

If the area in which it is planned to grow sunflowers is characterized by sufficient soil moisture, then it must be processed by peeling (disc and plowshare), followed by fall plowing up to 30 cm. In the spring, it should be processed by harrowing the plowed soil with simultaneous cultivation.

To know how to plant sunflowers at home or at work, you need to adhere to the peculiarities of agricultural cultivation technology, which must be observed for the most effective harvest, regardless of the conditions (home or industrial).

Growing sunflowers

Soil Features

The most suitable soils for growing sunflowers are:

  • sandy loam and loamy chernozems;
  • chestnut and alluvial soils.

The regions most characterized by these types of soils are distinguished by their specialization in sunflower production.

On a note! One of the main requirements for the soil is moisture, despite the resistance of this plant to drought, and the absence of perennial weeds.

The lower limit of soil temperature should be at least 8 degrees, and the distance between plants should be more than 20 cm. Sunflowers should be grown at an optimal temperature of 25-27 degrees. Exceeding these limits can lead to oppression and, ultimately, death of the plant.

Soil for sunflowers


Sunflowers require plenty of light, but exceeding 14 hours of daylight can have a detrimental effect on the plant, reducing development and ripening. With prolonged shading, at the beginning of development, small baskets appear. This plant is very dependent on the level of insolation.

Depending on the amount of sunlight, there is a time frame for when a sunflower begins to ripen: in the Moscow region - on average in 6 days, in more southern regions - in 4-5 days.

Important! While seedlings can withstand temperatures down to -6 degrees, flowers die at zero temperatures.


Annual sunflower should be propagated only by seeds. Cuttings are only suitable for perennial plants, the so-called tuberous sunflower or Jerusalem artichoke.

Sunflower seeds

It is necessary to carefully select the seeds; they must be large in size, without physical defects, and belong to varieties with a germination rate of at least 90%.

To get rid of microorganisms that can subsequently cause unwanted diseases, it is necessary to treat the seeds with disinfectants, such as a fungicide. Immediately before planting the seed, it is soaked.

How to plant a sunflower

The time when you need to start sowing sunflowers depends on the ambient temperature, soil, humidity, presence of weeds and other factors. It is recommended to start sowing 10-12 days after the start of field work.

Before you grow sunflowers in your country house or in production from seeds, you need to find out their quality, size, and examine them for physical damage.

Planting a sunflower

Care of young shoots is carried out mechanically. To achieve a good result, it is necessary to roll the soil with ring-spur rollers to preserve moisture. It should also be harrowed with additional processing using a cultivator with a weeding or sprinkling device.

Note! Chemical weeding can be done using herbicides. After 5 days have passed since sowing, it is necessary to harrow across the rows.

How to Grow Healthy Sunflowers

Main phases in sunflower development

To grow sunflowers and provide quality care in open ground, you should understand the stages of sunflower development.

There are 4 phases in its development:

  • vegetative;
  • reproductive;
  • maturation;
  • aging.

Growing sunflower

The vegetative stage includes the emergence of seedlings and the development of leaves over 4 cm. During the reproductive stage, the development of the bud occurs until maturity, at the end of which the harvest can be harvested. On this basis, it is possible to change the technology of intensive sunflower cultivation without causing harm to it.

How to water a sunflower

To get a bountiful harvest and thereby strengthen your business or agricultural household, you need to carefully care for your sunflower. First of all, it consists of regular watering, done at least once a day. If there is a time of drought, it is best to water 2-3 times a day. If the ambient temperature reaches 30 degrees or more, then watering is carried out as the soil dries out.

From sowing to flower blooming, water demand increases approximately 2 times. In this regard, the quantity and frequency of watering should be increased. But it is also worth paying attention to the fact that moisture can stagnate in the soil, causing negative effects on the plant.

During the growth and development of sunflower, it is necessary to prevent the growth of weeds; for this, harrowing must be carried out periodically.

Additional Information! Pollination of sunflowers by bees can lead to an increase in yield of up to 40%.

The technology for growing sunflowers in regions such as the Rostov region, Krasnodar and Stavropol territories is not very different from that in more northern regions, with the exception of the volume of water that needs to be used for irrigation.

Growing sunflowers with other plants

One of the most optimal neighbors for sunflowers on your farm is corn due to the fact that the root systems of both plants lie at different soil levels. Therefore, they are not in conflict for water and minerals.

The optimal neighborhood for a sunflower is corn.

It also looks good when grown together with:

  • cucumbers;
  • lettuce;
  • soy;
  • beans;
  • pumpkin
  • tomatoes;
  • potatoes.

Additional Information! Many people wonder why sunflower has such a name. This is due to the fact that sunflower inflorescences always face the sun.


Annual sunflowers generally do not need pruning. But, if situations arise when sunflowers growing in a close group begin to shade each other, then pruning is the only way to maintain access to light for all plants. It is worth pruning varieties that reach large sizes. If the flowers begin to dry out or turn brown, they can be cut back to the ground. Under no circumstances should you pick off the affected parts of the plant.

Sunflower pruning

To prune sunflowers without any problems, you need to fulfill all the conditions step by step that will ensure safety and efficiency:

  • sterilize all instruments;
  • first of all, carefully take and cut off the diseased parts;
  • give shape to perennial plants;
  • water.

On a note! Disinfection of equipment will prevent microorganisms from entering plant tissue, which eliminates the risk of developing diseases. Pruning causes stress reactions in the plant, so it is worth watering them to compensate for the damage by replenishing water.

It must be remembered that the flowering of sunflowers depends on the conditions in which they grow, the time of planting and the variety. Flowering begins approximately 2-2.5 months after sowing and continues for an average of 35 days. The outer flowers bloom earlier, the middle flowers later.

How to feed a sunflower

At the present stage, fertilizing is one of the key points in proper plant care. It provides the plant’s needs for all chemical elements, thereby accelerating growth and development, resulting in a large harvest.

Top dressing

For additional feeding, organic and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used. Applying manure to chernozem soils not only increases yields, but also has a beneficial effect on subsequent crops for a couple of years.

How can you feed a sunflower before flowering?

At the stage of formation of 2-3 leaves, fertilizing should be done by adding azofoska weighing 40 g and urea weighing 20 g per 10 liters of water, after watering.

Fact! At the early stage of seed pod formation, it is necessary to fertilize with KCl or K2SO4, which increases resistance to water deficiency and promotes better seed formation.

Depending on how long a sunflower can grow on certain fertilizers, the most suitable ones are selected. Not all fertilizers have the same effect on sunflower yield. This largely depends on the chemical composition of the soil in which it grows. For example, potassium fertilizers increase efficiency only on soils that are deficient in potassium. Nitrogen-phosphorus and boron fertilizers give maximum efficiency when applied to chernozem soils, while fertilizing with zinc is justified in chestnut soils.

When to harvest sunflowers in the garden

Sunflowers should be harvested when the seeds reach the required moisture content. Harvesting is the most expensive process in all stages of sunflower cultivation. Its main goal is to collect as many seeds as possible at minimal cost and to provide conditions for subsequent crops that will contribute to their sufficient growth and development.

Time to collect seeds

The time to collect sunflower seeds depends on the degree of ripeness they are at.

There are 3 degrees:

  • yellow;
  • brown;
  • ripe.

The most optimal time for harvesting is the brown stage, when seed moisture decreases to 12-20%.

Cleaning time can be accelerated by 1 week by using desiccation. The most commonly used desiccants are glyphosphate-based. They are used after mass flowering, when the seed moisture is about 30%.

Desiccants should be applied in clear weather

The use of desiccant should occur in clear weather at a temperature of 13 to 20 degrees, in the absence of rain, so that the substance does not wash off and lose its effect. If the weather becomes hot, it is best to apply these solutions in the morning or evening.

Important! After desiccation, cleaning begins 10 days later. It should be completed in 8-10 days in the Volga region, Central Black Earth and adjacent areas, and in the Caucasus - in 5 days.

The remaining stems are cut up, and the threshed heap must be cleaned.

Then the seeds with high humidity are dried, then they are cleaned of small, destroyed seeds and debris.

Thus, growing a sunflower is not as difficult as it seems, the main thing is to follow the described recommendations for pruning, watering and fertilizing.

For many, sunflower in the garden is not just an oilseed food crop, but a plant that decorates recreation areas and flower beds, creates original flower arrangements and hedges. Sunflower can be a tall 3-meter bush and a small grass, up to 50 cm. The sunflower inflorescence - a basket bordered by yellow-hot petals - has become the source of fairy tales and legends telling about the plant’s devotion to the sun. All day long the plant watches the sun circle across the sky. Thanks to this feature, the sunflower earned its name.

North America is considered the homeland of the sunflower (Helianthus annuus), where more than fifty of its wild forms are found. Almost the same number of species are cultivated by people for their own needs. As a cultivated, productive plant, sunflower was brought to Europe in the 17th century. Thanks to Peter I, the seeds of the plant came to Russia. Initially, flower beds were decorated with beautiful bright sunflower caps and its achenes were hulled.

With the development of the oil industry in Rus', the industrial cultivation of the plant as an oilseed crop began. There was a particularly great demand for growing sunflowers after the Church recognized sunflower oil as a Lenten product.

The content of the article:

When can you plant sunflowers in open ground with seeds?

Sunflower is one of those plant species that require a long warm period, a large amount of light and sunny weather. The plant develops, depending on the variety, 80, 100, 120-140 days. Sunflower has special requirements for warmth, fertility and soil moisture.

The time for sowing crops depends on the weather and climatic background in the region. The timing of sowing is determined by the warming of the soil in the seed layer at a depth of 5-7 cm. Seeds can be sown after the temperature in the depths of the soil is at least +9..+10°C for 7-10 days.

Sunflower seeds germinate when the air temperature ranges from +15°C to + 25°C. Shoots will emerge smoothly if the soil is moist but not waterlogged. In wet, cold soil, the seeds may simply rot. Sometimes when sowing sunflowers, the deep planting method is used.

In this case, the first shoots should appear on the soil surface 3 weeks after sowing. At normal soil temperatures and standard planting depth, sunflower seeds should germinate in 7-10 days.

In the warm regions of Russia, sunflower seeds begin to be sown in March, in the central regions no later than the end of April - beginning of May, in the northern regions, sowing sunflower is a risky activity. Therefore, in these places, gardeners either grow oilseeds, rodents, and culinary varieties of sunflowers through seedlings, or sow decorative types of crops in open ground.

Planting dates according to the lunar calendar

When growing sunflower through seedlings in February 2019, sunflower seeds are placed in planting boxes on the 8th-12th, 16th, 17th, 26th. In March, the 10th-13th, 18th, 19th, 24th, 25th will be favorable for planting. In April, sunflowers are planted on 9-12, 17-18, 23, 24. In May - 9-13, 17, 18, 23, 24. In June, decorative types of sunflowers can be planted on 7-10, 14-16, 21, 22, in July - 6-9, 13-15, 20, 21.

The best varieties of sunflower seeds

Sunflower varieties are divided into oilseed, confectionery, simple or hybrid types. The differences lie in the purpose, weight and size of the seeds, cultivation characteristics and timing of fruit ripening. Most summer residents grow confectionery varieties of sunflower, which are not suitable for oil extraction, but have large grains that acquire a very pleasant taste after frying.

Sunflower seeds of these varieties have low yield, low fat content, and often low germination. For cultivation in the middle regions of Russia, the following varieties of early ripening confectionery varieties of sunflower are most often used:

  • “Lux” - grain ripening period is about 100 days;
  • "Oliver" - 90-95 days;
  • "Attila" - 95-100 days.

Sunflower varieties with a growing season of more than 110 days are suitable for cultivation in the southern regions of Russia.

  • “Diamond” - has a dense grain, up to 20 mm long, fried, used for husking or for confectionery. The variety is recommended for cultivation on an industrial scale.
  • “Gourmand” - has a sweetish taste and spicy smell, a thin peel, not completely filled with grain. It requires many sunny days to grow and stores well raw.
  • “Giant” - has a grain 25 mm long, used for cooking, resistant to diseases and pests, mid-season, demanding on soil fertility.

Among industrial oilseed sunflower varieties, the leader in cultivation in Russia is called “Rodnik”. The fat content of the variety's fruits is 55%, the growing season is 80 days, and it is resistant to drought, diseases and weeds. The early ripening oilseed variety "Yenisei" has an average seed fat content (45%), but sunflowers of this type are valued for their high yield of pure kernels when preparing the grains for oil extraction.

Hybrid sunflower seeds generally do not have a specific specialization; they are used for oil extraction and for confectionery purposes. A distinctive feature of hybrid seeds of the same variety is their similarity in size and weight. The following sunflower hybrids are popular among farmers: “Yan”, “Odyssey”, “Antey”, “Bogdan”, “Alexey”.

How to properly plant sunflowers in open ground with seeds

First, you need to decide on the place in the garden where the sunflower seeds will be sown. Since sunflowers need a lot of light and heat, the place should be well lit and protected from drafts and wind. Sunflower needs chernozem, deciduous soils with normal acidity. Salty soils are not suitable. Sunflower will grow well after potatoes and sweet corn varieties, but does not like to be preceded by beets, soybeans, peas, tomatoes, and beans.

The soil for sowing sunflowers begins to be prepared in the fall; it is cleared of all types of dried plants, especially weeds. When digging the area, if necessary, add humus or compost, one bucket per 1 sq.m. Organic fertilizers are not added to chernozem soil, but mineral fertilizers are added - azophosphate, phosphorus-potassium, they are used at the rate of up to 70 g per 1 sq.m. The best yields are produced by sunflower, for which nutrition for the entire growth period was placed in the soil before sowing the seeds.

It is best to choose seed material from trusted sellers with the guarantee that they have already undergone pre-sowing treatment. In order for the seeds to germinate at the same time, they must be calibrated and seeds of the same size must be sown nearby in the beds. If necessary, the seeds are treated with disinfectants and growth stimulants. The best means for preparing sunflower seeds are TMTD, Winner, Guacho, Scarlet, Kornevin, Baktofit.

The planting scheme for sunflower seeds can be in rows or in nests. A distance of 75 cm is maintained between rows, and up to 50 cm between nests. 3-4 seeds are planted in each nest. In the rows, a distance of 15 cm is maintained between the seeds. The planting depth is from 3 to 5 cm. When planting seeds to a depth of more than 5 cm, 5-10 g of ammonium nitrate mixed with soil is added directly to the holes.

How to care for a plant

Thickened sunflower seedlings are thinned out; The plant that needs to be removed is not pulled out, but its above-ground part is cut off. Thinning is carried out when the second pair of true leaves appears on the sprouts. Between sunflower seedlings, it is necessary to remove weeds, carefully hill up the sprouts and loosen the soil. Loosening the soil stops when the plants become tall and close rows.

Watering is done with settled water; sunflower does not tolerate water with chlorine or chlorine-containing fertilizers. An adult plant can tolerate heat and drought, but young shoots need moisture and abundant watering. With a lack of moisture, the taste and acid-fat composition of sunflower kernels deteriorate.

Watering the soil in sunflower beds will be very necessary when the soil under the roots dries to a depth of more than 5 cm.

During the formation of the ovaries of the baskets, the sunflower absorbs nitrogen from the soil; from the beginning to the end of the flowering of the baskets, the plant needs phosphorus. When the seeds ripen, sunflowers need potassium supplements - for this purpose, fertilizers containing potassium sulfate are used.

To protect against diseases and pests on small plots of land, they do not use chemical means of protection, but use biological products, in particular phytosporin. In addition, it is necessary to observe cultural rotation - do not plant sunflowers after negative predecessors, and do not plant plants with similar diseases and pests nearby.

It is necessary to install supports under tall sunflower bushes. During the period of plant ripening, gauze bags are placed on sunflower baskets, which prevent birds from pecking out the kernels in the seeds.

When sunflowers ripen: harvesting time

Sunflower will be ready for harvesting after the moisture content of the kernel and husk has been reduced to 8-10% and the oil level has accumulated in the seeds that corresponds to the varietal characteristics. The sunflower kernel should become hard. During this period, sunflower caps, stems and leaves change color and dry out. The sunflower basket can no longer turn towards the sun, but constantly faces the east.

In warm sunny weather, the baskets are kept on the stems until the required level of ripeness. If precipitation begins, the baskets are cut off and allowed to dry under canopies in the shade. Then the seeds are knocked out of the caps and stored, spread out on shelves in a layer of about 1 m. The harvesting period for early sunflower varieties begins at the end of August and ends with the harvest of late varieties at the end of September.

In large areas of sunflower planting, to speed up the harvest time, sunflower is treated with desiccants, chemicals intended for pre-harvest drying of sunflower. This technique allows you to start harvesting sunflowers a week earlier. Such methods are not used at home.

In conditions of large volumes of sunflower cultivation, farmers use a powerful fleet of vehicles, sometimes even aircraft. Modern herbicides, insecticides, fungicides - the entire arsenal of chemical protective drugs is used when working with sunflower. But at home, in your garden, you can do without all these formidable weapons and grow environmentally friendly seeds that both grandchildren and children will happily gnaw on.

Sunflower is a heat-loving crop, adapted to long, hot summers. It is not always possible to grow it in the specific climatic conditions of the north or north-west of Russia. To increase the chances of success, gardeners use seedlings. In this article we will tell you how and when to plant sunflower seedlings.

Advantages and disadvantages of growing sunflower through seedlings

Among the advantages of the seedling method of growing sunflowers are the following:

  • reducing the growth period in open ground by 20-25 days;
  • minimizing the risk of damage to seedlings by late spring frosts;
  • the ability to strictly adhere to the planting scheme without subsequent thinning;
  • minimizing the risk of damage to sown seeds by rodents, birds and fungal infections.

The disadvantages of growing sunflower seedlings are as follows:

  • risk of damage to the root system of seedlings when transferred to open ground;
  • increasing the labor intensity of growing crops.

Thus, growing sunflower through seedlings is advisable in regions with late cold spring and short summer: in the Murmansk, Pskov, Leningrad, Arkhangelsk regions, Karelia, the north of the Urals, Siberia, and the Far East.

Through seedlings you can grow not only edible, but also decorative sunflowers.

Choosing a place for sunflower seedlings

You can sow sunflower seedlings either at home or in a greenhouse. At home, given the limited area of ​​​​window sills and the number of seedlings of other plants, it is impossible to sow a lot of sunflowers. Home forcing is suitable if you plan to grow several plants for beauty.

If you want to get a decent harvest of achenes, it is better to give preference to sowing in a greenhouse. But it is worth considering an important nuance: sunflower reacts extremely painfully to transplantation. Therefore, even in a greenhouse, it should be sown not in a garden bed, but in separate containers.

Tip #1. To grow sunflower seedlings, it is better to use peat pots with a diameter of 10 cm, which allow subsequent replanting to be carried out painlessly.

Preparing soil for sunflower seedlings

Sunflower is demanding on the particle size distribution and soil fertility. You can make your own soil mixture for sunflower seedlings from turf soil, vegetable compost and sand in equal proportions. The following ready-made formulations are suitable:

Self-prepared soil components require mandatory disinfection.

Preparation and germination of sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds purchased in stores are usually treated for diseases and pests. If you are not so sure, you can pre-soak them in the Fitosporin-M solution. To avoid wasting containers and time, it is worth germinating the seeds before sowing. This technique will allow you to reject non-germinating material at an early stage.

Stages of growing sunflower seedlings

You need to sow sunflower seedlings 3 weeks before the expected date of planting in open ground. It is impossible to keep the plant in a limited volume of soil for longer: this crop quickly forms a powerful root system and masters the entire volume of the pot. Before sowing, check the air temperature in the greenhouse. Optimal values ​​– from +15 to +20⁰С.

Sowing sunflower seedlings: step-by-step instructions

  1. Place the boxes and fill them with a layer of wet river sand.
  2. Make holes in the bottom of the peat pots and fill them with prepared soil.
  3. Water the pots with warm, settled water.
  4. Make a 1.5 cm depression in the center, spread out the seeds and sprinkle them with soil.
  5. Place the pots in boxes with sand.

Sowing sunflowers in even large peat tablets is a bad idea: their height is not enough for a strong root system of the crop.

Regular watering of seedlings

To form strong plants with high yield potential, sunflowers require a lot of moisture. But overmoistening at low temperatures must be avoided so that the seedlings do not get sick. It is important to maintain a balance of optimal temperature and sufficient humidity.

Additional lighting of seedlings on the windowsill

Sunflower is an extremely light-loving crop, and in the northern regions there are not as many clear days as in the south. If a sunflower does not have enough light, it grows slowly and is in no hurry to bloom. Since the goal of growing seedlings is to give the plant the opportunity to quickly bloom and form a crop, light will have to be added with phytolamps.

Poor lighting can make growing sunflower seedlings pointless.

Feeding seedlings in pots

The sunflower does not spend long in the pot, therefore, if the soil is selected correctly, root feeding is not required during the seedling period. To strengthen the seedlings, when the first true leaves appear, you can fertilize the leaves with the following preparations:

Name Description
"Adaptamin Sunflower Superelite" Microfertilizer in chelated form with growth stimulants. Reduces stress, stimulates photosynthesis, strengthens plant immunity.
"Realcom-Optimum Sunflower" Complex fertilizer in chelate form. Increases the stability of seedlings, stimulates growth, increases productivity.
"Optim-Mix" Complex of microelements in chelated form. Increases immunity, increases growth energy, activates photosynthesis.
"AgroGumate Boron for sunflower" Peat potassium humate with microelements. Increases resistance to stress, strengthens seedlings and increases future productivity.
"Fertigrain Foliar" A complete complex of minerals chelated with amino acids. Easily penetrates tissues, stimulates the vegetative development of plants, and has an anti-stress effect.

Tip #2. In the absence of special fertilizers for oilseeds, sunflower seedlings can be fed with boric acid.

Planting sunflower seedlings in the ground

A week before the expected planting of seedlings in the ground, hardening begins. Boxes with pots are exposed to the open air every day. Every day during the week the time for “walks” increases. The day before planting, the boxes can be left outside overnight. By the time of planting, the soil must have time to warm up to a temperature of +10⁰С at a depth of 10 cm. In cold soil, sunflower roots experience severe stress and lose their ability to absorb water.

Sunflower seedlings are planted using the following technology:

  1. Dig planting holes according to the 50*50 or 40*50 pattern, depending on the variety.
  2. Generously pour warm water into the holes and add plant compost to them.
  3. Peat pots are placed at the bottom of the hole and the walls are carefully torn off, keeping the earthen ball intact.
  4. Fill the holes with fertile soil and bury 3 Glyokladin tablets around each plant.
  5. Water the plantings with warm water and mulch the holes.

According to a study by senior researcher Laboratory of Biotechnology, Research Institute of Agricultural Microbiology N.M. Labutova, “Gliocladin” has not only a protective, but also a powerful stimulating effect on sunflower. Compared to the control group, planted in soil untreated with the drug, the plants showed a 2-fold increase in biomass and a 60% increase in yield. It is especially emphasized that “Glyokladin” is currently the only reliable means of protecting sunflowers from Phomopsis.

Sunflower seedlings are planted only in warm soil.

Diseases of sunflower seedlings: prevention and treatment

At an early stage of development, sunflower is susceptible to the following infections:

Disease Symptoms Prevention and treatment
Gray rot The stem is covered with a yellow-gray coating. The leaves begin to dry, the plaque darkens, and areas of necrosis appear. Treatment of seedlings with the drug “Dominator”.
White rot White flakes appear in the lower part of the stem and root zone, the tissue underneath darkens, softens and the plant dies. Treatment of seedlings with the drug "Vesuvius".
Downy mildew (penosporosis) The stem of the seedling thickens along its entire length, and the leaves become deformed. A white coating appears on their lower side, and a greenish coating appears on the upper side. The plant is stunted in growth and quickly dies. Treatment of seedlings with Ultrasil-Duo or Amistar Extra.
Fomoz Red-brown lesions with a yellow outline appear on the leaves. They capture the entire leaf blade, gradually moving onto the stem. Treatment of seedlings with the drug "Impact-K".

All diseases of sunflower seedlings can be avoided by observing temperature and humidity conditions, increasing plant immunity and treating the soil before sowing.

It is well known that sunflowers are valuable. At the same time, it is one of the most profitable and profitable crops in agribusiness.

Every farmer dreams of getting a bountiful harvest. To do this, you need to have sufficient knowledge and take into account certain nuances.

1 How to sow sunflowers using the classic method?

The traditional method of growing from seeds consists of three stages:

  1. Choosing a landing site.
  2. , their selection and preparation.
  3. Preparing the soil for sowing sunflowers and planting dates.

Sunflower sowing is carried out after choosing a planting site with a preliminary assessment of what the sunflower crop rotation will be on it. The same place is not used every year, since this crop greatly depletes the soil.

Preferred predecessors: barley, wheat, potatoes, corn or legumes.

Replanting sunflowers in one area to ensure a good harvest is possible no earlier than after 5 years.

1.1 How to sow sunflowers?

1.2 Sowing sunflower: features of the process

The use of a pneumatic disc helps to plant sunflowers on a large number of crop areas. The number of seeds needed for seedlings is determined using such concepts as sunflower sowing unit and sunflower seed sowing rate.

Using special formulas and agronomic tables, the number of seeds (both in pieces and in kg) that will be used for one hectare of planting is calculated. The determining factors here are the distances between rows and between seedlings, from 45 to 75 cm.

2 How to sow sunflowers in a new way?

With the development of plant science, the number of ways to sow sunflowers has increased. New technologies have emerged that make it possible to achieve higher yields without increasing the acreage.

Many years of experience of farmers allowed the use of binary sunflower crops. The essence of this technology is the simultaneous cultivation of two crops in one field. So among sunflowers it is excellent to grow sainfoin, which is used as livestock feed. There are many options for combining crops that can be grown at the same time.

The use of binary sowing technology provides a positive economic effect due to:

  • saving crop areas;
  • saving fuel and lubricants;
  • saving fertilizers.

2.1 Sunflower planted with hybrid seeds - new

Today, more and more farmers are using the latest Eurolighting technology. Its feature is the combination of the use of the technology of the same name and high-yielding sunflower hybrids created under, resistant to this herbicide.

The advantages of this technology include:

  • ease of use;
  • flexibility in terms of application;
  • independence from the amount of precipitation;
  • one treatment for the entire growing season;
  • one drug destroys a whole range of weeds;
  • possibility of use in systems with zero tillage;
  • speed of processing and minimal costs.

2.2 Industrial planting and care of sunflower crops

The average sunflower seeding rate is 65-75 thousand pieces per 1 hectare. When to sow sunflowers depends on climatic conditions and sowing qualities:

  • if you plant sunflower on silage using a continuous row method, the seeding rate will be 25-40 kg/ha;
  • for silage with wide-row sowing - 15-20 kg/ha;
  • planted for seeds will require 6 to 10 kilograms per hectare.

In the regions of the steppe and forest-steppe zone, sunflower is the most typical crop of cultivation.

She feels confident in different climatic conditions. The difference will be in the timing of sunflower sowing. In Russia, huge areas are sown with sunflowers. 70% of the world's crops are concentrated here.

2.3 One of the keys to a good harvest is caring for the crops

Care consists of the following main points:

  1. Caring for crops starts with harrowing until germination 2-3 days after sowing and is repeated up to three times. The goal is to loosen the soil and destroy weed seedlings.
  2. When emerging with 1-2 pairs of leaves, post-emergence harrowing is done across the rows.
  3. After harrowing, inter-row cultivation is carried out with row crops. Their number depends on the weediness of the crops.
  4. To improve pollination of seedlings, it is necessary to remove apiaries with hives during the flowering period.

2.4 Sunflower in the country - real or not?

When to plant, how to plant correctly and which variety is best for planting on a summer cottage - these are the questions that torment summer residents who decide to plant sunflowers for the first time. Here you need to take into account the main points. So when landing:

  • the soil must be loosened and cleared of weeds;
  • seed preparation - select, process and soak;
  • take into account sunflower in the crop rotation on the site;
  • plant in soil heated to 10 degrees;
  • seed planting depth up to 8 cm.

It must be remembered that before rooting, crops need moisture and warmth.

Currently, not only dessert and oilseed varieties are often planted at the dacha for consumption.

The decorative sunflower has gained recognition. Spotted in summer cottages, both in the Moscow region and in the southern regions. It has beautiful heads and tall stems up to 2.5 m. With a small distance between the stems, the result is a wonderful, bright hedge - functional and beautiful.

Summer residents should not forget that any greatly depletes the soil. It is necessary to alternate the places where it is planted. For example, sunflower alternates well with legumes (peas, beans, etc.). After sunflower planting, it is advisable to fertilize the soil at your summer cottage with organic and mineral fertilizers.