Why and how to insulate a roof from the inside: detailed instructions. Insulating roofs in a private house: types of materials and installation process Making roof insulation

Roof insulation plays a huge role in completing construction work. Having built a house or cottage, you have to think about how to make the building as comfortable, warm and cozy as possible. Regardless of whether there will be living space in the attic or not, the roof must be insulated in any case. This will reduce heat loss and contribute to energy saving.

Do-it-yourself roof insulation

Roof insulation work does not have to be done with the help of a specialist; everything can be done with your own hands. The whole process should begin with the selection of the necessary materials and the creation of a plan and scheme of work. Any roof consists of an outer (roof) and an inner (ceiling and rafter frame) parts.

All insulation work is carried out only after checking these components, and if necessary, they are repaired. Then excess moisture is removed and dampness and mold are removed.

To prevent bacterial damage to wooden structures, the inner surface of the roof is treated with an antiseptic, and to protect metal structures from rust, such surfaces are treated with anti-corrosion compounds.

Insulation materials

Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of materials for roof insulation. The most popular are:

  • Mineral wool (fiberglass, stone slabs);
  • Extruded polystyrene foam;
  • Polyurethane foam.

The material you choose is determined by the features of the roof. For example, it is preferable to insulate pitched roofs with fiberglass.


This material has excellent heat-insulating and sound-proofing properties. Fiberglass is also durable, its service life reaches fifty years, it is fire-resistant and vapor-permeable. And, of course, the price; purchasing such material is a very inexpensive pleasure.

The most popular materials in use are mineral wool and polystyrene foam. This popularity is due to the ease of manipulation with them.

Mineral wool

Depending on the original type of material (stone or glass), mineral wool is divided into two types:

— the fibrous structure of the material, formed by melting small particles of rock, as well as various slags and mixtures obtained in industrial metallurgy, makes the product truly unique.

The material is not afraid of high temperatures and is also quite resistant to aggressive chemicals.

Glass wool- a heat-insulating material containing air fibers that are particularly durable. The product is obtained by melting ordinary glass. Like stone wool, the insulation is highly resistant to chemical products and does not burn.

The thermal conductivity of glass wool is 0.05 W/m°C at 25°C. During operation, glass wool practically does not shrink, and its fibrous structure, even after a long period of time, remains the same elastic and elastic.

Mineral wool has excellent characteristics in the following indicators:

  • Low thermal conductivity;
  • Excellent sound insulation;
  • Fire resistance, which is very important for roof material;
  • Highly environmentally friendly and durable.

Foam plastic and penoplex

Both insulation materials have a fairly small specific gravity, so their use does not weigh down the roof, and also does not require the additional use of material insulating from steam, since neither foam plastic nor absorb moisture.

Polyurethane foam

One of the modern materials is.

It does not need to be glued or nailed to the surface, but is applied by spraying onto it. This material has excellent adhesion to surfaces and as a result a durable, seamless structure is formed that does not allow cold or moisture to pass through.

Insulating the ceiling in a house with a cold roof

Once the materials have been selected, you can proceed directly to the process of laying the material. The specifics of this process depend on the roof design and the future use of the attic.

If the attic is not intended to be used as a living space, then the insulating material is placed on the attic floor between the joists, and not between the roof rafters. A membrane is laid on top to improve vapor permeability, then it can be covered with any floor covering.

To prevent the formation of “cold bridges,” the insulation should fit as tightly as possible to the joists. To do this, when cutting insulation, its size must be determined according to 1-2 cm. wider than the distance between the joists.

Insulating the attic from the inside

If you decide to equip the attic as a living space, you should insulate the roof with your own hands using a different technology:

  1. Initially, a waterproofing layer is laid to protect the insulating material from getting wet. To do this, a waterproofing membrane is laid on top of the sheathing and secured with counter-lattice bars;
  2. Then the insulation itself is laid between the rafters. To avoid the formation of gaps, during installation you should follow the same technology as when insulating the ceiling - the insulation should be wider by 1-2 cm.
  3. As a vapor-permeable layer, a vapor barrier film is attached on top of the insulation and overlapped at the joints;
  4. The film is secured on top with bars, which will serve as the basis for the finishing.

How and with what to insulate a flat roof

Insulation of a flat roof takes place according to a slightly different scheme. The beginning of work is the determination of the purpose of the room. The intended use of the attic as a gym or some other place for entertainment suggests that the roof must be really strong to withstand serious loads.

  1. To form a slight slope of the roof, a cement screed is made on the reinforced concrete slab;
  2. Then, as in the case of a pitched roof, a waterproofing layer is laid;
  3. Upon completion of these works, everything is covered on top with a layer of heat-insulating material (foam plastic, stone wool, extruded polystyrene foam, etc.), on top of which a layer of fiberglass or geotextile is laid.
  4. And the final stage is the filling of pebbles or a layer of gravel and the subsequent laying of floor or paving slabs.

If there is no living space under the roof, then the vapor barrier layer and insulation are laid in the attic, and the waterproofing layer is placed under the roofing material. And in case of complete non-use of the attic space of a flat roof, insulation is carried out either from the inside or from the outside.

By insulating your roof, you will not only get additional square meters, but also reliable protection for your home from severe frosts in winter and sultry heat in summer.

Keeping your home warm is the most important factor in comfort and coziness, especially during the cold season. In addition to insulating the walls from the outside, installing thermal insulation for the roof also plays a huge role. How to insulate the roof of a house in such a way as to get the maximum benefit from the work done? We deal with these questions on the pages of our website.

Choice of insulation

The modern market provides a wide range of insulation materials. Among them are mineral wool, polystyrene foam, expanded clay and others.

Most often, basalt mineral wool is used as insulation, because it has high thermal insulation properties, is easy to install, and has an affordable price. Fire safety is another advantage of mineral wool, which sets it apart from foam plastic.

Among the disadvantages of mineral wool, one can note its ability to absorb moisture. Therefore, without high-quality vapor barrier and waterproofing, over time, mineral wool may lose its high thermal insulation properties.

Foam plastic is also used for insulation. It has a noticeable advantage - moisture resistance, however, due to the high flammability of this material, it is not recommended for use on pitched roofs with wooden beams.

Other insulation materials, such as expanded clay or wood sawdust, are practically not used today due to the large weight that creates a load on the roof, difficulties in installation, and low thermal insulation properties.

Roof insulation technology

To understand how to insulate a roof, you need to know the technology for installing thermal insulation. And although this process differs depending on whether the roof is flat or pitched, roof insulation comes down to the following:

  1. Vapor barrier.
  2. Insulation.
  3. Waterproofing.

When thinking about how to insulate a roof with your own hands, it is important to strictly follow the procedure, because this technology takes into account all the thermophysical processes that occur in the under-roof space.

Vapor barrier

Warm, moist air tends to rise and leave the building through the roof. And since mineral wool, widely used as insulation, tends to absorb moisture, the first barrier to warm air should be a vapor barrier layer. It should be made airtight, since even the smallest cracks can let warm air through and reduce the quality of the thermal insulation “pie”.

Vapor barrier sheets should be laid with an overlap of 10 centimeters. All joints must be sealed with special construction tape. If the material was damaged during the installation process, it should be replaced or the torn areas should be sealed with tape. This is necessary in order to ensure the tightness of the vapor barrier layer.

If the pitched roof of a house with wooden beams is insulated, the vapor barrier should be attached below the rafters, because constant moisture in the wooden structure can lead to its rotting and destruction.

One of the materials for vapor barrier is polypropylene film. It is very strong, so the risk of damaging it during installation is very small. Foamed polyethylene can also be used for a pitched roof, and liquid rubber can be used for a flat concrete roof.


After installing the insulation, a waterproofing layer should be laid. It will serve as a barrier to moisture entering the room. At the same time, waterproofing must have the ability to transmit moisture in the form of vapor from inside the room. This is necessary so that if the vapor barrier layer is damaged over time and moist air begins to seep into the thermal insulation area, the moisture does not remain there and spoil the insulation, but goes further through the waterproofing.

Thus, the insulation will be reliably protected on both sides from the negative effects of moisture.

The waterproofing flooring should start from the bottom. The sheets must be fastened across the roof slope. Each subsequent canvas must be overlapped by 10 centimeters.

Insulation of a flat roof

Installation of thermal insulation for a flat roof differs from insulation of a pitched roof. How to insulate a flat roof to ensure maximum heat savings in the building?

Thermal insulation of a flat roof can be carried out both externally and internally. However, insulation from the inside is often used only in cases where, after external insulation, it is discovered that it is not enough.

The process of insulating a flat roof from the outside

Insulating a flat roof differs from installing thermal insulation on a pitched roof, because there is no rafter system between which insulation could be laid. There is also no way to create a sheathing on which the waterproofing would be attached.

To start insulating the roof, you need to make sure that the surface is level. You also need to clean it of debris and dust. Then you can begin installing the heat-insulating “pie”.

Insulation of a flat roof begins with laying a layer of vapor barrier. It must have high levels of retention of moisture leaving the room, because its penetration into the insulating layer can very quickly reduce its heat-shielding properties. Steam condensed due to temperature differences spoils the insulation and can also cause the waterproofing carpet to swell, so the vapor barrier layer must be reliable.

Next comes the installation of insulation. Most often they are mineral wool or polystyrene foam. If the roof must have high fire safety, then mineral wool must be used. In other cases, polystyrene foam boards may be suitable. Since a flat roof can be used, rigid board insulation is needed. If we talk about mineral wool, its density should be from 125 kg/m3, the density of foam plastic should be at least 35 kg/m3. The insulation boards must be laid end-to-end, and they must be secured using telescopic dowels.

A layer of waterproofing is laid on top. It could be rolled roofing felt. It is secured using the same dowels that hold the insulation.

On top of the waterproofing on a flat roof, you should create a bulk layer of expanded clay or a cement-sand mixture.

The process of insulating a flat roof from the inside

If external thermal insulation is not enough, you need to insulate the flat roof from the inside as well. It should be noted that such insulation is not basic, therefore it has a slightly different technology, for example, it does not require a layer of waterproofing. To insulate a flat roof from the inside, you need to attach wooden planks to the roofing at a distance of 40 centimeters from each other. Insulation is attached to such strips. You need to lay a plastic film on top of it and then deal with the interior decoration of the ceiling.

The process of insulating a pitched roof from the outside

Most private houses have a pitched roof. It is best to insulate such a roof from the outside during the construction of the house itself.

You need to start insulating by attaching a vapor barrier layer. It must be attached from the inside to the rafters with galvanized nails or staples. It is important to take care of the tightness of the vapor barrier layer; to do this, the joints need to be taped. You also need to glue all the junctions of the vapor barrier to the walls and other roof elements.

Then you need to start installing the insulation. You can use mineral wool in rolls or slabs. By selecting mineral wool slabs to match the width of the span between the rafters, you can quickly lay the insulation. When using mineral wool in rolls, you need to pre-cut the material to the required width.

Important! The insulation must be laid without creating gaps or voids, and must also fill the space between the rafters without gaps. Roll insulation must be secured so that it does not roll off during operation.

If the proposed thermal insulation layer is greater than the height of the rafters, you need to add boards so that after laying the insulation there remains a ventilated gap of 5 centimeters. If mineral wool slabs are laid in two layers, then their joints should not coincide.

The next stage of thermal insulation will be the installation of waterproofing. The selected material must protect against the penetration of moisture into the room, but at the same time must have the ability to allow vapor to pass through from the inside.

Important! Waterproofing sheets must be attached to the rafters using galvanized nails or staples. They need to be attached with a sag of 1 centimeter, because under the influence of temperatures the waterproofing material can shrink. This way the waterproofing will be protected from ruptures during the cold season.

Laying of waterproofing sheets begins from the bottom, each subsequent sheet is overlapped by 10 centimeters.

After the installation of waterproofing is completed, a counter-lattice and sheathing are installed on top, this ensures ventilation in the under-roof space. Next comes the installation of the roofing.

The process of insulating a pitched roof from the inside

If the roof was not insulated during construction, and it is not possible to remove the roof covering, then the pitched roof is insulated from the inside. However, if the building was built a long time ago and there is no waterproofing, then you will still have to remove the old roofing and install a diffusion membrane.

The order of stages of insulation from the inside of a building is exactly the opposite of installing thermal insulation from the inside.

If waterproofing is present, then you can start by installing insulation from the inside of the building. Mineral wool in slabs is ideal for this. To prevent the wool from falling out, the width of the insulation should be a couple of centimeters greater than the distance between the rafters.

Having installed the thermal insulation layer, you should begin attaching the vapor barrier. It must be completely sealed, and for this, all joints of the canvases, as well as the junctions with walls and windows, must be taped with construction tape. Next you need to attach the bars for installing the internal lining.

By correctly carrying out all roof insulation work, you can significantly reduce heat loss, and also, if desired, equip an attic. To maximize the effect of thermal insulation, all stages of insulation should be carried out in order, and all the nuances should be taken into account. Then the materials used will last for many years and provide comfort in the room regardless of weather conditions.

Ceiling vapor barrier in houses with a cold attic is considered the most important construction stage. Vapor barrier components do not allow moisture to pass through, prevent condensation from occurring on supporting structures, and protect the insulation from the appearance of microorganisms and mold. Installation of this system protects building materials from harmful…

In practice, roof insulation in private houses is carried out when it is planned to install a warm attic or residential attic. It is not customary to thermally insulate a cold roof; usually in this case, insulation is used to cover the ceiling between the attic and living space. Concrete flat roofs also need thermal insulation, since a huge amount of heat is lost through them. This article will tell you how to properly insulate wooden pitched roofs and concrete floors with your own hands.

Types of insulation for roofing

Nowadays, few people ask the question whether it is necessary to insulate the roof of a private house, since the answer is obvious. If you don’t want to overpay for heating, you’ll have to invest in thermal insulation. But how you can insulate the roof of your home, what material to choose for this purpose - this question interests many.

After all, the technology and sequence of work depends on the type of insulation chosen, which we will discuss further. So, at the moment, you can insulate a gable roof, including with your own hands, using the following materials:

  • mineral wool in rolls based on fiberglass;
  • mineral wool in slabs and rolls based on basalt fiber (stone wool);
  • foamed polystyrene boards (foam plastic, extruded polystyrene foam, penoplex);
  • sprayed polyurethane foam (PPU);
  • foamed polyethylene with a layer of foil (penofol, isolon).

For reference. Not long ago, another new insulation material appeared on the modern market - ecowool, made from recycled waste paper and therefore characterized by a high degree of environmental friendliness. It’s just that using ecowool to insulate a roof, especially a pitched one, is very inconvenient, and it won’t be cheap.

The best insulation for the price is rolled mineral wool with fiberglass, offered by a well-known manufacturer - IZOVER. It protects the house quite well from the cold and can serve for a long time and successfully under one condition: the absence of moisture, its wool absorbs a lot and after that ceases to be a heat insulator. In addition, glass wool is not suitable if non-flammable insulation for the roof is required. The temperature limit of the material is 200 °C, upon reaching which it is destroyed.

The same brand IZOVER, and also URSA, produce non-flammable mineral wool from basalt fiber, suitable for insulating any pitched and soft roofs. She also likes to absorb moisture, but at the same time resists flame perfectly. It is very popular in the field of thermal insulation of roofs due to its affordable price; it is offered in rolls and slabs. The most famous manufacturer is the Polish brand ROCKWOOL.

Next come polymer insulation, whose properties are exactly the opposite - they repel water, but are flammable. Polystyrene foam is cheap, but still susceptible to slight vapor permeation, so during installation it is better to protect it with a vapor barrier. At the same time, expanded polystyrene and penoplex are practically impenetrable and do not require any protection, which simplifies the installation of roof insulation. And most importantly, all these materials have higher thermal insulation properties than any cotton wool.

Note. There is a lot of discussion about whether it is possible to insulate a roof with foam plastic and other flammable polymers. If we are talking about a private house, then no one will be fined for this, but you must understand that in this way you are increasing the fire danger for the building as a whole.

It will cost the most to insulate a roof with polyurethane foam, since it is impossible to do it yourself without specialized equipment. The technology of such thermal insulation consists of applying a layer of polyurethane foam to the surface, which grows in volume from 30 to 120 times. At the same time, polyurethane foam is the best insulation in all respects; it is not afraid of moisture and has the lowest thermal conductivity. It can also be called fireproof, because polyurethane does not immediately collapse when exposed to flame.

Materials made from foamed polyethylene have good thermal insulation properties, but due to their small thickness they can only be used together with other insulation materials. Thanks to the closed pores and the foil layer, the same penofol will serve instead of the inner layer of vapor barrier.

If we consider old traditional insulation materials, such as expanded clay or sawdust with clay, then it is quite difficult to insulate inclined roof slopes with their help. They are usually used for thermal insulation of the floor of a cold roof. Expanded clay or clay is used to fill the recesses between the floor joists in the attic, having previously laid a film.

Insulation calculation

There is nothing difficult in calculating the amount of thermal insulation material, knowing the insulated surface area of ​​a pitched, flat or gable roof. In addition, the size of the insulation is most often tied to the standard interval between the roof rafters (600, 1000 mm). Another thing is to correctly determine its thickness, for which you will need to refer to the regulatory framework.

For each region, regulatory documents establish a minimum value for the heat transfer resistance (R) of roofing structures. That is, the thickness of the insulation should be such that it provides this value, no less. The table below shows the minimum thermal resistance indicators for some cities of the Russian Federation:

If we take Moscow and the region, then for this area the value of R should be no less than 4.67 m2 °C/W. Having adopted the most popular insulation - URSA mineral wool, we find out from publicly available sources its thermal conductivity coefficient λ, equal to 0.045 W/m2 °C. After this, we calculate the thickness of the thermal insulation layer:

In this formula:

  • δ – desired thickness in meters;
  • R – standard thermal resistance, equal to 4.67 m2 °C/W;
  • λ – thermal conductivity coefficient of cotton wool, assumed to be 0.045 W/m2 °C.

Hence δ = 4.67 x 0.045 = 0.21 m = 210 mm. Since the correct solution is to take the thickness of the roof insulation with a margin, and not at the minimum, the final result of the calculation is 250 mm. For convenience, below is a diagram showing the thermal conductivity of various materials:

By the way, this calculation method does not take into account the resistance of the roofing due to its relatively small value. Any metal roof, such as metal tiles, does not retain heat at all. Slate, ceramic and bitumen tiles behave a little better, but compared to the required insulation layer, their resistance to heat loss is negligible.

Advice. When choosing a thermal insulation material, be sure to pay attention to its density; the degree of thermal conductivity depends on it. The greater the density of the insulation, the stronger the material, but also the higher its ability to transmit heat. This will ultimately affect the calculated insulation thickness.

Roof insulation technology

It should be noted here that it is most convenient to properly insulate a pitched roof from the inside during construction. But it is better to insulate a concrete slab from the outside by laying a layer of insulation under a soft roof, rather than then hemming the ceiling from the inside. The thermal insulation “pie” diagram for this option looks like this:

First, a waterproofing membrane is laid on the concrete base, and on top of it is slab insulation of sufficient density (for polystyrene foam this is 35 kg/m3, mineral wool - at least 125 kg/m3). Then a cement-sand screed 50 mm thick (minimum 30 mm) is placed on top. The last stage is laying the roofing material, usually roofing felt. The technology is described in more detail in the video:

The composition of the insulation pie for gable roofs of regular and broken construction depends on the material used. But 2 rules remain the same for all options:

  • A diffusion membrane must be laid under the roofing. It does not allow water to pass through, but allows steam to escape;
  • between any roofing covering and the membrane there must be a ventilation layer through which air circulates from the overhang to the ridge, as shown in the diagram:

Important. If there is no diffusion membrane on an old, cold roof, then to insulate it you will have to remove the metal tile or slate covering and lay waterproofing on the outside. It is not allowed to stretch the membrane along the rafters from the inside, since it will not be able to drain water to the street.

Insulation with mineral wool

So, before installing metal tiles or slate, a diffusion membrane should be laid, ensuring a tight fastening using counter-lattice bars. The canvases must be laid horizontally, starting from the bottom, to allow for the flow of water over them, with an overlap of at least 10 cm, as in the photo:

The next step is internal insulation, for which you need to cut mineral wool and insert it between the rafters. It is necessary that the size of the insulation in width be a couple of centimeters larger than the interval between the rafters. This will allow you to insert it tightly, the cotton wool will not fall out.

If the width of the rafters allows you to insert cotton wool of the calculated thickness, then next comes a layer of film for vapor barrier, which is nailed to the rafters with lathing strips for installing the interior finishing. The width of the strip is 4-5 cm, due to which an air gap will appear between the finish and the vapor barrier. The diagram of the entire “pie” for roof insulation is shown in the figure:

When the width of the rafter board is not enough, the whole assembly becomes somewhat more complicated. You will have to lay the wool in a second layer, for which you need to horizontally nail bars of the required width to the rafters. Insulation is laid between them in the same way, and then according to the previous algorithm.

Note. To insulate a pitched roof with mineral wool, the composition of the “pie” remains the same, only the work will have to be done while standing on a scaffold, as when insulating the ceiling.

Foam insulation

When thermally insulating a roof with foam plastic slabs, it is recommended to follow the same sequence of actions as when insulating with basalt wool. One clarification: the slabs need to be cut not by 2 cm more than the interval, but by a couple of millimeters, since the material is quite dense and durable. It also doesn’t hurt to protect the foam from the inside with a vapor barrier, since this insulation is destroyed by prolonged exposure to moisture.

Advice. Instead of a vapor barrier, a layer of foil foam can be laid on top of the foam. The sheets are laid end-to-end and glued with aluminum tape.

Another thing is extruded polystyrene foam or penoplex, which repel water vapor. It is not necessary to cover them with film, and the dense structure allows you to fasten the plates with self-tapping screws. When the width of the rafters is not enough, the second layer of penoplex is attached to them exactly as shown in detail in the video:


The complexity and duration of the roof insulation process largely depends on the thermal insulation and physical properties of the insulation. The eternal rule applies: cheap material must be laid in 2 layers and protected from vapors, which means more labor will have to be invested. Expensive insulation materials are attached much more conveniently and quickly. The least of your worries will come from insulation with polyurethane foam, which is very important for a broken roof structure, but it will also require a lot of money.

How to insulate a roof with your own hands? First of all, let's talk about the roof parameters that are responsible for its thermal insulation qualities. One of the main ones is the presence of an insulating “pie” - a multi-layer structure that does not allow heat to leave the structure.

What to look for when choosing materials?

How to insulate the roof of a private house? What characteristics and dimensions of roof insulation should be?

Thermal insulation materials are characterized by:

  • thermal conductivity coefficient;
  • density;
  • ability to absorb water;
  • flammability;
  • environmental safety.

These parameters should be taken into account when choosing thermal insulation materials. Let's talk about them in a little more detail.

The coefficient of thermal conductivity (thermal conductivity) in the case of insulating materials should have the lowest possible value - it is this that determines the insulating qualities of the materials. A low value of this parameter indicates the material’s ability to better retain heat.

The density of the insulating material, that is, its mass in a volume of 1 m 3 (remember, who forgot, the school physics course) determines the weight load on the rafter support system of the roof, walls and, accordingly, on the foundation of the building.

The moisture absorption coefficient in roof insulation should also be minimally low. Since most heat-insulating materials, when moisture gets into them, lose their heat-insulating qualities, negating the effectiveness of all roof insulation work. Therefore, waterproofing and vapor barrier of insulating material must be approached with all responsibility and seriousness. And the insulation material must have high moisture resistance - in other words, low moisture absorption capacity.

Flammability - determines the tendency of a material to ignite easily and maintain the combustion process. Naturally, it is necessary to use materials with low flammability in order to avoid the possibility of “one-time heating” from the roof of the building.

Today it is fashionable to talk about the environmental safety of the material. This also applies to roof insulation. After all, even minor emissions of substances harmful to human health, “multiplied” by a significant time spent in a building, can significantly reduce the time that person remains in full health.

Let's sum up the interim results! So, which roof insulation is best? We answer: the material must have low thermal conductivity with high moisture resistance, have sufficient mechanical strength, do not support combustion and be safe for human health! Like this! Do we all know? Let's go to the construction supermarket!

Which insulation to choose for a roof in a store?

The current state of the building materials market allows even a specialist to get lost in it. The “counter” of insulating materials for the roof is more “narrow”, but still, to navigate it you need to know at least the main types of insulation. This will help you communicate more easily, both with the sales consultant and with the craftsmen, if you decide to resort to their services for organizing roofing work.

As part of roof insulation, we will focus on:

  • mineral wool (mineral wool);
  • glass wool;
  • polystyrene foam (expanded polystyrene);
  • We’ll also talk about extruded polystyrene foam.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool (mineral wool) is a fibrous material obtained by melting and spraying mineral substances of mountain origin. Due to its fibrous structure, such mineral wool is an excellent thermal insulation material.

This material is supplied to the work site either in the form of rolls or in the form of slabs. This material has a fairly high density, which in some samples reaches 200 kg/m3.

From the financial side, mineral wool can be called “budget insulation” - both the material itself and the prices for its installation are quite “democratic”.

Glass wool

From the point of view of operational functionality, glass wool is similar to mineral wool. The raw material for its production is glass production waste. When choosing it, you should study the indicators discussed above and choose the best option.

Attention! Be careful! Work with glass wool must be carried out in a protective suit and in compliance with safety rules when working with glass wool, which can cause harm to health when working with it.

But in general, the use of glass wool can effectively and permanently solve the issue of roof insulation.


The use of polystyrene foam as insulation is determined by its cellular structure. This is a material formed by foamed polymer material frozen in this state. The density of polystyrene foam is quite low, which, combined with its high thermal insulation qualities, determines the popularity of using this material. Polystyrene foam also has good sound insulation parameters. Polystyrene foam is produced only in the form of slabs of varying thicknesses and densities. The price of this material is the lowest of all the listed materials.

Extruded (extruded) polystyrene foam

Extruded polystyrene foam has a “related” chemical composition to polystyrene foam, but has incomparably higher performance characteristics in the field of thermal insulation.

This is due to the fundamentally different technological processes of their production. If the production of polystyrene foam consists of repeated “steaming” of polystyrene granules placed in a block mold with water vapor. The granules increase in volume many times over until they occupy the entire shape, as a result of which they “sinter” with each other. But as the granules increase, the micropores on their surface also increase.

This leads to a weakening of the bonds between the foam granules over time, and especially under environmental influences. As a result, the material can crumble into granules under the influence of the slightest mechanical force. Weak connections between granules also explain the “fragility” of the material during fracture deformation.

Extruded polystyrene foam has no such disadvantages. During the manufacturing process in an extruder, the entire volume of raw materials is first heated to the melting temperature, a homogeneous mass is formed, which undergoes further transformation. The result of the process is a strong microporous structure of closed cells filled with gas, interconnected by molecular bonds. The “closedness” of the cells determines the water resistance and vapor permeability of such polystyrene foam at high thermal insulation parameters.

Thermal insulation materials - let's compare a little...

What is the best way to insulate the roof of a house? You decide…

Cotton materials, unlike polystyrene foam and expanded polystyrene, are also good sound insulators.

But, at the same time, mineral wool is highly susceptible to moisture. If the insulation absorbs moisture up to 2% percent of its mass, it will lose up to 50% of its effectiveness. Therefore, such thermal insulation material requires increased attention in terms of organizing waterproofing and vapor barrier.

Attention! When purchasing, pay attention to the integrity of the packaging - you can buy already “moistened” mineral wool.

It should also be understood that the cotton wool fibers themselves are hydrophobic (they repel cotton wool), but being “in the body” of the cotton material, they form microvoids between themselves, into which moisture is “absorbed” very well. Pay attention not to the hydrophobicity of cotton wool, but to such a parameter as moisture resistance.

The flammability of the material must also be taken into account. It is advisable to use materials with flammability class G1. Materials of this group will extinguish themselves when the source of ignition is eliminated.

Which insulation to choose for the roof? Suitable for your budget, installation capabilities and desired effect.

Roof insulation with mineral wool

Before insulating the roof with mineral wool, it is necessary to calculate the roof insulation and decide on the method of its installation: from above (in the absence of a roof covering) or from the inside.

The first method, in our opinion, is preferable, as it provides more convenient access to the roof truss structure.

Mineral wool insulation is a fairly elastic material, which makes it easy to install a spacer by cutting the width 2-3 cm more than the distance between the rafters.

The design of the roofing “pie” is as follows:

Depending on the material used for waterproofing, there are two options for its installation:

Let's consider the option of external installation of thermal insulation for the roof during its construction. The diffusion waterproofing membrane Fakro Eurotop N35 with a vapor permeability value of 1300 g/m2 per day was used as a waterproofing agent. This material can be safely placed on the surface of the insulation, which makes it easier to install insulation boards.

Mineral wool produced by TechnoNIKOL was used as a thermal insulation material.

The sequence of work or how to properly insulate the roof of a house with mineral wool:

Attention! This article discusses high-rise roof insulation work as an example. When doing it yourself, we recommend following safety precautions and using safety equipment!

1. We lay one row of waterproofing membrane on the roof overhang, securing it with a stapler.

2. On top of the laid film along the rafters we punch counter battens (25x40 mm) 66 cm long. This length of counter battens will allow you to conveniently fasten the first rows of the sheathing while on the roof itself.

3. Focusing on the edges of the rafters, screw in the first lathing strip with self-tapping screws, which should be 10-15 mm thicker than all the others (30x30 mm, 30x50 mm or 30x100 mm).

This is dictated by the fact that the edge of the metal tile sheet will not lie on the crest of the wave, but will lie on a plane. To compensate for the discrepancy in heights, the first rail is taken thicker.

4. Each subsequent sheathing beam must be 350 mm apart from the previous one (the wavelength of the metal tile).

5. Now that there are 3-4 rows of sheathing, and they can be used to move along the roof, we move on to the “internal” work. From the inside, we use a stapler to punch through a membrane-type waterproofing film, and on top of it we screw the internal sheathing with self-tapping screws, which will serve as a support for the heat-insulating material.

6. We lay layers of mineral wool on the outside of the roof. In this case, two layers of insulation were used, so when laying it it is necessary to use offset joints.

The issue of energy efficiency is especially relevant for owners of private houses, whose main task is to ensure optimal temperature conditions in their homes. To reduce heat loss in winter, as well as minimize heating costs, it is very important to insulate the floor and walls.

Particular attention should be paid to the roof, through which more than 30 percent of thermal energy “leaks away”. What materials should I use for this purpose? It is this question that we will try to find the answer to in our article.

What criteria should you pay attention to when choosing insulation?

How to insulate the roof of a private house, how to choose materials that will serve for a long time, without requiring replacement or complex maintenance, reduce heat losses to a minimum and will be inexpensive? We recommend that in the selection process you pay attention not only to the cost of certain insulation materials, but also to their following parameters:

  • coefficient of thermal conductivity. The lower this indicator, the thinner the layer of waterproofing material used for the roofing pie will be;
  • water absorption coefficient. Due to the temperature difference, condensation forms in the under-roof space. Water penetrates the insulation and gradually destroys it. Therefore, it is necessary to select materials with the lowest moisture absorption coefficient;
  • Fire safety. When choosing a material for roof insulation with your own hands, pay attention to such an indicator as the flammability class;
  • the density of the insulation, which determines its load on the load-bearing structures of the roof.

Also very important are such criteria as the vapor permeability of the insulation, its environmental friendliness, and the complexity of installation work. If you choose the right thermal insulation material, you can easily achieve maximum energy efficiency in a private home.

Mineral wool for roof insulation

Nowadays, such a procedure as insulating the roofs of private houses with mineral wool is in great demand. This material, made from rock fibers or slag, is available in the form of conveniently laid slabs or rolls. Its main advantages include:

  • resistance to combustion, the ability to ensure maximum fire safety of building structures;
  • ease of installation;
  • resistance to rotting and corrosion;
  • high level of sound insulation;
  • resistance to any temperature deformation, ensured by the arrangement of fibers in different directions, as well as the use of special binders.

Mineral wool can significantly reduce heat loss. However, to ensure a long service life, it is necessary to provide effective waterproofing, since exposure to moisture can be detrimental to both the insulation itself and the entire roof structure.

Foam-based insulation

The next type of thermal insulation materials that are very popular today are products made on the basis of foam plastic. These include penoizol, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam and other similar insulation materials. They are produced, just like mineral wool, in the form of slabs, which ensures ease of installation work.

In addition, spraying technology can be used to use materials such as polyurethane foam and penoizol. In this case, insulation materials are applied to the roof surface using a special foam-forming installation. The main advantage of this method is that the material used reliably fills absolutely all cracks and voids and almost completely prevents heat loss.

One of its advantages is its resistance to moisture, which allows you to do without so-called waterproofing gaps. In addition, other advantages can be noted:

  • resistance to rotting, fungi and corrosion;
  • environmentally friendly, maximum safety for human health, absence of any toxic fumes;
  • the possibility of using the material not only for insulation, but also for sound and waterproofing of the roof;
  • minimum thermal conductivity coefficient.

The main disadvantages of all foam-based materials include, firstly, their fragility, the need to carry out all thermal insulation work very carefully, and secondly, strong flammability, due to which the products can only be used for insulation of single-pitched, double-pitched and other types roofs It is not suitable for a flat roof precisely because of this property.

As part of the roofing pie, in addition to insulation, it is also necessary to use hydro- and vapor barrier materials. This will significantly extend the service life of mineral wool, expanded polystyrene or polyurethane foam, as well as increase their efficiency.

What is the best and most profitable way to insulate the roof of a private house?

What is the best and most profitable way to insulate the roof of a private house? The issue of energy efficiency is especially relevant for owners of private houses, whose main task is to ensure optimal

What is the best way to insulate the roof of a house: choosing materials for insulation

When choosing the best way to insulate a roof, it is important to take into account not only the cost of the material itself, its technical parameters, but also the installation features. You can install many types of heat insulator yourself, but in some cases the use of special equipment is required.

Principles for choosing insulation

To choose the right insulation for your roof, you should first pay attention to the type of roof. It can be flat or pitched - depending on the design features, some requirements for the material differ.

In general, when selecting a heat insulator for a roof, the following parameters are assessed:

  • thermal conductivity (the lower this parameter, the more effective the insulation);
  • moisture resistance;
  • long service life without loss of performance properties;
  • stability of shape (material capable of maintaining geometric parameters is more reliable);
  • specific gravity (preference is recommended to be given to materials with low density that do not weigh down the roof structure);
  • frost resistance (with temperature changes, the thermal insulation material should not lose its properties);
  • sound insulation (this parameter is one of the key ones when choosing insulation for a roof covered with a “noisy” roofing material);
  • fire resistance;
  • environmental friendliness (the material should not emit toxic substances).

The best insulation for roofing is a lightweight, non-flammable, safe and durable material that is suitable for the design of the roof frame.

Errors that significantly affect the quality and reliability of roof insulation include:

  • savings on quality (it is recommended to use insulation from reputable manufacturers);
  • installation of a heat-insulating layer that is not thick enough;
  • violation of installation technology (insufficiently high-quality waterproofing and vapor barrier, presence of joints and through seams in the insulation layer, lack of ventilation gaps in the pitched roof pie).

Today on the construction market you can find a wide range of thermal insulation materials for roofing.

Each type of insulation has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Mineral wool

Roof insulation with mineral wool is today one of the most popular thermal insulation options for flat and pitched roofs. This insulation has a fibrous structure and is made from rock melts. Mineral wool is supplied to the market in the form of rolls or slabs (mats).

When choosing this insulation, you need to carefully consider the thickness and density of the material.

The advantages of mineral wool include:

  • high level of thermal insulation;
  • affordable price;
  • non-flammability;
  • environmental Safety;
  • ease of installation;
  • biostability (does not rot, is not damaged by rodents, insects and microorganisms);
  • vapor permeability;
  • soundproofing;
  • stability of geometric dimensions.

Rigid basalt slabs made of mineral fiber are used for external insulation of flat roofs. Mineral wool of less thickness and density is suitable for insulating pitched roofs. Stone wool acts as one of the fire protection elements of the roofing system.

Insulating a roof with mineral wool requires a careful approach to ensuring reliable hydro- and vapor barrier of the heat-insulating layer and creating ventilation gaps. This avoids moisture accumulation in the insulation. Otherwise, the thermal insulation properties of mineral wool will deteriorate, and the rafter structures may begin to rot.

Glass wool

Glass wool is a time-tested thermal insulation material, similar in its characteristics to mineral wool. Melted glass is used to make it. Glass wool is available in rolls and slabs. This is a non-flammable, environmentally friendly insulation with soundproofing properties.

When installing glass wool thermal insulation, it is necessary to use protective equipment and follow certain installation rules to avoid health hazards.

Before insulating a roof with mineral wool, you need to select a material to create a vapor barrier, while a number of manufacturers produce glass wool slabs with a foil coating on the outside. This speeds up and simplifies the installation of this thermal insulation material.

Expanded polystyrene

Extruded polystyrene foam (foam) is a popular board material that is used for roof insulation. It is characterized by high thermal insulation characteristics and is resistant to moisture. Due to the fact that polystyrene foam does not absorb vapors, the slabs can be mounted directly on the waterproofing without creating an air gap in the pitched roof.

The flammability of polystyrene foam and its vapor permeability make this roof insulation material unsuitable for installing flat soft roofs.

When insulating a pitched roof, foam slabs are laid between the rafters in one layer. It is necessary to ensure that the edges of the slabs fit snugly against the wooden structures. The joints must be filled with polyurethane foam, and reinforced tape must be glued on top.

Polyurethane foam

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • low specific gravity;
  • soundproofing properties;
  • biostability;
  • waterproofing properties (due to the clogged cell structure).

Polyurethane foam is produced in the form of rigid slabs, and can also be applied to the roof structure by spraying.

PPU slabs have sufficient rigidity. They are easy to cut and drill and do not lose their shape during use. Their installation is carried out using the same technology as thermal insulation of the roof with slabs of extruded polystyrene foam.

Spraying polyurethane foam is a modern technology that has already earned recognition. The application of the insulating layer is carried out using special equipment, and this is the main disadvantage of this material. The main advantage of sprayed polyurethane foam is the ability to create a monolithic heat-insulating layer, since the foaming material fills all the cracks.

Roof insulation with foam insulation is similar to using sprayed polyurethane foam. In terms of its technical characteristics, penoizol (urea-formaldehyde foam) is close to conventional polystyrene foam. The advantages of the material include the combination of its price and quality. Taking into account the thermal conductivity coefficient, the cost of penoizol is lower than mineral wool, basalt slabs, and extruded polystyrene foam. The polymer material is safe for human health.

Spraying of penoizol is carried out using a foaming unit. The hose approaches the installation site of the insulation, and the foam fills the required gap. Thermofen in its frozen form is a material that does not weigh down structures and does not have any harmful effects on them.

Penoizol differs from sprayed polystyrene foam in its higher level of moisture absorption, which is about 5%. Therefore, there is a need to install a vapor barrier.

When installing a flat roof, various materials are used to insulate the roof of the house. These include foam concrete, consisting of:

  • concrete;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • blowing agent.

Foam material allows you to create durable and reliable roof insulation. Due to its low density, foam concrete does not create high loads on supporting structures and retains heat well. The advantages of the material include:

For the installation of foam concrete, a special mobile installation is used. The insulation layer can be from 30 to 150 mm.

This material is also used when installing flat roofs. Expanded clay is a bulk insulation material that is laid on the floor slab or the outer surface of the roof. The material must be compacted and covered with a screed, while maintaining the required angle of the roof slope to ensure the removal of precipitation.

The use of expanded clay leads to a significant increase in loads on building structures and the foundation of the building, which must be foreseen at the design stage. The quality of such insulation largely depends on the correct execution of installation work.

Foam glass

When choosing how to insulate the roof of a private house, you can pay attention to an environmentally friendly material with high thermal insulation characteristics - foam glass. This material is made by foaming glass mass with carbon, it differs:

  • resistance to deformation;
  • durability;
  • biostability;
  • resistance to steam and water;
  • non-flammability.

Foamed glass is used for thermal insulation of all types of roofing, regardless of the materials from which it is made. When installing insulation, it is important to take into account its low absorbency and use polymer acetate glue to ensure high adhesion.

The use of foam glass allows you to add elasticity to a soft roof and level its surface. This is a suitable material for arranging flat roofs in use.

Ecowool (cellulose) is an insulation material made from waste paper. This is an environmentally friendly material that has excellent heat-insulating and sound-proofing qualities. To avoid such disadvantages of cellulose as flammability and susceptibility to damage from rodents and microorganisms, ecowool is treated with fire retardants and bioprotective compounds.

Ecowool is a lightweight and cheap material. But insulating a roof with ecowool requires a special approach when it comes to installing a heat insulator between the rafters. Closed “boxes” should be created from slab materials, into which ecowool is blown, completely filling all the cracks. The disadvantages of this insulation include the need for special preparation for installation and the use of specialized equipment.

Roof insulation with sawdust was popular before the advent of modern high-tech materials. Wood processing waste is an environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic, breathable, but flammable material, which must be taken into account when choosing a heat insulator. In addition, sawdust is susceptible to rotting and can serve as a habitat for rodents.

Using bulk material such as sawdust, it is not the roof structure of the house that is insulated, but the ceiling. Ecowool can be used in the same way. A uniform layer of sawdust allows for high-quality insulation of the ceiling of residential premises. To improve the thermal insulation properties, sawdust can be mixed with clay and treated with the attic floor.

The use of sawdust is possible only if the attic space is not in use.

The correct choice of insulation and high-quality installation of the roofing pie will allow you to provide a healthy microclimate in your home all year round, and save on heating in winter.

What is the best way to insulate the roof of a private house: mineral wool, sawdust, ecowool

Find out how best to insulate the roof of a private house. Comparison of materials for roof insulation with mineral wool, sawdust and ecowool

How to insulate the roof of a private house - which insulation to choose for insulation

When choosing the best way to insulate the roof of a private household, it is necessary to take into account not only the cost of the building material, its technical characteristics, but also the nuances of the installation work. You can install the insulation yourself, but in some cases it is better to use the services of experienced roofers.

Rules for choosing insulation - the better to insulate

When selecting thermal insulation material, first of all, pay attention to the type of roof, which can be pitched or flat. Features of the roofing structure affect the requirements for insulation.

When choosing it, a number of parameters are analyzed:

  • thermal conductivity - the lower its value, the more effective the insulation will be;
  • long service life without loss of quality;
  • moisture resistance;
  • ability to maintain original parameters;
  • environmental friendliness - the insulation does not contain toxic substances;
  • frost resistance - in the event of a temperature difference, the thermal insulation material should not deteriorate its performance properties;
  • specific gravity - preference should be given to insulation with low density, which will not weigh down the roof frame;
  • fire resistance;
  • sound insulation – is of great importance when installing “noisy” roofing coverings, for example, metal tiles.

When deciding how to insulate the roof of a private house, it is not advisable to make mistakes that affect the quality of thermal insulation work:

  1. Saving money on quality. Experts recommend purchasing insulation from manufacturers that have proven themselves well for a long time.
  2. Laying a layer of insulation of insufficient thickness.
  3. Violation of installation technology.

Mineral wool for the roof of a private house

When choosing how to insulate the roof from the inside of a private house, many people prefer mineral wool. It is used for insulation of flat and pitched roofs. This material with a fibrous structure is produced from rock melts. On the building materials market, mineral wool is sold in the form of mats (slabs) and rolled products. When making a choice, you should take into account its thickness and density.

Among the advantages of mineral wool:

  • high degree of thermal insulation;
  • non-flammability;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • stability of parameters;
  • easy installation;
  • affordable price;
  • soundproofing;
  • absence of rodents and microorganisms.

Sufficiently rigid mineral fiber slabs are used for external insulation of flat roofing structures. Mineral wool with a lower thickness and density is used to insulate pitched roofs.

Insulation using this material requires the installation of hydro- and vapor barriers and ventilation gaps. These layers prevent moisture from collecting in the insulation. Otherwise, the thermal insulation qualities of mineral wool are reduced, and rotting processes begin in the rafter system.

Glass wool

It is sold on the construction market in rolls and in the form of slabs. This is an environmentally friendly insulation material with good soundproofing qualities. When installing a heat-insulating layer using glass wool, roofers use protective clothing and special equipment and follow safety precautions so as not to cause harm to health.

Before insulating the roof of a private house using mineral wool, you need to select a vapor barrier material, and at the same time, glass wool slabs may already have a foil coating on the outside - its presence simplifies the installation of the thermal insulation layer.

Roof insulation with foam plastic

This popular tile material is also called extruded polystyrene foam. It is used to insulate roofs. It has high thermal insulation and is resistant to moisture.

Since the material does not absorb vapors, it can be laid directly on the waterproofing layer without creating an air gap. The flammability and vapor permeability of polystyrene foam makes it unsuitable for arranging an insulated flat soft roof.

When insulating a pitched roof, tile foam is placed between the rafters in one layer. In this case, the edges of the material should be tightly adjacent to the wooden structures. Also, the joints of the plates need to be treated with polyurethane foam and then reinforced tape should be glued on top.

How to insulate with polyurethane foam

The material is known among experts as a good choice for insulating the roof of a private house, as it has a number of advantages:

  • insignificant specific gravity;
  • waterproofing properties due to the presence of a clogged cell structure;
  • noise insulation qualities;
  • low degree of thermal conductivity;
  • biostability.

Polyurethane foam is produced in the form of slabs with sufficient rigidity. It can also be applied by spraying. During operation, PU foam boards retain their shape and are easy to drill and cut. The products are installed in the same way as roof insulation is installed using expanded polystyrene.

Despite the fact that polyurethane foam spraying is a recently emerging technology, it has deservedly received recognition. The application of a heat-insulating layer is carried out using equipment, which is considered the main disadvantage of this method. Among the advantages of sprayed polyurethane foam, the high quality of the heat-insulating layer should be noted, since the coating turns out to be monolithic - the foaming composition fills all the cracks without exception.

The technology for insulating the roof of a private household using penoizol has much in common with the use of another material - sprayed polyurethane foam. Its technical characteristics are similar to polystyrene foam. Among its advantages, the combination of affordable price and good quality should be noted.

When looking for a solution to the cheaper way to insulate a roof, penoizol can be called such a material. Its price is less than that of extruded polystyrene foam, mineral wool, and basalt slabs. This polymer material is completely safe for human health.

Foaming equipment is used to spray penoizol. You need to bring the hose closer to the place where the insulation is being installed and fill the gap with foam. After hardening, the thermofoam will not have any harmful effects and will not weigh down the structure. Penoizol differs from sprayed polystyrene foam in its high degree of moisture absorption (almost 5%), so it is necessary to lay a vapor barrier layer.

This material is used when it is necessary to solve the problem of how to insulate the roof of a private house with a flat roof.

Foam concrete is made from:

The use of foam material results in the creation of strong and durable roof insulation. Since foam concrete has a low density, it does not place high loads on the supporting frame and retains heat well.

To lay foam concrete, a special mobile installation is used. As a result, the insulation layer should be 3–15 centimeters.

It is used when arranging flat slopes. Expanded clay is a bulk type of insulation. It is placed either on the floor slabs or on the outer surface of the roof. The heat insulator is sealed and covered with a screed, and the required slope of the slope must be observed to ensure the removal of precipitation.

When using expanded clay, the loads on both the foundation of the building and the roofing structures increase significantly. This nuance should be taken into account when drawing up design documentation for a private house. The quality of such thermal insulation depends on compliance with insulation technology.

Foam glass

Refers to environmentally friendly materials for insulating the roof of a house. It has high thermal insulation properties. It is produced by foaming glass mass with carbon.

As a result, foam glass is resistant to deformation processes, moisture and steam, it is durable and non-flammable. This insulation is used to provide thermal insulation on all types of roofs, regardless of what materials they are made of. When installing foam glass, polymer acetate adhesive is used to ensure a high degree of adhesion.

The use of this insulation gives elasticity to the soft roofing covering and allows it to be leveled. This is one of the best options for thermal insulation of flat roofs that are planned to be used.

To make insulation such as ecowool, waste paper is used. This heat insulator is environmentally friendly with excellent sound and heat insulating properties. But, as you know, cellulose is a flammable material and can be damaged by rodents and microorganisms. For this reason, ecowool is treated with bioprotective compounds and fire retardants.

This material is lightweight and inexpensive. But the installation of roof thermal insulation requires a special approach when it is necessary to install ecowool between the rafters. Closed “boxes” are made from tiled materials, then insulation is blown into them, completely filling the cracks with it.

Among the disadvantages of the heat insulator, it should be noted that it is necessary to prepare for installation and use special equipment.

Wood sawdust

Long before the advent of modern thermal insulation materials, sawdust, a wood waste product, was especially popular when it was necessary to insulate the roof of your own home. They are environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic, but flammable, which must be taken into account when choosing an insulation option. In addition, rodents love to live in them, and sawdust is also susceptible to rotting.

This bulk material does not insulate the roof structure, but only the ceiling. Ecowool can be used similarly. By laying sawdust in an even layer, the ceilings of residential premises in their own homes are effectively insulated.

In order to enhance the thermal insulation properties, sawdust is mixed with clay and the attic floor is treated. Their use is possible only on the condition that the attic space will not be used.

The correct choice of insulation and high-quality arrangement of the roofing pie allows you to provide a microclimate favorable for its residents in a private household throughout the year, and save on heating in winter.

How to insulate the roof of a private house: insulation, what is better to insulate the roof from the inside, the cheaper, choice of material

How to insulate the roof of a private house: insulation, what is better to insulate the roof from the inside, the cheaper, choice of material

What is the best way to insulate the roof of a private house?

Heat loss through the roof of a one-story house can be up to 30% of the total, so increased requirements are placed on the choice of insulation.

Proper insulation of the roof of a private house reduces heat loss and heating costs in winter, and also maintains a comfortable indoor temperature in summer, preventing it from rising.

Depending on the characteristics of the implementation of the pitched roof and the building materials used, the following are distinguished:

  • warm roof,
  • cold attic (ventilated roof).

Warm roof consists of several layers (“pie”) of materials with different characteristics: waterproofing, vapor barrier, thermal insulation. Laying them on the roof structure in a certain sequence allows you to achieve the best operating conditions for each layer.

If it is planned cold attic, then only the attic floor is insulated along the floor joists. The roof slopes are not insulated from the inside. This solution improves the humidity conditions during the operation of the roofing pie.

Roof insulation materials

When choosing insulation for a pitched roof, you need to take into account a number of requirements: the material must keep its shape throughout its entire service life, not form voids, and maintain thermal insulation properties.

Among the large range of insulation materials on the market, the most suitable for insulating the roof of a private house and meeting the specified requirements are:

Mineral wool

It is a fibrous insulation made from molten and frozen rocks. It has a high degree of thermal insulation and dampens noise well.

Available in rolls or slabs, due to its light weight it is easy to transport and install on site. During use, it does not lose its shape or shrink.

Popular brands: Rockwool, TechnoNIKOL, Izolight.

  • density 35 – 40 kg/cub.m,
  • thermal conductivity 0.036 – 0.041 W/(m*K),
  • incombustible,
  • water absorption 1 kg/sq.m,
  • vapor permeability 0.3 mg/(m*h*Pa).

Glass wool

Mineral wool based on fiberglass is produced using a similar technology, by remelting quartz sand or cullet. The material holds its shape well, retains heat, does not allow sound to pass through, and can withstand temperatures up to 500° without burning. Also available in the form of slabs or rolls.

Popular brands – Ursa, Knauf.

  • density 15 – 20 kg/cub.m,
  • thermal conductivity 0.035 – 0.042 W/(m*K),
  • incombustible,
  • water absorption<1 кг/куб.м.

Polyurethane foam

Sprayed polyurethane foam insulation (PPU) is a liquid that, under certain conditions, enters into a chemical reaction, foams, and then hardens into a porous solid material that forms an insulating layer.

The thermal insulation properties of polyurethane foam are high, it hermetically covers the entire surface to be treated, does not emit harmful substances after hardening, and adheres to any base.

To apply sprayed two-component polyurethane foam, special equipment is required. Some types of polyurethane foam are available in easy-to-use aerosol cans, for example Polynor insulation. Working with this material is no more difficult than spraying polyurethane foam.

  • density 60 – 80 kg/cub.m,
  • thermal conductivity 0.023 – 0.032 W/(m*K),
  • incombustible,
  • water absorption 0.002 kg/cub.m.

Expanded clay refers to bulk insulation - these are porous clay granules, light in weight and different in size. It has a low thermal conductivity coefficient, a high level of sound absorption, is absolutely environmentally friendly, and non-flammable. It is often used to insulate attic and interfloor ceilings.

  • density 300 – 500 kg/cub.m,
  • thermal conductivity 0.09 – 0.1 W/(m*K),
  • incombustible,
  • water absorption 10 – 25%.

There are a number of insulation materials, the use of which as thermal insulation materials for the under-roof space is undesirable due to unfavorable “side” effects:

Ecowool. It is made from cellulose fiber, therefore it is a highly flammable material, despite being treated with fire retardants. Its application requires complex equipment, and during use, ecowool shrinks over time - it becomes compressed and loses its heat-insulating properties.

Sawdust– a natural product that is unsafe from a fire point of view: it ignites quickly and burns well. Sawdust provides a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms and habitat for rodents and other small animals. Absorbing moisture well, they rot and mold, shrink, and their thermal insulation properties gradually decrease.

Expanded polystyrene. This material is available in the form of rigid slabs. It is undesirable to use expanded polystyrene for roof insulation, since when the temperature rises to 80°C, it releases toxic substances that are life-threatening. This material is used as insulation only under plaster or concrete-cement screed.

Comparison of the main characteristics of insulation materials

Work order

1. Installation of waterproofing film

When installing waterproofing, leave a gap of 4–6 cm between the film and the heat-insulating material. This is necessary for unhindered air circulation, due to which moisture evaporates. To provide the necessary ventilation gap, a counter-lattice made of bars is placed on the rafters.

The film is laid across the slope and secured with staplers with an overlap of 10 cm. The upper fragments are placed on the lower ones, and the seams are secured with adhesive tape.

2. Laying thermal insulation

Thermal insulation material is measured and cut taking into account the distance between the rafters. The insulation is laid from bottom to top in the spacer between the rafters, this ensures reliable fixation and the absence of gaps. Remains and excess insulation are not thrown away, but are used for thermal insulation of hard-to-reach places.

3. Installation of a vapor barrier layer

When installing the film, it is important not to confuse the outer and inner surfaces, since the vapor barrier is designed in such a way that it does not allow moisture to pass into the material, but brings it out.

The vapor barrier is fixed with staplers along the rafters. The overlap is done at least 10 cm both along and across the roof slopes, and the seams are secured with sealing self-adhesive tape.

The final stage is the installation of the counter-lattice, which serves as the basis for the interior decoration of the attic space.

Common mistakes when installing insulation

Violation of the technology for installing heat insulators can lead to the following negative effects:

  • the formation of “cold bridges” – occurs when the integrity of the “roofing pie” is violated (for example, the gaps between the insulation are not coated with moisture-resistant mastic),
  • the formation of many icicles on the eaves in winter - occurs when warm air from the room penetrates through the roof, which leads to melting of snow,
  • increased heat loss, in comparison with the calculated ones, occurs when laying damp thermal insulation materials or when carrying out work at high humidity.

There are a large number of thermal insulation materials for roofs on the market. Choosing the right insulation will ensure the maintenance of a comfortable temperature in the house, the absence of toxic emissions, reducing heating costs in winter and air conditioning in summer.

How to insulate the roof of a private house: choosing insulation material

Technology for insulating the roof of a private house: choice of material, diagram and procedure for installing insulation.