OSB board: properties and characteristics, pros and cons of the material, application features. Technical characteristics of OSB boards and harmfulness - for beginner builders OSB board properties and application

Large-sized OSB chipboard or osb is a very popular building material not only in the renovation of buildings and premises, but also in construction, especially individual construction. In addition, OSB boards have practically replaced solid wood in the furniture industry due to their performance characteristics, including strength. Working in conditions of high humidity is the main functionality of OSB 3 (OSB 3) products, and what exactly the numbers in the labeling of the slabs mean, we will consider below, as well as other properties and parameters of these building products.

Chipboard is one of the most popular large-format products, which are used not only in construction, but also in repairs, in the production of interior products, furniture, etc. When constructing objects operated in humid air, professional builders advise using sheets marked with the number “3” (standard designation is OSB-3).

Technical and operational parameters

In the manufacture of OSB boards, multilayer pressing of wood chips with the addition of synthetic binders, reagents and thermosetting resins is used. The result is high thermal conductivity, strength, sound insulation qualities, moisture resistance, resistance to multi-vector deformations, but at the same time elasticity and ease of machining: the slabs can be cut with an ordinary hand hacksaw.

The main difference between OSB and conventional products such as chipboard, fibreboard, MDF and plywood is that the board is made only from thick wood chips, and not from shavings or sawdust, and even more so, not from wood dust, like MDF. The layers, of which there are 8 pieces in the product, are located perpendicular to each other, and this is the key to the highest strength of OSB sheets. The industrial product line includes the following brands of slabs:

  1. OSB-1 boards are mainly used to make furniture, frame cladding (see picture above), containers;
  2. OSB-2 sheets are the same, but in conditions of normal or low humidity;
  3. The most common brand of OSB-3 boards in construction is intended for operation at high humidity and normal loads;
  4. OSB-4 is a board of special strength, used for the construction of supporting elements, components and structures with high resistance to various types of loads;
  5. Products of the OSB-l brand are coated with a particularly durable UV-curing varnish and are available in single- and double-sided versions;
  6. LOSP slabs are covered with a textured layer of laminate;
  7. OSB-sh sheets have grooved ends. Dowels are cut from two or all sides.

In residential construction and renovation, OSB-3 sheets are most often used. Boards of this class tolerate high air humidity well, since their structure is impregnated with polymer substances that prevent deformations and diseases of the lumber from developing.

Brand (or class) No. 3 in the OSB line is the most optimal solution when carrying out restoration, repair and construction work of any complexity. The parameters of these products are shown in the table:

OSB-3 parametersUnits
Dimensions (three dimensions)Length: 244 mm, 245 mm, 250 mm

Width: 590 mm, 1220 mm, 1250 mm

Thickness: 6-40 mm

Sheet weight12-43 kg
Density of the finished product650 kg/m³
Coefficient of thermal conductivity0.12 W/m K
Length error (according to EN 324-1)3 mm
Width tolerance (EN 324-1)3 mm
Angular error (EN 324-2)1.5 mm
Straightness value (EN 324-1)2 mm/1 m
Elasticity (EN 310) relative to the longitudinal and transverse axes3500 and 1400 N/mm²
Bending strength (EN 310) relative to the longitudinal and transverse axes22 and 11 N/mm²:
Inclusion of formaldehyde (EN 120)< 8 (Е1) мг/100 гр
Moisture absorption in 24 hours< 15%

The increased demand relative to chipboard or fibreboard, which is enjoyed by the OSB 3 board, is reflected in its technical characteristics in the best possible way - these are much better indicators of resistance to any deformations and high loads. And the ability to make a slab according to individual dimensions perfectly meets the constantly changing requirements in individual construction. Standard dimensions 2440 x 1220 x 9-15 mm are not the limit of choice: you can order almost any size and thickness, thereby varying the strength limits and other characteristics of the products.

Advantages and disadvantages of OSB products

Positive sides:

1. Easy processing: drilling, cutting, planing, grinding. The high density of the material allows you to fasten heavy slabs with ordinary wood screws;

2. The plates perfectly withstand all loads - weight, vibration, bending, compression, elastic, etc.;

3. The homogeneous structure prevents the slab from delaminating under loads or changes in temperature and humidity;

4. High tolerance to moisture is achieved by introducing into the structure of the product synthetic resins, formaldehydes, polymers and paraffins, which completely saturate the wood chips and protect them from moisture and swelling. Any OSB boards can be used for external cladding or cladding, but, depending on the class (brand), in different weather conditions;

5. Despite synthetic additives, the surface of the products can be painted, puttyed, plastered, varnished or covered with wallpaper, veneer, laminate and other rolled decorative materials;

6. A wide range of sizes, including the possibility of ordering according to individual parameters, allows you to choose the optimal dimensions of OSB-3;

7. The low cost of manufacturing plates also affects the price, which expands the possibilities of using products in the private sector. A standard slab 2440 x 1220 x 9-15 mm can cost 300-500 rubles per sheet, depending on the region of delivery or production.

Negative sides:

1. The surface of the slabs must be decorated - the appearance of the products does not increase the attractiveness of the structures;

2. Low chemical and biological resistance: with prolonged moisture, mold develops, rotting begins, and fungal diseases develop. In addition, the slabs can be damaged by insect pests and rodents if they are not pre-treated with appropriate substances;

3. Low fire resistance: slabs are made from waste from the wood processing industry, so they cannot help but burn. Due to the possibility of fire and maintenance of combustion, OSB-3 has a fire hazard class V of building materials - KM5. According to the groups of flammability, flammability and toxicity, the description of products is classified as follows:

  1. Group G4 – highly flammable material;
  2. Flammability group B3 – highly flammable material;
  3. Group D3 for smoke production means high ability;
  4. Prices for products and use of OSB boards

    In the Russian Federation, particle boards are sold from different countries: the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Austria, Canada, Latvia, and the USA. But this does not mean that Russia does not have its own manufacturers: these are companies such as Hillman OSB Kalevala (Vladimir), Kronospan Group (Egorievsk), etc. Domestic products meet all international standards: safety, quality, operation, cost.

    The most common use of products in construction and renovation of buildings:

    1. Prefabricated “dry” wooden floor screed for any type of floor covering. Sheets are laid over beams, joists or directly onto the subfloor. When using OSB boards, it is recommended to pre-lay heat-insulating materials;
    2. Leveling ceiling and wall surfaces instead of drywall;
    3. Sheathing the roof frame or creating a separate under-roof space;
    4. Cladding of facade surfaces before decoration, construction of formwork and frames.
When making repairs, many people come across the use of OSB boards, but actually have no idea what it is. In fact, such material is called the English abbreviation OSB, which literally means “oriented strand board”. Such panels are in demand in the construction and finishing of houses on a frame basis.

When using such a building material, many are interested and useful to know the features of its use. To fill the gaps in knowledge, we recommend that you read the information in the article.

The concept of "OSB board"

OSB boards were first used in the 90s. At that time, frame-type houses, the walls of which were covered with slabs, became widespread. They were built en masse in America, Canada and European countries.

Such low-rise buildings were created according to the following principle: the frame of the future building was assembled on the foundation, which was subsequently sheathed with sheets. This required lightweight and inexpensive material. Previously used chipboards were not suitable for these purposes - they were too susceptible to the negative effects of moisture and sun. They are too heavy and took a long time to produce. Then the manufacturers decided to conduct an experiment: they mixed the harvested shavings not in a chaotic manner, but used the technique of layering. Formaldehyde glue acted as a layer.

The technology of layering was quite simple: the first layer was laid out in the longitudinal direction, the next - in the transverse direction. After the preparatory stage, the workpiece is sent under a heavy press. Underneath, the glued panel dries and turns into a durable and lightweight sheet. While maintaining a small thickness of the layer, it has significantly increased strength.

The sawdust is laid perpendicular to each other, because of this the slabs are not subject to serious deformation from exposure to an environment with high humidity. It is this advantage that is fundamental when choosing a material for cladding frame walls.

Based on OSB boards, SIP panels with an insulated surface are produced. They consist of two sheets of OSB connected by dense insulation. This application became the impetus for the promotion of sheets with a new sizing method. At the moment, new building material is used on almost all construction sites.

What characteristics of OSB boards are important for their use?

When choosing sheets for wall cladding, the following parameters become decisive:
Resistance to bending (approved standard EN310 is applied, according to which the standard for longitudinal and transverse bending of the sheet is established);

Exposure to a humid environment (material after spending 24 hours in water increases in size by 10-22% of its original volume);

Panel density (640-700 kg per sq. m.);

Versatility (OSB boards can be processed using a saw, grinder, drill, screwdriver and much more);

Ability to retain paint and varnish materials (sheets easily absorb paint and wallpaper glue);

Strength (finished walls can withstand a lot of weight, so cabinets, household appliances and other items can be attached to them);

Fire hazard (the material is highly flammable, which is why in rooms with constant occupancy they must be treated with fire protection).

OSB panels are widely used in the following areas:

Construction of low-rise frame houses;

Production of SIP panels;

Backing for tiles;

Stair cladding;

Formwork structures;

Creation of exhibition shelving;

Restriction of access to the construction site.

Classification of slabs

The main classification method divides building materials into four main classes:
OSP-1. The least reliable material, which is recommended for use only at home, for the production of furniture;

OSP-2. Used as cladding, but in dry rooms.

Buy materials of class E0 or E1;

The toxicity level of the sheets is reduced if the panels are kept outdoors for several months (thus eliminating doubts about the quality of the product);

If panels with high toxicity have already been installed on the internal walls, then the situation can be saved by treating the surface with a primer solution with an anti-toxic effect;

Rooms with installed stoves must be well ventilated;

The room temperature should be below 30 degrees;

The maximum permissible humidity level is 70%.

Which manufacturers can you trust?

There are often products on the market with fake quality certificates. To avoid becoming victims of low-quality building materials, we recommend purchasing products from trusted manufacturers. These include brands such as Kalevala, Glunz, Kronospan and Egger. Other manufacturers are unverified, and with them the risk of purchasing toxic, low-quality panels increases.

Based on the market value data for materials of these brands as of December 2018, the following list was compiled:

You can buy OSB 3 from Kronospan for 450 rubles/sheet. This product has a toxicity class of E1, dimensions 2.5x1.25 meters.

OSB 3 board with similar characteristics from German manufacturers Glunz and Egger is in the price range of 650-1800 rubles/sheet.

The domestic manufacturer Kalevala is in the middle price category - material with identical characteristics that are not inferior to foreign analogues is purchased at a price of 500-1300 rubles/sheet.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that Russia is a huge country with different economic opportunities and potential. In the central region, prices for building materials are much higher than in remote areas. In addition, the final cost of the purchase is also affected by the volume of goods purchased. For bulk orders, sellers offer significant discounts.

Not long ago, a new building material appeared on the construction market - oriented strand boards (OSB, OSB, OSB). They immediately gained recognition among both professional builders and private developers. The high assessment that was given to this material made from wood waste by experts is associated with its remarkable properties, which particle board and plywood, related to OSB products, cannot boast of. Although in everyday life oriented strand board is often mistaken for a special type of plywood, the characteristics of OSB are an order of magnitude superior to the properties of glued veneer sheets.

OSB3 plywood is perfect for external cladding and interior finishing of walls, installation of floors and ceilings, construction of disposable formwork and sandwich panels.

OSB is a board that was first produced in Canada. This abbreviation is an abbreviation of the English Oriented Strand Board (translated as a plate with oriented chips). It has a multi-layer structure, which is similar to plywood, but its manufacturing technology differs from the production methods of the latter. Each layer, the number of which can reach 3-4 in a slab, is made of thin (less than 1 mm) and long (up to 150 mm) chips oriented in the same direction. In addition, the direction of the chips in each subsequent layer is perpendicular to the previous one. The chips are bound in the board with synthetic fibers, paraffins and resins of natural origin. OSB plywood is made by hot pressing, which turns it into a durable reinforced monolith.

Main types

There are several types of oriented strand boards.

  1. OSB1 - used for the manufacture of products operated in low humidity. Such products include furniture.
  2. OSB2 - used to create structures inside buildings, and their operation must take place in a dry environment.
  3. OSB3 - can be used as a structural element for interior and exterior work in environments with any level of humidity.
  4. OSB4 is a reinforced board that can withstand increased loads. It is used as a supporting structure.

In addition, OSB is divided according to the type of surface finishing into tongue-and-groove, varnished and laminated. Plates with this type of coating are most suitable for interior work.

In most construction and finishing works, OSB3 boards are used due to the most balanced combination of price, strength and moisture resistance characteristics.

This material is used for the manufacture of base planes for roofing, external cladding and interior finishing of walls, installation of floors and ceilings, construction of disposable formwork and sandwich panels, creation of furniture, shelves, etc.

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Technical data

Characteristics of OSB3 boards for use under load in wet conditions.

The description of the main technical characteristics of OSB3 is as follows:

  • density – 550-560 kg/cub.m;
  • thermal conductivity – 0.131-0.14 W/m-K;
  • moisture resistance – 15% (the material swells by this amount when kept in water for a day, but does not collapse);
  • standard sheet size – 2440x1220 mm;
  • plate thickness – from 6 to 22 mm;
  • sheet weight (depending on thickness) – from 12.9 to 42.9 kg.

In addition, OSB3 is distinguished by high fire resistance and environmental friendliness. The slabs are assigned to emission class E1, according to the standards of which the formaldehyde content in a dry slab should not exceed 10 mg for every 100 g of building material.

  • attics are hemmed with sheets with a thickness of 6 to 12 mm;
  • the solid base for the roofing is made of OSB 9-12 mm;
  • wall cladding and partitions in residential and commercial buildings are made of 10- and 12-mm slabs;
  • floors are mounted from OSB with a thickness of 12 to 22 mm.

Manufacturers note that OSB plywood has an almost unlimited service life if structures made from this material are designed and installed without errors. This characteristic indicates great prospects for OSB products.

The material was prepared with the participation of specialists from the Soppka company

  1. What is OSB made from?
  2. European and American classification of OSB.
  3. Why OSB in a frame pie.
  4. How to protect OSB from destruction.
  5. OSB on the facade - finishing methods.

What is OSB made of?

OSB boards appeared in our country only ten years ago, but they have been known in the world for more than three decades, since the frame technology for building houses was invented. To cover the frame, a completely new material was needed: durable and at the same time light, reliable and easy to install - neither natural wood nor chipboard met these parameters. This is how OSB, or OSB (oriented strand board) was invented. It consists of layers of wood chips. The main binder is phenolic resins in combination with paraffin; in Europe, melamine binders are used for boards used in furniture production. In the outer layers, the chips are laid along the slab, and in the inner layers - across. The mutually perpendicular arrangement of the chips makes it more resistant to external influences. We can say that with minimal thickness and low weight, OSB achieves maximum strength indicators, and it is this material that gives rigidity to the entire structure of the frame pie. At the same time, OSB may turn out to be the most vulnerable link in the entire structure - the participants of our portal have seen this from their own experience. We will analyze the most common OSB problems and try to solve them with the help of experts.

European and American OSB standards

There are two classifications of OSB boards. According to the European standard EN 300 they are divided into four classes.

  • OSB1 – boards that are used in dry conditions; They are used to make furniture and upholstery. This is a non-structural material.
  • OSB2 – used indoors in dry conditions as a structural board.
  • OSB3 - used as a structural board in a humid environment, including outside buildings. Due to the optimal ratio of cost, moisture resistance and strength, this material is most in demand by builders of frame houses on FORUMHOUSE, including for cladding facades.

Urgenz FORUMHOUSE Member

I see no reason not to use OSB on the facade. It looks great (there is a texture, not a smooth sheet), lightweight (easy to install), and lasts much longer than wood.

  • OSB4 is already a building board for load-bearing structures with increased mechanical loads and high humidity.

OSB made in the USA and Canada is divided into three classes. Criterion – level of water resistance of the binder chips:

  • Interior - for interior structural work in dry conditions.
  • Exposure 1 is a structural board that can withstand short-term exposure to damp conditions, so it can be used for interior decoration of wet rooms and for exterior use (subject to finishing with another material).
  • Exterior – withstand alternating cycles of wetting and drying, contact with the ground, and prolonged exposure to adverse weather conditions.

The following American standards roughly correspond to European standards:

  • OSB2 - Interior;
  • OSB3 - Exposure 1;
  • OSB4 - Exterior.

OSB in frame construction

Due to the popularity of frame houses, OSB boards are one of the most discussed FORUMHOUSE materials. There are ongoing debates about what the “right pie” should look like, how to make it cheaper without compromising the strength of the structure, what is the role of OSB in a frame structure, and whether OSB can be used for façade finishing.

On the diagram proposed for discussion by a FORUMHOUSE participant BulKonst, two options for a frame pie are shown: in Figure A - a classic pie, in Figure B - a budget version of the classic version (saving 1.5 times).

The idea of ​​making the pie cheaper by removing from it such an element as covering the outside of the frame with OSB boards did not meet with understanding at FORUMHOUSE, because “in construction, the stingy pays three times.” Namely, OSB gives reliability to the entire structure.

Svidig FORUMHOUSE Member

Without OSB, the house can be folded.

OSB boards performed at their best during the earthquake in Japan: frame houses survived, although wooden and stone ones collapsed in the neighborhood.

Soloviev Artem Project Manager Soppka OSB Protector

The main purpose of OSB boards is to impart rigidity to the structure.

It is OSB that allows a house to stand for several decades. But this is only if the pie is mounted correctly. The technology of frame house construction, taking into account local conditions, is just being created in Russia; it is a little over ten years old. Therefore, there are no precise, scientifically verified technologies for frame house construction in Russia yet. In essence, so far each construction company has more or less its own technologies - so there is always a chance that ventilation will be done incorrectly, and unprotected OSB boards will end up in an environment with high humidity and become infected with mold or mildew, which will spread further to the insulation and frame.

View of the wall of a frame house after dismantling the siding. Minnesota, USA.

How to protect OSB

Member of FORUMHOUSE with nickname Fast and Furious found that the street side of his house was "very degraded" after living in it for 4.5 years. It turned out that there was complete destruction of the OSB.

Fast and Furious Member FORUMHOUSE

I read from SIP builders how wonderful SIP panels are. And they don’t burn in fire, and they don’t drown in water, and a pound weight hangs on one self-tapping screw. Only the fungus calmly eats it and makes fun of me.

For quite a long time, it was believed that only the frame should be covered with bioprotection, and OSB boards and other structural elements do not need this. This is wrong - OSB boards were not covered with bioprotection simply because until recently there was no composition that would have good adhesion to OSB boards.

The house has been treated with a specialized fire-retardant compound

Artem Soloviev

In a frame house, everything is interconnected. The frame holds up the house, and OSB makes the frame stronger. Even the counter-lattice on which OSB boards are attached must be treated with a bioprotective compound. There are products to protect each structural element.

OSB for facade finishing


If you want to throw away money, then you can use OSB as a finish, and a complete one at that.

For facade finishing of a house using OSB boards, you can use clinker tiles, ceramic tiles that imitate brick, siding or imitation timber. The slabs can also be plastered.

If the choice of finishing on OSB boards fell on plaster, then there may also be problems with the choice of additional material. Such work cannot be carried out directly on OSB; the boards must be protected.

Nadegniy Member FORUMHOUSE

On OSB, the plaster will hold on for some time, cracks will appear at the joints of the OSB in the first winter, the edges of the OSB sheets will gradually swell, and the finish will darken with them.

Here are the “plaster cake” options that were successfully used at FORUMHOUSE.

If overlays were made:

  • OSB + primer + elastic plaster + overlays.
  • OSB + contact concrete + elastic plaster + overlays.
  • OSB + primer + reinforced. mesh + plaster + overlays.

If pads have not been used:

  • Wet facade: OSB + EPS (expanded polystyrene; PSB-S 25F) + base reinforcing layer + decorative plaster.
  • OSB + reinforced mesh + primer + putty + elastic plaster.
  • OSB + 2 layers of glassine + mesh + plaster.

OSB boards can be simply painted. Just paint it - a simple varnish coating is not suitable, varnish does not protect against ultraviolet radiation, it is necessary to give the wood color. Now, by the way, there are paints that are several times cheaper than European ones.

Artem Soloviev

Over time, the sun will burn out the resins from the surface of the OSB board, the wood chips will come off, and cracks will appear into which moisture will enter. Naturally, with changing seasons and constant freezing and freezing, the chips will move away even more.

An example of finishing a house using facade paint

Microorganisms form in these crevices. The gray color of the OSB slab indicates that the slab is ALREADY contaminated.

Should I putty the slabs before painting? Perhaps, the OSB structure untouched by putty looks better than a smooth sheet and is more reminiscent of the original half-timbered structure.

Members of our portal, who have extensive experience working with OSB, recommend that you approach the choice of slabs for facade finishing responsibly. No matter what grade of OSB you choose, try to keep the top layer free of bark. If there is still bark on the leaf, it is carefully separated with a sharp tool and torn off.

OSB is a compressed three-layer material made from elongated chips of coniferous trees - the so-called wood wool, the length of the chips is 60-90 millimeters.

The main feature of the material, as a rule, aspen and pine are used as materials for making slabs, is the different orientation of the chips in its layers.

In the middle they are located at right angles to the covering layers, and in the lower and upper layers - along the length of the entire slab.

The excellent mechanical strength of the material, which significantly exceeds the strength of DPS and plywood, is due precisely to this multi-directionality of fibers.

It is worth noting that the flexibility of the slab remains the same.

Three layers of the board are pressed under high temperature and pressure, and impregnated with waterproof resins and waxes. Phenolic and formaldehyde resins are used as binding material.

The use of modern equipment and advanced manufacturing technologies ensure the uniformity of the slab in all directions - there are no chips, cracks or voids.

An important difference between the slabs is their ability to withstand heavy loads, not due to the use of a binder material, but due to the fact that long chips cope well with the load, forming a structure without unnecessary overstress.

It has an optimal combination of high mechanical strength and elasticity.

  • OSB-1 – used at low humidity;
  • OSB-2 – used in dry rooms in the production of load-bearing structures;
  • OSB-3 – for creating load-bearing structures at high humidity;
  • OSB-4 - used if the structure is subjected to significant mechanical load and is operated at high humidity.

Comparative characteristics and properties of plates

The slabs are classified according to the European standard EN-300. The different connecting elements of the boards determine the scope of their application.

Moisture resistance

To determine the environment with which properties each type of slab can be used, use the thickness swelling parameter.

To do this, after measuring the initial thickness, the slab is placed in liquid for a day, and then the amount of its swelling is measured.

In accordance with the standards, there are extreme permissible values ​​for the swelling of slabs.

The following table clearly shows this:

Thus, OSB-4 and OSB-3 boards have the same strength characteristics, however, if we take into account moisture resistance, the third type is more preferable.

Compared to OSB-4, OSB-3 does not look as convincing, but it should be taken into account that the characteristics of OSB-3 boards are quite sufficient for construction. And the cost of such a plate is much less.


Modern technologies can ensure the production of any boards, but there are certain sizes of OSB boards:

  • 1220×2440 mm.
  • 1220×3660 mm.
  • 1250×6000 mm.
  • 1250×2500 mm.
  • 1250×3700 mm.


Due to their light weight, OSB boards are widely used in construction.

Environmental friendliness of OSB board material

OSB boards are made exclusively from high-quality shavings. Spruce is predominantly used, but pine is also sometimes used.

Is OSB board harmful?

OSB boards use binders based on polyurethane resins without the presence of formaldehyde. Thus, the content of harmful substances in the stove does not exceed the permissible level.

OSB has excellent fire, physical, chemical and biological safety.

QSB slabs

Separately, it is worth highlighting QSB plates. Compared to OSB they have some advantages:

  • Excellent layer adhesion is achieved due to the small chip size. This allows the QSB board to be used on a par with OSB;
  • the lowest swelling coefficient among OSB boards – about 12%;
  • the internal connection coefficient is increased by 30% compared to OSB-3;
  • the boards have high resistance to screw pull-out and also have good nail stability at the edges;
  • QSB edges are perfectly smooth;
  • the slabs have strength, uniformity and rigidity;
  • simplified installation due to a small number of connections;
  • since the slab has a high density, it can be processed in different ways (sawing, drilling, milling) and not be afraid of it being damaged;
  • the use of QSB plates allows for many types of structural connections;
  • The boards are suitable for use in class 2 wet environments.

QSB boards are used as load-bearing structural elements of the interior, as well as the main material for roofing.

Used in the production of packaging and containers, and for interior decoration.

Application of OSB boards

Due to the extremely increased demand for OBS boards, there are currently many product options on the market that differ in the previously described parameters and technical characteristics.

OSB boards for flooring

What should you pay attention to when choosing OSB boards for laying on the floor?

  1. Pay attention to North American and European products - they are usually of higher quality.

Products are manufactured in full compliance with all world standards and technologies, including the E1 standard, which determines the environmental safety of the product;

  1. The flooring can be done on wooden logs or concrete screed, depending on the room.

In the case of a screed, you need slabs no more than a centimeter thick, and if you are laying on wooden logs, then you need more massive slabs - up to two centimeters;

  1. OSB-3 boards are the leader in flooring.

They are the most popular on sale, provide structural reliability, are waterproof and high-density;

  1. To calculate the required number of slabs, it is necessary to determine which arrangement will produce the least amount of waste.

If necessary, cutting the slab with a circular saw is not difficult.

You should not use a jigsaw when cutting slabs, because when working with this tool it is difficult to ensure a smooth side surface.

OSB board on concrete screed

OPS slabs are an excellent base for finishing coatings (tiles, parquet boards, laminate, linoleum) when replacing the floor in rooms with a concrete surface.

Height differences and various defects are not uncommon on a concrete floor. Laying OSB can make the surface perfectly flat, suitable for installing any type of covering.

The plate is made multi-layered and dense, which ensures good .

The natural OSB base retains heat well. Typically, the slabs are laid on wooden blocks and the surface is smoothed using a concrete screed.

If you want to ensure maximum resistance to deformation and rigidity, use two layers of slabs.

Lay them offset, fasten the edges together with special glue, ring and spiral nails. A similar masonry in two layers is used when.

Maintaining small gaps between the plates will compensate for expansion as a consequence of the absorption of moisture from the environment.

Rough and finishing OSB floor

In rooms that stand on a columnar or poured foundation, the floors are usually laid on multi-layer boards or wooden logs made of timber. In this case, OSB floors can be used as a finishing or subfloor.

The finished floor base is laid in a maximum of two layers:

  • The first of them is mounted with a joint on the joists. Fastening to the joists is done with self-tapping screws in increments of about thirty centimeters.
  • Using spiral nails, the layers are connected, and if necessary, glue is used to ensure a more reliable fastening.

The subfloor is installed on the underside of the joists:

  • The surface facing the ground is treated with a special coating, for example, bitumen mastic.
  • Insulation is placed in the space between the joists, on the subfloor, and covered on top with a layer of material (glassine is suitable) for protection.

Some features of slab processing for different types of coatings

The unique properties of OSB boards make it possible to use them not only as an independent coating material, but also for work on preparing the base of various types of coatings.

  • Installation of OSB boards under laminate. There are no special requirements here, other than ensuring a smooth surface at the joints.
  • Laying under carpet or linoleum. To ensure the most even transition at the joints of the material, it is necessary to use the thinnest slabs treated with sealants. Provided that a single seam is formed during installation, expansion gaps are made from the wall side.
  • Clean finish. Protection against tile wear is required. This can be achieved by applying several layers of varnish, having previously cleaned the slab.
  • Laying tiles on OSB board. To install ceramic tiles, the OSB base must be stationary. To do this, you need to carefully secure the slabs to the logs, and install the logs themselves more often.

Prices for OSB boards

The cost of OSB boards depends on several factors. First of all, this is the country of origin.

Plates made in America and Western Europe are more expensive than their domestic counterparts. The cost is also affected by the brand of the slab, the thickness of the slab and, in general, its main characteristics.

In the table we can observe the dependence of the price of the slab on the country of manufacture and the geometry of the product

To successfully purchase OSB boards, you must carefully study the characteristics of each of them and choose the material, first of all, based on this.

As a rule, OBS-3 boards, due to their characteristics, are the most popular in the market. Although, perhaps, simpler models will be quite enough for you.

It is not necessary to shell out extra money for material properties that you will not need at all later. Don't rush - be prepared that it will take some time to find the best option.