How to cut a pomegranate at home. How to choose the right pomegranate, quickly peel and eat it: useful tips, video

Very juicy and ripe pomegranates are available to customers all year round. This healthy fruit from South Asia should definitely be present in every person’s diet. Those who love this delicacy often have a question about how to properly cut a pomegranate after purchase. Not everyone can do it correctly without getting their clothes and everything around them dirty. After all, it washes out very poorly. The tips in this article will help you.

Structure of a pomegranate

To learn how to cut a pomegranate quickly and efficiently, you first need to understand how it works. This overseas fruit has a very dense peel with small pores located on it. The ribs and veins that are inside it provide good and reliable protection for pomegranate seeds. They are not afraid of any blows or shaking until the fruit is cleaned. If you cut a pomegranate halfway, you can easily find that the veins are not randomly arranged. And the entire structure inside this fruit has certain hard ribs, which can be seen from the outside if you examine it carefully. In order to get all the grains, you need to carefully look at these ribs and try to feel them with your fingers.

First cleaning method

For this method you won't need anything that you don't already have in your kitchen. Just take a bowl or plate that is found in every home. And, naturally, you will need a regular sharp knife with a comfortable handle.

If you try to peel a red pomegranate using the usual method, you may find that all the seeds are tightly seated in their nests. However, such kernels are quite delicate and can be easily damaged. So to peel a pomegranate in 30 seconds without getting messy, just follow these instructions. Using the method proposed here, you will make sure that all the nucleoli are very easily separated and are not damaged at all.

Start by carefully cutting off the very top part of this fruit. This place is easily identified. You need to cut where the pomegranate inflorescence was before. You don’t need to cut too deeply, somewhere at a depth of about one centimeter. You should see veins and nucleoli. But with this method, you should remember that if you cut off too little, you won’t be able to quickly and easily separate the grains of this overseas fruit.

After this procedure, you need to make several cuts on the peel. Try to make them quite deep, so that the edges of the pomegranate can be slightly moved in different directions.

To remove all the kernels from this overseas fruit, prepare a deep bowl or plate. Turn the pomegranate upside down. After this, start methodically tapping it with the handle of a knife or using a heavy spoon. You need to knock using all the force you have, while trying not to hit the same place. It is best to hit the grenade by choosing a trajectory in the form of a spiral or circle.

Now you've learned how to cut a pomegranate correctly without making your kitchen too messy. With this convenient method, fruit juice does not fly in different directions, and all the kernels are immediately poured into a bowl or plate.

Beautiful sliced ​​pomegranate

As for this method, in this case there will be no strong differences from the first. All the ways to beautifully cut a pomegranate have long been invented by mankind and differ little from each other. The difference here is only in small details. Pomegranate seeds are quite easy to remove if you completely cut the fruit into not very large segments. Be sure to cut along the existing ribs. In this case, the delicacy is divided into separate pieces, which resemble a crescent in shape. After such manipulations with it, all nucleoli are very easily and without damage separated from the septa.

Clean with water

This method of how to properly cut a pomegranate has two options. This is quite easy to do. You will need ordinary water. In addition to the fact that such manipulations will help you do everything quickly and efficiently, you will also protect your hands from the effects of pomegranate juice, or rather, the coloring substances in it. To do this, you need to cut the fruit in the manner described above and then place it in water slightly colder than room temperature. After thirty minutes it can be removed from the water. You will see that the partitions have swollen and become soft. After this, you can easily place the pomegranate under running tap water. In this case, all fruit segments need to be slightly expanded. Water can easily wash all the kernels into a plate.

Another option for how to peel a pomegranate in 30 seconds is not too different from the previous one. You need to cut it and place it in water. After it has been in it for a while, you can start cleaning. This must be done directly in the water. This method will keep your hands clean. No yellow tint and fairly quick cleaning, almost instantaneous. Another advantage of this procedure is that all unnecessary husks will end up on the surface, since they are very light, and heavy grains will sink to the bottom.

Using improvised means

To learn how to properly cut a pomegranate and remove all the grains from it, you can make a small device with your own hands. It is done quickly and does not require any special costs. You need to take a not very large pan and place a sieve with a large mesh on it. Instead of a sieve, you can use some kind of container. The main thing is that it has large slits.

In addition to these kitchen utensils, you will need a mold made of silicone. You need to cut the pomegranate into two parts and place the open cut with the kernels on the surface of the mesh. And on top it must be covered with a silicone mold. Knock on the mold and you will see how, after a short period of time, all the grains will end up in a bowl or cup. For the second half, the procedure should be repeated. Now you've learned how to cut a pomegranate, you don't have to worry about damaged beans or a messy kitchen.

In what form is pomegranate usually served?

How to store chopped pomegranate

Remember that already peeled fruit should not be left for a long time, even in an airtight container or dish. If you leave cut or peeled pomegranate in the refrigerator overnight, you should know that it can spoil even in a very short time. Therefore, stored pomegranate kernels should be consumed with extreme caution. And be sure to look for any grains that have darkened, become cloudy or shriveled. If this happens, they should be thrown away immediately.

Pomegranate is a valuable food product, in demand in cooking. Juice and sauce for meat are prepared from it. Pomegranate seeds are used to decorate salads and add new flavors to dishes. Sliced ​​fruit on a festive table, decorated with a pomegranate flower, looks rich and elegant. But not all housewives have the culinary skills to cut a pomegranate correctly. We will share the secrets of how to eat pomegranate, how to cut it beautifully and neatly, and get whole grains or healthy juice from it. For those who read to the end, we have prepared recipes for pomegranate dishes.

The benefits and harms of pomegranate

Let’s briefly look at the beneficial and harmful properties of pomegranate so that you can correctly understand who, how much and how it needs and can be eaten.

  • Pomegranate contains a large number of microelements that are useful for the functioning of the heart and cleansing of blood vessels. It is recommended for those who have problems with blood vessels and suffer from cholecystitis.
  • Pomegranate will be useful for people suffering from vitamin deficiency and iron deficiency anemia.
  • Pomegranate has antioxidant properties and helps protect cells from harmful environmental influences. It is invaluable for those affected by radiation, including cancer patients who have undergone radiation therapy.

However, pomegranate is not useful for everyone.

  • If you have digestive problems, suffer from gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers, it is better for you to refuse pomegranate or reduce its consumption to a minimum.
  • It is not recommended to consume pomegranate in large quantities for pregnant women and people who often experience heartburn and bowel problems.

Even if you have no health problems, you should not drink pomegranate juice on an empty stomach, especially if it is not diluted.

What happens if you eat pomegranate with seeds?

Many people are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to eat pomegranate seeds along with seeds. After all, it is in this form that they end up in salads and other dishes. The answer to this question is ambiguous.

On the one hand, pomegranate seeds are useful and cannot harm a person whose intestines work like clockwork. Even if he eats the whole fruit along with the seeds, nothing unusual will happen to him.

On the other hand, grains are not digested too easily, and with a number of digestive system disorders, their use can result in a serious problem: pain, heaviness in the abdomen, inflammation, constipation.

The conclusion is obvious: you can eat pomegranate seeds along with them, but in moderation, especially if there are disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. A small amount of pomegranate in a salad will not harm anyone, even if you eat the whole grain.

How to serve pomegranate

The main goal when preparing pomegranate to decorate the holiday table is to preserve all its beauty and not crush the grains.

Most often, this fruit is cut so that it looks like a flower. If everything is done correctly, the result will delight you.

  1. Wash the pomegranate thoroughly in warm water and dry with a towel. Cold water will not cope with the wax that sellers and manufacturers use to coat fruit to give it a marketable appearance. A wet fruit will slip out of your hands, making your task more difficult.
  2. Arm yourself with a sharp knife, preferably not too large. If it is dull, you will not be able to cut the pomegranate neatly; splashes from the crushed grains will fly in all directions and stain the entire kitchen. In this case, you won’t get a beautiful flower.
  3. Cut off the lid on the side where the “crown” is located. Your goal is to remove just enough to expose the grains, but not cut them.
  4. Make 5-6 cuts on the peel. It will be more beautiful if they are located at approximately the same distance, but if you do not have the skills to cut a pomegranate, it is best to make cuts along the white stripes, where the film adjoins the peel. Do not cut all the way - the “petals” should remain connected in the center. The grains should be visible when cut, but they should not be damaged - carefully monitor the depth of the cuts.
  5. Press from below on the central part where the “petals” meet, while pushing them apart with your hands - the pomegranate will break into slices. They can be placed on top of sliced ​​fruit when serving it. Another option is to peel back the “petals,” separating the peel from the pomegranate seeds. You only need to bend the skin to the middle of the fruit.

If you choose the second method and peel back the peel all the way, you will get a ball covered with pomegranate seeds, like precious stones. It can also serve as a decoration for the holiday table.

If you need whole grains

To decorate salads, prepare chicken satsivi and some other dishes, you need whole, intact pomegranate seeds. You can get them in two ways. Whatever option you choose, the first steps will be similar to those described in the previous instructions: wash, dry, cut off the cap, make cuts along the membranes.

The sequence of actions for the first, “dry” method will be as follows:

  1. Tilt the pomegranate seeds side down over a deep bowl.
  2. Spread the slices slightly apart.
  3. Tap the peel with a wooden spoon to “knock out” the grains. You need to knock confidently, moving in a spiral from the center to the periphery.

If everything is done correctly, the splashes will not fly away using this method, but more reliable protection against splashes is provided by using the second method, “wet”.

  1. Take water into a deep container.
  2. Prepare the pomegranate.
  3. Divide it into slices.
  4. Place each slice in the water with the grains down and turn it out - the heavy grains will bounce off the peel and fall down. The film and sandpaper will remain on the surface.
  5. Remove the peel and membranes.
  6. Place the grains in a colander and let the water drain.

For clarity, we suggest you watch a video on how to properly cut a pomegranate without damaging the seeds.

How to get pomegranate juice

You will need to squeeze soybean out of pomegranate if you have a child growing up in the family and he needs vitamins. The juice is also used to prepare pomegranate sauce, which is one of the best additions to meat dishes.

You can get juice in a very simple way.

  1. Using a knife with sharp blades, cut the fruit into two parts.
  2. Extract the juice from them using a citrus juicer.

To prevent juice from splashing, cover the unit with a plastic bag.

To obtain juice using the second method, you do not need a juicer, but you will need a mold for making dumplings and a silicone baking mold.

  1. Divide the pomegranate into wedges using the method described above.
  2. Line a deep container with gauze folded in several layers.
  3. Place the dumpling maker on top.
  4. Place a pomegranate slice on it, grains side down.
  5. Cover with a silicone mold.
  6. Tap with a kitchen hammer.
  7. Collect the grains in cheesecloth and squeeze the juice through it.

This method is complicated and rarely used. The first option is convenient and allows you to carry out your plans without getting dirty.

Selection rules

Experts say: fresh and ripe fruit is easy to cut and peel, which cannot be said about green or dry, rotten fruit. Choosing the right fruit is the key to your success.

Do not choose a fruit whose “crown” is green - it was picked unripe.

This is also evidenced by the overly smooth skin.

Crimson and brown spots are signs of wilting; such fruit is spoiled.

The best choice would be a garnet that is slightly rough to the touch and has an even, rich shade.

A ripe pomegranate is almost always heavier than an unripe one - this is also worth paying attention to when purchasing.

Pomegranate dishes

Appetizers that include pomegranate will decorate the holiday table, no matter what occasion it is served for: a birthday, New Year, March 8 or other celebration.

In Georgia, they always prepare for Christmas, one of the main ingredients of which is pomegranate.

The Pomegranate Bracelet salad looks expensive and elegant, the recipe for which we will present below. There are several options for preparing it, we chose smoked chicken.

Much less known is the “Star of the East” salad, which is also prepared from pomegranate seeds. It is served in portions. The taste is not inferior to its more famous rival and is much more useful.

“Pomegranate bracelet” with smoked chicken

What do you need:

  • chicken breast (smoked) – 0.2 kg;
  • pomegranate – 1 pc.;
  • potatoes, beets, carrots - 1-2 pcs. depending on size;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • walnuts – 50 g;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • oil – 20 ml;
  • mayonnaise - how much it will take (usually 1 small packet).

How to cook:

  1. Boil vegetables (except onions) and eggs.
  2. Cut the onion into cubes and fry.
  3. Cut the chicken, mix with onions.
  4. Cool the vegetables and peel them. Cut into cubes or coarsely grate.
  5. Grind the peeled eggs on a grater.
  6. Place a glass or wine glass in the center of a large flat dish, place potatoes around it, brush with mayonnaise.
  7. Cover the potatoes with carrots and pour mayonnaise.
  8. Place eggs and beets in the next layers, also brushing them with sauce. Mix eggs with finely chopped nuts (some people make the snack without them.
  9. Separate the pomegranate seeds and distribute them over the surface of the salad.
  10. Remove the glass.

Appetizers from boiled meat and chicken fillet are prepared in a similar way.

“Star of the East” with beef

What do you need:

  • boiled beef – 0.3 kg;
  • pomegranate seeds - half a glass;
  • radish – 0.2 kg;
  • sour cream – 100 ml;
  • parsley and/or lettuce - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Separate the meat into fibers.
  2. Grate the radish. Ideally, use a grater for Korean salads.
  3. Prepare the pomegranate seeds.
  4. Mix all ingredients, season with sour cream.
  5. Place a leaf of lettuce in the salad bowls, place the appetizer on top, and garnish with parsley leaves.

Despite the ease of preparation, this appetizer looks attractive and has a unique, harmonious taste.

Knowing how to peel and cut a pomegranate correctly, you can easily set the holiday table. When consuming this fruit, take into account the recommendations for its consumption so that this product brings you nothing but benefits and pleasure.

Juicy pomegranate seeds are not only tasty, but also healthy for the body. Many people avoid it because they don’t know how to clean it. You shouldn’t give up the fruit; here are a few secrets on how to quickly and correctly cut the fruit without getting dirty.

Advice. Before cleaning a pomegranate, rinse it thoroughly in running water and dry it with paper towels.

Excess moisture on the skin may cause the fruit to slip off, causing you to cut your hand with the knife.

Also, the juice of the fruit can stain the skin, so wear rubber gloves before peeling a pomegranate.

Method No. 1 "Vertical cuts"

First, cut off the top of the fruit. If you don’t want to cut the grains, then cut the skin in a circle and roll it with your hands by the tail.

Make cuts along the grooves (membranes) on top of the skin until white flesh appears. Use the knife carefully to avoid damaging the grains. There is no need to cut the fruit completely.

Now carefully unfold the pomegranate petals in different directions. They will not fall apart because the lower part of the fruit is not cut off.

You can remove the seeds with your hands and eat them immediately or add them to a dish.

But this can be done much faster with water. Fill the container with liquid and place the opened pomegranate in it.

Using your hands, separate the grains from the white pulp and leave them in the water. In this case, the skin will not get dirty, since a lower concentration of juice is released.

The membranes and parts of the pulp will remain on the surface of the water, which you can collect with a sieve.

Then drain the water. You will have pomegranate seeds left at the bottom. Place them in a bowl and enjoy the taste.

Method No. 2 "Horizontal cuts"

This option for peeling the fruit involves three longitudinal cuts on the peel.

The side cuts will help remove the top of the fruit, the bottom one will help remove the part near the stalk, and the central one will divide the main part into two halves.

Remove the top and bottom circles or cut them off completely.

The peel has indentations that correspond to the partitions between the grains. Make cuts along them to the white pulp around the entire circumference of the fruit.

Use your fingers to pry up one of the cuts and turn the pomegranate circle in different directions.

These are the two strips you will get with the second method of slicing a pomegranate.

Method number 3 "Using a spoon"

This option for cleaning fruit is the simplest and will require the least amount of effort on your part.

Place the pomegranate on a cutting board.

To prevent it from moving while working, place paper towels or a regular kitchen napkin under it.

Cut off the top part of the fruit and separate the seeds.

Now make vertical cuts all over the fruit, but leave the lower part of the fruit intact.

Turn the cut side of the pomegranate over a bowl and tap the peel with a spoon.

As a result of such actions, the grains will fall into the bowl, and you will be left with an empty peel in your hands.

With these simple methods, you can quickly peel a pomegranate and use it to decorate or prepare any dish. Bon appetit!

Juicy pomegranate seeds are not only tasty, but also healthy for the body. Many people avoid it because they don’t know how to clean it. You shouldn’t give up fruit, because the site "" knows several secrets on how to quickly and correctly cut fruit and not get dirty doing it.

Advice. Before cleaning a pomegranate, rinse it thoroughly in running water and dry it with paper towels. Excess moisture on the skin may cause the fruit to slip off, causing you to cut your hand with the knife. It can also stain the skin, so wear rubber gloves before peeling a pomegranate.

Method No. 1 “Vertical cuts”.

First, cut off the top of the fruit. If you don’t want to cut the grains, then cut the skin in a circle and roll it with your hands by the tail.

Make cuts along the grooves (membranes) on top of the skin until white flesh appears. Use the knife carefully to avoid damaging the grains. There is no need to cut the fruit completely.

Now carefully unfold the pomegranate petals in different directions. They will not fall apart because the lower part of the fruit is not cut off.

You can remove the seeds with your hands and eat them immediately or add them to a dish.

But this can be done much faster with water. Fill the container with liquid and place the opened pomegranate in it.

Using your hands, separate the grains from the white pulp and leave them in the water. In this case, the skin will not get dirty, since a lower concentration of juice is released.

The membranes and parts of the pulp will remain on the surface of the water, which you can collect with a sieve.

Then drain the water. You will have grains left at the bottom. Place them in a bowl and enjoy the taste.

Method No. 2 “Horizontal cuts”

This option for peeling the fruit involves three longitudinal cuts on the peel. The side cuts will help remove the top of the fruit, the bottom one will help remove the part near the stalk, and the central one will divide the main part into two halves.

Remove the top and bottom circles or cut them off completely.

The peel has indentations that correspond to the partitions between the grains. Make cuts along them to the white pulp around the entire circumference of the fruit.

Use your fingers to pry up one of the cuts and turn the pomegranate circle in different directions.

These are the two strips you will get with the second method of slicing a pomegranate.

Method No. 3 “Using a spoon”

This option for cleaning fruit is the simplest and will require the least amount of effort on your part. Place the pomegranate on a cutting board. To prevent it from moving while working, place paper towels or a regular kitchen napkin under it.

Cut off the top part of the fruit and separate the seeds.

Now make vertical cuts all over the fruit, but leave the lower part of the fruit intact.

Turn the cut side of the pomegranate over a bowl and tap the peel with a spoon.

As a result of such actions, the grains will fall into the bowl, and you will be left with an empty peel in your hands.

With these simple methods, you can quickly peel a pomegranate and use it to decorate or prepare any dish. Bon appetit!

In this article you will find ways to peel and cut pomegranate.

Pomegranate is a juicy and sweet fruit that is not only tasty, but also very healthy for humans. The peculiarity of the pomegranate is that it contains up to 700-800 seeds, surrounded by sweet and sour pulp. Pomegranate juice stimulates the production of gastric juice and improves appetite, and the berry itself has many properties: anti-inflammatory, astringent, diuretic, choleretic and even analgesic.

Pomegranate is used for medicinal purposes, as well as for preparing delicious dishes: salads, sauces, syrups, gravies, desserts, drinks. The main merit of grana is that it increases hemoglobin in the blood, due to the fact that the fruits contain a lot of iron. You can enjoy pomegranate only by choosing the right fruit. There are several “secret” methods and tips for this.

IMPORTANT: The pomegranate that ripens and completely gets rid of sourness will be tasty.

  • Skin. It should be a rich dark red color, with slight pink and orange shades acceptable. The skin should fit tightly around the grains themselves; there can be no voids inside
  • Specks. A ripe pomegranate has no damage to the skin; if you notice brown spots, the fruit is overripe and has already begun to rot.
  • Damage. A good fruit should not have any dents, scratches or other damage.
  • Leg. It should be dry and even a little stiff, but this only applies to the legs. If the skin around it begins to rot, this means that the fruit has been stored indoors for a long time and may already begin to rot.
  • Surface. Feel the fruit with your hands; if the surface of the pomegranate is too smooth, it means that the fruit was removed from the branch too early and unripe, which means the flesh will be sour. A good pomegranate has a slightly rough skin.
  • Dense and hard. A ripe fruit has a dense skin, there are no “soft spots”.
  • Inflorescence. It should be completely dry without any green shoots.
  • Smell. You will be surprised, but a tasty and ripe fruit will not smell. If the pomegranate is emitting an aroma, it may have suffered some damage.
  • Grains. The dark color of pomegranate seeds is not always an indicator of the ripeness of the fruit, but the sweet taste is!
  • Place. The most delicious pomegranates are those grown in Tashkent or Uzbekistan (where there is a lot of hot sun). Turkish pomegranate is also good, the berries of which are distinguished by their white and transparent color.

How to quickly cut and peel a pomegranate in 30 seconds: tips, video. How to open and clean a dried pomegranate quickly?

Many who love and often buy pomegranates are faced with the problem of cleaning the fruit. The pomegranate skin is hard and tightly covers the grains. It can only be removed in small pieces, but as the skin is removed, the grains crumble and ooze, staining your hands and damaging the fruit.

Quick peeling of the fruit will help save you from such torment, on which you will spend a minimum of time and effort, and also get a maximum of ripe and whole berries.

What to do:

  • Prepare the fruit, plate and small knife
  • The plate is needed to protect the surface from possible drops (there won’t be many of them).
  • Using a horizontal movement, cut off the “cap” with the tail from the pomegranate.
  • The cap must be grain-free
  • Now that you have seen the pomegranate slices, you should cut the thick pomegranate skin vertically along the veins.
  • After this, you can break the fruit into pieces, as if into slices.
  • Each slice will be covered with grains that can be easily removed by hand.

Video: “How to quickly peel a pomegranate fruit?”

How to easily open and peel a pomegranate in 6 movements: tips, video. How to peel a pomegranate in water without splashing?

This method is unique in that it requires only 6 steps from you, with the help of which you will learn the peeled grains, will not get dirty with juice and you will not have to remove every film and vein of the pomegranate.

What to prepare:

  • Pomegranate
  • small knife
  • Large bowl of water
  • Medium bowl

How to do:

  • Cut off the “butt” on both sides of the pomegranate.
  • Place the pomegranate in a bowl of water
  • Break it and clear the grains (this is easy to do in water, because the juice does not “shoot” and the grains separate without problems).
  • In the water, the grains will sink to the bottom, and the crusts and foam will rise to the top, making them easy to collect and throw away.
  • Take a sieve, strain the water into another bowl, pour the grains into a bowl.

Video: “How to peel a pomegranate in water in 6 movements?”

How to correctly and beautifully cut a pomegranate and peel it for a bouquet?

Vegetable and fruit bouquets are becoming increasingly popular and are becoming an alternative to those boring floral bouquets. The advantage of such bouquets is not only in their original form, incredible beauty, combinations of edible and inedible, but also in the fact that you can not only admire the fruits, but taste them!

There are three ways to prepare a pomegranate for a bouquet:

  • To cut in half. Pomegranate is often added to “edible” (or, as they may also be called, “gastronomic”) bouquets. To make it look beautiful, the fruit must be cut in half. And string it on a long knitting needle. To make the pomegranate look neat, possible leaks of juice from the berries should be blotted with a dry cloth.
  • Remove the hat. To do this, the stalk is cut off and the surrounding skin with films is carefully removed so that beautiful and glossy berries protrude.
  • Entirely. You don’t have to do anything to do this, just wipe the pomegranate (you can rub it with a cloth dipped in a small amount of vegetable oil for a glossy shine).

Gastronomic bouquets with pomegranate:

How to peel a pomegranate so that it remains intact?

This is one of the easiest ways to peel a pomegranate that won't “get your hands dirty” and will allow you to get a whole serving of juicy seeds that you won't damage while you peel the fruit.

What to prepare:

  • Pomegranate
  • cutting board
  • Bowl

What to do:

  • Cut the pomegranate in half crosswise
  • Take half a pomegranate
  • Bring the pomegranate to the bowl
  • Turn the pomegranate grains side down
  • Using a spoon, tap the surface of the fruit firmly until all the grains fall out.

How to eat pomegranate correctly, can you eat the seeds?

Pomegranate is a very tasty fruit, but all the juicy sweet and sour pulp is securely hidden under the thick skin. Peeling a pomegranate is not easy, and besides, the flesh has seeds, which turns eating into a long process of “spitting and snapping.”

We can say that pomegranate lovers are divided into two types:

  • Those who peel pomegranate seeds from the seed in their mouth and then spit it out.
  • Those who eat grains along with the pit

To be honest, it doesn’t matter at all how you eat pomegranate, it’s all a matter of habit and convenience. The fact is that pomegranate seeds are pure fiber. They quickly pass through the digestive tract and are practically not digested, but remove all previously accumulated toxins from the intestines. The seeds contain a lot of vitamin E and therefore are healthy to eat, but not everyone likes them.

Video: “Methods of cleaning pomegranate”