Basil herbaceous plants for open ground. Description and photo of the most common types of basil

Basil is a perennial herbaceous plant characterized by a decorative appearance and graceful flowering.

This plant is native to southern Africa, the highlands of America, and the temperate Northern Hemisphere. Basil has become widespread in our country due to its decorative qualities, high frost resistance, and beneficial properties.

Main types of plants, their descriptions and photos

Basil has almost 150 species, of which only a small part grows in our region. Below are the most popular and common varieties and species with names.

Basil foliage

This species has been used to decorate gardens for several decades, thanks to its unusually beautiful appearance. It is also found in nature - on the edges of forests that are characterized by high humidity (mixed European and deciduous).

At the moment, 3 varieties of water-leaved basilisk are known:

  1. Dwarf Purple. This is the shortest variety. The shrub grows only up to 45 cm. The inflorescences are colored pinkish.
  2. Thundercloud. This is the next tallest variety, the bush reaches a height of 75 cm. The flowers are bright and rich, have a purple color.
  3. Album. One of the tallest representatives of the water-leaved basilisk. The shrub grows to almost a meter in height (90 cm), and its main coloring is white panicle-shaped inflorescences.

Photo. Basil foliage

This type of plant has compound leaves, which consist of several thin leaves of a dark green color. The inflorescences, which look like dense pyramidal panicles, painted golden, look no less original. The flowers are located at the very top of the stem, which grows about 1.5 meters in height.

This species blooms for more than a month. It is found naturally throughout almost all of Europe and is a popular crop in Turkey. It has been grown in Russia not so long ago.

Light or narrow-leaved basil in the photo

This species has feathery, three-toothed leaves that are colored light gray. Yellow cornflower can grow up to 2 meters in height and has fluffy panicle inflorescences of bright yellow color. In nature, it can be seen in swampy ravines and damp meadows, near lakes and swamps.

One of the brightest representatives of this species is the hybrid variety True Blue. Its stems are so powerful that they can withstand almost any weather, be it strong wind or heavy rain.

Important. If you grow tall representatives of basil plants, it is best to tie their stems to some kind of support.

Yellow basil in the photo

This species also grows up to one and a half meters, it is decorated with small lilac-pink flowers collected in paniculate inflorescences. Flowering begins at the end of July and lasts a month. A distinctive feature of this species is its increased resistance to cold. It can winter under cover, even if the air temperature drops to -30°C.

Photo. Delaway's Basil

This species is considered low-growing, the height of the stem reaches only 20 cm. It begins to bloom quite early, approximately in mid-June, and pleases the eye with its flowers for a whole month.

Photo. Alpine basil

This species is also considered miniature. The shrub grows up to 25 cm in height. Pinnately divided leaves, painted in a rich green color, are decorated with openwork inflorescences consisting of white flowers. The flowering period lasts up to 25 days, starting in mid-May.

Basil filamentous in the photo

How and where to plant basil

Planting and caring for basil in the open ground will not cause problems if you follow a number of recommendations that even a novice gardener can cope with.

First you need to choose a landing site. These can be areas in partial shade or in the sun. The plant will feel good under trees with a high crown and near ponds. Low-growing species can be safely planted in a shady rock garden.

Important. Basil does not like to be transplanted. Therefore, before planting, you need to take into account that the plant will remain in its place for at least 10 years.

The best time to plant cornflower is autumn or spring. Before planting, it is worth trimming the above-ground part of the plant.

Soil is not the main condition for good plant growth. The most important thing is that humus and mineral fertilizer are added to the holes during planting. And after planting, the plant should be well watered and covered with mulch.

Another necessary condition is maintaining a distance between the cornflower and other tall crops, which should be at least 50 cm.

Basil is planted at a distance of half a meter from other tall flowers.

Necessary plant care

Everyone knows that basil is one of the unpretentious inhabitants of the garden.

But be that as it may, certain care will need to be taken:

  1. Watering. If your plant is still young or growing in full sun, it will require regular watering. In other cases, you only need to water the cornflower during long periods without rain.
  2. Fertilizers. By fertilizing the soil during planting, you can forget about it for the first three years. Subsequently, a special set of mineral fertilizers and organic matter will need to be applied every autumn.
  3. Loosening the soil. In order for the basil plant to develop well, regular loosening of the soil is required.
  4. Removing weeds.
  5. Mulching. Using peat or humus as mulch will avoid rapid evaporation of moisture in the roots of the bush, and will also protect against the growth of weeds.


Not all types of cornflower are pruned, especially low-growing ones. The bush is pruned in order to avoid self-seeding, as well as after flowering.

How to propagate basil

Basil can be propagated in three ways:

  • growing from seeds;
  • dividing the bush;
  • cuttings.

Most often, cornflower is grown from seeds.

Important! When propagated using the first method, many varietal characteristics of cornflowers may disappear.

Collecting seeds and planting them is carried out in the following way:

  1. In mid-summer, basil inflorescences are tied with gauze. This measure will prevent the seeds from spilling out when ripe.
  2. The collected planting material must be sown in the ground in the fall before the onset of frost.
  3. In spring, seedlings are thinned out.
  4. After a year, young plants can be relocated to a permanent place of residence.

The soil for seedlings must be nutritious.

Reproduction by dividing the bush occurs in early spring. The basil bush is dug up, divided into several parts, each of which is planted separately. This method is the most common and simple.

Cuttings are a simple way to grow basil. To implement it, you need to cut off a young twig with still unopened leaves and place it in water. After roots appear on the cuttings, the shoot can be planted in a prepared place where the shrub will live permanently.

Diseases and pests of basil, how to deal with them

Like many other plants, cornflower can be susceptible to various diseases and pests.

Golden bronze leaf can cause serious damage to basilisk.

Golden bronze. This is a pest that eats inflorescences. Insecticides will help in the fight against these beetles. Just remember that only those individuals that are on the flower at the moment of spraying this product will die. And other insects, such as bees, can also be poisoned. Therefore, you can choose a different method of pest control - treating the ground under the bushes with products such as Medvetox or Diazin.

Powdery mildew. If the leaves on the bush begin to turn yellow, or white spots appear on them, then you should use a preparation such as “Topaz”, etc.

Aphid. This pest most often appears during drought. Insecticides are also used to get rid of it.

Preparing for winter

Almost all types of basil do not need special preparation for winter. They tolerate frost well, and the main task is to fertilize in the fall and mulch. Only some varieties of shrubs need to be covered, for example, Delavey's cornflower.

Basil in landscape design and in combination with other plants and flowers

The basil flower is a wonderful decorative addition for any garden and area.

Basil is used in the following cases:.

If planted correctly, a flower will be a wonderful addition to any plant.

The plant has a creeping rhizome and stem basal leaves, which are shaped like a triangle. The flowers are purple, white, yellow, lilac or pale pink. Basil reaches a height of 2 meters or more.

Planting this plant does not require much time or effort.

In order for the cornflower to grow quickly and delight with bright and abundant flowering, you need to choose the right place and time of planting.

Selecting a location

For planting cornflower, it is better to choose partial shade; under the influence of direct sunlight, flowers and leaves turn pale and fade over time.

Choosing a landing time

Seeds are planted in open ground in late autumn or early spring. Plants obtained by dividing the bush are planted in early spring.

To learn about the rules for planting and caring for phlox, click.

Soil preparation

This flower can grow in any soil, but will develop better in fertile and moist soils. The soil should be free of weeds and loose. There are no special requirements for the composition of the soil, but deeply cultivated, moderately moist sandy and loamy soils with a neutral acidity level are preferred.

Landing Features

At the planting site, prepare holes at a distance of 40 cm from each other and moisten the soil well. Then sprouts or bushes are planted, the root system is sprinkled with soil and compacted.

After planting, the cornflower needs to be tied up.


Basil is propagated in three ways: seed, vegetative and cuttings. These plants tend to self-sow.

Seed propagation

Basil sprouts sprouting from seeds

Seeds are collected in the fall and immediately sown in open ground. They can be stored until spring, but then they will need cold stratification for 30 days.

The seeds have high germination rate, the sprouts are unpretentious and develop quickly, flowering occurs in the second year.

Vegetative propagation

This is the most common type of reproduction. In autumn or spring, the bush is dug up, divided into several parts and planted in different places.

Propagation by cuttings

To do this, carefully cut off the young shoots and place them in a container with water. To speed up the process of root system formation, Kornevin is added to the liquid. Then the cuttings are planted in open ground.


Basil is unpretentious and does not require careful care; it can grow in one place for more than 10 years.


The flower is drought-resistant and needs watering only on dry and hot days. Excess moisture does not cause any harm to the plant. Insufficient watering reduces the flowering period.

Basil is unpretentious and does not require constant care

Top dressing

Basil is fed in the spring with complex mineral fertilizers. Before wintering, the ground around the plant is mulched with peat or humus.


When the basil flower fades, it is cut off at the root. Low-growing varieties do not need pruning. If it is necessary to avoid self-seeding, the inflorescences are removed immediately after flowering.

Preparing for winter

Most types of basil do not need special preparation for winter. Many varieties can withstand temperatures down to -30°C. However, some varieties need shelters, for example, Delaway's cornflower.

Read about planting barberry and caring for it.

You will find information on how to plant and care for rhododendron in the article

Disease and pest control

Pests and diseases rarely bother the basil plant, but in dry times aphids may appear. To get rid of it, gardeners spray the plant with insecticidal preparations (Karbofos, Actellik, Bankol, Akarin, Aktara, Tanrek, Biotlin).


The variety of types and varieties of cornflower is amazing. In the garden you can grow both giant varieties that reach a height of 2 meters or more, as well as miniature bushes adjacent to the ground.

More than 150 species of basil grow in nature, but the following are considered popular in gardening:

  1. Alpine basil. This is a small perennial plant up to 20 cm high. Flowering occurs at the end of June and lasts about a month.
  2. . The plant, reaching a height of 150 cm, has small lilac-pink flowers. It begins to bloom at the end of July and continues until the end of August. Purple-pink flowers are collected in paniculate inflorescences. This variety is winter-hardy and can tolerate temperatures down to -30°C under cover.
  3. . This is a compact bush up to 120 cm high. It has large triangular leaves with a crenate edge and a bluish tint. Pale lilac or white flowers are collected in a corymbose panicle, its length reaches 20 cm. The plant begins to bloom in June and blooms for 35 days.
  4. . A miniature shrub that grows up to 25 cm in height. The plant has pinnately divided green leaves. Openwork inflorescences consist of white flowers. Flowering begins in mid-May and lasts up to 25 days.
  5. Basilisk twisted. A perennial shrub that grows up to 20 cm in height. The plant blooms in June and has white or purple flowers.
  6. Basil false-petalled. A perennial with straight and strong stems up to 50 cm high. The leaves are wide, triangular, gray-green or blue-green. Dense inflorescences consist of pinkish and white flowers, flowering begins in May and lasts 30-35 days.
  7. . A large plant reaching a height of 150 cm. The underside of the leaf has a bluish-green plate.
  8. Basil sultanabad. Rocky perennial up to 35 cm high. The plant is an openwork, loose and spherical bush.

Several varieties of this plant are often found in gardens: “Dwarf Purl”, “Album”, “Hevits Double” and “Sundercloud”.

Basil leaves of the Purpureum variety are especially beautiful. These are powerful plants with black stems and bright purple inflorescences. The varieties Thundercloude, Athropurpureum, and Dwarf Purple are used in landscape compositions.

Look at photos of types of basilisk:

Recently, the beautiful flowering plant basilisk has become increasingly popular among gardeners for its excellent decorative characteristics and medicinal properties. Many beauty lovers are attracted by its resistance to frost, unpretentiousness in planting and care, and cultivation that does not require special recommendations. When the basil flower blooms, it seems that fluffy translucent clouds are hovering over the garden.

Basil: photo, general description, varieties

The plant of the buttercup family is different erect stems without leaves, creeping roots and triangular openwork basal leaves. The height of the basil bush can reach two meters. Its numerous small flowers are collected in racemes, corymboses or paniculate inflorescences. They can be white, lilac, cream, yellow, greenish or pink.

Main plant types

Plant of the Ranunculaceae family has about 150 species, among which the following are most often used to decorate garden plots:

Basil: planting and care

Before planting a perennial plant, you should carefully think about its location in the garden plot, since basil leaves can grow in one place for more than 10 years. Herbaceous bushes grow slowly and do not like transplants, after which they get sick for a long time. In an open sunny area they form erect stems. In this case, the plant requires regular watering. They can be planted under trees and near ponds, since in nature, cornflowers grow in river valleys, in the mountains and in damp, damp forests.

In the shade, the stems of the bushes stretch out, so the best place for them would be semi-shaded area away from other plants. Basil plants do not like competition, and the distance from them to other tall crops should be at least 50 cm.

Landing Features

Basil leaves grow on any soil, but before planting them needs to be fertilized well, adding to the wells:

  • 50 grams of any complex mineral fertilizer;
  • leaf humus;
  • compost.

For better rooting, the bushes are soaked in a solution of “Heteroauxin”, “Kornevin”, “Humate” or “Epin” before planting. Exposed roots are kept in the solution for 2-6 hours, and the plant in a pot for 20-30 minutes.

The cornflower planted in the holes is sprinkled with earth and watered well with the diluted solution in which it was soaked. If the soil has subsided, then it needs to be added so that the root collar of the plant is at soil level. For better survival and moisture retention, the soil around the bush is covered with mulch.


Young plants require regular, abundant watering. Mature bushes are rarely watered. If it is not possible to water the plants, then they can be planted in groups in areas protected from direct sunlight. This planting will make caring for the plant much easier.

Basil plants planted in fertilized soil do not need to be fed during the first three years. Subsequently, the plants are fertilized in the spring with special nutritious fertilizers containing nitrogen for blooming garden flowers. In September, under each bush it is necessary add 30-40 grams per organic complex fertilizers. To do this, they are embedded in mulch or soil.

Caring for basil plants during the season involves loosening and clearing the soil under the plants from weeds. Some plant species, such as columbine, require pruning.

Reproduction of basil

The plant can be propagated in three ways:

  • seeds;
  • dividing the bush;
  • cuttings.

Propagation by seeds

This is a rather labor-intensive method of propagating basil. It can be carried out immediately after collecting seeds in September or before winter. Seeds ripening in August may scatter. Therefore, back in July, the inflorescences are tied with gauze. Before sowing, the seeds must be dried.

Seeds planted in spring should undergo preliminary stratification. During seed propagation, varietal characteristics are not preserved. Plants bloom in the second year after planting.

Propagation by cuttings

This is the easiest way to propagate cornflower, which is carried out in the spring. Sections of shoots or rhizomes can be used as cuttings. The cut cutting should have a “heel”. The cut site is treated with a growth stimulator before planting.

The cuttings are planted in a semi-shaded place with light soil and covered with a transparent container. To do this, you can cut a plastic bottle or secure a plastic bag. To prevent the planting material from suffocating and starting to rot, it should be washed daily for half an hour. needs to be ventilated. Cuttings should be protected from direct sunlight.

Dividing the bush

At the beginning of spring, even before the plant actively grows, the bushes are dug up and divided into parts. Each division should have 1-3 renewal buds. Divided bushes are planted in a semi-shaded place. The soil is well watered and covered with mulch. Caring for the plots involves regular watering and loosening the soil. If the soil is fertilized during planting, the plant will not need feeding in the first three years.

A plant with beautiful openwork leaves and unusual airy flowers is used when decorating a garden plot:

  1. For creating exquisite compositions.
  2. For planting in large areas.
  3. As tapeworm plants.
  4. For decorating borders.

Basil plants goes well with watersheds, phlox and Siberian irises. They look great in compositions with castor beans or buzulnik. The herbaceous plant beautifully shades shrubs with dark foliage, which include glossy dogwood and euonymus perpurolifolia.

Basil leaves planted in a semi-shaded place will look great both in single plantings and with any other plants. With proper planting and care, the flower will bush beautifully and delight you with its delicate flowers for a long time.

Basil and its varieties

Basil (Thalictrum) is a perennial herbaceous flowering shrub of the Ranunculaceae family, separated into a separate genus, which includes more than 145 plant species. The homeland of basil is China. In our country, basil grows under natural conditions in the Middle Zone, Siberia, and the Far East, and when propagated, it is used as a garden ornamental and medicinal flower.

Basilisk fits the following description: has openwork leaves in the shape of a triangle, mostly gathered into a basal rosette (there are leaves on the stem, but solitary), and airy, fragrant flowers that look like a light fluffy ball with long stamens. Flowers, simple or double, are collected in large inflorescences of various colors - lilac-pink, lilac, cream, pale pink, yellow, white. The fruit is a multi-nut, containing 600-650 seeds.

Did you know? The basil flower is winter-hardy, unpretentious and not picky about the soil. In one place it grows up to 8-12 years.

This is a miniature, up to 15-20 cm in height, decorative flower with pink-brownish small flowers collected in a simple raceme, and small leathery, round-carved, glossy green leaves on top. It is ideal for alpine slides, rocky gardens, creating decorative hills, and multi-level compositions. For medicinal purposes it is used to treat colds of the bronchi and lungs. When breeding, take into account that alpine cornflower does not tolerate waterlogging and dies if there is constant excess moisture.

Anemone-shaped cornflower

Synonym: Anemonella basilfolia. The height of the plant is 9-15 cm, the flowers on the stem are single, white, pink, white-pink, greenish-white, lemon in color. The stems are straight, thin with a reddish tint, the leaves are trilobed, drooping, bright green. Flowering occurs at the end of April - May.

The most common plant in our gardens is the columbine foliage. In its natural environment it grows in forests, meadows, and floodplains - in fairly moist and shaded areas. It can reach a height of 1.5 m, but on average it grows to 60-90 cm.

Its flowers are purple or white, collected in a loose spherical panicle inflorescence. Today, new varieties of columbine basil with purple, red, and bright pink flowers have appeared. The flowers have a pleasant delicate aroma. The leaves are large, rounded-triangular, with a characteristic bluish-green hue. Flowering lasts 4-4.5 weeks, in late May - early July. Used in folk medicine to treat edema, jaundice, malaria, and gynecological diseases.

Important! Taking decoctions and infusions of basil orally should only be carried out according to a strict dosage, which is prohibited from changing on your own in order to avoid poisoning. Basil is contraindicated for hypotension, bradycardia, weak heart function and some diseases of the digestive system.

A flower up to 1.8 m high, with soft lilac (lavender) flowers collected in oblong paniculate inflorescences. The leaves are three-pinnate, rich green. Flowering – July-August. Has excellent decorative properties. Diptera basil is very similar to Delavaya basil, with one difference - it has multi-nutted fruits with wings.

Basilwort Delavaya

Basil Delavaya quickly takes root and is most loved for its decorativeness, hardiness and unpretentiousness in cultivation. This is a tall (up to 2 m), spreading flower. The flowering period is from June to September. It has deep purple double flowers (there is also a variety with white flowers), collected in a large paniculate inflorescence, the leaves are three or four pinnate, dark green. It looks great either on its own, planted singly in different places, or in a group - chaotically or in a planned order, as well as in a vase.

Did you know? When growing basil, you do not need open, sunny areas - with sufficient wateringHeGrows well in partial shade and shade.

Average among the basil plants in height - up to 110 cm, the yellow basil plant is distinguished by a subtle, pleasant, alluring aroma, very fluffy flowers and incredible decorativeness. The flowers are yellow, round, collected in a thick, dense panicle inflorescence; leaves are pinnate and toothed. The color of the foliage above is grayish-gray, below - whitish-gray. Flowering - June.

Basil false-petalled

A very decorative plant 20-25 cm high, with pinkish-white or pure white flowers collected in corymbose inflorescences, and grayish-green leaves. Ideal for alpine slides, creating borders, rocky compositions. Like alpine basil, it does not like excessive moisture. Flowering - early June.

In height - 15-30 cm, with yellow flowers collected in a loose panicle inflorescence, with three- or four-pinnate small leaves forming beautiful decorative openwork foliage, for which, in principle, it is valued. Flowering – June-July.

Basil filamentous

Up to 45 cm in height, but on average grows to 20-25 cm in height. The flowers are white, collected in an openwork inflorescence, the leaves are double-triple, green in color. It has long, powerful rhizomes, thanks to which filamentous basilisk grows strongly in natural conditions, forming entire clearings. This quality of the plant can be used in the garden for decoration - to create carpet areas from cornflower. Flowering – early to mid-May.

Did you know? Threaded basil is the record holder among basil plants for longevity: it can grow in one place for more than 20 years.

Sakhalin Basil

Named after its habitat - it is mainly Sakhalin, as well as some islands of the Kuril ridge. Also found in Hokkaido (Japan). It is grown as an ornamental and medicinal species. Used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, externally - for cuts, puncture wounds, bruises. The flower reaches a height of 45-55 cm, the flowers are white, fragrant, collected in an umbrella-shaped panicle, the leaves are green, double- and triple-pinnate. Flowering - early June.

This species is common in the Far East and Siberia, it is very similar to waterweed and is grown by gardeners for the same purpose - as an ornamental and medicinal plant.