Do-it-yourself paths in the country: let's look at the work process, how to make a path. Classification of garden paths from landscape design masters Design of paths on a personal plot

Landscape designers believe that flowers along the path at the dacha will be an excellent option for transforming the site. To choose the appropriate type of flowers for planting, you need to know the intricacies of planting and flowering of each representative of the fauna.

But the composition of the compositions depends on your desires and capabilities. Of course, a busy person will not be able to spend much time planting and thinking through complex shapes and ornaments. This raises the question: what varieties of flowers to choose so that there is less physical effort and the result is maximum? But first you need to build garden paths if you don’t already have them.

How to make garden paths in the country?

Garden paths should be built so that they are convenient and provide access to all ends of the site. But they should not only be a necessary attribute of a country house, but also create an overall aesthetic appearance of the garden plot. If you decide to make concrete paths, then think about the fact that they will remain that way for a long time; dismantling them will be difficult, even if you want to redo the design. And visually such paths do not look very nice.

Your costs will depend on what material you choose. Paths made of stone, crushed stone, paving slabs, wooden cuts or composite boards can look great. The styling options can also be varied. Before you start laying paths, think through all the details of the work and purchase the necessary material. It is better to start work in the spring.

You can decorate garden paths in the form of borders, mixborders, garden plants and flowers. The boundaries of the tracks can be clearly defined, rectilinear, with smooth shapes or blurred. If you prefer clear contours, trim the plants along the paths with garden shears or create a ridge of flowers.

For a straight path, the following planting scheme from the presented plants is suitable:

Thuja occidentalis is planted in the background.

In front of the path, plant alternating early thyme and subulate phlox.

If the stone or tiled path is curved, then it can be decorated with an elegant mixborder of ash geranium, barberry, roses, juniper, Japanese astilbe or other bright plants. This will create a festive atmosphere in the yard for a long time.

If you have paths with a soft surface, such as gravel or mulch, framing them with ornamental shrubs in combination with unpretentious perennials is suitable. The soft surface with winding directions will be pleasant to walk in the summer. But such paths require special care, especially in winter: a snowblower is not suitable for removing snow from them - you will have to use the good old method, using a shovel for these purposes.

Thus, the following types of planting are suitable for soft paths:



Mock orange crown.

Derain is white.


Aconite and delphinium.


The cuff is soft.

If your summer cottage is located in a forest area, then it is better to choose shade-tolerant plants to design the paths. These include all types of lilies of the valley, ferns, lungwort, and kupena. Walking along such paths, you seem to plunge into mysterious and enigmatic fairy-tale times.

What flowers can you plant in your dacha?

Since there is already a lot of work at the dacha, but you still want beautiful flowers to please the eye and create a good mood, it is better to choose unpretentious varieties. Those that would not cause difficulties in care, were not susceptible to various diseases and bloomed from early spring to late autumn. If we talk about early flowers, these are daffodils, crocuses, hyacinths and peonies. They are planted with bulbs in late autumn; after the snow has melted and the soil has warmed up, they sprout. Therefore, plant them in open areas. Among these flowers there are late and early species. Therefore, if you plan the planting correctly, these plants will delight you with their flowering from early to late spring.

After spring, poppies, peonies, roses, and daisies begin to bloom. Peonies bloom in June, roses in July until frost. You can plant flowers along paths or in flower beds. But if you want the flowering to continue, you need to cut off the branches in place of the faded buds.

The most unpretentious species include asters, gladioli, hydrangeas, rudbeckias, phlox, forget-me-nots and hosts. They should be planted separately, as they do not require special care and bloom all summer and early autumn. Wildflowers and herbs also look good in the garden plot and along paths. They are usually planted along the edges of paths and flower beds. These types include:

Mannik, spurge;

cornflowers, bells;

lavender, meadow grass, feather grass.

They combine well with garden flowers, creating a range of different shades.

To ensure flowers are constantly blooming along the paths, select them according to the flowering seasons, and then you will be surrounded by flowering bushes almost all year round. For example, you can plant plants this way:

First row - crocuses, muscarine, galanthus.

Second row - tulips and daffodils.

Third row - daisies, primroses, phlox.

Dahlias, asters, chrysanthemums and crocuses can complete the color composition.

What flowers are planted in spring?

You need to start planting flowers in spring with tulips, hyacinths, and crocuses. They can be planted with the first spring sun, as long as the soil has time to warm up. If you start planting from bulbs, it is better to do this in October. Later peonies, phloxes, monardas, and hosts are planted. They begin to bloom in the summer.

Perennial peas are initially planted in a pot as seeds. After the frosts have ended, you can plant the seedlings in open ground. In the summer, peas will give rise to a small bush that may bloom, but this plant will gain its strength only by the next summer season. The main thing is that you prepare a support for it in advance, since the plant will turn into a huge bush that will delight you with its flowering from the beginning of July until the first frost.

For annuals, the soil should be loamy; if the plants are rhizomatous, then the loam should be moderate. If the soil at your summer cottage is rocky, then to plant plants you need to make small trenches into which specially prepared fertilized soil is poured. The depth of the trench depends on the type of flowers. In order for the soil to be fertile, it needs to be fed with both organic and mineral fertilizers. Fertilizers must be applied in advance, 4-6 weeks before planting.

In addition to functionality, paths in the country play a huge role in the original design of the landscape. The presence of beautiful original paths adds sophistication to the site and creates a positive impression of its owners.

Sometimes it is difficult to decide on the material for garden alleys in order to fully preserve the ideal harmony of the site, without going beyond the available budget.

It is important that the material chosen for arranging the paths is in harmony with the style of the garden. So after drawing up the estimate documentation, as well as calculating the required dimensions, you can begin to select the most optimal material.

Natural stone

At the moment, natural stone is still considered one of the status and practical materials for various coatings.

Marble, sandstone, and granite are used. Based on the preferences of the owners of the site, a stone in a light or dark shade is selected. Stone alleys have a variety of shapes, but require professionalism when laying them.

Stone that is laid in plates is incredibly in demand. It's called flagstone. An identical and affordable option is considered to be imitation natural stone, which is offered on the market in a wide range of products.

The stone alleys look great, harmonizing with the trees and shrubs growing on the site. Natural stone goes well with pebbles.

Among the advantages of stone are durability of use, a high degree of resistance to mechanical influences, aesthetics, and a variety of textures and configurations. The disadvantages include a fairly high price, slipperiness when the surface is wet, and coating with a crust of ice in cold weather.

Paving stones

Garden paths made of paving stones are in demand due to their durability and high resistance to temperature changes.

A varied palette of shades and a variety of configurations make paving slabs a universal material used in a wide variety of design ideas.

The paving stones are easy to install and fit perfectly into any shaped garden space. Depending on the type of production, paving stones are produced in several types, so they can be sawn or chipped.

The advantages include versatility of use. Among the disadvantages is that laying at an unprofessional level can cause distortions.


Clinker brick is often used as a covering for garden paths, as it is convenient during installation, fits well into an area of ​​any style, and is available in a variety of shades.

It is important to note that we are talking about clinker, since building bricks are not suitable for creating garden alleys.

Alleys made of wood

This type of garden path can hardly be called practical, however, additional impregnation and treatment can increase their resistance to the negative effects of mold and humidity.

To maximize the performance characteristics of the coating, it is advisable to use it exclusively on dry hills.

The most suitable tree species for organizing alleys is oak; the rest of the wood also has positive characteristics.

Inexpensive options in terms of price are wood cuts, as well as bars, and a more expensive option includes deck boards.

Among the advantages of wooden alleys are their originality and affordability. Disadvantages include impracticality and instability to mechanical influences.

Concrete alley

Poured concrete alleys have become widespread in suburban areas. This coating is considered a barrier to weeds and has increased resistance to the negative effects of moisture.

Forms for such alleys are sold in any specialized store. With this type of device, concrete becomes a true design find. Using dyes, colored parts are obtained, the shapes provide a specific pattern.

The advantages of concrete paths include practicality and durability, as well as external originality, while the disadvantages include the labor-intensive nature of the work process.

Choose the most suitable material and arrange beautiful and stylish alleys on your site!

Photos of paths on a summer cottage

Private households can be symbolically divided into the following types:

  • functional;
  • economic;
  • walking

The name of each speaks for itself. The path from the gate to the house most likely belongs to the first group.

An example of a gravel path from the gate to the house

It is needed to move from the entrance directly to the home and vice versa, and is a necessary component. Without it, it will be difficult to approach the house. Utility paths are workarounds near the house or approaches to other structures.
Walking tours can serve as intended for relaxation and long-term movement across various areas in order to admire the picturesque landscape.

After erecting a residential structure on the site, you need to think about laying such a necessary component as the entrance path.
Its configuration can be straight or winding, and this will depend on many components:

Original wooden path for a summer cottage
  • the presence of other buildings and plantings;
  • availability of additional ;
  • relief.

All paths need to be planned in advance, then you can clearly imagine what shape the main one will have.

Terrain features

The landscape of the surrounding area also influences the location of the path. If you are lucky and the terrain turns out to be quite favorable, you need to get your bearings and choose the appropriate design, width, and size of the route.


The main paths are usually made wider than the others. They must fit at least two people. We must not forget that in some cases it will be necessary to roll a garden cart, walk with a bicycle, and also take into account any other moments of life.

Paths in the country house of various sizes

The size of the path for one person can range from 40 to 80 cm, for two – from 100 cm or more.

When considering the design of the path from the gate to the house, it is necessary to take into account individual wishes:

What is the best material to choose?

When choosing material for the main track, it is desirable to achieve harmony and, if necessary, budget savings. The design of the route should fit into the overall style of the yard and look good with the fence.

In addition to being compatible with the surrounding design, the selected material must be practical, durable, easy to install, and have an acceptable cost.

Natural stone

Paths made of natural stone are currently considered the most reliable and easy to use. They can be:

  • from marble;
  • from labradorite;
  • granite;
  • basalt;
  • from limestone;
  • sandstone;
  • from natural stone - flagstone;
  • imitation stone.

The routes laid out from light or dark stones can be of various shapes, and they look elite. Working with such material requires certain skills. Stone paths planted along the edges will look bright.

The process of laying a path made of natural stone

However, the disadvantages of this material are: significant cost, with high humidity the appearance of a sliding effect, and in winter - the formation of ice.

Garden paths are guiding threads that connect all the functional areas of the site and other elements of landscape design into a single ensemble. Without garden paths it is impossible to achieve the artistic completeness of the appearance of the garden. The choice of the configuration of paths laid across the site is carried out at the stage of landscape design. Depending on the purpose of the paths, materials for their construction are selected, as well as laying technologies. In accordance with the classification accepted in landscape gardening design, paths can be decorative and utilitarian, main and secondary, hard and soft, straight and zigzag, wide and narrow. The design of the road and transport network of a site is carried out taking into account its topography, which can be flat, “saucer-shaped” or multi-stage (in the presence of significant differences in height).

Decorative garden paths, laid out from individual natural stones, add zest to the design of the garden landscape and make it easier to admire its beauty

Division of garden paths by purpose

There is a kind of hierarchy among garden paths. Paths can be main, secondary, connecting.

  • The main path is the main connecting element of the garden. The width of this path should exceed 1.2 meters so that there is enough space for two people to walk.
  • Secondary and connecting paths branch off from the main path in different directions of the garden. Along narrow paths, the width of which is about 0.5-0.7 meters, it is convenient to navigate one at a time. The configuration of secondary and connecting tracks does not need to be complex. Otherwise, these elements will come into competition with the main path, which cannot be allowed.

With the help of the main, secondary and connecting paths, united into a single road transport network, all significant objects located on a suburban area are connected: a house, a garage, outbuildings, an entrance area, open areas, recreation areas, artificial reservoirs.

A well-designed network of garden paths on the site allows easy access to any place in the garden

When designing a road transport network, it is necessary to adhere to the “golden” rule, which is that the axes of all paths must intersect at one single point. This place, which is the compositional center of the garden, is decorated in the dominant style.

Design of garden paths

The design of garden paths is chosen depending on:

  • the type and structure of the soil on the site;
  • seasonal ground movements;
  • groundwater level;
  • expected paving load;
  • intensity of use (seasonal or year-round).

Due to their design features, garden paths, in addition to their main purpose, are able to perform another important function - drainage. To do this, their surfaces are given a slight slope, allowing rain and melt water to flow into the drainage layer of the base of the path. You can build a garden path:

  • double-profile (middle above the edges) - water flows in two directions;
  • single-profile (one edge is raised above the other) - water flows towards the slope.

Garden paths have not only a transverse profile, but also a longitudinal profile, which shows the difference in height along its entire length (from beginning to end). The difference in height between the edges of the track in the transverse and longitudinal profile is measured in ppm. The following values ​​are allowed:

  • 15-60 ppm for the cross slope of the path (depending on its width):
  • 70 ppm or less - for the longitudinal slope of the path.

If the longitudinal slope on any section of the garden path exceeds 70 ppm, then it is recommended to install stairs for safety reasons. Otherwise the path will be too steep.

If there is a significant difference in elevation on the territory of the garden plot, a path with stair steps is arranged to make it easier to climb and descend the slope

Classification of paths by type of base

Any track consists of the following structural elements:

  • subgrade (a depression in the ground corresponding to the size of the path or site under construction);
  • base, consisting of an underlying sand layer and (or) a buffer gravel-crushed stone layer. Both layers are designed to reduce the load on the subgrade, as well as to remove water from the site (drainage).

Depending on the functional purpose of the garden path, the type of base is selected. So for garden paths used during the summer season, it is enough to make a sandy base. For pedestrian paths used year-round, the base should already be gravel and sand. Entrance roads and areas intended for parking vehicles are built on a solid concrete foundation, reinforced with reinforcement.

Dividing paths into groups by type of paving

The road surface is another mandatory structural element of any path. According to the type of coating, all garden paths can be divided into two groups:

  • hard (monolithic concrete, clinker brick, paving slabs, natural stone);
  • soft (pebbles, gravel, granite screenings (crumbs), crushed stone).

In landscape design, combined paths are also used, which consist of areas with hard or soft surfaces.

Combined paths are made of bulk materials and hard surfaces, presented here in the form of individual square stone slabs

Complex technologies are used to lay special road surfaces. This includes green paths arranged on a geogrid or filled with decorative concrete. The most popular in suburban construction are rigid paths, which make it possible to implement a wide variety of style solutions for the design of a garden plot. In addition, they are more practical, as they are durable, reliable, and easy to clean. Soft paths will have to be cleared of debris longer and repaired more often by leveling the bulk material.

It is customary to classify into a separate group wooden coverings made in the form of decking, platforms, plank sidewalks, and paths made from wood cuts.

Wood cuts in the design of garden paths are used in combination with objects built from rounded logs or timber

Strengthening the edges of garden paths

Curbs used to strengthen the edges of garden paths allow you to:

  • increase the stability of the coating;
  • protect the edges of the coating from possible sliding and destruction;
  • prevent the path from becoming overgrown with vegetation;
  • protect lawns and flower beds adjacent to paths from trampling.

Installation of borders is mandatory for garden paths with a soft type of surface. Rigid paths are framed with curbs at the request of the owner of a suburban area.

The aesthetic value of paving garden paths

The whimsical shape of garden paths decorates the garden plot, shading the greenery of the lawn and highlighting small flower beds from the general background

Taking into account the terrain when constructing paths

Any path laid on a site for practical or decorative purposes must be safe and also convenient to use. This is only possible if the paths are designed taking into account the terrain features of the site:

  • Smooth terrain: secondary paths can be placed in any way (fan-shaped, in the form of branches from the main path, other options).
  • “Saucer-shaped” relief: garden paths extend in rays of sunlight from the lowest place on the site in which a decorative pond or gazebo is located.
  • Relief with a difference in height: on gentle slopes, garden paths are arranged in a zigzag shape, the neighboring sections of which are connected by smooth transitions. On steep slopes, it is impossible to do without installing retaining walls and terraces, the transition to which is provided with the help of ramps and stair steps.

For the owner of a dacha area with uneven terrain, material on strengthening slopes and slopes on the site will also be useful:

The main garden path, immersed in the greenery of trees and stretching into the distance, allows you to climb to the terrace via a cascade of stairs

The combination of materials is the key to completeness of the composition

Garden paths, which match the shape and color of the materials used with the decoration of the house, fencing, gazebos, flower beds and flower beds, make it possible to give a compositional completeness to the garden. When designing paths, you must adhere to the requirements of the chosen style. For example, in strict it is assumed that all garden paths will be straight. The main path serves as a kind of axis of symmetry, dividing the garden into two halves of identical design. Sites located at the intersections of paths must also have a strict shape of regular geometric shapes (circle, square).

The garden in a regular style is decorated with smooth and straight paths, drawn as if along a ruler by the skillful hand of an artist-designer.

On the contrary, it does not accept strict and straight lines. In such a garden, winding paths leading to the most secluded corners of the site would be appropriate. At the same time, each bend of the winding garden path should offer a beautiful view of growing trees and flowers, skillfully created ponds with streams and waterfalls, attractive recreation areas, charming sculptures and other decorative elements.

Combining styles allows you to get unexpected results. With this mixing, the main path is made in the form of a straight line, and the secondary paths extending from it are given a free shape. Paths decorated with floral borders will help highlight the beauty of the Dutch style.

Increasingly, the dacha is becoming a vacation spot for family and friends. The plots are equipped with houses and outbuildings, recreation areas and flower beds. Space is also allocated for a vegetable garden, which acquires decorative qualities. All objects are connected by a communications network - paths. They allow you to avoid dirt, create convenience for agricultural work, walks in the fresh air, and are elements of a unified landscape design of your backyard area. Let's get acquainted with the basic techniques for beautifully and competently arranging pedestrian paths for a summer residence.

What are they for?

Paths differ in their functional purpose. Depending on this, certain materials are used; the width and laying technology depend on the purpose of laying the path. There are several main functions of communications in the country.

Entrance from the gate to the porch of the house

This is the front area of ​​a private or country house; it is used most often. A wear-resistant material with good decorative qualities is appropriate here, which should be combined with the style of the main buildings, copy the material of the base, and have a sufficient width (from 80 cm to 1.5 m) to easily pass each other when two people meet or ride a bicycle to the house. A flat surface is required.

When choosing a material for the main entrance path, preference is given to paving slabs, concrete slabs with decorative design, and natural stone.

Connecting the house and outbuildings

For this variety, the coating material chosen is strong and durable. It is better to make paths straight (for example, for ease of movement with a wheelbarrow when carrying out gardening work). The width varies from 80 cm to 1 meter. The surface of these paths should be smooth, non-slip, and convenient for use in rainy or snowy weather.

In addition to the above materials, you can use more affordable concrete pouring into the formwork. For better wear resistance, it is reinforced with metal mesh. Artificial stone has proven itself well. It is much cheaper, is not inferior in performance to natural materials, has a lot of colors and imitates different structures.


I make walking paths from lightweight materials: wood, sandstone with intervals of ground cover plants or sand, mosaic concrete slabs. These paths can be covered with pebbles, sand, and tree bark. The width of the paths varies depending on the distance from the main communications and is calculated based on the size of the entire area. If possible, it is necessary to provide a width of 1 meter for walking together. To create a flair of mystery and romance in special corners of the garden, a standard tile size of 35-50 cm is allowed. Any curved shape that emphasizes the topography of the soil or the zoning of the garden is welcome here.

Natural materials in the landscape look natural and harmonious.

Paths between beds

Their function is to limit the accumulation of dirt during gardening work and organize space for vegetable plantings. These paths are made 50 cm in size; the material used can be very diverse (from rubber tires to board coverings on logs). It is not at all necessary to make a sand and gravel cushion under these paths: most often they are simply laid on the ground. When redeveloping the beds, it is easy to move these paths to a new location.

When arranging stationary high beds, the paths are covered with crushed stone, laid on black acrylic insulating material. This material isolates them from weed germination, while moisture freely passes deep into the soil. Paths made of fine gravel look aesthetically pleasing and last a long time. Paths in a dacha with different functionality can be designed in the same style, using the same material, changing only the width and shape of the paths. It all depends on the preferences of the owners, the size of the plot and the price segment of landscape work.

Selecting a location

An important stage in the improvement of a summer cottage is the road and path network around the cottage and the surrounding area. At the first stage of planning, future paths are traced. There are two approaches to tracing: if the building exists or the site is just being developed. In existing buildings, they focus on well-trodden dirt paths between objects. These paths are taken as a basis, applied to the site plan, given a technological size and the desired curvature, or straightened a little for ease of use, without disturbing the vector of the path itself.

To develop a new site, the necessary and desired paths are drawn on the plan. It's better to make two or three options. Using these plans, they navigate the area, walk along these routes several times, and evaluate the ease of movement. Changes are made depending on the terrain or taking into account economic needs and the location of communications. In both cases, there are common factors that affect the trace.

The necessary utility paths are planned first:

  • from the gate to the porch of the house;
  • from home to outbuildings;
  • to the garden area.

These communications are subject to the same requirements, the main ones being:

  • wear resistance;
  • sufficient width for the passage of small garden equipment;
  • ease of cleaning from debris or snow;
  • non-slip coating;
  • no sharp bends.

Additional paths are needed to connect with the recreation area or access to remote corners of the summer cottage.

The load on them is not as large as in the first case. Decorative and useful qualities do not require straightness or a particularly flat surface. Paths can be made from scrap materials, using the inclusion of natural elements. They are often given a deliberate curvature to lengthen the route or examine certain landscape compositions. The width can also vary.

After tracing and determining the width of the transitions, the relief is studied. To protect against the formation of puddles on the surface, it is necessary to maintain a slope. The soil in some areas will have to be added. In others, choose to level the top layer. If the terrain of the site is textured and has large differences in height, it may be necessary to install stairs or remove a large amount of soil with the installation of retaining walls to prevent soil from falling onto the path. In some cases, it is necessary to change the location of the path to bypass relief depressions or protrusions in order to avoid a large amount of excavation work.

Next, the drainage arrangement is taken into account. For solid paths on a cement base, a transverse slope from the middle to the edges is used to drain water. The middle is made slightly higher, and the finishing material is laid in an arc towards the side edges. The slope must be at least 15 degrees. Paths with more sparse laying of finishing material on the ground, sand or crushed stone have natural drainage. When installing a curb, it is necessary to lay special stormwater systems under the road surface.

The next planning stage is to create a decorative effect. The communications network is not only of practical importance, but is also an element of landscaping of a personal plot.

Simple concrete paths are practical enough, but a network of gray, boring straight lines is unlikely to please the eye. They should be given some curvature, for example, a sharp turn over a hill can open a beautiful flower bed.

Paths can be a means of visually changing the parameters of a site. A narrow elongated section will look wider with a path in the form of a sinusoid across the section. For a short section, it is better to place the coating material along the track surface. This will visually lengthen the area. The transverse layout of the material will visually reduce the distance.

The color scheme of the finishing material is selected at the planning stage. Here you need to rely on the basic colors of the environment. A house surrounded by dark green coniferous trees will require gray, dark stone paths or finishing in the color of dried pine needles. The paving pattern plays an important role in the overall perception of the landscape. For example, cottages decorated in a rural style can be decorated with brick or homemade mosaic paths. Children will love the soft rubber tracks made from tires.

Planning ends with drawing up an estimate for the purchase of materials. Calculate the length of the canvas, multiply it by the width and get the required amount of finishing material. It is worth considering land work: will it be carried out independently or will it be necessary to attract equipment and specialists. For cement-based paths, take into account the presence of a 10-15 cm sand cushion, layers of crushed stone, and a cement-sand mixture in a ratio of 1: 6 (for laying slabs). If the paths are made of different materials, estimates are drawn up separately for different types of coverage. This is justified, since resource savings can be achieved using a simplified approach to the arrangement of secondary paths. To do this, consider the types of garden paths.

Types of garden paths

Garden paths are divided into two types: hard and soft.


Hard coverings are made of brick, concrete tiles, clinker stone, flagstone, paving stones. Such coatings are used in car parking areas, in the entrance area, on the main alleys of the site, between country houses.

Hard surfaces are chosen for paving recreation areas and some paths.

A special base is prepared for them.

The soil is selected to a depth of 25 cm, the bottom of the trench is compacted manually or mechanically using a vibrating rammer. For the manual method, a special tamper is made from a log with a nailed transverse bar instead of handles. The bottom of the trench is lined with geotextiles to isolate weeds. A layer of sand (5 cm) is poured, after compacting, a layer of crushed stone (from 5 to 10 cm) is laid on it, compacted and covered with sand.

After this, they spill water so that the sand fills the voids between the stones well. After drying, sprinkle with sand again in a layer of 5 cm, followed by a layer of cement-sand mixture (5 cm). Finishing material (natural stone, brick or slabs) is laid on this layer. They are compacted and filled with cement mixture. Sprinkle with water and cover again with cement mixture until the desired level is reached.


The soft covering on the paths is made of crushed stone, sand, wood, bark, rubber, marble chips, and pebbles. Such paths are for walking, although they are also used for tending the garden. Grass and rubber surfaces are optimal for children's playgrounds. For soft finishing material, there is no need to prepare a complex trench before installation. Here it is enough to remove the soil to a depth of 10 cm, compact it, cover it with geotextiles to prevent weeds, add 5 cm of sand and lay the finishing material.

From paving slabs

Paths made of paving slabs have a universal purpose. Laid on a cement-sand mixture, they will serve excellently on the main driveway due to their high performance qualities.

The tiles, placed at some distance from each other with a grass cushion in between, will create a clean, dry path in tune with the natural landscape.

Pedestrian paths in a dacha can be beautifully combined from different materials; the main thing is to take into account the overall design style of the site.


The same finishing material in a certain context can be a participant in retro styles and the most modern trends in landscape design at the same time. If you want to create a garden in a certain style, you should adhere to the following rules.

  • To design the site Mediterranean style choose pebbles, tiles and sand. Country style goes perfectly with natural wood flooring. Forest areas are landscaped with paths made of stone, cobblestones and wood cuts. It looks interesting to use crushed bark to fill paths.
  • Modern especially loves floral decor and rounded smooth lines. Eco-style prefers paths made of sand and stones, covered with fine gravel (without curbs, almost invisible in the landscape).
  • Wood and stone– traditional materials used for centuries to equip paths. Today they are given special attention.


Eco style

A striking example of a combination of a variety of materials is industrial style hi-tech in landscape design. It combines glass and metal, concrete and plastic, water and stone. These materials can be arranged randomly or symmetrically. The main thing is the presence of a clear geometric pattern. The paths are strictly straight, the turns have a strict pattern. The coating avoids texture, the color scheme is restrained and monochrome. The most popular coatings are made of concrete and marble filling with inclusions of glass elements edged with metal. The aquatic environment is presented in an original way in this technological design.

The design of the paths has the same striking uniqueness. Japanese style. If the high-tech style sharply distinguishes the natural environment and the human environment, the Japanese style includes humans in the natural landscape. The finishing materials here are natural stone and wood, plants and streams. The paths are combined with bridges and recreation areas in a classic Japanese style.

Great importance is attached to natural stone. The stone has a deep philosophical meaning and is a symbol of original ethnic design. The entire garden or a separate section of it is decorated with appropriate plants. The paths have smooth curves, the surface is decorated using pebbles, crushed stone and flat boulders.

The width can be arbitrary: from very narrow paths for contemplative solitary walks to wide dry rivers. Flat and smooth paths are combined with yielding rapids boulders.

From the same materials you can create completely different style solutions for decorating your dacha area.

Let’s take a closer look at what materials can be used in the construction of country communications.


Different materials are used to make paths.


Traditional options for designing paths at the dacha are natural and artificial flagstone. The stone has a maximum wear resistance coefficient; it is one of the most durable materials. It is not exposed to seasonal temperature changes and has the necessary roughness, which ensures no slipping. Has a huge palette of colors. It is better to choose the color to match the color of the house or base: this will compositionally unite the house and garden.

Laying flagstone does not require special skills; this work can be completed without the involvement of special workers. Prepare the ground for the hard surface, laying the stone with a small gap (like a mosaic).

The stone covering does not require a curb; any bend in the trajectory can be made.

The width of the path can be easily changed smoothly along its entire length, which gives a natural look to the entire appearance of the garden and yard.

There are several types of natural stone: slate, quartzite, granite, sandstone, shungite. Stone with spaces filled with turf grass creates a warm and comfortable transition through the area. The disadvantages of this paving include the high cost of the material. For a budget option, it is better to use paving slabs.

Paving slabs

Paving slabs are not inferior in strength to stone. There are concrete and ceramic tiles. It may have a pattern, then it is laid out in the form of an ornament. This is a very colorful coating with excellent performance qualities. Manufacturers offer surface-painted or fully colored tiles (in the first case, the top layer may wear off after a few years).

For the parking lot and the front alley, vibrocast tiles are used: they are more resistant to loads; for paths, vibropressed tiles are more appropriate. Tiles are produced in the form of bricks, diamonds, and coils of different colors. Smooth edges allow you to install a border that can be matched to the tone of the main pattern. Paving is carried out using hard surface technology with a wide variety of patterns.

Clinker brick

A durable hard surface is clinker brick. This material is not afraid of moisture, has an interesting range of colors and is designed specifically for paths. It can be filled with a cement-sand mixture. Another way is to fill the top layer with soil and sow grass seeds, however, caring for this coating is more labor-intensive (you will have to remove weeds and sow grass in places where there is abrasion).

You can lay out various patterns from brick, just like from parquet blocks.


A special garden wooden parquet - decking - has been created for road surfaces. For its production, particularly hard wood or plastic is used, simulating various types of parquet wood layout. Decking is produced in the form of slabs or individual planks, which are laid out on a prepared base in a specific pattern. The sections have dimensions of 35 x 50 cm or 50 x 50 cm, due to special fastenings they are connected to each other, they are placed on special supports. This connection allows you to model the path according to the terrain of the site.

You can assemble the parquet flooring yourself. Using decking boards to design paths made from natural or polymer materials will not break the budget. Decking requires the preparation of a base made of concrete screed or sand and gravel cushion. Garden parquet requires thorough care; it must be protected from moisture and regularly impregnated with special compounds. Particularly valuable wood species need to be dismantled for the winter.


You can make a hard road surface yourself from reinforced concrete. Prepare a sand and crushed stone bed. A metal mesh is placed on it. The formwork is installed and filled with cement-sand mixture. The top layer can be decorated with pieces of old ceramic tiles and broken dishes. The result will be a kind of colorful mosaic.

An original pattern can be laid out from multi-colored caps from plastic bottles into not yet hardened cement. True, you will have to make an effort to collect them. However, the result will be bright and exclusive. If a river flows nearby, the surface of the concrete path can be lined with pebbles or shells.

Various patterns and natural colors of the path will decorate your summer cottage.


If there is a lack of finishing material, it is worth casting separate concrete slabs. It is worth preparing a pillow of the size for the base, making formwork in the ground and pouring it with concrete, the top will remain to be decorated according to your taste and the availability of material. Combining materials gives an excellent effect: this breaks the monotony of one finishing material. At the same time, high performance qualities are maintained.

The advantages of modular tracks are the variety of shapes, the possibility of decorating them with improvised materials, adding color using tint. Modular tracks are easy to repair by replacing modules. They can be made gradually, lengthening the track as needed. Simple rectangular modules look stylish against the background of the lawn.


Plastic garden paths have become a new offer on the finishing materials market. They immediately gained popularity due to their ease of installation, ease of maintenance and low cost. Colorful plastic coverings are sold in rolls or modules, which are assembled like a construction set. This type of coating is not as durable, but it performs well against dirt. Even a pensioner can lay roller paths on his summer cottage.

Plastic modules are indispensable in the garden or playground; they are easy to move to the right place or put away for the winter.

Gravel and crushed stone

Soft paths in the garden plot are covered with gravel and crushed stone. For the base, dig a shallow trench, compact the bottom, lay geotextiles and fill with crushed stone or gravel. It is better to install borders here so that small pebbles do not spread throughout the area. This type of path looks especially impressive when using gravel of different colors.


Budget-friendly and comfortable paths are made from rubber mats. Rectangles of thick rubber are placed in the right place - and the path is ready. It does not slip, it is pleasant to walk on it barefoot, as it is warm even in cool weather, light and durable, and will last for several seasons. Often in this case, rubber tires from old wheels are used.

To do this, the side parts of the tire are cut off, the resulting ring is cut and straightened into a track. On one side it is smooth, on the other it has a tire texture. You can use both sides. Aesthetic qualities leave much to be desired, but such paths perform the practical function of protecting against dirt well.


Traditional wooden paths in the country are environmentally friendly, inexpensive and beautiful. You can use leftover boards or wooden pallets from transporting building materials. The pallets are of sufficient width, the blocks consist of identical processed boards. They can be laid out along the route, but their service life will be short-lived and some boards may break and pose a risk of injury. It is better to dismantle the pallets, prepare a trench from crushed stone or concrete, lay boards on top of the logs, secure them with self-tapping screws and treat them with special anti-rotting agents.

Paths made from wood cuts look beautiful. They cut down stumps 10-15 cm high, prepare a trench, and fill in a sand cushion. Hemp impregnated with an anti-corrosion compound is installed in the trench, the gaps are filled with sand or small crushed stone. Such paths are appropriate in coniferous landscape compositions.


A path made of bottles will be a unique solution for garden communications. The principle of the device is similar to the previous version. Only instead of stumps they install bottles filled with sand. The glare of light reflected from the glass creates a pleasant shine.

The trench for the path can be lined with bricks left over from construction. It is worth remembering that red brick is susceptible to moisture. After a few years it will have to be replaced with a new one. Preparation for installation is done as for a hard surface.

Paved paths made of paving stones or cobblestones are the most preferred options for creating a hard road surface. These materials are durable, wear-resistant, and their decorative qualities make it possible to use paving in the front area.

Masonry schemes

There are many options for laying paths. Creating them is a fascinating process.

At the same time, for the best result, it makes sense to turn to the basic schemes that professionals adhere to:

  • Linear-angular diagram. The bars are laid with their ends to the edge of the longitudinal side. It turns out to be a “herringbone” at an angle of 90 or 45 degrees.
  • Linear with shift. Classic form: the bars are laid in a row, the second row is installed with a seam in the middle of the long side of the first row, while the outer bars are shortened by half.

Linear-angular scheme

Linear with shift

  • Multi-colored tiles are laid in a checkerboard pattern.
  • The “braid” is obtained by alternating longitudinal and transverse tiles.
  • The end arrangement of the bars is used to mark the boundaries of a path or pattern.

When choosing a laying method, you need to know that the transverse arrangement of the tiles visually shortens the length of the path (and vice versa). A “herringbone” at an angle of 45 degrees visually compresses the space, a “herringbone” at an angle of 90 degrees expands the track surface. The easiest to install patterns are herringbone and braided. They are convenient to use when working with regular-shaped bricks or rectangular tiles.

The stone can be laid “seam to seam” or “in a run”. In the first case, the edges of the ends are aligned, in the second they are shifted by a certain amount. Laying "in a run" gives an interesting picture of movement in a wave or diagonally. Alternating longitudinal and end parts of the stone are used. This technique creates “Gothic”, “Dutch” masonry, “well” or “cross” masonry. The most difficult is the “radial” masonry. Its implementation is best left to specialists.


The initial stage of arranging paths is marking the route. To do this, fill the contours of the future path with chalk or sand along the entire length and required width. The width is set slightly larger than the size of the path itself for installing formwork, curbing or installing a drainage system. They study the route again, assessing the convenience and adequacy of the path width. It is important to take into account the view that opens from the path and think about where the water supply and electrical cables will run.

To do this, they walk along the future route several times, visually representing the size of adult plants along the path, so that as they grow, they do not interfere with traffic, and the roots do not destroy the road surface. The path should be at least 2 meters away from large trees. If there are no green spaces yet (or they have not yet grown), the contour of the crown in an adult state is outlined with sand. Dimensions can be found in plant growing reference books.

It can be difficult to imagine a particular plant in the future. Then use the following technique. Place large stones, boxes, or drive a stake at the planting sites (this will help with visualization). After approval of the route, the paths begin to lay out the finishing material.

How to post?

To save material resources, many landowners build a pedestrian network in their dacha with their own hands. This process consists of several stages.

Digging a trench for the path bed

Based on backfilling, soil is selected to the required depth:

  • for hard surfaces 25-30 cm;
  • for filling by 10 cm.

The bottom of the trench is leveled and checked to the construction level so that there are no holes or bulges. It is necessary to monitor the general slope of the path for water drainage (5 degrees). If it is not possible to provide this slope, provide for slopes of the finishing material sheet itself towards the sides (5 to 15 degrees). The bottom of the trench is compacted with a log with a nailed plank or a mechanical tamper.

Preparing the base

Sand is poured onto the bottom in a layer of 5 cm for hard and soft surfaces. Compact, check the level of the horizon and slope. Next, crushed stone is poured with a layer thickness of 5 - 10 cm. You can combine these two components and immediately fill the bottom with a sand-gravel mixture. Next comes another layer of sand 5 cm thick. Everything needs to be thoroughly watered and left to dry for several days. Finally, they carry out a final check of the level and add sand in the right places - and the base is ready.

Laying finishing material

Stone, tiles or bricks are laid out on the compacted top layer of sand according to the chosen pattern. If you lack experience, it is better to first lay out a small part of the pattern on the ground, and then lay it out on the base. Flagstone, cobblestones, paving slabs can be laid on a cement-sand mixture or concrete. Bricks and paving stones - on sand.

The technology for laying on concrete is similar to indoor tiling. In the second case, sand and sand-cement mixture are poured onto the base in a small layer. The covering material is tightly laid on them and compacted, regularly pouring sand or mixture on top, swept with a brush, spilled with water, and sand is added again until the seams are completely filled.

If it is necessary to install a curb, it is installed before work begins on the construction of the base for the walkway. For backfill paths, the technology is simpler. Here you can use the option of laying it on a concrete screed with a curb or on a sand-gravel mixture. For narrow garden walking paths, a simplified version of the construction of paths made of brick, gravel, sand, concrete or paving slabs is used.