Family environmental project “Water in the House”. Family project water in the house Aleinik Ksenia Places for using water in the house

Natalya Belash
Family project “Water in the House”

Methodical passport project

Type project: information and research.

Implementation period project: short-term (April).

Participants project: pupil of the speech therapy group, parents of the pupil.

Target project: the formation of a conscious, careful attitude towards water as an important natural resource, that is, the education of environmental consciousness. Tell us about the path water before it gets into our homes. To consolidate knowledge about water, its use and practical actions aimed at conserving clean water supplies.


1. Promote a positive attitude towards water (cognitive, careful, creative).

2. Develop the ability to formulate a problem, analyze situations, plan an experiment, think through the course of activities to obtain the desired result, and draw conclusions based on practical experience.

3. Activate the child’s natural history vocabulary.

4. Foster a sense of mutual assistance and accuracy when conducting experiments.

Stages project activities.

1. Preparatory stage

Choosing a topic, setting goals and objectives;

Discussion with parents about content project.

2. Main stage.

Research activities.

How water flows into the faucet?

Water use in home.

Is it clean? water at our house?

How to purify water at home?

Who else needs water?

How do we use water at home?

3. Final stage

Provide information with photographs about the path of water to our homes and its benefits for humans.

4. Presentation project

Participation in the competition « Family environmental projects»

Theoretical part.

Stage 1: Creating a situation in which the child independently comes to the formulation of a research problem.

Conversation .

Practical part.

Stage 2: Research activities of children.

How water flows into the faucet?

Water use in home.

Is it clean? water at our house?

How to purify water at home?

Who else needs water?

How do we use water at home?

Theoretical part.

Have you heard about water?

They say she is everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And in the water tap.

Like an icicle freezes

Fog creeps into the forest,

It's called a glacier in the mountains.

We are used to that water

Our companion always!

We can't wash ourselves without it,

Don't eat, don't get drunk,

I dare to report to you:

We can't live without her.

Conversation: “The importance of water in human life”

– What is it for? water?

- How does she help us?

Use of illustrations depicting the presence of water (watering flowers, cooking, washing).

There is more water on the globe than land, and it is depicted in blue. Their vast expanses are vast. And most importantly the water in them is not like that as in rivers. In rivers, lakes, water without taste(if it's clean). It's called fresh. In the seas and oceans salt water.

It seems that there is a lot of water on Earth - look how much blue paint there is on the globe! But the water that a person needs is actually very little.

– What kind of water do we drink? (Salted or fresh)

A person cannot drink salt water, but there is much more of it on Earth than fresh water. There are countries where people do not have enough water even to quench their thirst. There are even riddles.

All around water,

But drinking is a problem.

Who knows where this happens? (Sea)

Many rivers, lakes and seas

He absorbed

You, think and answer

What a giant. (Ocean)

Neither water, no land,

You can't cross by boat

And you can't walk with your feet. (Swamp)

He has no arms, he has no legs,

I was able to break out of the ground.

He us in the summer in intense heat

Ice water gives you water. (Spring)

She suggested that Polina remember throughout the day where and how she saw the water. (indoors, on a walk); how she used it. Did she need a lot of water? At the end of the day, we discussed the results of our observations and wrote them down. The next day, we repeated the discussion of the observation results and suggested that we think about where else water could be found. What do we use it for? (We drink, wash our hands, bathe, wash things, wash the floor, water the plants, cook food, etc.). She felt how often we need water. We cannot live without her. I asked Polina to imagine what would happen if the water suddenly disappeared.

Why is it needed? water for animals? Plants? Why is it needed? water for man? Throughout his life, a person deals with water every day. He uses it for drinking and food, for washing, in the summer - for rest in the winter - for heating.

For man water is a more valuable natural resource than coal, oil, gas, iron, because it is irreplaceable. At home Polina asked “Where does it come from? tap water Grandfather told her not only where it comes from, but also about how water is purified, what it is needed for and why water must be conserved.

At home water comes from a common well. A pump pumps water from underground, then it passes through pipes throughout the house.

Then at home it is used in a pump on the street for household needs and in home.

Water passes without leakage, hermetically.

Water is needed everywhere For example, it is used for heating a home. In a special boiler, it is heated and passed through pipes into the house.

Water is used for washing.

For dish washing.

Water enters the shower room and toilet. When I brush my teeth, I don’t use water in a glass, and this turns out to be very economical.

Water people also need it to cook food.

In order to drink it.

But in order to drink water and prepare food from it, it is necessary to purify it from various impurities. There may be particles of earth, clay, and sand in the water. There are various filters for this. It is also easy to purify water using a filter jug. Water in filters it passes through various cleaning layers, for example, paper, fabric, carbon.

Some filters purify water from large impurities, others from small impurities and lime. My mother and I conducted an experiment on water purification.

I tried to purify the water through cloth and cotton wool.

All the sand remained on the cotton wool, and the water became clear.

We also need water in the house., and in the yard, here it does not require cleaning. For example, in order to water plants.

We also have an aquarium with pets, for which we also need water, and it needs to be changed periodically.

More water is needed for this to water pets.

Our chickens love to drink water too.

Everyone on earth needs water!

It only seems that there is a lot of water on earth, but in fact, the reserves of fresh and clean water are not very large, so water must be conserved and not simply wasted. Then we can always drink fresh and clean water. We must not forget that water is our wealth. Having conducted an experiment at home with the tap slightly open, we came to the conclusion that each drop, accumulating, turns into a mass of wasted water.

Now I know how to save water and I can tell you about it others:

Taps must not be left open; they must be in good working order;

The stream of water in the tap should not be strong;

You should turn off the water when brushing your teeth.

Let's all save water.

Protect her from unreasonable spending.

Otherwise it might end water,

And life on the planet will then die down.

Stage 3. Generalizing.

At the general stage of work on our family environmental project We were involved in its design, photographed the stages of research activities, systematizing the work done, and summing up the results.


Summing up the results of our research activities, we came to the conclusion that I had acquired the knowledge and ideas about the properties of water and its importance for humans.

During observation, calculations and measurements of water flow in home, we found out that our family uses water moderately - that is, for household and necessary needs.

Now Vanya puts the acquired knowledge into practice and passes it on to her peers. Be careful when using water home

Nadezhda Potashova
Family environmental project “Water in the House”.

Contest « Family environmental projects»


Work theme: « WATER IN MY HOUSE»

student of the senior group, MBDOU kindergarten No. 43, Armavir

Supervisor project: Potashova Nadezhda Evgenievna, teacher of senior group No. 8 of MBDOU Kindergarten No. 43 in Armavir, Krasnodar Territory.

The location of the research is a city apartment, a summer cottage.

Time frame for the study: February-March 2016

Armavir, 2016

I. Introduction 3

1) Relevance.

2) Objectives of the study.

3) Research objectives.

4) Work plan

5) Research methods.

II. Main part. 4

III. Practical part. 5 – 19

IV. Conclusion. 20-21

V. List of references 22

I. Introduction:

The relevance of research: Water- the largest “food product” in terms of consumption in the human diet.

Water is a universal substance without which life is impossible. Water- an indispensable component of all living things. Plants contain up to 90% water, and the adult body contains about 70%. Man constantly uses water in his daily life.

Goal of the work: Study the need for water for human and plant life.

Research objectives:

1. Study Internet resources and literature on this topic.

2. Explore places in home where used water.

3. Find out where and how water enters the house.

4. Research a way to purify water at home.

Work plan:

Explain how important and irreplaceable water in human life;

How water was extracted and used in the past.

Find out where and how water flows into the faucet.

Identify and explore those places in home where used water.

Conduct experiments on water purification and draw a conclusion.

Research methods:

1. Observation, literature analysis, conversations with adults, conducting experiments.

II. Main part

Without water, the existence of all living organisms is unthinkable; Since ancient times, it was considered the primary source of life along with fire, air and earth. Everything created by nature contains water. Water- the most common, most unique and amazing substance in nature. Among all the substances present on earth, water Due to its special physical, chemical and quantum mechanical properties, it occupies an exceptional position in nature and plays a special role in the existence of organic life. Water- the only substance found in huge quantities under natural conditions in all three states of aggregation - solid, liquid and gaseous. Covering about 3/4 of the surface of our planet, water is not only the cradle of all living beings, but has also continuously supported life for billions of years. On average, the body of animals and plants contains more than 50% water. In the body of a jellyfish it is up to 96%, in algae 95 - 99%, in spores and seeds from 7 to 15%. The soil contains at least 20% water, while the human body contains water is about 65%.

Modern man is accustomed to living comfortably, using a lot of clean water for domestic purposes, turning it dirty, pouring it into rivers and reservoirs, thereby polluting and harming the surrounding nature. Therefore, it is necessary to instill in children a caring attitude towards water as the source of life on Earth.

III. Practical part.


My name is Igor Bespalov.

I am a pupil of Kindergarten No. 43 "Cheburashka" senior group No. 8 "Fidgets"

I live in the beautiful, green and modern city of the Krasnodar Territory - Armavir.

My family is very friendly and united.

Dad Andrey, Mom Vika, older sister Sofia.

One evening, while taking a bath at home, I thought about it: “Where did it come from? tap water? Why do we need water in the house? We use water every day, but it keeps flowing and flowing, it doesn’t end, why?” From that moment I decided to learn everything about water and explore all the places in home where used water.

From the encyclopedia "Why" which I read with my dad, I learned that “...rivers, rivulets and seas flow on earth for a reason!”; “ a stream of water generates current!”

Oceans, seas, rivers, streams and lakes... Isn't there too much water in the world? The oceans have an important concern - to water the Earth. Everyone in the world drinks water, forests and fields, flowers and trees.

Without it, neither animals, nor birds, nor people can live.

But water not only gives everyone something to drink, but also feeds fish...

And also water- the widest and most comfortable road.

Water works at hydroelectric power stations - produces current.

And washes everyone too water. People wash, cars wash, cities and roads take a shower. Without water you can’t knead bread dough, you can’t prepare concrete for construction, you can’t make plastic, metal, candy, or medicine—you can’t do anything without water. That's what she is like water!

Reading a children's atlas with my mother "Peace and Man" I learned about the water cycle in nature

From the surface of oceans, seas and rivers water turns into steam and rises. There it cools and turns into water droplets, from which clouds form. From the clouds water falls on the ground and turns into rivers, and the rivers carry it to the ocean.

I asked the eldest sisters: “Where did people get water from in the old days?”

And Sofia told me that people used to go with buckets to fetch water from the river, spring, and build wells in the courtyard of their house.

I thought, how then water gets into our house? After all, now there are no springs or wells. The Internet and my favorite encyclopedia came to the rescue "Why".

And then I understood everything:

People laid pipes from the shore of a river or sea and put gratings on them so that nothing unnecessary and fish would get caught in the pipe. These pipes are then connected to pumps that pump it to a water treatment plant, where water passes slowly through huge tanks and all the garbage manages to settle to the bottom. Then, using complex filters, the water is purified from dirt, sand and various microbes. Turn on the faucet at home and cold, clear, clean water pours out. water. This is how water supply came into the house.

And then I decided to explore the apartment and find all the places where it is used water, which we take from nature.

And it turned out that there are a lot of such places.

Firstly, this is the bathroom. From early morning I take water and hygiene procedures. Then I shower and go to the garden, cheerful and cheerful.

Secondly, water often used on kitchen:

For operating a washing machine when washing clothes, for washing dishes, for preparing household supplies for the winter.

Even the cooler contains cold and hot spring water. It's nice to sit down with the whole family and have tea. Vodichka brings our family together over a cup of aromatic tea.

Also water It is used in our family for cleaning the house, cleaning clothes and shoes, and watering indoor flowers. With water in home always clean and tidy.

The batteries that heat our apartment also contain water, the temperature of which is regulated using a gas boiler.

My pet ferret Sherlock needs water every day. I take care of him and change his sippy cup daily.

When I wash my car with my dad, we get water from the tap in the yard. It is pumped directly from the well by a pump.

Without water it is impossible to get a good harvest. Only with constant proper watering does everything grow quickly. On weekends, I help my granny take care of her garden and greenhouses. I fill the ducks' sippy cups with water. And here there is nowhere without water!

Our outdoor recreation, by the river, sea travel, city walks in the park with fountains are always accompanied by WATER!

My mother, sister, and I decided to conduct several experiments at home in order to become more familiar with the qualities and capabilities of water.

We salted onions on the windowsill. Several onions were planted in the ground and watered thoroughly, and one was placed in a jar of water so that the root of the onion reached the water. For a week, the onion stood on the windowsill and basked in the sun. Every morning I checked the soil for moisture and watered it.

And the onion, which sprouted in the jar, checked that the roots reached the water. And so result: the whole onion sprouted and showed its green feathers. Only the onion that stood in a jar of water sprouted several times more than the one that was planted in the ground. Conclusion: Water gives life to plants; with sufficient moisture, plants grow quickly.

But I didn’t stop there and continued my experiments...

I decided to conduct an experiment on water purification... For the experiment, I needed one empty vessel, a vessel with clean water, some earth and sand, a piece of cotton wool and activated carbon. We poured some sand and soil into a vessel with water and stirred it with a stick. Dirty water is ready! Then we placed a funnel in a clean vessel into which we placed a piece of cotton wool and crushed activated carbon

(this is our filter).

Now let's start purifying the water. Pour the stirred dirty water from the second vessel into a clean vessel with an inserted funnel with a filter.

We pass dirty water through a funnel with cotton wool...

And what do I see... All the rubbish (sand and earth) remained on our filter. Water the vessel became almost clean...

And another study occurred to me while making myself tea. First, I put a spoonful of sugar into the hot water and, stirring it with a spoon, I saw that it had melted without a trace. Then I dipped a pot of black tea into the tea. My tea began to change color: Turned from clear to dark orange. I realized that water has the property of dissolving solids and changing color when dyed.

IV. Conclusion.

After my research, observations and experiments I made conclusion:

1. water taken from the ocean - it is a gift from nature to man.

In my encyclopedia "Why" I read a wonderful thing poem:

A little neighbor asked the other day

At the stream pouring from crane:

Where are you from? Water in response:

From afar, from the ocean!

Then the baby walked in the forest.

The clearing sparkled with dew.

Where are you from? - asked dew.

Believe me - I’m from the ocean too!

Are you a soda, what are you sizzling?

And from the seething glass came whisper:

Know, Baby,

And I came from the ocean!

A gray fog fell on the field.

The kid asked the fog too:

Where are you from? Who are you?

And I, my friend, am from the ocean!

Amazing, isn't it?

In the soup, in the tea, in every drop,

In the ringing ice,

And in a teardrop,

And in the rain,

And in the dewdrop -

Will always respond to us

Oceanic water!

2. Water very important in the life of every person, animal and plant. Only where there is water is life! Water must be conserved and used sparingly! Do not pollute water bodies!

3. Water makes a long and difficult journey before getting to our tap.

4. After conducting experiments with water, I came to the conclusion that water can be purified at home using improvised means, as well as

The same thing is that it is transparent and has the properties of dissolving solids and being colored.

Water our lifelong companion. We are nowhere without her!


1. Alexander Dietrich: Why? Encyclopedia for the curious

2. Geographical atlas "Peace and Man",1987

3. Daria Ermakovich Great children's encyclopedia. Want to know everything. 2010

PerformersKudryavtseva Olga Magomedovna, Kudryavtseva Nastya.

Project type:creative, with elements of research activity.

Target:introduce the child to the meaning of water, its properties and form a conscious, careful attitude towards water.

Tasks:- generalize the child’s knowledge about where and how water gets into the house, how to use it sparingly;

Develop the child’s cognitive abilities in the process of observation;

Introduce your child to the properties of water;

Form the concept that water can be purified.

Relevance of the project.

During the project work, the child becomes familiar with the physical properties of water and the water cycle in nature. The child realizes the need to use water sparingly and draws conclusions about the value of water for all living organisms (animals, plants). Develops observation and creative abilities. The implementation of the project is carried out in the process of organizing joint activities of an adult and a child at home on the basis of knowledge acquired in kindergarten.

The child was interested in this topic because we need water in everyday life. The experimentation has been very inspiring as limited water supplies are further reduced due to pollution. This is why it is so important to know how to purify water.


People cannot imagine their life without water. Water plays an important role in our lives; it accompanies us everywhere. Land owners have the opportunity to build a well and use water for all household needs. The situation is completely different in apartment buildings. To provide residents with water, it is necessary to build a complex water supply system using special filtering devices. Therefore, even a minor breakdown in this system can have catastrophic consequences. Many people believe that water resources are inexhaustible. Hence - faulty or simply open taps in apartments, unrepaired, leaking pipes, clogged rivers and other bodies of water.

Our task, as parents of the younger generation, is to show how important it is to save water. In addition, water is not only a natural resource; without water, life for all living beings is impossible.

Our observations.

    How much water is needed for a particular purpose:

To prepare a cup of tea, you need to boil about 500 ml in a kettle. water, a cup of tea - about 150-200 ml.

To water one indoor plant, we use about 100-200 ml. water. We have 18 small plants and 3 large ones on our balcony. Watering small plants requires 18 x 100 ml. = 1800 ml. Watering large plants requires 3 x 200 ml. = 600 ml.

As a result, it takes 1800 ml to water all the plants in the house. + 600 ml. = 2400 ml.

We water the flowers once a week. This means that 4 x 2400 ml are spent per month on watering flowers. = 9600 ml. In summer, when the air temperature rises, we water the plants 2 times a week.

To change the water in an aquarium with turtles, we use ¼ of the aquarium's volume (approximately 4-5 liters). We change the water in the aquarium once every 2 days. It follows that we consume approximately 4 x 4-5 liters of water = 16-20 liters per week. Per month 4 x 16-20 liters = 64-80 liters.

2) How to prepare water for use:

For cooking and drinking, we pour cold water into pots and kettles and boil. Hot water in taps is used for technical purposes: in radiators, for washing clothes, washing floors and dishes, for bathing.

To water indoor plants and change the water in the aquarium, we fill a container with cold water and let it sit for several days.

    For what purposes is water used in a residential building?

Every day our whole family uses water from different points. First of all, water gets into the kitchen. Here we have a sink and a washing machine. In the kitchen, we use water to cook food, wash dishes, and wash clothes.

We use water in the shower and toilet room. We take care of hygiene every day, washing our face, brushing our teeth, and taking a shower.

We have indoor plants growing in our apartment; we use water to water them, which we let sit for several days. Nastya has red-eared turtles in her aquarium, which also require water.

From all of the above, we can conclude that we spend the most water on our own hygiene, food and drinking. An average amount of water is spent on keeping the house clean and for other needs.

Properties of water.

By the age of seven, a child has quite a lot of information about the properties of water, namely:

Water is a colorless, transparent liquid without taste or smell.

Water has three states: steam, ice, flowing.

Water can be colored in any color: using artistic paints (watercolor, gouache), tea or coffee, food coloring.

Our experiments with water:

    Snow is the solid state of water. We took snow from the freezer and held it over a burning candle. As a result, the snow turned into water.

Nastya's observation in nature:TThe same thing happens in nature in the spring - the sun begins to warm up more strongly, and the snow melts, turning into water.

    Heavy objects and materials sink in water, light ones float to the surface.

For the experiment, we used cold tap water, colored sand, and paraffin.

First, Nastya poured colored sand into the water and stirred it. The sand remained at the bottom.

Then they lit a candle and dripped molten paraffin into the same vessel. Drops of paraffin do not sink, remaining on the surface of the water.

Nastin's conclusion:sand is heavy, so it sinks, paraffin droplets are light, so they float on the surface of the water.

Where and how does water get into our home?

We found out that water enters the tap from a well or river. Only it doesn’t get into the tap right away. Those droplets that we used to wash our hands, for example, have come a long way. First, a person sent it from the river into pipes, where the water was purified, and after that it ends up in the tap. Used water from the tap goes into the sewer and through the drains back into the river.

We also found out that water has three states: flowing, steam and ice. Large bodies of water contain water in a fluid state. When the air temperature rises, when the sun's rays heat the surface of the reservoir, the water turns into a vapor state and evaporates. Thus, it gathers in the atmosphere into clouds, and then into large clouds. Overcrowded clouds release the accumulated water in the form of raindrops. This is how the water reaches the surface of the earth again. When the air temperature drops below zero, the water in the reservoir turns into ice.

Nastin's conclusion:The state of the water depends on the air temperature. If it is cold, the water turns into ice (for example, ice cream, ice cubes are stored in the freezer, it is always cold there). When water boils, it turns into steam because the temperature rises.

Experiment “Water Purification”.

It is very important to give your child the idea that water should not be polluted. Polluted water is unsuitable for use not only by humans, but also by all living organisms, which may die due to pollution. Show through experience that contaminated water can be purified even at home. Nastya was interested in the experience of water purification. First, we took a mug of tap water and poured sand and small pebbles, dry leaves and paper.

Question:Is it possible to use this water?

Answer:no, you can't, because it's contaminated.

Then we decided to conduct an experiment on water purification. To do this, take a clean container, a funnel for pouring liquid and a cotton pad, which was placed in the funnel.

Nastya carefully poured water from the mug into a clean container through a funnel with a cotton pad.

As a result, all the debris remained on the cotton pad, and the water that passed through the funnel into the container became clean.


During the experiment, we expanded our understanding of water, learned to treat water with care, and clean it from contaminants.


As you know, fresh water reserves in the world are very small. These reserves are gradually depleted, and fresh water is becoming less and less. Water is one of the main resources on Earth. It is difficult to imagine what would happen to our planet if fresh water disappeared. But such a threat exists. All living things suffer from polluted water; it is harmful to human life. Therefore, water is our main wealth and must be protected! We learned how to save water and learn how to use it carefully and purify it at home.

Lyubov Yaufman
Family environmental project “Water in the House”

Family environmental project: Water in our house.

Passport project.... 3


1. Goal and objectives project.... 5

2. Implementation stages project.... 5



Application... 10


Name project« Water in the house»

Head Yaufman Lyubov Aleksandrovna, teacher of the preparatory group MBDOUTsRR kindergarten No. 1 of the village of Kalininskaya, Krasnodar Territory

Performers project Pimenov Evgeny Valerievich, Elena Nikolaevna,

Pimenov Kolya

Type project Creative, with elements of research activities.

Relevance project Raising the younger generation environmentally conscious, conserving water resources and saving their use.

Target project Formation of a conscious, careful attitude towards water in children,

instilling research skills in preschoolers;

education for children and adults ecological consciousness.

Tasks project 1. Study literature and the Internet - resources on the topic project.

2. Study the ways water enters the house and its economical use.

3. Learn to apply this knowledge in everyday life.

Methods used Analysis, collection of information from books, magazines, Internet resources, generalization, analysis.

Expected result Application of acquired knowledge in practice.

Implementation stages project I. Preparatory (January 20 – February 3, 2013)


Water for us the most familiar and simple substance. Water- a necessary condition for the existence of all living organisms on our planet. Water- one of the most urgent human needs. A person can live without water for only two or three days. Water must be treated very carefully, because there is not much water suitable for drinking on earth. Despite the fact that water covers an area of ​​land.

Modern man is accustomed to living comfortably, using a lot of clean water for domestic purposes, turning it dirty, pouring it into rivers and reservoirs, thereby polluting and harming the surrounding nature.

Therefore, it is necessary to instill in children a caring attitude towards water, the source of life, and the nature of their native land.

Our son Kolya is an active, inquisitive child. While making excursions, walks to reservoirs, observing the natural processes of life of the inhabitants of rivers and lakes, Kolya asked many questions to which he wanted to hear the answer right away. Therefore, we decided to start research activities with him so that he could find answers to his many questions himself.

The basis of the research activity was the materials of N. A. Ryzhova according to the program "Our home is nature". Kolya, with great desire and interest, became involved in research activities, conducting various experiments with water, studying reservoirs, ways of water entering the house and its journey through pipes.


Before you begin project, we have set ourselves

target: study and expand ideas about the path of water into the house and places of its use. Develop skills in careful and economical use of water.

Based on our goal, we have outlined the following tasks:

1. Study literature and Internet resources on the topic project.

2. Study the ways water gets into the house.

3. Develop skills in careful and economical use of water.. 4. Develop the intellectual and research abilities of our child;

5. Foster respect for water and wildlife.


Stage I. Preparatory

At the preparatory stage of implementation project, we studied the literature about the water resources of our region. Found out where and how water gets into the house and how much of it is needed for human life, while using materials from Internet resources.

Stage II. Practical

Based on the materials we have, we began to study places in home where used water and research activities on purification and filtering of contaminated water.

To understand the ways water travels, Kolya and I studied the water cycle in nature and drew up a diagram. What helped Kolya remember in what form water exists in nature. In doing so, we used puzzles:

It does not burn in fire and does not sink in water. (ice)

First it flies, then it runs,

then he lies on the street...

Then without a bot or galoshes

You won't cross it dry. (rain)

She grows upside down

It grows not in summer, but in winter.

The sun will warm her up a little,

She will cry and die. (icicle)

What kind of stars are through?

On a coat and on a scarf?

All through - cut-out,

And if you take it - water in hand. (snowflake)

Water, passing through the layers of the earth, it is purified naturally. To show this to Kolya clearly, we looked at many illustrations and studied information in the encyclopedia. Developed curiosity, observation, and speech. We tried to consolidate the knowledge gained in the drawing.

6 - 7 slides.

Where from? water in our house? There is no river nearby. We use artesian water. It is purified in a special place called a water treatment plant. At first water passes through special gratings, then filters, where water become completely clean. Pumps pump clean water into underground pipelines. Plumber engineers built a long path to every home, kindergarten, and store.

While looking through materials about water on the Internet, Kolya and I found a diagram of how water enters the house.

9 -10 slide.

While examining the house and basement, Kolya and I looked at ways to connect pipes. The pipe connection is sealed so that not a single drop of water is wasted.

The first room you enter water - kitchen. Introducing the use of water in the kitchen, we used a didactic game « Water is a helper» We showed economical ways to use water.

From the kitchen water gets into the bathroom. Here Kolya washes and brushes his teeth. To use water sparingly, Kolya washes himself in the shower. When brushing your teeth, rinse your mouth with water in a glass.

If our hands are waxed,

If there are blots on your nose,

Who is our first friend then?

Will it remove dirt from your face and hands?

After conducting research, Kolya and I learned several rules for using water.

1. Close the water tap.

2. Do not release water in a strong stream.

3. Take as much water as needed.

Stage III. Generalizing.

At the general stage of work on our family environmental project We were involved in its design, photographed the stages of research activities, systematizing the work done, and summing up the results.


Summing up the results of our research activities, we came to the conclusion that Kolya had mastered the acquired knowledge and ideas about the properties of water and its importance for humans. In practice, he applies the acquired knowledge and passes it on to his peers. Be careful when using water home.


1. N. I. Ryzhova “Our home is nature”.

2. Volchkova V. N., Stepanova N. V. "Cognitive Development" shopping center "Teacher" 2004

3. Volchkova V. N., Stepanova N. V. « Ecology» 2004

4. Encyclopedia "Live nature"

5. Internet resources.

Family environmental project “Droplet - magic water”

Nomination “Water in the House”


1. Introduction

2. Goals

3. Objectives

4. Relevance

5. Conclusion

6. Application


If you look at a map or a globe, you will see that they are mostly blue. Because there is much more water on the globe than land. Maybe our planet should have been called Planet Water? Where does water come from on earth? It falls from the sky when it rains or snows. It falls and replenishes springs, streams, rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. The sun heats the surface of the water, and invisible steam rises into the sky. As it cools down, it turns into a cloud, from the cloud it rains or snows again... and everything starts all over again. Water is a magician: it can turn into a cloud, fog, snow, ice, rain, hail, frost, dew! Wow! Oh yes water! And the water is very strong. They say that a drop wears away a stone. This is true. Water can destroy the strongest rocks every day, undermining them and turning them into sand. Yes, yes, sand is what remains of huge mountains.

When choosing a topic for our project, I always rely on the interests and needs of my child that arise at the moment. Some of the first natural materials that a child encounters in everyday life are sand and water. Watching a child play with water during washing, hardening procedures, and caring for plants, I became convinced of the relevance of the chosen topic, namely the need to obtain the child’s knowledge and ideas about the properties and importance of water in the life of living beings, and about the influence of water on human health. The result of project activities is largely determined by well-organized, varied and meaningful preliminary work. Every day, during walks, together with the child, we observed natural phenomena (clouds, rain, snow, ice, icicles, drops, puddles, streams), and noted changes in the state of water depending on the season.

Objective of the project:

    Introducing the child to the meaning of water.

Project objectives:

    Development of the child’s cognitive abilities in the process of joint research activities and practical experiments with water;

    Fostering respect for water;

    Development of aesthetic perception of water in nature (sparkling snow, amazing snowflakes, sparkling ice, etc.);

    Introducing the child to the properties of water;

    Formation in the child of the concept that water can be purified.

Relevance of the project:

The need to expand the child’s knowledge and understanding about the properties and importance of water in the life of living beings and for the health of children.


Stage 1: Statement of a cognitive problem, creation of motivation by me, acceptance of the task by the child.

Content : I developed a system of cognitive tasks, created problem situations and various activities in nature - caring for plants, observations, didactic games.

Conditions : The task is quite complex for the child, requiring mental activity to compare known facts and draw preliminary conclusions.

The exploratory nature of the child’s independent work.

The child’s vital importance and interest in the assigned tasks.

Consistently increasing the complexity of tasks.

Stage 2: Primary analysis of the problem, making assumptions about a possible natural phenomenon, the causes of the phenomenon. Selection of ways to test the assumptions made by the child, verification of these assumptions.

Content: Analysis of a cognitive task under my guidance; identifying the known and the unknown. The child makes assumptions about the possible natural phenomenon being studied and its causes. Joint selection of child and adult methods for testing assumptions.

Conditions: The need for joint consideration of each of the assumptions (special attention was paid to the child’s contradictory assumptions).

If the task at hand is particularly complex and the child is unable to solve it, I make an assumption myself.

Using different methods to test assumptions. Ways to check assumptions:

    Short-term observations;


    Elementary experiments;

    Heuristic conversations;

Stage 3: Analysis of the results obtained during testing of assumptions and formulation of conclusions.

Conditions: Encouraging the child to independently formulate conclusions.

If the task is complicated or incorrect conclusions are expressed, I organize additional experiments and observations.


Observations in nature.

    Observation of puddles, ice formation, and the appearance of the first snow.

    Making boats from various materials with the child, putting them into the water, watching different materials float, putting boats into the water, watching different materials float.

    Observing rain at different times of the year, the state of the sky during rain, and identifying the cause of the intensity of the rain. Monitoring the evaporation of water from the asphalt surface and the evaporation of dew from plants. Watching the rainbow, the fog.

    Observation of the formation of the first thin ice on puddles during the first autumn frosts, the appearance of frost. Conclusions about the connection with air temperature. Observation of the melting of icicles, the change of snowdrifts. Dependence on the time of year, temperature changes.

    Observation of changes in snow cover, its structure, properties, color with increasing and decreasing air temperatures.

    Snowfall at different air temperatures (in frosty weather, in thaw). Looking at snowflakes.

Heuristic conversations.

    “Water is a great solvent.”

    “How much does water weigh?”

    “Where did the rainbow come from?”

    “Who sprayed the dew drops?”

    "Who lives under the ice?"

    “Why do trees need snow? »

Search problems and their solutions.

1. Can water have taste, smell, color?

Target: Familiarization with the properties of water. To bring to an understanding of the importance of caring for water as the basis of life.

Content: Dissolving gouache, food, aromatic substances in water, experiments with water purification.

2. Why do some things sink and others don’t?

Target: Summarize the connection between weight and the ability to float.

Content: Weighing objects on scales and lowering them into water.

3. Where did the rain come from?

Target: The concept that rain is evaporated moisture from the surface of the Earth.

Content: Heating of water and its condensation.

4. Why is there ice on the puddles?

Target: Establishing a connection between air temperature and the state of water, between the temperature difference and the time of freezing of water.

Content: Take the water outside, put the water in the refrigerator, watch at home. Determine the temperature in all cases. Identify the reasons for different freezing times.

Conclusion: As a result of the work we have done, the child develops cognitive activity and initiative. The predictive function of thinking, the ability to analyze facts, give reasons for one’s judgments and draw conclusions are improved. The child learns to conduct experiments with snow, ice, paints, and sculpt figures from snow of various shapes. The child expands his understanding of the properties of water:

- water can be liquid, solid, vapor;

- the water is clear;

- water can be tinted any color;

- water has different temperatures: cold, warm, hot;

- water is formed from snow;

- snow melts faster than ice.

Experience name

Setting a goal

Creating conditions



Pour, pour, watch

Find out that the water is pouring

Prepare containers of various sizes and shapes

Children pour water from one container to another

Water pours and takes the shape of a container

Comparison of milk and water

Find out that the water is clear

Prepare two transparent containers, milk, water and two spoons

Pour milk into one container and water into another. Children dip one spoon into milk and the other into water, then compare

The water is transparent (the spoon is visible through the water and the transparent container)

Experiments with colored water

Make sure that the water can be tinted any color

Prepare 4 transparent containers, watercolor paints

Children use a brush to tint water, name the color, draw with tinted water on paper, or water the snow with a watering can.

Water can be tinted in different colors

Experiments with water purification

Make sure the water can be purified

Prepare 4 transparent containers, a funnel with cotton wool and activated carbon and cloudy water

Children pour water from one container to another through a funnel with cotton wool and coal, changing the cotton wool each time

The water becomes clearer and cleaner

Determining the water temperature

Find out that water has different temperatures: cold, warm, hot

3 containers with water: cold, hot, warm

The child puts his hand in cold, warm, hot water, identifies and names

Water can be warmed or cooled

Snow is also water

Find out that water is formed from snow


A child takes snow in his hand and watches it melt

Snow is melt water

Comparison of ice and snow

Find out the properties of ice and snow, compare

Two containers, ice and snow

Children manipulate ice and snow (break a piece of ice, make a snowball out of snow)

Melting ice and snow

Find out that snow melts faster than ice

Ice, snow and two containers of water

Children putting ice and snow into the water

Snow melts faster than ice

Didactic games

"Modeling by little people"

Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the world around them, to give children the first basic knowledge about the water cycle in nature.

Progress of the game:

The method of modeling with little people is to imagine that all objects and phenomena consist of many different little people.

They can think, perform any actions, behave differently, they have different characters, they obey different commands. The people of a solid substance (object) hold hands tightly; in order to separate them, some force must be applied.

The people of the liquid substance stand next to each other and lightly touch each other. This connection is fragile; these little men can be easily separated from each other (pour water from a glass).

Humans of gaseous substances are restless, love to jump, run, fly, they travel a lot and independently of each other. Only sometimes do they collide or touch each other.

All these little men can be simply (in a stylized form) cut out of cardboard, depicted on square plates or on the faces of a cube. It is desirable that there be at least 10 people of each type.

With the help of the game, it is not difficult to answer the question of why a stone is hard, to show the transition from one state of aggregation to another, for example, why ice does not melt in winter. Because the little people are cold and they huddle together. But then the sun began to warm stronger, the little men warmed up, they became hot, and they began to straighten up, push each other, stopped holding hands tightly, and only touched each other with their shoulders, fingers, and elbows. Ice went from a solid state to a liquid state, resulting in water. And the sun is heating up more and more, the little people are getting hotter and hotter. They first moved away from each other, and then completely ran away in different directions. The water disappeared and turned into steam.

"Drop ball"

We take flour and spray from a spray bottle, we get droplet balls.

(Dust particles around themselves collect small drops of water, form one large drop, forming clouds)

Comparison of milk and water

Ice is hard and brittle; the snow is loose, you can sculpt a figure from the snow

Determine the water temperature. Find out that water has different temperatures: cold, warm, hot

Find out that water is flowing. Children pour water from one container to another

Project “This Sorceress is our Water”

Nomination "The world around us"

The world of children is a wonderful world, a world of whys. My preschool children are the most active, the most inquisitive. They have a lot of questions that they immediately want to hear answered. Therefore, I decided to start research work with them so that they themselves could find answers to their many questions. The basis for all research work was the materials of N.A. Ryzhova under the program “Our Home is Nature.” The children got involved in the work with great desire and interest. Parents also provide great assistance in our research. We often conduct various experiments. I want to dwell on one of our research projects, which I called “This Sorceress is our Water!”

Fostering an ecological culture is a long way to developing the right ways to interact with nature. Understanding the elementary connections that exist in nature, a sense of empathy for everything, an effective readiness to create it, perception of the beauty of nature - these are the components of ecological culture. Children need to instill the skills of an environmentally literate attitude in everyday life, in particular, teach children to use water carefully and economically. Draw their attention to the fact that even such a familiar object as water is fraught with a lot of unknowns. All this emphasizesrelevance our research.

Target : the formation in children of a conscious, careful attitude towards water as an important natural resource, that is, the education of environmental consciousness.

An object : water in our lives.

Hypothesis: we assumed that

You cannot live without water.
do not wash, do not drink without water.
A leaf cannot bloom without water.

They can't live without water
Bird, beast and man.
And that's why it's always
Everyone needs water everywhere.

Tasks :

1. Conduct experimental research work on water.

2. Identify the basic properties of water.

3. Present the results obtained.

Forms and methods of work:

1. Conducting a conversation with parents, consultations about the need to formulate children’s ideas about the value of nature.

2. Excursions with children to springs in different seasons.

3. Targeted walks outside the kindergarten (pond, park with a swimming pool).

4. Classes in a corner of nature.

5. Conducting experimental classes.

Research methods : observation, conversations with children about water, reading literature, solving crosswords, puzzles, embroidering, drawing, writing fairy tales and designing children's books.

Progress of the study :

Water plays a huge role in our lives; it is our constant companion. Unfortunately, many people consider water resources to be inexhaustible. Hence - unfixed or simply uncovered taps in apartments, unrepaired, leaking pipes, garbage in rivers and lakes. It is very important to teach children - our future generation - to take care of water. Moreover, water is not only a natural resource.

Watching drops of dew, rain, sparkling snow on walks, listening to the ringing of spring drops, I teach children to see the beauty of nature. On walks, children get acquainted with the properties of water and various natural phenomena. Knowledge of the properties of water is of an auxiliary nature: it helps children understand the characteristics of the habitat of aquatic organisms. For example: the water is transparent, transmits the sun's rays, therefore, plants and various organisms live in rivers, lakes, and seas.

We have an aquarium in our group. While watching fish and herbs in the aquarium, children became acquainted with the properties of water: water can be warm and cold - various living organisms live in the water element with different temperatures.

During conversations, I explain to children the rules of behavior in natural conditions. If plants and animals need water to live, then our bodies of water must be clean and unpolluted. From this, together with the children, we conclude that when relaxing on a river, pond, lake, or spring, behave environmentally wisely.

During walks in the summer, spring, and autumn, I offered the children an ordinary puddle as an object for observation, from which we try to drive the children away, and in which they all show great interest. A puddle is a model of a small reservoir. We observed its appearance, evaporation of water, formation of waves, freezing, thereby determining the properties of water.

When organizing work with children, I tried to ensure that they were not just listeners and observers, but full participants. I wanted every child to feel that the state of the environment depends on him, on his actions. And the children themselves drew their own conclusions: throwing garbage into the river polluted the house of frogs and fish; cleaned up the garbage on the shore - they are healthy; I forgot to water a houseplant - it died due to your fault.

Based on the results of targeted walks and excursions, drawings were carried out on the topics: “The river that I saw”, “The cheerful (sad) river”, “What did the fontanel see?”

During construction classes we made boats. These boats were made into a river and streams from blue strips of fabric of different lengths. The task was to arrange the blue stripes so that the streams flow into a large river.

We looked at winter, spring, and summer landscapes with the children. Water, like a sorceress, can turn into rain, snow, dew, ice, etc.

We spent an evening of riddles and guesses about water with the children.

We played outdoor games: “We are droplets”, “We are big whales”.

We read the poems by S. Pogorelsky “Spring Stream”, L. Lyushin “Droplet”, E. Moshkovskaya “Drop and Sea”, A. Tolstoy “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio”, G.K. Andersen’s “Thumbelina”, N.A. Ryzhov’s story “How People Offended a River.”

There are many oil workers in our city. They all consider themselves indebted to mother earth. Therefore, all oil workers are engaged in the revival and improvement of springs, “for a spring is not only water, it is spirituality. The silver streams of the springs heal the sick, give strength to workers, and strengthen the spirit of the nation.” There are also parents in our group who are oil workers. Our children and their parents visited many springs. The kids learned that the waters of the springs are the cleanest, most transparent, crystal, cold and most healing, and for this people value spring waters very much. Children and their parents found many songs and poems about springs written by local poets and composers. After that, little books and an album about the springs of the Aznakaevsky district were prepared.

To study the properties of water, we conducted experiments with children: a liquid without taste, color, shape or smell. The children were clearly convinced of these properties.

As part of the continuity of kindergarten and school, a KVN “What do we know about water?” was held between the children of our group and the first grade students of school No. 4 in Aznakaevo.

As a result of all the work done, I wanted to see practical work in every family, so a competition “Water in our lives” was announced to parents. Parents and their children must provide a short essay in which they: describe the use of water in all areas of life; They will talk about the activities carried out to teach children the protection and use of water resources.

Application: Presentation .