The houses are L-shaped. Projects of corner houses Houses made of timber with the letter G

Fans of original buildings who want to become the owners of a unique house that will be different from neighboring houses will be able to appreciate such unusual developments of the Cottage Projects company as corner house projects. They can be made in various versions, with different orientations, which will allow you to choose exactly the design that fits into the overall layout of your site.

However, when choosing house designs with the letter L, you need to remember several important points, without which the building will not be truly warm and cozy. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the wind rose, because without taking it into account, it may turn out that the house will be located inconveniently, and it will always be cold in it. In addition, in order to provide a sufficient amount of light in such a structure, it must be correctly oriented relative to the cardinal points.

What's hiding around the corner: choosing corner house designs

The logical conclusion is that when choosing projects for corner houses, it is necessary to understand as fully as possible the intricacies of the location of such a structure. Or - entrust the solution to this problem to the Cottage Projects company, whose specialists will not only help you choose the best development directly for your site, but will also perform all the necessary calculations, and, if necessary, advise you on other, more suitable options, for example, U-shaped home, the special charm of which is the presence of a cozy courtyard. Thus, no matter what kind of house you plan to build in the future, with “Cottage Projects” it will be the best: comfortable, spacious and warm.

Depending on the purpose, houses can be either small, designed for temporary residence and seasonal holidays, or spacious - for permanent family residence. Options with two entrances are also possible; such houses are equipped with two entrances. They require additional insulation and sound insulation, construction of a durable foundation, and communications.

The L-shaped house allows rational use of a small local area. Such houses can most often be found on corner plots. L-shaped houses are not only functional, but also beautiful if modern finishing and roofing materials are used in the decoration. As a rule, such buildings have two entrances. For the construction of corner houses in country style and chalets, laminated veneer lumber is often used. The outlines of the house form a courtyard, which can be conveniently used as a recreation area.

About Us

The construction company "House Quality" has been building country houses, cottages and bathhouses since 2001. We have vast experience in implementing the most complex projects. We guarantee a responsible approach to construction, regardless of the chosen budget plan.

Our company in numbers

For more than 15 years of activity, we have a lot to be proud of:

  • 70% of the 1,200 commissioned properties are used for permanent residence;
  • over 900 satisfied clients, of which about 300 returned;
  • 36 construction teams specializing in the construction of timber buildings;
  • 23 units of special equipment in the fleet, which ensures cost reduction;
  • 2 logging plants equipped with drying chambers;
  • 1 own plot in the Novgorod region.

Our advantages

  • In-house production, allowing you to not depend on suppliers, meet deadlines and offer affordable prices;
  • Experienced crews, polite and non-drinking builders, time-tested;
  • The presence of designers on the company's staff - any of your ideas is under strict technical control;
  • Our own fleet of vehicles saves time and cost of delivery of house kits;
  • Individual approach to each of your tasks.

Some houses have an unusual shape, which can be dictated by both fashion and the irregular geometric shape of the territory. For example, L-shaped buildings were erected on corner plots to reduce the area occupied by the house. If you build an ordinary rectangular house on such a plot, it will occupy most of the territory. But over time, thanks to design solutions, such buildings acquired, in addition to compactness and rationality, a stylish appearance.

Design Features

Before you start building a house, you need to choose the optimal location for it and create a project.

When drafting an L-shaped building, you should adhere to some recommendations:

  • The corner of the house is directed to the north, and the blind side should be placed on the leeward side. This arrangement will help protect the patio from the winds and create a favorable climate in it.
  • The wings of the structure can be either the same in length or different. The angle between them can be right, obtuse or acute.
  • If desired, they can make either one entrance opening onto the patio (it will always be protected from adverse weather conditions), or two, placing them on different gables of the building (they can also be equipped with a terrace). The second option will be an ideal choice if two families live in the house.
  • It is advisable to build a one-story L-shaped house; if necessary, you can equip an attic. It is not recommended to construct such multi-story buildings.
  • The width of the gables of the wings is made the same or different.
  • Building materials can be bricks, timber or panels. Most often, rounded or laminated veneer lumber is used.
  • The project can include a garage, veranda or terrace.

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Drawings of L-shaped houses

On the drawing of the house all rooms of the building are indicated:

  • It is better to place the boiler room at the basement level, which will ensure uniform heating of all rooms. In wooden houses, special attention must be paid to fire safety.
  • Corner architecture makes it possible to separate the “noisy” zone (living room and playroom) from the “quiet” zone (bedroom and office), placing them in different wings. It is recommended to place a kitchen and a dining room between them.
  • A garage is often built into buildings with the letter L, in which there are 2 entrances: from the street and from the house, which is convenient in winter. The garage is heated from a single system. Therefore, there is no need to make autonomous heating.
  • If you plan to develop an attic, then it is recommended to arrange a “quiet” zone on the second level, and a “noisy” zone, a garage and utility rooms on the first level. The bathroom is installed on both levels.
  • It is advisable to include a terrace or veranda among the architectural elements. These rooms will decorate the building and become an additional functional unit.
  • The terrace is located in the southern part of the building on the leeward side, preferably in the inner corner of the building. Thanks to the comfortable microclimate created in the courtyard, the terrace can be used even in bad weather.
  • You should know that the veranda and terrace are different rooms. The veranda is part of the house and is located under the same roof with it. The terrace is located separately and often has no roof. A terrace is often attached to L-shaped structures. In most cases it is made angular.

An L-shaped house is an excellent choice for corner plots. It is equipped with a cozy patio, may have a terrace and has a stylish and distinctive facade. In addition, such a house, despite its compactness, is quite spacious.

The variety of house shapes is impressive, but not all of them are dictated by fashion and beauty. There are projects aimed primarily at rationalizing existing territory, which may not have the most correct geometric shapes.

For example, L-shaped houses began to be built on corner plots, where the construction of a rectangular house was very difficult due to the fact that such a house would occupy a significant part of the land plot. At first, designers and builders sought to reduce the area under the house.

Project of a house with the letter L covered with clapboard

And then the projects were enriched with design solutions that make the house, designed and built in the shape of the letter L, not only functional, rational and compact, but also stylish and beautiful.

In this article we will look at the key points that you should pay attention to when choosing an L-shaped house project. We will introduce you to the advice of builders and designers on arranging this type of house. Let's determine the advantages and disadvantages of L-shaped buildings.

Before you start building a house, you need to decide on its location on the site. And here experts share their advice:

What else should you pay attention to when designing an L-shaped house? Of course, to organize the entrance to the house. In this case, several options are possible.

In the first case, L-shaped house projects propose organizing one entrance located in the inner corner of the house. In this case, the entrance to the home will always be protected from bad weather, but this location is not always convenient. Therefore, an alternative to these projects is to organize an entrance from one of the gables of the house. It is often combined with.

Option for the layout and arrangement of premises in a cottage with the letter G

But this is not always functional, for example, if the house is intended to accommodate several generations or just a large family. Therefore, the most rational thing is to organize two independent entrances to the house, located on different gables of the building.

There is one point that is worth paying attention to even at the stage of designing a house - the width of the gables. It can be the same for both wings of the building or different. Often a pediment that is smaller in length is made wider. This technique does not distort the architecture of the building, making the façade of the home more attractive and stylish.

Depending on the style in which your L-shaped home is decorated, or.

Project of a stylish modern house with the letter L

The most popular projects are L-shaped houses made of rounded or laminated veneer lumber. , made in the shape of the letter L, country and. As in the case of U-shaped houses, experts do not recommend building multi-storey houses from timber in the shape of the letter L. It is worth limiting yourself to the construction of one floor.

If a one-story house is small in area for you, then it is better to equip an attic and a high basement than a full second floor.

This is due to many reasons, but the main one is that it is much easier to remodel and repair. Drawings of L-shaped houses suggest the arrangement of a built-in garage, terrace or spacious veranda.

The construction of a corner house is most often carried out on plots, the two sides of which are located on intersecting streets. This solution allows you to create a patio and isolate it from noise and exhaust gases.

The advantages of L-shaped house projects include:

  • unusual, stylish design;
  • the possibility of harmoniously adding additional space;
  • protection of the yard space from wind and prying eyes.

Such houses can be easily divided into two functional zones. By placing bedrooms, children's rooms and dressing rooms in one part of the cottage, and the living room, dining room and kitchen in another, you will create quiet rooms, separated from the everyday and holiday bustle, even in a one-story house.

The arrangement of two separate entrances allows creating conditions for comfortable living of two families. To increase the area, two-story and three-story corner houses are being built.

The roof can also be divided, creating an open usable roof with a terrace or winter garden on one side, and raising an additional attic floor on the other.

Features of the selection of L-shaped house projects

Even within a given form, projects of L-shaped houses can differ significantly from each other in the number of floors, sizes, the presence of an attic, basement, decorative and functional elements, layout, purpose of premises, area, etc.

To simplify and speed up your search, mark important details of your future home in the menu located at the top and left of the page, indicate:

  • architectural style, number of storeys, presence of a garage, bathhouse, winter garden and other premises;
  • number of bedrooms, entrances and combined rooms;
  • material for making the box, type of roofing, creation of verandas, terraces and bay windows.

The choice of design solution is made based on personal preferences, taking into account the characteristics of the site. Before making a final purchase decision, contact the designer using the internal chat, ask about the possibility of making changes to the drawings and diagrams, moving the protruding part and the entrance group.

This category offers ready-made designs of L-shaped houses, developed by experienced architects and designers. Each of them represents a full set of sketches, drawings, diagrams and calculations necessary for the construction and registration of residential real estate. The ability to make changes to the size and location of the interior premises, and to the decorative finishing of a standard project allows you to create an original building on the site that is not similar to others.

Technical information, prices and descriptions necessary for an objective decision to purchase a particular project are posted on a separate page. To go to it, click on the photo you are interested in.

Standard projects are much cheaper than individual ones; in addition, there is no need to wait for the creation of sketches, diagrams and drawings. You can begin construction immediately after placing an order and paying for the project.

Projects of L-shaped houses and cottages - prices from 11,900 rubles.

Projects of L-shaped houses and cottages Prices
RUB 23,700
RUB 14,900
19,000 rub.