Design a front garden near the house. How to plant flowers in the front garden? My other publications on front gardens

Without a doubt, a beautiful front garden can transform the appearance of your home. In today’s selection of ideas for decorating the space in front of a building, I would like to focus your attention on the nuances of how to make a beautiful palisade in front of the house with your own hands using little things and available materials.

1. Boxes of flowers on windows and border flower beds

flower garden design in the garden in front of the house

The simplest, and at the same time, beautiful solution for your front garden is to create a border flower bed along the walls and install hanging flower boxes under the windows.

2. Flowerbed in front of the house and a small fountain

A fountain can be an additional decorative element in your flowerbed in front of the house. The sound of running water is soothing and relaxing, and the overall impression of your palisade will be much brighter.

3. Flowerbeds - flowers in a wheelbarrow

A variety of potted plants installed in decorative wheelbarrows will give your front garden a cozy, inviting atmosphere.

4. Framing the path border with bushes

The path leading from the entrance gate to the door to the house can be decorated with shrubs. Subsequently, they should be cut at your discretion.

5. All-season plants for your front garden

The beauty of the entrance to the house can be extended throughout the year if you plant coniferous, bright-leaved, and flowering plants. In this case, you will always have an elegant and beautiful area.

6. Planter flower beds for changing the exposure

Regular updating of your flower bed is possible if you use tub or pot installations. You will always have a bright flowering front garden, in which faded plants will only be replaced by blossoming ones.

7. Succulents on rocks

Various succulents, beautifully decorated on stones, will become a very stylish solution for your private home or cottage. By the way, the same sedums winter well outside.

8. Low-growing conifers and bright shrubs

A good solution for those who want to bring beauty and not monitor the front garden too often would be to place low-growing conifers in combination with brightly flowering shrubs or beautiful-leaved hybrids.

9. Vertical gardening on trellises

Trellis entwined with vines will look very beautiful in the front garden. Clematis, bindweed, and indeed any climbing plants will add greenery to the walls of your home.

10. Flowerbed from an old bicycle

An original solution could be to place an old bicycle in the front garden, acting as a flowerbed - a stand. I recommend painting the bike one color so that it looks not like an old piece of junk, but like a decorative element.

11. Flower beds in tree trunk circles

If mature trees grow in your palisade, then make flower beds around them in a near-trunk radius. You can plant shade-tolerant plants if you have little light.

12. Raised flower bed made from cement blocks

Even if you don’t have a lot of space in your front garden, you can make a flowerbed like this out of blocks, raising it above the ground so that the plants receive more light and you have something to look at.

13. A simple border with lanterns near the path

A simple idea - a lawn and path, framed by a simple border with plants and lanterns.

14. Hostas and hydrangeas

In cases where your front garden faces north, I recommend planting shade-tolerant plants, such as hosta. In combination with hydrangeas this will be a very interesting solution.

15. Alpine hill with a stream in the palisade

An example in which several ideas are implemented at once. The budget for such a solution is, of course, considerable, but as a result, the owners immediately received a complex of a rock garden and a stream.

16. Mediterranean-style front garden

A nice option in Mediterranean style. Geometric paths, flower pots on pedestals, border flower beds along paved areas.

17. Easy-to-care option with foliage plants

If you like to trim shrubs and form various shapes out of them, then I suggest this option for decorating the front garden in front of the house.

18. Stone and gravel design

In an area with an abundance of stones, you can consider designing a palisade with boulders and pebbles. Moreover, the more varied the shapes of the stones, the more picturesque the landscape of your corner will be.

19. Use old logs and stumps

Old stumps, snags and logs can also serve as an excellent solution for your entrance composition.

20. Flowering pendants and flower pots

If you have an open terrace or veranda, then from the façade of the building you can decorate it with hanging flower pots with petunias, which bloom almost all summer.

21. Tiered front garden design

Even on a flat plane, it is quite possible to develop some semblance of tiers. In landscape design, this technique allows you to create several accents at once and hold the observer’s gaze for a longer time.

22. Flowerbed in an old stump

If a large tree previously grew in your front garden, and now you decide to cut it down, do not rush to uproot the stump. It can be used as a decorative element.

23. Flowerbeds of their hostas and coleus

Coleus has many variations in color and foliage pattern, just like hostas. Therefore, by combining only these two plants in a shady flowerbed, you can create a unique elegant ensemble.

24. Combination of border shrubs and topiary

It doesn’t matter what climate zone you live in, because using adapted evergreens, you can see greenery outside your window even in winter.

25. Mini flower beds around pillars

Around any pillar in front of your house you can create mini flower beds of unpretentious long-flowering plants.

26. Raised beds with low-growing foliage plants

In addition to flowers, low-growing shrubs can also be planted in raised beds. Such compositions will delight you for many years.

27. Stones in the tree trunk circle

An example of using stones as a border in a flower bed - a tree trunk circle.

28. Tiered flower beds

If your site has a slight slope towards the road, then you can use tiers to raise it a little and make the reinforcing wall in the form of a flower bed.

29. Hanging planters

In the West, there is a tradition of duplicating the house number on such columns in front of the building, but we can take note of the idea and simply create a beautiful column with a flowerpot.

Sometimes even lanterns framed with flowers will be complete compositions that do not require any additions.

31. Trolley - flower bed with pots of flowers

I recommend painting such a cart, which serves as a stand for pots of flowers, in one tone and placing it in the center of the front garden.

32. Example of using cement

You can make a beautiful front garden from cement. Such a solution looks especially beautiful when everything is done in a single key.

33. Use old trees

Another example of using old wood, this time the stump is taller and the planters are placed on wooden stands.

34. Bright autumn colors

If you like to work with flowers, then it will probably be boring for you to watch how your front garden becomes unattractive in the fall. I know women who create spring, summer, and fall designs throughout the season by planting appropriate flowers. Yes, it requires labor, but it will entice them, which is the most important thing.

35. Arch with roses and low fence

What could be more romantic than roses? A white picket fence and an arch with roses will make your front garden incredibly attractive and elegant.

36. Curb lighting

The availability of LED strips for sale will allow you to decorate your evening front garden on a budget. By placing the tape along the border you can get this stylish lighting.

37. Mediterranean corner

If your house faces the south and you live in southern latitudes, then this Mediterranean version of the palisade will be just right for you.

38. Delicately romantic fence

Long-flowering rose hybrids planted along the fence will delight you and passers-by, unless, of course, passersby pick off such tempting buds...

39. Rocky waterfall instead of a flower bed

If you like originality, then instead of a flower bed you can make a rocky waterfall in your front garden. Landscape design is masculine, I would say.

40. Bowls with flowers on the tables

An example of a stone pedestal with a bowl of flowers on it. Of course, such installations require regular watering, but they also give beauty!

41. Lawn in the front garden

However, even if you just have a well-groomed lawn in front of your house, this will significantly increase the attractiveness of your site.

42. Flower beds in ready-made molds

It is also possible to purchase ready-made forms for flower beds, fill them with soil and plant flowers. Just don’t forget to paint the molds in elegant, attractive colors.

43. European-style front garden landscape design

Paving stone border, conifers, low-growing deciduous shrubs, hostas, beautiful-leaved bushes.

44. Cactus garden

Rocks, crushed stone, succulents and cacti are solutions for areas with hot, dry summers. These plants are not afraid of heat and even in the heat of the day nothing will dry out or burn.

45. Accents under the windows

The traditional design of a front garden is a lawn in the foreground and a flower bed under the windows. In any case, this is a classic and if you don’t know how to decorate the area in front of the house, then this solution will be optimal.

46. ​​Green geometry

You can beautifully decorate the front garden in front of your house in a non-standard way - the photo shows a geometric version of landscape design in a diagonal plane.

47. Front garden in free style

However, even if done in a free style, your space in front of your house or dacha will look original and original.

48. Flowerbed in a barrel

It doesn’t matter how small your front garden is, because this idea can fit even in a small area.

49. Cart wheel as an accent in the palisade

Quite often, when traveling, I come across cart wheels included in the design of a front garden or some other landscape composition. Think about this accent too.

50. Your front garden is the best!

That's all for today! I hope this selection of front garden ideas will inspire you to create beauty in your own summer cottage or near a private house. In any case, I wish you a creative mood and openness to new solutions!

The front garden is part of the local area where flower beds, shrubs and tree plantings are located. This is a kind of “calling card” of the house, the first thing that catches the eyes of guests. This is a suitable place for placing garden furniture, playgrounds and ponds. Therefore, special attention is paid to the arrangement of front gardens. It is important not only to select the most suitable species of ornamental plants, but also to carefully landscape and decorate the area. The most original solution is to arrange the front garden with your own hands, guided only by your own ideas about beauty. But even in this case, a few important tips will not hurt.

Types and styles of front gardens

Depending on the principle of location, front gardens are:

  • closed;
  • open;
  • covered;
  • formal.

The main purpose of an open front garden is to give the house an attractive appearance from the outside. In this case, many factors have to be taken into account: terrain features, surroundings, intensity of traffic flow on the nearest highway, etc. If the territory being developed does not entirely fit into the field of view, even from a great distance, it is advisable to divide it into separate zones. Hedges are often planted along the perimeter - they will not become a barrier from uninvited guests, but they can beautifully outline the boundaries of the site.

Flowers and ornamental plants will decorate your yard

The design of a closed front garden should first of all provide a beautiful view from the window of the home. In this case, a hedge protects the area from noise, car exhaust and prying eyes. For these purposes, fences or thorny bushes are often used - gooseberries, rosehips, barberries or hawthorns.

Green bushes and flowers will fill the yard with freshness and beauty

Covered front gardens are small lawns, lined with the same hedge of bushes.

Small, neat hedges are typical for covered front gardens

Formal front gardens are convenient when there is a shortage of space, because... they take up very little space. Containers are used for planting, often having an original shape, colorful and beautifully decorated.

A small front garden will become part of the territory

When choosing a style for decorating a front garden, you need to realize that the very concept of style here is quite arbitrary. There are no strict frameworks within which this or that principle of territory development fits. Mixed styles are often practiced, including those with numerous ethnic inclusions. The requirements for the methods of designing a front garden in this case are very vague, and strict adherence to any rules is not required.

Typically, the characteristics of the home and the adjacent land plot are taken into account, as well as the solutions already used in this area. Below we will look at some of the fashionable styles that landscape design professionals are working with on small-sized plots available in densely built-up cities.

The concept of style for a front garden is quite arbitrary

The Art Nouveau style is characterized by a refusal to use a straight line when designing a front garden. Graceful, often trailing plants create a bright, bold and asymmetrical look. Another solution is to install wooden trellises that are high enough to allow clematis, which is actively used by modern landscape designers, to grow well next to them. It is better to make the details of the grilles pretentious and elegant, without crossing the line beyond which minimalism ends.

Such a sophisticated plant as a rose combines restraint and luxury well. If the house has a wide entrance opening, the use of standard climbing roses will not interfere with either guests or owners. If the doors are narrow, then it is better to plant such a plant near the arch, installed in front of the path leading to the entrance. It is better to choose the color of roses so that it contrasts with the background of clematis. Also, the beauty of rose flowers is emphasized by the dark greenery of ivy - it can also be planted near the arch.

For planting along paths, there is nothing better than low-growing and groundcover roses that create specific “borders.” It is best to fill the rest of the area with lavender, catnip, thyme or heather. You can also plant potted plants at the entrance - yew or boxwood. It is advisable to give them a nice haircut when they grow up.

The high-tech style is best suited for small, simple front gardens, the design of which does not require excessive financial and time expenditure, but produces spectacular results. This style is characterized by focusing the observer’s attention on only one bright color - for example, green. The main components of design are symmetry and geometry. Decorative elements are selected accordingly: cast supports, galvanized arches, large metal containers with unusual sculpture shapes and even several concrete cubes. It is advisable to use boxwood or steel strips as borders with strict lines.

High-tech style is characterized by straight lines and correct symmetry.

The placement of the tallest woody plants should also be symmetrical relative to the house. It is better to plant them in the middle of flower beds. It is advisable to opt for standard trees with a strict crown - maple, white acacia or bignonia catalpa.

To frame standard forms, use smaller trees in tubs or pots. It is better for them to take a place closer to the threshold, breaking the symmetry that reigns everywhere for a change. A good place to place an arch is the space in front of the entrance to the house. It’s a good idea to plant a couple of plants that contrast with each other next to the arch (like holoflowered jasmine or Henry’s honeysuckle). Decorative elements (sculptures, containers) and plants of the same size with white flowers also balance each other.

Bright design elements are perennial shrubs blooming in scarlet, yellow or deep blue. The yellow color scheme will be provided by St. John's wort or rudbeckia flowers, and the red color by kniphofia or Indian canna. Plant the rest of the area with unusual vegetation of modest colors. Low-growing grasses, spotted grass, various ferns, small periwinkle or trifoliate Waldsteinia are suitable here. All potted plants in a high-tech front garden should fit in no more than five containers.

To decorate the area, you can choose green and flowering shrubs

For a front garden in the minimalist style, the main thing is originality. After all, creating something memorable under spatial restrictions is not an easy task. Here it is appropriate to combine strict elegance with lush filling. It is recommended to divide a small space in two, and plant one woody, main, climbing and potted plant in each part. In this case, it is advisable to make the combinations contrasting and striking.

Opposite a large tree, you can plant small but lush bushes. In this case, the combination of bean and spirea also looks great. An elegant support for climbing stems looks good close to the tree trunk. The decoration on the opposite side will be, for example, an obelisk with a climbing rose, and for the arch at the entrance, a vine of maiden grapes would be better suited. A pair of flower beds placed on the site requires symmetrical design. Two medium-sized perennials with discreet colors are perfect for this. This could be echinacea, lavender, cereals, rudbeckia, heuchera, heather, etc.

For a bright accent, you can display several pots of summer flowers near the threshold.

Flowers in the front garden can be displayed in pots

Front garden decoration

Each style, no matter how strict it may be, provides freedom of action for the owner of the front garden. It consists not only in the choice of ornamental crops, but also in the design of the place where they grow. The concept of landscape design also includes the choice of soil for plant growth, the structure of an arch or fence, the color and shape of pots, etc. All this together makes numerous individual changes to the adopted style.


It is quite acceptable for the front garden fence to be replaced by a hedge. If you need an artificial fence, then it is important to clearly understand for what purposes you are going to use it. If for decorative purposes, then a low fence made of any material is quite suitable. If you want to protect your front garden from outsiders, then you need a real, high and durable fence. In any case, you need the fence to be beautiful and harmonize as much as possible with the surrounding landscape.

The advantage of wooden fences is their low price, environmental friendliness, ease of painting and processing. Are used. Basically, there are two types of lumber - picket fence and timber.

The picket fence is assembled from wooden boards attached to two profiles. When building a picket fence yourself, it is important to leave a gap between the boards. Firstly, it looks beautiful, and secondly, the shadow from such a fence falls no less beautifully on flowerbeds, pots and the plants themselves in sunny weather. Painting the boards in bright, alternating colors also contributes to the attractiveness of the fence as a landscape decoration.

A timber fence is much thicker and stronger than a picket fence. You can decorate it not only with painting, but also with polishing, varnish, and artistic wood carving. Such a fence can serve not only as decoration, but also as reliable protection.

A wooden fence can also be made from available materials (stumps, pegs, branches woven together). But these are already stylized design elements that look like a fence and do not perform any functions other than aesthetic ones.

Compared to wooden ones, metal fences have an undeniable advantage - strength. But there are also disadvantages - large mass, which makes installation on site difficult, as well as high price.

Forged metal fences have the most attractive appearance. They are also the most expensive. But if you are willing to pay for beauty, the pleasure is worth it. Using forging, you can decorate the fence with a unique three-dimensional pattern. The stems of climbing plants, such as ivy or bindweed, can add even more attractiveness to it.

Fences made of metal profiles do not look as elegant, but are cheaper and quite easy to install. If you plant weaving and climbing plants along such a fence, you will get a perfectly even “hedge”.

Plastic fences are good because they are inexpensive. And often they can be collected for nothing. There are technologies that make it possible to assemble a fence not only from PVC pipes to be recycled, but even from used plastic bags. This material can be easily given any aesthetic form in which no one will recognize the former garbage. However, the strength of such a fence is low, and it has rather a decorative value. Additionally, plastic is not an environmentally friendly material ideal for outdoor recreation.

To build a fence, you can use wild stone. This is usually granite or slate with beautiful colors and complex patterns. Its noble and, at the same time, somewhat rough appearance allows you to feel the breath of history. In addition, this material is quite durable. If the boulders are fitted to each other so tightly that there is practically no gap between them, they will stick perfectly even without mortar.

The use of wild stone is hampered by its heavy weight and high cost.

Concrete and brick barriers are strong and reliable. However, it is quite difficult to give them an aesthetic appearance - after all, sometimes it is necessary for the front garden fence to be at least somewhat different from the wall of the house. However, concrete and brick fences are widespread, and owners are not going to give them up.

There are also combined fencing options that use all the materials mentioned above.


Paths are necessary not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also in order to give people the opportunity to walk through the front garden without trampling plants. There are various materials for making paths. And each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Paths made of natural stone are considered one of the best in many respects. They are durable, environmentally friendly, and look great among flowers and greenery. But the material for them is very expensive. In addition, natural stone absorbs moisture too easily, so paths made from it must be treated at least once every three years with a water-repellent solution. In winter, the stone paths are covered with an icy crust, which makes them dangerous to walk on. Due to the heavy weight of natural stone, it is difficult to lay it in the ground to create a flat surface. For this purpose, a special hammer is used, which is difficult to operate without the necessary skills.

Wooden paths can be of three types: from boards, special tiles and wooden logs. All of them are cheap and environmentally friendly, but they are not durable. In order not to change them every few months, the wood has to be treated with a special compound.

There are also some measures to extend the life of such tracks.

  1. Before laying boards, bars or saw cuts, they should be treated with boiling drying oil. After the surface has dried, the treatment is repeated.
  2. When laying the path, you can place polyethylene under the wood. This will make it difficult for moisture to reach the wood and slow down the rotting process.
  3. To drain excess moisture, it is best to pour the ground under the path in a gentle arch.
  4. The void between each cut is filled with a large amount of sand, crushed stone or gravel to prevent moisture.
  5. If wooden walkways are laid on the ground, it is better to leave gaps between them and the soil.

Much also depends on the type of wood. Paths made of oak, ash, and larch are the least susceptible to rotting.

At first glance, the brick paths seem flawless. But ordinary sand-lime brick is not very reliable as a material - it quickly disintegrates and creeps apart. Clinker brick has more suitable characteristics.

It is expensive, and even when laying it, precautions must be taken so that the paths do not separate.

  1. It is better to lay clinker, and even more so sand-lime bricks on mortar - otherwise the material will not last long.
  2. It is better to drive boards along the edges of the paths - this will keep them in good condition longer.

A garden path made of concrete has ideal characteristics - in addition to its aesthetic appearance. In addition, concrete is not cheap, and it is almost impossible to lay it without the use of technical means.

If finances allow, you can use paving slabs, asphalt, granite, etc. as laying materials. An alternative option is to lay out the paths with pebbles, sand and even compacted turf. These are virtually cost-effective technologies, but the results often leave much to be desired.


The word "front garden" uses the root "garden". And not only flowers, but also trees should grow in the garden. Cherry trees (including the famous Japanese sakura), willow, spruce, and thuja are considered the most suitable for arranging a front garden. If you have enough experience and free time, you can try to decorate the area with exotic plants - natives of the subtropics. At the same time, you should think about how to heat the tree in winter. The most acceptable option is the summer exposition of the “overseas guest” in the front garden and the construction of a temporary winter greenhouse around it.

A front garden is unthinkable without numerous shrubs. Some of them serve as hedges, others grow inside the perimeter solely as decoration. The first include, first of all, thorny bushes, such as thorns or hawthorns. Exotic lovers can use for this purpose in the summer even plants that are unusual for a temperate climate, such as cacti. Of course, with the passing of the summer heat, the pots with “green hedgehogs” should be moved under the roof.

Absolutely thornless, but extremely dense bushes that grow densely and are easy to trim are also suitable as fencing. Such plants include honeysuckle, snowberry, etc.

There are many ornamental shrubs grown in the front garden solely for beauty. Recently, due to the fashion for the so-called “alpine slides”, preference is often given to creeping plants - for example, juniper. There are cases when polar plants such as dwarf birches were successfully grown in the climatic conditions of the middle zone.

Standing apart are climbing plants used in the decorative design of hundreds, fences and gazebos. Growing ivy or bindweed on a plot of land is a win-win option, capable of decorating and beautifying the area under any circumstances.

And, of course, what kind of front garden would be without flowers? The best is considered to be a combination of beautifully and brightly flowering perennials (for example, roses) with modest wildflowers - catnip, lupine, heather, etc. However, there are no established canons here, and the possibilities for experimentation are endless.

Crafts and decor

Anything is suitable as decor for the front garden - from natural materials to old utensils or furniture. Very often, old things decorated with fresh flowers create a unique atmosphere of the rural outback, even in the courtyard of a modern multi-story building. Bird feathers, sea shells or colorful pebbles from the coast can completely change the usual ideas about landscape design.

How to arrange a front garden with your own hands

Let's move on from ideas to action. For a front garden, you need to mark out the area, install a fence, lay paths and decorate it with beautiful plants.

Making a wooden fence

  1. The simplest type of fence is a picket fence. To make it, wooden boards are used, nailed to at least two crossbars. It is recommended to choose lumber from durable species - oak, ash, etc.
  2. The thickness of the boards depends on the purpose of the fence. For an effective fence, it should be maximum, but for a decorative one, a board 20 millimeters thick will do.
  3. When installing a fence, you should not just dig in the bases of vertical boards with earth, but fill the holes and grooves intended for them with tightly compacted gravel.

Making a garden path

  1. Before starting work, it is necessary to outline the routes of the paths and calculate how much material will be needed for them.
  2. The material is not simply laid on the ground, but dug into the ground with a shovel or hammered in with a hammer.
  3. It is advisable to install curbs along the edges of the paths. These can be buried boards, fences made of woven branches, etc.
  4. Also, grooves should be dug along the edges to drain rain and melt water.

Making decor

Literally anything that comes to hand can be used for decoration. It is difficult to give advice here: everyone decorates their front garden according to their imagination. There are only a few general recommendations that have been proven by experience.

  1. Any outdated furniture, farm utensils, worn-out clothes and even worn-out shoes can turn from unnecessary trash into decoration. By grouping all this into appropriate compositions, you can tastefully decorate flower beds and turn your front garden into an island of the past untouched by time.
  2. An excellent material for making flower beds are tires that are beautifully painted and arranged in a geometric pattern.
  3. Glass and plastic bottles, especially those painted with acrylic paints or decorated with plaster stucco, can also serve as decorative elements.
  4. You can decorate garden paths with beautiful pebbles from the sea or river banks.


It is necessary to care for plants in your garden all year round. The care procedure includes watering the plants, cultivating and fertilizing the soil, trimming the bushes, pinching and whitewashing the trees.

Caring for the fence, path and decorative elements involves regular repairs and updating if necessary.

Photo gallery: ideas for inspiration

In conclusion, we can say that these descriptions and advice are by no means a dogma that you need to strictly follow when designing your front garden. After all, each owner of a house and the adjacent plot of land has his own tastes, preferences and ideas about beauty. The possibilities for creative exploration here are almost endless, which makes it possible not to stop there.

People of middle age and older remember such a word, which has almost gone out of use, as front garden. By definition, it is between the house and the road, enclosed by a fence (palisade). Isn’t it true that we associate it with warmth, comfort, beauty, childhood? Personally, it was there that I learned the first names of flowers: Golden Ball (this is dissected rudbeckia), slippers (monkshood), mallow... And, by the way, there grew a bush with very tasty June berries - karinka, or serviceberry!

Landscaping front garden

So, without going headlong into sentimentality, let’s try to formulate what a front garden is today, and think about whether we will plant golden balls, aconites and mallows in it. Today it has been transformed, now the front garden is most likely divided by a path and is not always fenced, although this sometimes looks very stylish.

Landscaping in front of the house (parterre) is the owner’s calling card. It speaks about the taste, preferences and character of the owners. Therefore, the design can be in bright or muted colors, monochrome or based on contrasts, with or without nuances. Or it may consist only of shades of green and smooth transitions of planting heights. There is no one rule and absolutely no advice, everything is individual here. The ground floor may differ from the main area of ​​the garden in style and be more oriented towards. And this can really be justified: neatness, trimmed shapes, straight lines will give a certain image to the entire garden, perhaps emphasizing its other corners. After all, the informal is often emphasized by the formal, and vice versa. It may make sense to decorate the entire entrance area in a regular style, although this is not necessary. The gardeners I know have flower beds near their houses that can be called in one word - “Holiday!” There are others that I would call “Safe Haven”.

Which design is right for me?

So a recommendation in this regard could be this: look inside yourself and decide what will make you happy. Perhaps this will be some kind of compromise solution between the desires of all household members. And don’t chase fashion, it’s fleeting, don’t copy the entrance area from a magazine. Although, of course, you can borrow some ideas, but without forgetting your individuality.

Remember the story with the gnomes? At first, not a single kindergarten in Europe could do without them, then they began to be considered a sign of bad taste even in our country. But it’s not a fact that they won’t come into fashion again, only, perhaps, they will be called differently, for example, trolls. The same applies to the tones of small architectural forms: for example, if gray is a popular color, and you associate it with drab everyday life, then, blindly following fashion, you will experience dissatisfaction until you find a worthy replacement for it. If blue is in fashion, but for you it is bad taste and disharmony in the landscape, the same thing - you will not agree with yourself until you change the color.

By the way, if you are in doubt about the choice of color, I advise you to use the same color and tone as the color of the roof, the house - this will be a win-win option. And also pay attention to the brown. It is this color that is perceived as neutral in the garden, perhaps because it reminds us of the color of the earth and tree trunks. You might argue: there is more green. But in practice, it turns out that it is very difficult to choose a tone, and it still looks unnatural and does not blend into harmony with the greenery of the garden.

I'm not asking you to be conservative. Fashion trends can be built on good principles of environmental friendliness and ergonomics. Just follow them carefully and keep in mind that you are creating something for years. So you can follow fashion, there is no need to chase. I myself, for example, really like the current fashion for cereals and. And from time to time I think: “I wish I could make a parterre like this!”

Front of house design

Parterre – the face of the garden

Remember that the design of the front garden of a private house is focused not only on you, but also on your guests. In relation to you, he should give you the emotions you want. In relation to guests, this is a front area, and experiments are inappropriate here; for them, we also have other places around the house. Otherwise, you will have to rely on the condescension of visitors and, perhaps, make unnecessary excuses like: I will remove this shelter only after the end of the frost. Constant decorativeness and reliability of plants are important. Now about each of these concepts in order.

  1. Constant decorativeness is when a composition (not necessarily a flower garden, maybe, for example, a combination of conifers and shrubs) looks beautiful and well-groomed throughout the year. Therefore, we immediately cross out from the list of plants used those that need to be covered in some special way, because shelters usually look ugly. For the middle zone, these are large-leaved, tree-like plants and similar plants. Of the herbaceous perennials, we use those that do not fall apart or turn yellow over time. If we nevertheless include these in the list, then do not forget to think about aesthetic supports or shelters.
  2. As for reliability, in my understanding, this is a front garden design in which nothing freezes in the winter, or dies in the spring from excessive humidity, and in the summer from heat, and also does not constantly suffer from any natural factor and does not lose its decorative effect. Therefore, from my list of plants I immediately cross out conifers that often burn (I leave only those resistant to spring insolation), as well as roses, starting from the sixth winter hardiness zone inclusive, as well as those that are susceptible to black spot. If the place is dry, then I cross out moisture-loving plants; if it’s humid, I cross out steppe, mountain, etc. Although there may be exceptions here. And, of course, I cross out all plants with borderline winter hardiness.

How to plan the landscape in front of the house?

Now, from what remains, let’s try to come up with and bring to life a beautiful landscape in front of our private house – with our own hands.

We will start with an assessment of natural conditions - from the last step of the porch. What are these conditions?

  1. the first is illumination,
  2. second, but less important, is the soil composition (it can be replaced if desired),
  3. third - the impact of the rainwater drainage system and the direction of snow falling from the roof,
  4. fourth - airflow of the territory.

We took everything into account and compiled an approximate list of plants. Now it’s time for the most enjoyable part - the creative process of creating a flower garden, compositions, mixborders and in general. Here we will play with color, structure, horizontals and verticals. Color and tones are our individuality, structure is for constant decorativeness, horizontals and verticals are for volume.

What should you watch out for? Bad taste, one-size-fits-all hairstyle, and, as a result, loss of individuality, and on the technical side, lack of consideration of the agrotechnical requirements of plants and a real assessment of one’s capabilities.

“A lot of words, but little action,” you say, “how can you formalize it?” And you'll be right. Therefore, I give an example of my current front garden not as a standard, but as one example of design.

My front garden is located on the east side of a medium-sized wooden house. I would conditionally divide the area occupied by it into the wall part, which is located in close proximity to the walls, and the ground floor - what is located across the gravel, and where the eye is directed when leaving the door.

“Parterre” is a strong word; initially I just had a desire to create a cozy garden without any pomp. The place was originally flooded and very risky for cultivating many crops. So I raised it, making a mound of fertile soil to a level where the flooding disappeared, thereby expanding the possible range of plants. The embankment was secured with dry masonry of round-shaped natural stones and diluted with ground cover falling down and growing in the cracks.

When placing the crops, I had to take into account that one part of the plantings would be more open to the sun (I immediately thought of roses), and the other more shady (hearts dicentra would be suitable here).

For the verticals, I took the not very common liana Actinidia Kolomikta, its colorful variety Adam and a female for berries. This is just a new round of the berry theme of that same front garden from childhood. Let my children remember it not only beautiful, but also delicious. The berry is amazingly dessert, and the vine is super decorative! I ran it along the wall on both sides of the entrance, thereby complementing the design of the porch of the house. “Which plants became stars?” you ask. My favorites are hydrangeas, roses with increased winter hardiness, clematis,... For spring - swimsuits, dicentras, princelings, lilacs. As a background - juniper, thuja occidentalis, bladderworts. And yet, not a single flower garden can accommodate everything in the world, and it has a period of special decorativeness. For my flower garden this is mid to late summer. I'm a keen gardener and an optimistic person, so I brightened up the design. For myself, and, I hope, for others.


This is how the landscape design in front of the house turned out, not very complicated, practical, proven over the years, in line with my character. And one more thing - this is very important for me - no one will say that they have already seen this in the neighboring yard!

The calling card of any estate is the area between the fence and the house, called the front garden. Now this is no longer just a flowering bed, but a specially designed area with a specific decor, which serves as a kind of aesthetic fencing of the property. This article will tell you how to properly design a front garden in front of your house, create a beautiful fence, select plants, and make the area pleasing to the eye and arousing admiration among passers-by.

A well-groomed and tastefully decorated front garden near the house is an original addition and decoration of the estate. In addition to beauty and joy, it performs a number of functions:

  • convenient approach and access to the house;

  • space for installing mailboxes and garbage containers;
  • a buffer zone between other areas on the side and behind the house;
  • vehicle parking area;
  • aesthetic fencing of the house from prying eyes;
  • implementation of hobbies for fans of landscape design and lovers of growing plants;

For many, designing a front garden in front of the house seems like a difficult and troublesome job. This task seems especially incomprehensible to those who are trying to create something supernatural and pretentious. At the same time, minimalism and simplicity become the key to success. The basic rule is a successful combination of components: design of the house, choice of fence and selection of plants.

The beautiful design of the site, first of all, depends on the taste preferences and imagination of the owners. You should approach the work responsibly: prepare thoroughly, compare your desires and capabilities, stock up on patience, materials and time. The process will not take a couple of hours or even a couple of days, and the actual material costs may be many times higher than expected.

The main elements and stages of creating a front garden with your own hands

Beautiful design of the territory involves a harmonious combination of a number of constituent elements, including plants, fences, paths, and decorative items. Based on this list, the stages of creating a front garden emerge, in particular:

  • planning the future site;
  • choice of style and idea;
  • selection and acquisition of plants;
  • design of paths;
  • installation of fencing and fences;
  • tree planting;

  • creating flower beds, flower beds, lawns or beds;
  • decorative design of the front garden;
  • installation of functional elements: mailbox, garbage collection containers;
  • creation of a recreation area (if there is a territory).

The listed stages are advisory in nature. Their sequence may also be different and depends on how it is more convenient for the owners to plan their actions. For example, by making a fence you can start work or, conversely, finish the whole process.

Helpful advice! The chosen idea must be depicted in the form of a plan before its immediate implementation. Its absence may lead to certain shortcomings that will be difficult to eliminate after planting. It is better to make a plan in accordance with the scale; chart paper will help with this.

Stages of planning a front garden near a house

Work on decorating a front garden should begin, first of all, with planning. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the following factors:

  1. Land area. This criterion is of fundamental importance, since it will simply be impossible to create certain compositions in a small area, and some flower bed models may get lost in a spacious area.
  2. Time. It should be taken into account how much time the owner will spend not only on creating the front garden, but also on its constant maintenance. The landscaped area requires constant attention. The range of plants depends on this.
  3. Material resources. Seeds and seedlings of beautiful elite flowers, bushes and trees are not cheap. You need to think about where it is more profitable to buy them. This also applies to materials for a high-quality fence or paths.
  4. Seasonality. It’s one thing if the front garden is located near the house where they permanently live, another thing if it’s a summer house or dacha where they come periodically.
  5. Location. The cardinal directions play an important role, since a small front garden on the north side will be excessively darkened, and on the south, on the contrary, it will be exposed to the scorching sun. This affects the range of plants.

All of these factors must be taken into account before deciding how to design the front garden in front of the house. You should also not forget about the style and general idea.

Front garden in front of the house:types and style

When creating an ideal front garden, it is important to know its main types, take into account its purpose and role. There are two main types of home garden:

  • open;
  • closed.

An open front garden is an area consisting mainly of lawn and flower beds, separated by paved paths. Such an area contains a minimum of plants from the tree and shrub group. Openness creates a good overview of the house and the surrounding area. The name of a closed front garden is due to the presence of a fence, which can be in the form of a hedge or in the form of small architectural forms. The choice of the type of site depends on the preferences of the owner: closed is recommended for those who love peace, solitude and silence, open - for those who like to be in front of everyone.

Each owner of a local area, when creating a front garden, must have his own idea and concept, based on which a specific style solution is formed. Here you can give full rein to your imagination, plant your favorite plants, without forgetting about a sense of proportion. You can find many design options on the Internet, using photos of the front gardens near the house as a sample.

Helpful advice ! If you plan to set up a front garden near a residential building, you should consider planting evergreens to decorate the area in winter. Particularly pleasing to the eye are small thujas, fir trees, as well as euonymus, honeysuckle or boxwood.

Style and design landscape in front of the house

Depending on the type chosen, the style and design of the front garden is selected. Some prefer classics, others prefer modern or country. More details about each below.

  1. Country, or rustic style, is very common due to its simplicity and originality. A popular design method is to plant perennial plants surrounded by a low wooden or wicker fence.
  2. The Asian front garden is usually decorated with mixborders, which are planted with perennial flowers with discreet colors. Small coniferous plants are perfect. The presence of tiers is ensured by the delimitation of exclusively natural stones: this style does not allow other materials.
  3. Mediterranean design includes the presence of mobile objects. Plants are planted in specially designed tubs and containers. In such a front garden they usually create a relaxation area with sun loungers and tables made of natural wood. Crafts, figurines, and lanterns serve as decoration.
  4. In the romantic style, the main emphasis is on vegetation, embodying beauty and sophistication. Complemented by forged fences and arches with climbing plants.
  5. Contemporary style includes original and exotic plants that can be shaped. Particularly popular are trimmed boxwoods or larch. The composition is complemented by paths made from screenings and natural stones.
  6. Japanese style involves a combination of natural stones with coniferous plants. Flower beds are planted with perennial crops, such as daylilies, irises or cereals.

It is quite difficult to maintain a specific style on your own, without the involvement of designers. Among other things, this requires certain financial costs. Therefore, quite often owners prefer a combination of several (usually two) styles.

Front garden design in front of the house:selection of plants and landscape elements

In order to facilitate the care of flowers and ensure their normal development, you need to consider several principles for choosing plants for the entrance area of ​​the yard:

  • the exactingness of flora representatives to care;
  • compatibility of plant species and varieties with each other;
  • germination time, flowering period and duration;
  • decorative characteristics after the plant has flowered;

  • resistance to cold and frost;
  • lifespan (flowers and herbs can be annual, biennial or perennial).

The ideal design of a front garden depends on the competent selection of landscape elements and their harmonious arrangement on the site. The main ones on this list are lawns, flower beds, trees, shrubs, beds and paths between them.

Related article:

What materials are best suited for the job. Instructions, descriptions and photo examples.

The lawn is the most popular and beautiful element, as it fits into almost every style and can highlight any composition. At the same time, its creation and care require some effort.

Helpful advice! A “lazy” alternative to a busy lawn in a free-style garden can be a regularly mowed lawn.

Depending on the style, flower beds can look like a front flower bed or be located along the fence. The main thing here is not to overdo it, since an excess of flowers in the front garden leads to their merging, which gives it a confused look.

Even the smallest area should contain at least one tree or a couple of bushes. These plants are able to give the area the desired volume. You can create several garden beds in the front garden, arranging them in the form of flower beds, and plant them beautifully with herbs, cabbage or tomatoes.

Beautiful do-it-yourself front garden: plant selection

Plants are a key component of the front garden; beauty and the manifestation of a certain style primarily depend on them. Most often, owners give preference to perennial flowers that frame ornamental shrubs and trees. Among the shrubs, the most popular and practical are juniper and its subspecies, boxwood, and various varieties of barberry.

Typically, standard trees are planted in front gardens, since flower arrangements can be arranged around them. Norway maple and varieties of thuja belong to this series of woody plants.

Among flowers, preference should be given to crops that will not allow flower beds to lose their decorative qualities over a long period. For example, in April, daisies, violas and forget-me-nots actively bloom. In May they are replaced by daffodils, tulips, pansies, and with the arrival of summer the flower garden is decorated with peonies, carnations, irises or lilies. At the end of summer, petunias, phlox, marigolds and dahlias look beautiful in flower beds. Throughout the autumn and until frost, asters and chrysanthemums will decorate the garden.

Vegetable crops and flowers for the front garden need to be intelligently combined with each other, taking into account the compatibility and individual characteristics of the plants, and paths, fences and decorative elements will help create a beautiful design.

Paths and front garden fencing: features of choice

Not a single front garden, even the smallest one, can do without paths. Properly designed and consistent with the same style, they help unite the territory into a single whole and serve as a demarcation between flower beds and lawns. Various materials are used for paths. The most popular of them are screenings, paving slabs, broken brick or stone.

To divide the territory, you can use hedges made of bushes. They serve as a frame for paths, flower beds or different zones. To highlight the flower beds, special fences are used for them.

Photos of fences for front gardens, of which there are many on the Internet, indicate that most often fences are installed from natural materials. Wood and metal products are very popular due to their luxurious and beautiful appearance, although their cost is not affordable for everyone. They also use plastic, stone, and living plants. Style and originality are emphasized by low and neat fences for the front garden.

Helpful advice! When creating a monoflower in the front garden, it is necessary to take into account the flowering period of different species. A rose garden is an ideal option, since the variety of varieties allows this crop to bloom from spring to late autumn.

Fence for the front garden: types and materials

It is the front garden fencing that creates the first impression, so special attention should be paid to the design of this element. When choosing a material for making a fence for your front garden with your own hands, you should consider several factors:

  • aesthetic characteristics;
  • lifetime;
  • features of care;
  • the ability to independently process the material;
  • availability of special tools and fastening parts;
  • production time;
  • the cost of the material itself and other parts.

In choosing a fence, as well as other elements, the general idea plays a key role. So, a wrought iron fence is suitable for a romantic style, a wattle fence or a wooden fence is suitable for a rustic one. Stone fencing is used for... Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Let's start with a natural hedge that is created by the plants themselves. There are three nuances to consider here. Plants should be unpretentious and have a lush crown. The correct distance between seedlings must be ensured. The hedge needs to be watered, fertilized and trimmed on time.

Another natural hedge made of wicker branches does not require special care. It is better to use willow twigs or other trees with long flexible branches. To create a wicker fence for a front garden with your own hands, the branches are first steamed in order to give them maximum flexibility. Next, stakes are driven into the ground, and branches are woven between them in a random order.

Metal and forged front gardens. Photos of designs

A metal front garden is characterized by increased strength and durability, especially if it is forged metal. It is not afraid of the most unfavorable weather conditions and mechanical stress. Additional advantages are reliability and ease of maintenance. It's hard to get through such a fence. In addition, it does not require mandatory annual painting. The variety of colors and shapes will also please those who prefer forged front gardens.

Wrought iron fences are divided into several types, based on their main function:

  1. The protective ones consist of solid sections that are connected by welding. Decorative elements are attached to the spans with special connections.
  2. The decorative appearance is more attractive, but it is made exclusively in a forge by experienced specialists according to individual drawings, using special equipment for connecting parts with clamps and tabs.
  3. Combined models combine the first two types. They are produced using twisting, bending, soldering, rivets and clamps.

A front garden made of corrugated sheets is a modern design, the main task of which is to protect the site from atmospheric influences. Additional and integral elements of a corrugated fence are a frame of posts and purlins for fastening. The advantages also include:

  • ease of use;
  • good sound insulation;
  • modern design;
  • wide choice of colors and shapes.

Helpful advice! When choosing between wood and metal, preference is often given to the latter material, since metal, unlike wood, does not require additional protection from external influences. You don't have to paint it every year.

Picket fences-fences for the front garden. Photooptions from different materials

The appearance of a metal picket fence depends purely on the idea of ​​its manufacturer. To create a beautiful front garden with your own hands, prepare the pillars and dig them into the ground at the same short distance. Next, planks are attached to the pillars, and metal or wood is placed on them. The appearance depends on the location of the elements at the top of the fence. The picket fence can be placed horizontally, vertically and even diagonally.

A front garden made of Euro picket fence is practically no different from the classic material, but at the top the fence is provided with a horizontal cut or the top edge is made rounded, the end is covered with a horizontal bar. Rolled edges are a must. In addition, each part must be molded during special processing.

To create a picket fence, a corrugated pipe is now often used, the main advantage of which is the ability to take any shape. For this purpose, short sections of pipes are used. The strength of the fence depends on the thickness of this part and its size.

A traditional and at the same time easy to use, affordable material for a picket fence is wooden boards. Wood can be used to realize various design ideas. This material is also easy to install and inexpensive.

Fences made of concrete and stone require a professional approach to manufacturing and construction, although these types of fencing are typical for many styles and create a good appearance and reliable shelter.

How to decorate a front garden with your own hands: decoration examples

The main decoration of the front garden is plants, but decorative elements in the form of small architectural forms, which include:

  • trellises, stands and ladders for climbing plants made of wood, metal or plastic;
  • garden clay, wooden or metal figurines that you can buy or make yourself;
  • gazebos, tables, benches that have practical and aesthetic functions;
  • flowerpots, flowerpots and barrels with plants;
  • artificial reservoirs and;

  • decorative lanterns;
  • stone boulders that will smooth out elevation changes.

In the question of how to decorate the front garden, imagination and available materials will help. It is recommended to create many decoration elements with your own hands (at minimal cost). For example, you can design flower beds using old tires or plastic bottles, painting the potential material in different colors.

Properly selected decorative elements will help give the front garden completeness, harmony, place accents and zone the area.

Important! When using additional elements, you need to remember a sense of proportion. In a small area, it is enough to arrange one thing, for example, build a rock garden or install a pergola entwined with roses.

Thus, when designing the area in front of the house, it is important to adhere to the chosen style, which will ensure its aesthetics. You also need to use high-quality seeds, seedlings and decorative materials. It should be remembered that decorating a front garden is a creative process that should not be burdensome, but rather bring pleasure and joy.

Long gone are the days when every free piece of land near houses was occupied by garden beds. Now preference is given to the beautiful design of the site. And here everything depends on the imagination and preferences of the owner.

Basic principles for creating a beautiful front garden

Any front garden design begins with planning. The following factors must be taken into account:

  • Plot size, this is one of the fundamental factors when choosing a design - some compositions simply cannot be made in a small garden and, on the contrary, the intended flower garden will be lost in a large area.
  • Time consumption. Depending on how much time the owner of the site plans to spend on caring for ornamental plants, the range of plants that will be used to decorate the front garden depends. If only minimal care is planned, then choose.
  • Material costs. Good planting material can be expensive, so after the list of plants has been determined, you need to think about where the planting material will be taken: purchased at a nursery, from collectors, or received from friends and acquaintances.
  • Seasonality. When the front garden is located next to a house where people constantly live or at least come every weekend, even in winter, it is necessary to provide plants that will decorate the garden in winter.
  • Orientation of the site according to the cardinal directions. In a small garden, this factor plays a big role, because an area located on the north side in deep shade, or, conversely, in the south, under the scorching sun, can be allocated for the front garden. The range of plants will depend on this.

These are the main factors that you need to consider before planning a beautiful front garden with your own hands.

Looking for an idea

An interesting combination or idea can be found not only in photos of front gardens. Any design options for the entrance group (gates, gates, fences, flower beds) are a source of fresh thoughts. Let's see what will look really fresh:

1. Red plus silver

Begonia everblooming in bright pink or red shades goes very well with. Carpet flower bed, borders - these two plants are enough to effectively fill the space. You can add ageratum of any shade to the company of these two crops.

Ageratum, luscious pink begonias and silvery cineraria.

2. Roses

The idea is not new, but it is still a win-win. The front garden, planted only with roses, looks luxurious. About choosing a suitable variety of climbing rose that can cover a fence or wall -.

In a similar way, you can create a composition only from stones, making beautiful, well-rolled stones the main decoration (in the photo, a stone with a picture of a frog is added as a riddle accent), and using succulents (rejuvenating) as an addition.

12. Peonies in the front garden

Lush flowers and dense foliage make this one of the best plants to grow in the spring. Perhaps there is not a single spring flower that would be so expressive, delicate and lush. They fade in June - this problem is solved by creating mixed flower beds. For example, you can add peonies:

  • irises;
  • Lakonosom;
  • cuff;

13. Moon Garden

Mysterious and mysterious - just choose flowers exclusively in white shades. These can be: delphiniums, poppies, lilies, lupins and foxgloves. Slightly yellowish tones will not disturb the mood.

14. Flowerbed-vegetable garden

Ornamental cabbage is very impressive, as the photos below convincingly prove. Using only cabbage (and no flowers) as bright accents, you can create impressive compositions. Other vegetables can also be used with success.

15. Hydrangeas

Along with peonies, this is an extremely impressive crop, capable of single-handedly coping with the task of “making an impression.” The culture (with the exception of paniculata hydrangea) is quite capricious and demanding, but if it “goes well”, then a grandiose front garden is guaranteed for the entire July-August.

16. Green walls

It is not necessary to design a horizontal line, because a front garden is often a very small space and a boring wall. Why not focus your decorating efforts on the latter?

17. Thickets

You can play on the abundance of cultures. This approach, of course, will require a fair amount of skill and taste, and is much more complex than monoplanting. However, it cannot be denied its grandeur. A house immersed in greenery of different shapes, lines and colors, or in spots of bright colors, invariably pleases the eye.

In the photo below is a composition for a shady front garden: heucheras, hostas, coleus and a charming delicate one.

You don’t have to worry too much about the compatibility of shades, because there are no artificial colors in nature; it’s enough to just make sure that the spots are distributed evenly.

18. Borders for flower beds

Even simple wooden borders can organize the chaos of greenery and discipline the space. More complex options, with stone cladding, etc., especially if they enclose high raised flower beds or beds, completely set the tone. The impression from such a courtyard is like that of a patio or winter garden. This is nature, but with a feeling of home comfort and security.

Small boxwood hedges also look great.

The small area in front of the house is decorated very laconically: paved paths, boxwood borders and gravel backfill.

19. Hostas, ferns and hakonechloa

Three crops for shady and damp places: , . All together they look amazing.

20. Wall decor

A rather banal, although perfectly planned, spring border with and is enlivened by starfish delicately perched on the wall.

21. Green canopies and galleries

A standard front garden will be made especially cozy by canopies, arches and galleries covered with greenery.

22. Herbs

A front garden in the “prairie” or “steppe” style is not a hackneyed technique. Ornamental grasses for the garden can be planted as tapeworms - many of them are quite spectacular for this, or in compositions - only from herbs, or in combination with other plants.

In the photo below, in the central pots, there is an extremely spectacular plant.

23. Exotic front garden

A front garden that attracts with wonders that you won’t see in open ground in Russia is tempting. Of course, such a garden will require effort. But you can simplify your task by creating a background of ordinary plants, for example, juveniles or heuchera, and use compositions or solitary plants in tubs and pots as dominant ones. The latter, if desired, can be disguised, achieving the effect of a tropical front garden.

24. Veronicastrum and other “plantains”

Many plants, despite their unpretentiousness and high decorative value, for example, are little known among the general gardening public. In the photo below there is a complex border of perennials, bright crimson inflorescences are veronicastrum. Such a border will only require a carefully thought-out plan; further care for it is not difficult.

25. Brugmansia

Spectacular bells above the entrance to the house, at the fence or near the wall - and the admiration of the neighbors is guaranteed.

26. Familiar trees in an unusual form

A standard tree will set the tone and attract the main attention to itself. Despite the fact that the formation of one such tree will require effort, it does not need any complex partners, it is self-sufficient. You can form a trunk into the familiar lilac, willow or thuja.

Ornamental willow – Salix integra ‘Hakuro-nishiki’

To the right and near the door are luxurious standard fuchsias.

Planning, how to beautifully combine plants, where to get diagrams

Before you start implementing an idea directly in the garden, you need to draw it on paper, that is, draw up a plan. You can, of course, do without it, but this approach will help identify possible shortcomings that can be eliminated immediately. Once the plants are already planted, this will be much more difficult.

The plan can be made to scale, but you can only roughly sketch out the shape of the flower garden and the location of the plants on it.

Ready-made flower bed schemes can be viewed here:

A few more interesting schemes:

Peach and lilac tones- an amazing romantic combination. The diagrams used are: Rose Pat Austin (cream in the center), Rose Crown Princess Margaretha - you can recognize it by the rich golden color of the buds (on the left), Rose Rose - apricot tall rose on the right side, Rose Crocus Rose - lush cream English roses on the right sides. This pink abundance is complemented by: heucheras, meadow geraniums, Siberian irises, reed grass, woolly grass and lavender - all in violet-lilac shades.

Fragrant compositions— in the example below, fairly common and well-known plants are used.

Selection of plants

Plants for the front garden are selected according to several principles:

  • Care requirements;
  • Compatibility with each other;
  • Flowering period and duration;
  • Decorative after flowering;
  • Winter hardiness and shelter requirements.
  • Lifespan (annuals, biennials, subannuals or perennials).
  • Garden style.

These principles must be taken into account primarily in order to facilitate the care of flowers, as well as to ensure the normal development of each of them. Style is taken into account when a specific style is chosen and the garden fully corresponds to it: strict, country style.

But often owners prefer not to strictly adhere to one style, so as not to limit themselves in the choice of plants.

Front garden decoration

The design of the front garden includes a set of landscape elements that will be used, and most importantly their harmonious location on the site and relative to each other.

Below are the main elements that are used when designing a garden:

  • Lawn- this is one of the most beautiful elements, but at the same time it requires effort both in its creation and in caring for it. But it fits into almost any style and highlights any composition. Even in a small garden you can set aside a small area for it.

Note! If you don’t want to waste time on setting up a lawn, and the garden is designed in a free style, then a constantly mowed lawn can replace it.

  • Flower beds. For a small garden, a front flower bed or a mixborder located along the fence is suitable. The main thing is not to get carried away and not to overload the garden. A lot of flowers, of course, is good, but if there is an excess of them, they simply merge, giving the garden a confused look.
  • Trees and shrubs. Even in a small front garden it is worth making room for at least one tree or bush. They are the ones who give volume to the garden.
  • Garden. These are not necessarily endless flat beds; you can make several flower beds and plant herbs, cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, etc. on them. By beautifully combining the plants in the garden beds, you can also decorate your garden.

When designing a garden, you need to do more than just arrange the flower beds correctly and plant plants in them. It is necessary to combine all the compositions together and emphasize them, to create a beautiful frame.

To do this, you can use the following garden design elements:

  • Paths. Not a single garden, even the smallest one, can do without this element. Paths maintained in the same style will unite the garden into a single whole. At the same time, they can serve as the boundaries of flower beds and lawns.
  • . In this case, we mean low hedges made from shrubs, perennials or annuals. They can frame paths or flower beds. Or simply serve as a separation for different zones of the site.
  • . No matter how beautiful the created flower arrangement is, it must be emphasized. The best way to do this is by highlighting the borders of the flower bed.

Garden design is a creative process that should bring pleasure, but in order for the front garden to turn out perfect, you need to arm yourself with theoretical and practical knowledge.

Crafts and decor

In addition to the plants themselves, so-called small architectural forms can decorate the garden. This may include the following:

  • Trellis and pergolas for climbing plants. They can be made of wood, metal or plastic.
  • Garden figures. They can be purchased in specialized stores or made independently.
  • And . In addition to their practical function, they are also a decoration for the garden. All unnecessary containers for planting plants in them. This can be anything from old cans to clay jugs. Even old household appliances can be used in the garden. For example, if you take an old gas stove and plant petunias in it, it will become one of the accents of the flower arrangement.
  • All containers and surfaces used for household purposes can be decorated: paint with paints, attach artificial flowers or animals, create vertical flower beds on them.
  • can become material for inexhaustible imagination: they can be used to make a pond, a fence for a flower garden, or various animals and birds.

If the front garden is small

What should those gardeners do whose front garden consists of several square meters in front of the house? They will have to choose from a variety of design elements only one, which will be the focus.

These may be the following options:

  • Front lawn in front of the house with flower beds around the perimeter.
  • A large mixborder near the porch, which will be decorative all year round, including in winter.
  • You can focus on architectural forms. For example, .
  • You can make the path to the house not straight, but with one smooth bend and frame it with borders of flowers or hedges.
  • You can create flower beds from plants of the same type or color.

Note! When creating such monoflowers, you need to take into account the flowering period of various plants. For example, you can make a rose garden, since nowadays there are a large number of varieties of roses that bloom from spring to autumn.

The main principle when decorating a small front garden is to adhere to the chosen style. In this case, this will be the most beneficial solution from an aesthetic point of view.

Decorating the front garden in front of the house is a creative process, and the result depends only on the imagination and skill of the owner. Decorating the front garden in front of the house is worth doing, if only because even the most beautiful house will not look good among thickets of weeds or on an asphalt area without a single plant.