Growing, caring for and propagating clematis in the country. How to grow clematis: secrets for experienced and beginners Where to plant clematis in spring

One of the modern trends in landscape design is vertical gardening. This method is quite effective and practical when decorating your own site. It is worth noting that not all climbing plants can be used in this direction.

Clematis, which are easy to grow even for amateur gardeners, are perfect for this purpose. Read the recommendations below for growing this plant in order to choose the right species, plant it, and ensure proper care for the vine. In this case, you are guaranteed to create a beautiful landscape area.

What types of clematis are there?

There are quite a few varieties of this plant. To make your choice easier, familiarize yourself with the distinctive features of some of the most popular options in advance:

  1. Entireleaf. This group consists of upright shrubs, the ground part of which dies off in the winter. Due to this, caring for clematis of this species is quite simple. The shape of the leaves of this clematis is simple, the dimensions reach 8 cm in diameter. You will appreciate the profitability of planting it already in the second year of development thanks to the lush purple flowering from the beginning of June to the end of July.
  2. Hogweed. Shrubs of this species are distinguished by trifoliate leaves up to 15 cm long. The shape of the pale blue inflorescences is similar to hyacinth, but the size of the flowers is quite large - up to 3 cm. The period of intense flowering occurs in August.
  3. Brown. In our latitude it is grown relatively recently, in contrast to its homeland - the Far East. Such plants belong to a subspecies of semi-shrub vine, the height of which varies within 2 meters. The shape of the leaves, 7 cm long, is trifoliate. This type of clematis looks quite interesting and original, the flowers of which have the shape of drooping bells 2.5-3 cm long with white pubescence along the edges. You will have to wait 3-4 years for the appearance of lush color.
  4. Virginia. The homeland of this vine is North America. When grown in natural climatic conditions, during development the shoots lengthen up to 10 meters. When planting clematis in our latitude, the height often does not exceed 1 m. Despite this, the Virginia variety finds its admirers thanks to the particularly beautiful trifoliate shape of shiny foliage with jagged edges and a rich herbal tint, as well as dense silver inflorescences of several small buds. In addition, it is worth noting the rather long flowering period - from July to the end of September.
  5. Paniculate. This variety belongs to the group of late-flowering vines; the standard large paniculate inflorescences of a white hue bloom in September - October. The shoots themselves grow quite quickly and wrap around the supports, firmly attaching to them thanks to the resulting petioles. The length of such a vine often reaches 10-12 meters, which makes it possible to equip quite large landscape forms with its help. The multi-layered structure of the leaves also gives the plant a special originality. Flowering can be expected already in the second year of growth on your site.
  6. Violet. The natural environment for such clematis is the mountainous Caucasus and Asia Minor. However, in the middle zone this species also quickly takes root and is not particularly demanding in care. Planting clematis of this type is also carried out according to standard rules. The leaves of this vine are very graceful, feathery, formed from 5-7 parts. Single wide flowers of a rich blue-violet hue fully open and acquire a round shape with a diameter of up to 5 cm in the period from June to September. Typically, flowering occurs only 3-4 years after planting.
  7. Tangut. A shrub of this species is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful wild clematis. Its natural environment is the rocky slopes of China and Central Asia. Feathery light green leaves 5-8 cm long and numerous golden bell-shaped flowers 3 cm in diameter will not leave you indifferent. The appearance of inflorescences can be expected from the 2nd year of cultivation, in June and until September.

    Important! When choosing a specific type of clematis, take into account the fact that most plants reach maximum attractiveness only in the third year of development. During this period, the shoots reach enough length to completely wrap around the supports, and their richness and density ensure the density of the green cover.

Another principle of clematis classification is the principle of inflorescence formation. On this basis, 3 groups are distinguished:

What shades of clematis are there?

The color scheme of the inflorescences of this vine is quite diverse. This allows you not only to select the most suitable variety for growing in combination with other plants, but also to very beautifully decorate a certain area by combining only a few varieties of clematis.

Most often there are plants with flowers of several variations of the following tones:

Popular varieties of clematis

In order not to get confused among the huge variety of clematis varieties available today, look at the list below of the most popular options for planting in southern and northern latitudes:

Clematis in landscape design

Considering the diversity of species and the general distinctive features of clematis, the use of this shrub in landscape design covers quite a lot of different areas.

Check out the proposed most popular solutions to decide on your unique clematis planting idea:

Where to plant clematis?

In order for the shrubs to fully develop and at the same time caring for clematis not to take up much time, be sure to follow the recommendations regarding the choice of planting site.

The requirements in this regard are quite simple, so it will not be difficult for you to choose a suitable area, even if the entire local area is not very large:

Important! This vine should not be planted close to a wall or fence for practical purposes. Maintain a distance of up to 30 cm, otherwise, due to unfavorable soil conditions near the building and constant runoff of water during precipitation, the plants will soon die.

Which seedlings to choose?

To ensure good survival of clematis, pay special attention to the selection of suitable seedlings. Buy those that meet the following characteristics:

When to plant clematis?

Determine the appropriate time for planting this type of shrub using several criteria:

Reproduction methods

When deciding to propagate clematis, choose the method most convenient for you from those suggested below:

Preparation of supports

To help the shrub develop faster and create truly attractive landscape forms, be sure to create supports for clematis in advance, in one of the ways acceptable to you:

Landing rules

The planting procedure is short and is not much different from planting perennial shrubs. However, in order to complete all the work correctly, before planting clematis, read the rules below.



Watch the video, which clearly shows an example of proper planting of clematis, to eliminate any questions arising directly when doing the work.

Features of caring for clematis

You will be able to create a beautiful and extraordinary landscape when growing clematis only if you properly organize the care of this vine. The full complex includes the usual procedures necessary for any plant; the distinctive nuances lie only in the required frequency of their implementation.

Rules of care:


Watch a video example of how to properly prune and form a winter shelter for clematis.


Regardless of which variety you choose, you will certainly appreciate the correctness of your decision to decorate the area with clematis. The main condition is to carefully read the basic rules of competent cultivation and strictly follow them throughout the entire period of development of shrubs.

Many gardeners want to see their plot bloom and different plants help them with this, one of them is clematis. When designing a plot, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations that will help you grow beautiful clematis, help with choosing a variety, choosing a suitable place for seedlings and properly caring for them for a long time.

In fact, such an elegant plant is not picky and does not require painstaking care. You just need to know a few secrets of planting and caring for clematis, which will definitely lead to a positive result.

Classification of the formation of clematis flowers:

- the appearance of buds on last year's shoots. Such vines can grow and expand without pruning, but weak shoots must be removed to make room for new shoots.

- flowering on the petioles of the current year. Pruning of branches is carried out in the usual way - the branches are shortened. In some cases, pruning is done at the root.

- mixed species. In this case, flowers begin to bloom on new buds and last year's ones. Pruning is done in the summer before flowering and in the fall after flowering.

Types of clematis seedlings and their characteristics

Specialized stores sell many varieties of clematis, each of which has its own characteristics. To choose the species suitable for your site, you need to decide on the size of the inflorescences and the optimal length of the vines.

  1. Brown clematis.

In our regions, the plant began to be grown only recently, but it has already managed to adapt. Its homeland is the Far East. Gardeners classify the sprouts of brown clematis as a subspecies of semi-shrub plant. The vines reach 2 meters.

The 7 cm long petals resemble wilted bells in shape and have slight drooping edges, which gives a special flavor to this species. The inflorescences themselves begin to appear 4 years after the seedling is fully established in the soil.

Its branches and inflorescences are rightfully considered the most beautiful and original among other species. This shrub was brought from Central Asia and the Republic of China. The leaves resemble feathers, and their length can reach from 3 to 8 cm. The golden inflorescences are more like bells (open 3 cm), and they appear 2 years after planting.

  1. Whole leaf clematis.

They are tall, upright plants that die back during the cold season, making them easy to care for. Its leaves have a simple shape and can grow up to 8 cm. The purple flowers of whole-leaf clematis bloom in early summer and dry up at the end of July.

This shrub was brought from the mountainous regions of the Caucasus and Asia. The petals of the plant are feathery, divided into 6–7 parts and reach 7 cm, and the flowers are bright purple, round and reach 5 cm in diameter. They bloom only in summer, but you will have to wait 4 years after planting.

5. Virginia clematis.

The plant's natural habitat is North America. In these places, the size of the vines reaches 10 m. On our lands they can only grow up to a meter, and then only under favorable conditions.

The shiny trifoliate shape of the leaves with small teeth attracts gardeners. The inflorescence has several small silvery buds. The flowering period begins in June and ends in October.

6. Hogweed clematis.

The shrub is distinguished by its unique leaf shape, which reaches 15 cm in length and has a trifoliate structure. The inflorescences are pale blue when opened and reach 3 cm in diameter. The hogweed species blooms at the end of summer - in August.

7. Paniculata clematis.

This shrub belongs to the late-flowering subspecies. Flowers begin to bloom in early autumn and end at the end of October. They are white, quite large with a paniculate structure. Clematis vines develop quite quickly thanks to the petioles on the branches. The height of the bush can reach 12 meters with proper care. The petals have a multilayer structure. Inflorescences begin to appear the very next year after planting.

When purchasing a seedling, it is very important to pay attention to the fact that in most types of clematis, flowering appears in the third year of life. During this period, the vines become powerfully attached to nearby supports and begin to produce buds.

Shades of clematis flowers

Buyers give preference to the following shades:

- light pink

- lilac and purple

- bright yellow

- silver

- rich blue

- purple.

In order not to get confused among the numerous species, you should learn more about them. In our latitudes, East, Hania, President, Ballerina, Victoria, Silver Brook, Piilu are common. In fact, there are about 1,500 varieties, but you can also find hybrid and subspecies vines. Clematis, planting and caring for which is not difficult, are practically absent, but if you know the intricacies of the work, you can easily cope.

The choice is very large, so every gardener must take into account the periods of flower blooming, care, and maintenance on the site. Some species tolerate the most severe frosts well, while others die at the slightest cold snap. The flowering period is also important, because some plants bloom in early spring, others bloom in summer, and others in late autumn.

Landscaping and clematis shrubs

First of all, you need to decide on a design solution that will suit your estate best. When choosing clematis, planting and caring for which are practically unnecessary, follow these tips:

  1. Upright shrubs will look great on a green lawn. They will fit perfectly in open areas.
  2. Low (up to 1 m) clematis look good near trellises or trellises.
  3. Shrubs with curly branches and densely growing petals serve as decoration for a yard where there are no strong winds or scorching sun. This type is used to create fences or decorate recreation areas. The place chosen for such shrubs should be calm so that the vines evenly develop and wrap around supporting structures. Planting and caring for clematis is shown in the photo.
  4. Shrubs with long shoots will fit well into the interior of the landscape, decorating facades and adjacent buildings (gazebos, summer structures, pillars, fences, stairs, porches, arches, etc.).

Where is the best place to plant?

For good development, shrubs need a comfortable place. A properly selected site will simplify caring for the plant, but before choosing, you should familiarize yourself with certain rules.

  1. Plants feel better on the south side.
  2. The required amount of sunlight is determined by the type of shrub. Some species prefer shady areas, while others prefer sunny areas.
  3. The area must be protected from drafts.
  4. For clematis, acidic loamy soil with good moisture permeability is best.
  5. It makes no sense to plant plants in wetlands or in over-salted, heavy soils.
  6. Groundwater can provoke putrefactive processes in the root system, so it is best to choose elevated areas for clematis.
  7. You need to combine clematis with other perennial plants carefully, delimiting them with a sufficiently large space, otherwise they will develop poorly in the struggle for territory.

A hastily planted liana will never delight you with lush flowering. The future well-being of the plant also depends on the place you choose to plant the seedling. The choice of variety and knowledge of its biological characteristics will also influence the final result. Growing plants always begins with preparing the planting hole and planting. Let's first find out how to plant clematis correctly.

For clematis, areas are allocated in a place protected from the wind.

When the groundwater level is high (80–100 cm), they are planted on artificial mounds, and at the bottom of the planting pits drainage is made of pebbles, gravel, and broken bricks. On heavy soils, the dimensions of the planting holes are 70 x 70 x 70, on light soils – 50 x 50 x 50.

The best time for dividing and replanting clematis in open ground is April - early May, when the ground has already thawed, but the plants have not yet begun to germinate. Autumn time is also acceptable - late August - September. In summer, clematis are replanted when the shoots become woody. Plants in containers can be replanted from spring to autumn.

Clematis with a tap root system do not tolerate transplantation. It is better to immediately plant them in a permanent place.

The planting hole is filled with a mixture of peat, humus (compost), garden soil, sand (1:2:2:1), add 2-3 cups of ash, 100-150 g of mineral fertilizers, 150-200 g of dolomite flour. In a hole, make a mound from the prepared mixture, carefully spread the roots over it, sprinkle with a small amount of the mixture and moisten it.

Many gardeners have clematis. The catalog of these plants is huge. Many people like these vines because they grow from June to September. These varieties include Elegy, Viola, Blue Angel, Ernst Markham and Gypsy Queen. At the same time, up to several hundred flowers with a diameter of up to twenty centimeters can bloom on the vine.

When and how to plant clematis?

Clematis should be planted in a permanent place in autumn or spring. In the autumn, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the plant must take root before the onset of frost. When planting in spring, pay attention to the temperature regime. After all, night frosts can negatively affect clematis. It is recommended to make holes for planting large, about 60 centimeters deep and the same in diameter. It is advisable to make a drainage layer approximately 10-15 centimeters thick. Use crushed stone or broken brick for this. When planting, it is better to spread the roots over the soil, poured into a mound. Many people make a similar mound from a mixture of sand and earth, and sprinkle the root collar of the plant with sand. Such a measure can prevent clematis from rotting, as well as protect against overheating of the root system in summer and freezing in winter.

Right? Planting scheme, watering, planting care

The optimal distance between plants is approximately one meter. It can be made larger - about 120 centimeters. Then the plants will develop better and be more branched. Be sure to water the clematis abundantly after planting. During further cultivation, it is recommended to regularly loosen the soil to ensure constant air access to the roots. This will also be a great way to harm the plant by depleting the soil.

How to plant clematis? Secrets of flower growers

To be successful, you should follow a few simple rules:

Before planting, it is better to disinfect the purchased seedling in potassium permanganate;

The plant should be planted immediately in a permanent place;

Provide a secure support for the vine. Such a precaution will protect the fragile root system from mechanical damage;

Growing shoots should be tied up as the vine grows;

Clematis are light-loving plants, but the root system should not be allowed to overheat;

To encourage side shoots to grow, pinch off the top of the plant;

It is advisable not to plant clematis in places where winds constantly blow, as strong winds can break the shoots of the plant;

Make sure that growing clematis do not get water from the roof of the building, it will negatively affect the health of the vine. Therefore, it is better to plant them no closer than fifty centimeters from the walls of the building.

That's all you need to know about how to plant clematis.

To ensure abundant growth and good flowering, do not forget to fertilize periodically. It is better to apply fertilizers taking into account the growth phase of clematis.

Now you know: how to plant so that they bring joy, and your plot is constantly blooming.

To decorate your summer cottage with pretty flowers that have a long flowering period and can climb up, you can choose clematis. We will tell you how to grow clematis below.

Choosing a landing site

Clematis flowers, when planted in open ground, require the right choice of location, since otherwise it will be difficult to achieve bright flowering from them. It is important to adhere to the following rules:

  1. The stems and flowers of clematis love sunlight very much, so you should not plant them on the north side of the house. However, their root system does not like high temperatures.

    Clematis is a climbing flower whose vines, while growing, cling to objects that are convenient for them. If the plant is planted in an open area blown by the winds, it will not be able to stay supported. The wind is also dangerous for flowers, which will instantly fly away.

    When growing and caring for clematis, it is important to protect it from water, since if there is too much water, the root system of the flower may begin to rot. For this reason, try not to let water from the drain pipe pour onto its roots, and plant the flower about 50 cm from the walls of buildings. If the groundwater level in your area is too high, you need to dig trenches around the flower bed with clematis into which excess moisture will drain.

    Planting clematis: when and how to plant a flower

    There are several ways to plant clematis. If it is necessary to propagate flower seedlings with a closed root system, then planting clematis will be possible in summer, spring, and autumn. If you purchased a seedling, but it is too cold outside to plant in open ground, the plant can be placed on a windowsill in an apartment or in a greenhouse where it will grow.

    Important!In autumn, clematis with closed roots must be planted before the end of October (if the month is cold, then at the beginning). This will allow the plant to adapt to new conditions as much as possible and endure the winter more easily. To protect from frost, be sure to cover the seedlings with fallen leaves or other insulation.

    As for when it is possible to plant clematis with an open root system, such a plant will be ready for replanting only from April to May (it is better not to wait until the end of the month). If the buds of the plant are swollen, the flower may not take root after transplantation. Even if the plant takes root, its life rhythms shift, and by winter the vine will not be strong enough to survive the frost.

    Having decided on the planting site, you can immediately install a support for weaving vines, especially if you are working in spring or summer. After this, you need to start preparing the hole for the flower.

    Important!Clematis can grow in one place for about 25 years, so even during planting it is worth taking care to sufficiently fertilize the soil in the flowerbed.

    After preparing the soil, pour half of it into the hole and plant the flower. It is especially convenient to do this if the soil is poured in the form of a hill, on top of which you can plant a seedling and straighten its root system. After this, we completely fill the hole with earth, not forgetting to sprinkle the root collar to prevent it from rotting.

    The size of the cutting will determine how deep you plant it in the soil. If the cutting is very large and has grown quite strongly, then it should be lowered by 12-20 cm, while small cuttings should be lowered by 6-12 cm.

    This will promote the growth of a strong root system and stem, and will also protect the roots from freezing in winter. When planting plants in a row between the bushes, you should leave a space of 1-1.5 meters.

    How to properly care for clematis

    The age of the plant plays an important role in how to care for clematis. When caring for a young flower, it is necessary to tear off almost all of its buds. This is done so that all the vitality of the plant is spent not on flowering, but on the formation of the root system and stem. Also, on a young plant, it is important to pinch all the shoots, which will contribute to the formation of more of them. Do not forget to tie up all the vines that form to make the clematis bush even more beautiful.

    How to water clematis

    Clematis do not like a lot of moisture, so they need to be watered sparingly. Young plants - once a week, but in dry weather, watering should be increased to once every 5 days. Adult plants require watering no more than once every 10 days.

    If you have doubts about whether you should water the flower, check the soil moisture. When it is dry, even at a depth of 30 cm, immediate moisturizing is required. When watering, it is important to ensure that moisture penetrates directly to the roots of the plant, which at 5 years of age can go to a depth of a meter. To do this, it is recommended to dig 4 flower pots on four sides of the clematis, into which you will need to pour water. Over time it will sink to the roots.

    Loosening and mulching the soil

    In addition to moisture, clematis also require a constant supply of air, for which it is important to regularly loosen the soil. Do this every time you water and after rain. But loosening the soil around young flowers must be done very carefully, lifting only the top 2 cm.

    Mulching, which is often used instead of watering and loosening the soil, has a very good effect on the growth of clematis. It is recommended to use rotted manure as mulch for these flowers, which can be covered with a layer of peat on top. It is especially important to use mulch in winter, then it can also protect the roots from freezing.

    Did you know? There is a huge variety of clematis varieties. Among them you can find bushes with flat flowers, bells, trumpets and even tulips. But the most common are star flowers.

    Clematis always requires fertilizer, especially during flowering. The larger the flowers of the plant, the more often you will have to add additional fertilizers to the soil around it - approximately once every 2 months. If the flowers are small, 2-3 feedings per season will be enough. Depending on the age and size of the bush, it will need about 10 liters of nutrient solution.

    The lack of many elements in the soil can be determined by the condition of the clematis:

    Rules for feeding plants

    When caring for a plant, it is very important to feed it in a timely manner. After all, excess minerals in the soil can also destroy the flower. That's why, To get long vines and beautiful flowers, follow these rules:

    1. Since you applied a lot of fertilizer when planting the flower, the next fertilizing can be done after 2-3 years.
    2. Constantly alternate mineral fertilizers with organic ones. The latter can be applied to the soil only in a diluted state with water.
    3. Foliar feeding will also not be superfluous. Use urea for this (3 g per liter of water). In summer, spray the leaves with a solution of potassium permanganate (boric acid can also be added). For 10-15 liters, 2 drops of the substance are enough.
    4. For the winter, the bushes are fertilized only with wood ash.

    Features of pruning clematis

    To stimulate the growth of the plant and the appearance of the maximum number of flowers on its vines, clematis requires regular pruning. In addition to shortening the shoots at the very beginning of development, this operation should be carried out annually, but taking into account the plant variety.

    Flowers on shoots of both last and current years

    Pruning of such bushes is carried out twice a year. The first time this is required is in mid-summer, when last year's shoots fade, and the second time before autumn, when fresh shoots fade. At a very thick end, last year's shoots can be cut down to the ground.

    Flowers on the shoots of the current year

    The pruning procedure is carried out before covering the bush for the winter, and all shoots can be cut to the ground.

    Flowers on last year's shoots

    Some varieties can grow well without pruning. You can remove only those shoots on which seeds form after flowering. If there are many weak shoots on the bush, they can be shortened so that they become stronger next year.

    How to cover clematis for the winter

    Often, clematis do not require strong shelter, but they still cannot do without it. You can use mulch as a cover, and also sprinkle fallen leaves on top of the bushes.

    Bushes blooming on last year's shoots require more careful shelter. You can use spruce branches for them. But for those varieties of clematis that bloom on current shoots, it is important to cut them at a height of 10 cm for the winter, and to the same level you can fill them with sand, additionally covering them with a 20 cm layer of peat or sawdust. You can put a film on top of the bush, but in the spring it will need to be removed in time so that the plant does not rot.

    How to propagate clematis

    The following methods are used to propagate clematis:

    1. Cuttings. It is done in late May - early June. Cuttings are harvested from the middle part of the shoot; it is important that it also contains an internode and two developed buds. The length of the lower part of the cutting should be 4 cm, the upper part – 2 cm. Such cuttings take root well even in open ground, the main thing is that the temperature is not lower than +25°C. In more difficult conditions, they can be rooted in cups.
    2. Using layering. To do this, select one shoot from the bush that is lowest to the ground, and cover it with earth at the beginning of summer. By September, a new bush will appear from each internode. In order to plant a plant, you just need to cut the shoot with a shovel and dig up the sprouted bushes.
    3. Dividing the bush. Only adult bushes that have reached 6-7 years can be divided. To do this, the bush will have to be completely dug up and cut into pieces using pruning shears. This must be done as carefully as possible so as not to damage the root system.