Glue wallpaper in winter or summer. Is it possible to glue wallpaper in winter and most importantly how?

We usually take on renovations in our house or apartment while on vacation. And sometimes vacations (what a shame!) take place in the winter. And thoughts begin to overcome us:

Is it possible to glue wallpaper in winter?

Our friends, who have “eaten the dog” in this matter, say different things: some believe that wallpapering should not be done in winter, but should only be done in summer, while others will say: only in winter. Still others advise waiting until spring.

But professional finishers work all year round. Therefore, it is quite possible for us to glue wallpaper in winter.

"Pros" and "cons" of wallpapering in winter

Let's remember what is most feared by wallpaper that has just been pasted on the wall. That's right: sudden temperature changes and drafts. In winter, when the heating is on in the room, the temperature is quite stable. Our task is to prevent drafts. This means we won’t open the front door and window. Yes, by the way, I don’t really want to do this in winter.

So, a stable temperature is a “plus”. No drafts either. When the heating is running, excess air humidity, which invariably occurs in a wallpapered room, quickly evaporates. It is also good.

The “minus” is that in the immediate vicinity of radiators, the wallpaper often lags behind the walls. This happens because the glue has time to dry before it “seizes.” The solution seems to be to lubricate those pieces of wallpaper that are glued closer to the radiators more generously. Many craftsmen use PVA glue when gluing wallpaper near radiators.

How to glue wallpaper in winter so that it sticks securely?

To ensure that wallpaper pasted in winter stays securely, the walls should be primed before pasting. As a primer we use the same glue that we plan to use to glue the wallpaper, but you can dilute it a little thinner.

The primer forms a thin film on the wall. The glue already applied to this film will not be absorbed into the wall, but will hold the wallpaper.

Having decided to glue wallpaper in winter, you may well be forced to prime the wall not once, but several times. This is what you have to do if the wall is very porous and the glue absorbs instantly. This is a typical case for new buildings. The walls should be primed until a thin film of glue forms on them. It is easily visible to the naked eye.

What kind of wallpaper can you hang in winter?

It is known that the most capricious wallpapers are the cheapest, paper ones. As well as all types of paper-based wallpaper. If the temperature in the room is quite high and the panels dry too quickly, there is a risk that the edges of the wallpaper will come off the wall. In these cases, it is better to glue paper wallpaper overlapping rather than end-to-end (if it is not too thick and heavy), observing the “from the window” principle.

Non-woven wallpaper does not need to be coated with glue. It is enough just to thoroughly cover the wall with glue. They usually don’t present “surprises” during winter wrapping.

So, the question of whether it is possible to glue wallpaper in winter received a positive answer.

Should be summarizedrules for wallpapering in winter:

  • You can glue wallpaper in winter if the room temperature is in the range of 15-25 degrees.
  • The adhesive used must exactly match the type of wallpaper chosen. The best option is to choose the glue that is indicated in the instructions for the wallpaper.
  • The walls must be carefully prepared for pasting and primed.
  • It is strictly forbidden to open windows. It is advisable to close the room where you finished wallpapering and let it stand for a day or two. The wallpaper will dry evenly and there will be no problems.

Having studied this material, you may well be able to hang wallpaper yourself and give comprehensive recommendations to friends who are wondering whether it is possible to glue wallpaper in winter.

The desire to make repairs does not always coincide with the warm season, so you should determine whether it is possible to glue wallpaper in this particular room in winter.

The outside air temperature will not be a determining factor if it is possible to ensure compliance with the technological requirements inside the room. If you apply any topcoat in violation of the rules, you will get a bad result even in the summer.

Work quality factors

It is very important to comply with the technical conditions required for a particular brand of wallpaper

The conditions under which it will be possible to properly paste wallpaper onto the prepared surface are not a very large list:

  • compliance with the manufacturer's instructions for working with this brand of wallpaper;
  • correct preparation of the adhesive composition in the amount for 1 work shift;
  • dry warm wall;
  • absence of drafts;
  • constant temperature.

When getting acquainted with the technological map of work on gluing walls, one of the main conditions is the prevention of intense air movement in the room until it dries:

It is in winter that fewer issues arise with drafts. A window or window is rarely opened for a short time. Operating heating appliances and cold external walls can have a greater impact.


The most difficult place for gluing is the surface behind the radiators

When heating is running, the air in the room becomes dry, which causes intensive removal of moisture through the sheet material. With thick, waterproof types of wallpaper, the risk of peeling occurs at the joints and edges.

This effect is most pronounced in the immediate vicinity of radiators, where there is a high speed of convective air movement (between the heating surface and the wall).

This effect on the adhesive mass does not allow it to adhere evenly to the wall. Warping and peeling of the strip occurs.

Moisten a suitable sheet of foam rubber with water and press it to the canvas

An effective way to compensate for the temperature effect of a radiator is to use protective humidification.

A piece of foam rubber or penofol (penoplex) of suitable size and thickness is moistened with water and the wallpaper is pressed against the wall, inserting it into the gap between the hot radiator and the wall.

Another way to increase the adhesion strength in a short period of time is to add additional PVA to the wallpaper glue.

Temperature requirements

It is most convenient to glue wallpaper at above-zero temperatures of up to 25 degrees Celsius

Heating in a house undergoing renovation can be of varying intensity, so it is important to know at what air temperature you can glue wallpaper in the room.

With stable heating and closed external doors and windows, there will not be a large temperature difference.

The technical conditions clearly establish at what temperature to glue the wallpaper, regardless of the time of year:

  1. The temperature ranges from 10°C to 25°C. It ensures gradual and uniform drying of moisture from under the sheet. Before starting work, this temperature is maintained for 2 - 3 days to ensure uniform heating of the wall materials.
  2. Ambient air humidity is no more than 60%. High humidity reduces the adhesive properties of the composition (by diluting it), which leads to the appearance of bubbles or peeling of the canvas.
  3. Direct sunlight produces uneven heating of the wall surface and, in addition to fading colors, can contribute to the formation of wrinkles or movement of the sheet.
  4. Do not speed up the drying process. It lasts about 1 day. You should not turn on a fan heater or convector in addition to the existing heating. The "warm floor" system must be turned off. Moreover, you should not open doors and windows to remove odors and get results faster.
  5. should be primed on porous coatings in several layers with a more liquid adhesive composition (for this type of wallpaper) until a protective film appears on its surface.

The underfloor heating system must be switched off when carrying out work

If the thermal insulation is poor or the design thickness is insufficient, the external walls may freeze and differ significantly in this value from the internal partitions.

When it cools to 0°C or below, the canvas will simply freeze to the plaster and fall off when it gets warmer.

If the surface temperature cannot be raised above +10°C, the answer to the question: is it possible to glue wallpaper in winter - no. The material can quickly fall off or become moldy.

Features by type of wallpaper

The most stable brands behave when pasted in winter conditions when they are pasted on walls. Dense material increases the time for moisture evaporation, but makes the process more uniform. Some secrets you need to know for, watch this video:

You can simply and quickly cover a room with paper products. The thin base quickly gets rid of water, which is important when carrying out work in winter. This type of material is best applied overlapping, preventing the paper from bunching up and creating gaps between the paper strips.

Vinyl wallpaper is somewhat denser than its paper counterpart and dries quickly. The surface for pasting must be dry and carefully prepared so that base defects do not appear on the coating later.

One of the very quick ways to change the interior of a room is to glue trellises to the walls. All that remains is to find the appropriate time for this work. In this article, we will look at the stages of the process, and also find out whether it is possible to paste wallpaper in a living space or house in winter.

For some, this may be a funny question, since other times, like on vacation during the cold, they have never done repairs. But there are also many home professionals who try to do everything “according to science.” Any of them can find enough reasons to confirm that they are right about when it is better to hang wallpaper in winter or summer.

We glue the trellises to the wall accurately

Only one thing can be said about this - professional finishers don’t care when it’s time to re-glue the trellises, since they can do this in any season. So let's take a closer look at the issue.

Cons and also disadvantages of gluing wallpaper in winter

Any option has its disadvantages and advantages, and therefore working during the frosty season is no exception.

Let’s check what the glued trellises are “afraid of”:

  • humidity;
  • drafts;
  • sudden temperature change.

Is it possible to remove similar unpleasant moments during winter - very easily. Now the heating system is working, it can maintain a normal climate in the rooms. It is unlikely that you would even think of opening windows and doors wide in cold weather.

The photo shows the gluing technique

Among the problems of “winter” repairs, one can highlight the work of gluing wallpaper next to heating radiators, where special care is required. In another case, the canvas tries to lag behind the base.

This happens due to the rapid drying of wallpaper glue, which does not have time to be absorbed into the wall and dries on its surface. The difficulty has the following solution - in these areas you will have to not spare the material and smear the places as richly as possible, and also apply it both to the base and to the wallpaper itself.

It is important to know: to be sure, you can use PVA glue.

Also, it is imperative to adhere to the uniform rules for wallpapering, so that the work is not in vain. Unfortunately, many home specialists sometimes attach importance to this, believing that even a baby can handle this work.

Techniques for working with trellises

And that’s why situations often arise, for example, a seam has come apart or a corner has come unstuck, which will then become the basis for a new repair. Of course, all the stated miscalculations can be pasted up in a new way, but this does not mean that you were able to remove the reason why this happened.


There are specific simple instructions that you will need for different wallpapers and different bases. You shouldn’t ignore it and come up with some of your own rules, so that later you don’t carry out repairs in a new way, wasting time and money.

They are suitable for any season, and therefore we will consider them in detail:

  1. Prepare the walls for taping. This stage is one of the very basic, since it actually depends on it - how long the canvases will stand on the base. Do not forget to remove wallpaper that is already outdated from the walls with your own hands, for which use all possible options - using a spatula, wetting or using an iron. It doesn’t matter, the most important thing is that there is a clean wall in front of you.

Remove wallpaper from the plane that is already outdated

  1. Use putty to smooth out potholes and cracks, which should definitely be embroidered before this, removing along the edges the layers that are already poorly held. After the putty has dried, cover the wall with disinfectant primer, which will protect the surface from the expected appearance of fungus and fungi later.
  2. N gluing wallpaper is preceded by a selection of materials for work, which should be suitable for them. For example, when selecting glue, you need to look at the type of canvas (light, heavy, etc.), otherwise it cannot hold the canvas on the wall surface. Also, the packaging always contains tables or tips on its proper use.

Choose the right glue

  1. You can start gluing the canvases from any side, but if they have an edge, then:
  • on the left - cut the edge on the right side;
  • from right to left.
  1. Start your work from the window so that the connections are less visible.
  2. Try to fit the trellises with the image between the canvases while they are still dry, so that it is where it is needed.
  3. After gluing to the wall, the strip should be smoothed with a specialized roller.

It is important to know: do not use a rag for smoothing, as this can ruin the structure and pattern on the canvas, and also leave stains.

Tools for work

Types of wallpaper


The most common configurations are paper ones. They have a wide range of colors and the same number of different images. Their cost is the lowest among other types.

They are made from environmentally friendly material - paper, but they are also very short-lived in use.

After a short time, similar wallpapers:

  • begin to fade and wear off;
  • collapse under the influence of humidity, dirt, fumes;
  • may become covered with mold and mildew.

There is a much more expensive option - two-layer paper-based wallpaper for finishing work. True, they are stronger than the previous ones, but they are also afraid of humidity.


Vinyl wallpapers have quickly gained great popularity among consumers. For the most part, they were attracted by the price of the material, which was only slightly superior to its paper counterparts.

But unlike them, they are considered resistant to water and their service life is much longer. Vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven backing has also been created, which is quite strong and lays evenly on the base. When working with them, you only need to cover the wall with glue.

Vinyl wallpaper in design

These are two very well-known types that are used in the vast majority of houses and apartments.


It’s not scary if you still want to make the interior of your apartment newer with trellises during the winter. You can calmly get to work, remembering the main rules of this process. The video in this post can help you find additional information on this topic.

The need to change your home interior or add newness and comfort to it can arise completely unexpectedly. If this process requires pasting the walls, and there is snow outside the window, the person who is determined to renovate begins to doubt and wonder whether it is possible to glue wallpaper in the apartment in winter? Or is it better to wait until summer?

Most often, a person finds himself at the mercy of stereotypes that claim that wallpapering in winter is a difficult and thankless task. However, reviews from specialists professionally involved in renovations indicate that the time of year is not at all an obstacle to beauty and comfort. And when asked whether it is possible to glue wallpaper in winter, they confidently answer positively.

Rules for reliable gluing

To glue wallpaper in winter without compromising quality, you need to follow a number of simple rules:

  • walls should not be wet;
  • the room must be protected from drafts;
  • Changes in air temperature should be avoided;
  • It is necessary to carefully follow the instructions for working with wallpaper and preparing glue.

It is quite easy to follow all these rules.

You can check the humidity of the walls using a small piece of ordinary polyethylene. It needs to be glued overnight to the surface prepared for pasting with mounting tape, and in the morning, based on the presence or absence of moisture on the inside of the film, a conclusion can be drawn about the degree of dryness of the walls.

Many people don’t know why they can’t open windows in a room where renovations are underway. The fact is that closed doors and windows allow you to avoid drafts that are detrimental to gluing.

Central heating allows you to maintain a stable temperature regime in winter. As a rule, there are no sharp temperature changes in apartments from autumn to spring.

When starting repairs, you must carefully follow the recommendations of the wallpaper and wallpaper glue manufacturer. Only in this case the efforts will not be in vain.

In addition, in order to achieve reliable gluing of the panels, other recommendations of specialists should be followed:

  1. It is necessary to carefully prepare the surface of the walls for repairs by properly priming them. To do this, you can use glue, which will be used for gluing. The primer covers the walls with a thin layer, preventing the glue from being absorbed into their surface. In addition, before gluing, you need to repair all cracks and holes in the walls.
  2. You should not glue new canvases onto old ones. Wallpaper that has outlived its useful life must be removed, otherwise it will become saturated with glue and fall off under the weight of the double sheet. Or waves and bubbles form under the new layer.
  3. When gluing wallpaper, you should use the type of adhesive that is intended for a specific type of material.

Not everyone knows how to peel wallpaper off a wall so as not to cause additional damage to it. If you mercilessly tear off firmly glued sheets, you can inadvertently tear out pieces of plaster from the wall, violating the integrity of its cover.

It is possible to peel off old wallpaper in different ways. Thin paper ones are easy to tear off with your hands, helping yourself in difficult places with a spatula. To remove other types of wallpaper, walls can be intensively treated with warm water using a spray bottle, roller or sponge, or use special liquids sold in hardware stores.

Why it is undesirable to cover walls in winter

The main problem during winter renovations can be the air temperature in the room being renovated. So, at what temperature can you glue wallpaper in winter?

Too low or very high values ​​can lead to carefully glued canvases falling off the walls, much to the displeasure of the apartment owner. Experienced specialists know at what temperature they glue wallpaper in winter. The optimal values ​​are in the range from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius. Higher temperatures cause wallpaper paste to dry out before it has a chance to saturate the wallpaper. This is why gluing around hot radiators takes a lot of work. In this case, you can use PVA glue and apply it generously in several layers.

If the room is poorly heated, the question arises whether it is possible to glue wallpaper to cold walls. And experienced specialists will answer positively, but such work will require serious effort. The fact is that cold walls and low room temperatures will not allow the glue to dry quickly. As a result, the wallpaper remains wet for a long time and may eventually fall off the wall. High humidity in poorly heated rooms also contributes to this. If you have to work in such conditions, it is better to use special adhesives, and also try to heat the room using electric heating devices. And it is also very important to determine what wallpaper can be glued in a cold room.

If you still glue it in winter

If your life situation does not allow you to choose when it is better to glue wallpaper: in winter or summer, before gluing wallpaper in winter, you need to carefully select the type of coating that is most suitable for work at this time of year:

  1. Paper products are the easiest to glue. Due to the thinness of their base, they dry quickly, which is important when working in winter. When working with this type of wallpaper, experts advise sticking them overlapping rather than end-to-end, since when the paper dries, it shrinks and gaps may form between the sheets.
  2. Vinyl wallpaper has become especially popular in recent decades. They are slightly denser than paper ones, but they hide uneven walls well, have good water resistance and dry fairly quickly. Many beginners do not know how to hang vinyl wallpaper. There are several rules that, if followed, will help you cope with this task. Vinyl products are glued only to dry walls, the surface of which must be well prepared for work.

You can check the quality and dryness of the plaster using ordinary construction tape. To do this, you need to stick it to the wall and tear it off. If pieces of plaster remain on the adhesive surface of the tape, the walls are not prepared well enough.

When working in winter, you need to know how to glue peeling wallpaper. If you do this incorrectly, they will constantly come off in the same places:

  1. First you need to moisten the peeled parts of the panels. This can be done using a regular rag soaked in water. In this case, you need to ensure that the wallpaper is not soaked through with water.
  2. Next, you should apply a thin layer of glue to the remaining parts of the wallpaper and the surface of the wall and leave for about a quarter of an hour to soak and soak.
  3. After this, you need to re-apply a layer of glue only to the canvas, wait another 10 minutes and glue the remaining parts to the wall, smoothing them with your hand or a special steam roller.
  4. Remove any remaining glue with a damp cloth.

Even after careful calculations, after repairs there are remains of building materials, including rolls and pieces of wallpaper. It is unknown how soon they may be needed, so apartment owners often ask whether it is possible to store wallpaper on the balcony in winter. Experts do not recommend leaving them on open, unglazed balconies or loggias. Wallpaper does not like moisture and deteriorates when exposed to sunlight. It is best to store the remaining materials in a dry, dark place, such as a secluded corner of the pantry.

To be or not to be

Coziness and comfort in the house can be achieved at any time, regardless of weather conditions and time of year. Both in winter and in summer, wallpapering will not be a problem if you follow all the recommendations of professionals.

One of the fastest ways to change the interior of a room is to stick wallpaper on the walls. All that remains is to find the right time for this work. In this article we will look at the stages of the process, and also find out whether it is possible to glue wallpaper in an apartment or house in winter.

For some, this may be a funny question, since other times, like on vacation in cold weather, they have never done repairs. But there are also many home craftsmen who try to do everything “according to science.” Each of them will be able to find enough reasons to prove that they are right about when it is better to glue wallpaper in winter or summer.

To this we can only say one thing - professional finishers don’t care when it’s time to re-glue the wallpaper, since they can do it in any season. So, let's take a closer look at the problem.

Pros and cons of winter wallpapering

Each method has advantages and disadvantages, so working in the cold season is no exception.

Let's find out what pasted wallpaper is “afraid of”:

  • moisture;
  • drafts;
  • sudden temperature change.

Is it possible to exclude such troubles in winter? It’s easy. At this time, the heating system is operating, which is capable of maintaining a normal microclimate in the premises. It is unlikely that you would even think of opening windows and doors wide in cold weather.

The photo shows the gluing technique

Among the problems of “winter” repairs, one can note the work of gluing wallpaper next to heating radiators, where special care is required. Otherwise, the canvas tends to lag behind the base.

This happens due to the rapid drying of wallpaper glue, which does not have time to be absorbed into the wall and dries on its surface. The problem has the following solution - in these areas you will have to spare no material and lubricate the areas as much as possible, and also apply it both to the base and to the wallpaper itself.

Tip: for reliability, you can use PVA glue.

In addition, you should definitely adhere to the general rules for wallpapering so that your work is not in vain. Unfortunately, many home craftsmen do not always attach importance to this, believing that even a child can handle this work.

That’s why situations often arise, for example, a seam has come apart or a corner has come unglued, which can later become the reason for a new repair. Of course, all the above-mentioned shortcomings can be re-glued, but this does not mean that you were able to eliminate the reason why this happened.


There are certain simple instructions that are useful for any wallpaper and any base. You should not neglect it and invent some of your own rules, so as not to carry out repairs again, wasting time and money.

They are suitable for any season, so let’s take a closer look at them:

  1. Prepare walls for wallpapering. This stage is one of the most important, since it will depend on it how long the canvases will remain on the base. Don’t forget to remove old wallpaper from the walls with your own hands, using different wallpapers, moistening or using an iron. This is absolutely unimportant, the main thing is that there is a clean wall in front of you.

  1. Use putty to smooth out potholes and cracks on the surface, which should definitely be embroidered before this, removing layers at the edges that are no longer holding well. After drying, use an antiseptic primer, which will protect the surface from the possible formation of mold and mildew in the future.
  2. N gluing wallpaper is preceded by a selection of materials for work that must correspond to them. For example, when choosing adhesive, you should pay attention to the type of canvas (light, heavy, etc.), otherwise it cannot hold the canvas on the wall. In addition, the packaging always contains tables or recommendations for its correct use.

  1. You can start gluing the canvases from any side, but if they have an edge, then:
    • on the left - cut the edge on the right;
    • from right to left.
  1. Start your work from the window so that the seams are less noticeable.
  2. Try to fit wallpaper with a pattern between the canvases while still dry, so that it ends up where you need it.
  3. After gluing to the wall, the strip should be smoothed with a special roller.

Tip: do not use a rag for smoothing, as this can damage the structure and pattern on the canvas, as well as leave stains.

Types of wallpaper


The simplest in structure are paper ones. They have a wide range of colors and the same number of different patterns. Their price is the lowest among other types.

They are made from environmentally friendly material - paper, but they are also the most short-lived in use.

After a short time, these wallpapers:

  • begin to fade and wear off;
  • deteriorate under the influence of moisture, dirt, fumes;
  • may become covered with mold and mildew.

There is a more expensive option - two-layer