How to build yourself or hire crews. Do we do the repairs ourselves or hire a team? Self-building a house

Dec 19

How to hire a construction team correctly

Are you going to do some renovations, but you don’t have any experience communicating with builders? Well, it's a pretty typical situation. Where to look for masters? How to negotiate payment? When to make the calculation? These and many other questions haunt novice customers. Now we will try to dispel all your doubts and suggest the procedure for hiring a construction team.

Reconnaissance in force

If this is the first time you are faced with the need to carry out repairs by someone else, we advise you to start by collecting the necessary information. Here newspaper advertisements will come to your aid. Open the page with offers for apartment renovation and call the first one you come across.

It’s not worth choosing too much, because the information in them is often not true. Instead of the promised comprehensive team, one and a half people will come to you. And you shouldn’t pay any attention to the phrase “fast, high quality, not expensive”, since everyone writes them. Even those who do the repairs very badly, take a very long time and are expensive)).

At this stage, the phone number indicated in the ad is important. Dial it and introduce yourself as a potential client. Briefly outline the situation and you will be given prices for the planned work. Of course, the numbers will be conditional, but you will still get a rough idea.

Take them as a guide and make a few more calls. In an hour you will have a whole list with completely different prices. Your task is to weed out overpriced and suspiciously cheap options. After this, you can move on to the next stage - getting to know each other.

First meeting

The main thing is not to worry. Remember that builders are interested in the order and will try to make a good impression. In the end, it is up to you to decide whether the collaboration will happen or not.

If the workers do not inspire confidence, you should not contact them under any circumstances. You should be wary of evasive answers to questions, stories about the complexity of the upcoming work, and attempts to bargain for money before the repairs begin.

Nowadays, staged payment is common. Money is paid upon completion of a certain type of work. If the repair is small, the calculation is made at the very end.

This scheme is remarkable because it is beneficial for all participants in the transaction. A small amount of work performed is paid for with a not too burdensome amount of money. If one of the parties fails to comply with the agreement, cooperation is immediately terminated.


Please read the proposed prices carefully. If the builders do not have a written price list, create one yourself by writing down the announced prices in a notebook. You will need it for the final payment.

For example, find out how much it will cost to lay one square meter of tiles on the floor, and how much on the wall. Does this price include priming and leveling of surfaces, grouting joints between tiles and installing plastic corners.

Some builders calculate additional operations separately, as a result of which the final amount may be one and a half to two times too high. Most conflicts between customers and contractors occur due to omissions when discussing the cost of work. Therefore, do not be afraid to seem overly persistent in your inquiries. As practice shows, this is the best way to avoid misunderstandings when paying.

Well, that's where our advice ends. Now that you have a rough action plan, it's time to start repairing. Theory is good, but practice is still better!

In contact with


What is a suspended ceiling? This is a structure consisting of a frame lined with a finishing coating. For example, plastic or wooden lining, plasterboard, metal panels.


By choosing the profession of a finisher, you have embarked on a slow but sure path to fabulous enrichment)). The income of construction workers often exceeds the wages of people in jackets and ties.


Often, the owners of a one-room apartment have the idea of ​​remodeling it into a two-room apartment. The reasons that prompt them to take such a step can be very different: a growing family, the need to improve their living conditions.

Problems can be very diverse, one such problem, although insignificant, is the problem of choosing which house to live in, buy an already built one, build a house on your own, or hire a design and construction company.

Build a house yourself
Let’s say right away that it’s unlikely to be possible to build a house on your own; you’ll still need to call friends, relatives, and acquaintances for help.
You can proudly declare that the house was built with your own hands.
The house is built exclusively for oneself, therefore, the best building materials that the builder can afford to buy are selected. Hackwork is completely eliminated during work, every little detail is taken into account, the right place is glued, a nail is driven in, a screw is tightened, etc.
A person knows his house completely, from the foundation to the canopy on the roof.
With this choice, the monetary costs are minimal; only building materials are purchased.
Only a person with at least minimal experience can make a cottage for themselves.
Even if a person is an experienced and professional builder, he cannot avoid mistakes associated with the design and construction of a house, he may not take something into account, and all responsibility will be his alone; there is no one to blame for mistakes (although some manage to do so).
Only those people who have a sufficient amount of free time can start building a house.
Hire a construction company
The option that occurs most often. Hiring a construction team consisting of guest workers can also be classified in this category.
The construction of a house begins with the selection of a location; for future housing, you can choose the one that best suits the tastes and needs of the future homeowner (the same applies to the option when the house is built independently).
You can build your dream home even without any construction experience. Choose or create a project yourself, take some image you like as a sample.
A good construction company will do everything, from the design to the turnkey delivery; there is no need to waste time, only monitor the progress of construction and current issues.
If the contract is drawn up correctly, the company will bear responsibility for its mistakes.
The likelihood of errors during construction is minimal, unless of course it is a good company.
This option is the most expensive; you need to purchase not only building materials, rent equipment, but also pay for the labor of workers involved in construction, from the designer to the assistant. Naturally, the construction company must also have some kind of profit from its work.
The disadvantages also include choosing a high-quality and professional construction company; when searching, you can make a big mistake; this is unlikely to have a positive effect on the quality of your future housing.
Buy a ready-made house
This means a turnkey house, with finishing and at least some communications. New or recycled makes a difference, but that's a topic for another comparison.
There is no need to wait for the house to be built, for it to shrink and for repairs to be made. You can move in immediately after completing all the documents. Repairs and furniture are optional (unless, of course, you bought an unfinished house, or just its walls).
It is possible that you bought a pig in a poke. The house may leak, the site may flood in the spring, there were shortcomings during construction or a banal defect. This had to be taken into account when choosing and inspecting before purchasing; it’s a good idea to ask your neighbors before making a choice.

Once upon a time you had a dream - to have your own spacious house or cottage in an ecologically clean area. And all that remains is to take the very last step towards fulfilling this desire - to build housing that you can be proud of. And, of course, you always want not to make a mistake, to do everything right and not to overpay.

That's why you ask yourself so many questions again and again:

The first one is - Maybe build a house yourself?

Of course, erecting an entire building on your own, in which you can then live, and comfortably, is a very tempting prospect. There are several reasons for this, and the main one is tangible savings. You don’t need to hire anyone, except maybe a couple of cars and a few pieces of equipment. There is no need to think about the possibility of marriage, it is not for nothing that they say: “If you want to do something well, do it yourself!” But... here I will be forced to interrupt your thoughts and add a few real facts to them.

Fact No. 1. It seems that your work is free, but this is an illusory concept. After all, if you work and earn, for example, 60-70,000 a month, then just imagine how long construction can take. Obviously not one week or even a month. One vacation is not enough to finish the work.

Fact No. 2. Think about whether you have all the necessary skills and knowledge? No? But do you think that they can be learned from books? Hardly. No author will reveal all the secrets, and each object is individual.

Fact No. 3. As you know, not only materials (even really high-quality ones) play a key role in the construction of a house. Equipment, tools, and technology are also important. Renting is very expensive, and so is purchasing various small equipment. Where will you store it? Will you be able to sleep at night, knowing that there is a welding machine or concrete mixers at a construction site?

Too many questions, isn't it? Of course, if you have all the necessary knowledge, if you are a builder, go for it! But do not forget that you will also have to involve electricians, crane operators and a number of other specialists in the process, whose roles you, even if you want, will not play.

Second question - Maybe we should hire a crew?

Quite a good idea. And there are quite a lot of advantages:

Cheaper than contacting a construction company;

Perhaps the quality of work will be really good;

You can control the process yourself.

But let's look at the other side of the coin:

The crews do not purchase construction materials, they only make calculations, which means that responsibility for the quality of work can easily fall on you. After all, you are not a wood or brick specialist;

It is unknown whether the initial settlement will be final. It is quite possible that you will have to purchase something additional;

The main thing in working with a team is control. If you don’t understand the brands of mortar or the type of wood, if you can’t distinguish a well-made roof from a clumsy structure, there’s nothing to do. After all, construction teams rarely give guarantees, and they rarely worry about their reputation.

What about the preparation of project documentation? Will the hired builders take care of this? Perhaps you will suffer a very unenviable fate - after the house is actually ready and you are about to register ownership of it, it turns out that the project is not legalized. Your home, in which a lot of money, time and effort has been invested, will simply be called “self-construction”, and they will strongly recommend that you demolish it.

As you can see, everywhere has its shortcomings. “But is there only one right solution?” - you think.

And now you ask yourself the third question - Perhaps it’s worth contacting a construction company?

To be honest, this will not be a panacea. After all, the company of the company is discord. There are organizations that, in fact, can be called the same construction teams, only long ago formed and formalized as a team. They will help you choose building materials and tell you how best to do it. And they will even complete all the documents, but you may be unpleasantly surprised by the quality of their work.

Therefore, you need to choose a contractor soberly and thoughtfully. Please pay attention to the following nuances:

How long has the company been in existence, how strong is its reputation, have you heard of it before;

Interview the company's clients, if possible.

Check out the portfolio;

Make sure he doesn't hire outside workers;

Make it a rule to choose a contractor offering turnkey construction;

Make sure that the organization does not purchase laminated veneer lumber, but produces it itself, having a good base;

The last important factor is the availability of a guarantee on the work.

We hope these tips will help you in realizing your ideas and desires.

Happy construction!

It's not an easy matter.

What knowledge do you need to have to build a house?

After all, in order to build something, you need to have quite extensive knowledge and practical skills in many areas:

  • brickwork,
  • roofing and finishing works,
  • sewerage,
  • electrician

And this is not a complete list. A person who is far from this topic will have to spend a lot of time and effort on independently performing all construction work.

How to choose a construction team for building a house

There is a simple solution to this problem - which will perform the necessary work efficiently and on time.

Finding workers with a suitable profile is currently not difficult.

A huge number of advertisements in newspapers, on TV and on the Internet provide the customer with a wide choice of the necessary specialists.

However, of course, not everything is as simple as it seems.

  1. Firstly, any hired workers will ask for money for their services. And the higher the qualifications of the specialist, the larger the amount he will ask.
  2. Secondly, often an employer who has little understanding of construction issues becomes a victim of deception by unscrupulous workers.

And here the question arises: “how to ensure the required quality and construction time, and at the same time not overpay?”

Rules for hiring a construction crew

There are a number of simple rules, the observance of which will allow you to build relationships with the hired team in such a way as to avoid the problems listed above.

Rule No. 1 - agreement with the team

You should be very careful when drawing up an agreement with the team.

It should describe in as much detail as possible:

  • scope of work,
  • deadlines for their implementation (both phased and general),
  • conditions
  • and the amount of payment.

Particular attention should be paid to describing possible claims from the customer regarding poor quality work or violation of agreed deadlines.

As well as monetary fines or other measures in the event of such claims.

This approach will help avoid controversial situations in the future.

Rule No. 2 - All negotiations with the crew must be conducted by a man

If you know of a smart and honest foreman who is familiar with construction issues first-hand, then it is better to turn to him for help.

It may even be worth hiring him for a certain fee, so that he himself can handle the selection of people and the purchase of materials.

The main thing is that this person is trustworthy.

Rule No. 3 - Regular visits to the construction site

Increased attention from the employer will force workers not to relax and treat their duties more responsibly.

In the future, this circumstance will have a positive impact on the quality of work performed. But you shouldn’t go too far.

The 24-hour “boss hanging around” at a construction site will anger and irritate the entire team.

After all, no one likes to work under constant supervision.

Rule No. 4 - Respect for subordination

The employer should keep a distance between himself and the workers:

  • Don't be familiar
  • don't curry favor
  • don't make big concessions.

Let them immediately understand who is in charge here. It is better to conduct all work negotiations through the foreman or foreman.

It will also force builders to take their work more seriously.

Rule No. 5 - “Prohibition” on a construction site

Of course, each employer decides for itself how strictly to treat this issue.

After all, some people find it more fun to work at a low temperature. But it’s better to immediately ban drinking alcohol during working hours.

And of course, under no circumstances should you drink with workers, so as not to lower your authority in their eyes.

Rule No. 6 - Monitoring compliance with construction technologies

The employer should personally monitor the implementation of technological conditions when performing particularly important work.

For example, when pouring a foundation, because inattention or haste of builders can lead to:

  • serious repair of an incorrectly installed object
  • or a complete redo of all completed work.

Here are the basic rules that should be followed if work is performed by a hired construction crew.

Their implementation will make it possible to avoid many problems and conflicts when building your own home.

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Autoclaved aerated concrete has a highly porous structure. The name suggests how the building blocks are made and what...

How do you plan your renovation? You will not be a rare exception if you say that you have little time for it: you spend weekdays at work, and there are also delays at work, and when you finally get home, you have no strength or desire left to carry out repair work .

Having visited a hardware store on the weekend and purchased some materials for repairs, we plan to finally start it, but first we put it off for the evening, then for the weekend, and it can last forever. If, of course, you have good willpower and organization, then by finding snatches of time, you can start and finish the renovation yourself. Or give him your entire vacation, but this option is one of the most cruel to yourself. A more gentle option is to turn to the services of construction companies and teams. Remember that it is safer (for you, the customer) to turn to serious repair companies that have been working on the market for many years. Of course, there are always two sides to a coin and such an organization, as a rule, charges a larger amount for its services than a private team, and this can also steal (due to financial expenses) your vacation. The solution may be to hire a small private team that works independently without intermediaries, however, in most cases they work without contracts and you will work only by verbal agreement.

Let us make a reservation once again that choosing builders to renovate your apartment or house is a very important and responsible matter; both your financial situation and the quality of the work itself in which you will live will depend on the outcome of your decision. Often crews are hired based on advice from friends and relatives. Therefore, it will never be superfluous to find out the opinion of the selected professionals about the repairs from clients for whom they have already done repairs; sometimes the team itself even gives their numbers when they are confident in their reputation. It would also be absolutely normal to ask the builders for diplomas about the relevant education.

After the final selection of the team, be sure to discuss the exact volume of work to be done, the materials that will be needed to carry it out, as well as clear prices for all services. If the team you choose is a legal entity, then it must have the appropriate license to carry out repair and construction work. Always enter into an agreement with a clear list of rights and responsibilities. If you work with a team that acts as an individual, then it is logical to conclude a similar agreement with the provision of services to you in this case by an individual.

In general terms, any repair is characterized by 3 main parameters:

  • its value
  • timing
  • quality of work.

Of course, if you do not resort to hiring third-party workers, you can very well reduce the cost only to the price of materials and tools. And the timing of the repairs in this case will depend on your workload, the free time available for repairs, as well as your skills in certain construction works, the latter, by the way, will also determine the quality of the repairs.

If you decide to resort to the work of professional construction teams, the cost of repairs increases significantly, the time frame, on the contrary, is reduced compared to the work you carry out yourself, but the quality in this case should be of a high professional level. The choice, of course, is yours, but, of course, it is much better to relax and get a quality repair done on time than to waste every free minute and get a non-professional, albeit cheaper, repair.