Price for gasification of a private house in the Moscow region. Technological connection Procedure for gasification of a private house

Despite rising tariffs, natural gas is still the cheapest fuel. In addition, boilers that use it are not too expensive, have a high degree of automation and reliability, which allows you to leave a heated house unattended for a long time. All this makes us think that it would be nice to supply gas to a private house, to a summer cottage. How gasification of a private house takes place, what stages you will have to go through, how to arrange everything - read below.

Procedure in the Russian Federation

In order to supply main gas to the house, you need to obtain a number of documents. Several years ago it all began with obtaining technical conditions (TU). This document stated the possibility/impossibility of connecting to the main gas pipeline at a specific address. Receipt of this document gave the right to carry out preparatory work for several years (from 2 to 5). Theoretically, this document was issued free of charge. In reality, the cost of obtaining technical specifications was so high that it scared many away. Amounts of 500 thousand rubles and more are common. Moreover, the cost of equipment and materials is far from the most expensive part. They demanded more money specifically for paperwork, so many did not dare to install gas into the house.

In 2013-2014, changes were made to the procedure for connecting to gas supply. The Government of the Russian Federation adopted Decree No. 1314 dated December 30, 2013 (as amended on November 14, 2014) “On approval of the Rules for connecting (technological connection) of capital construction projects to gas distribution networks, as well as on amending and invalidating certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.” There are a lot of changes; if you are interested, you can find the entire text. For those who do not have time to thoroughly study the documents, we will briefly outline the procedure for the new rules for connecting natural gas.

  1. Obtaining technical specifications. Previously, this item was mandatory for everyone. Today, if you supply gas to a private house, cottage, garage (there is a complete list in the decree) and your equipment will consume less than 300 cubic meters per hour, you can do without obtaining preliminary technical conditions. In this case, gasification of a private house starts from the second point.
  2. Submit an application to the gas distribution organization— GRO (usually OblGaz, GorGaz) for connection to the existing network. The application can be filled out directly on the gas supplier’s website. When visiting an organization to install gas into your home, you need to have with you:
    • Completed application (the form can be found on the GRO website). It states:
      • the applicant’s passport details, house address;
      • nature of gas consumption (heating, only heating water for domestic use and cooking, technological use);
      • terms of design and construction of the facility (construction permit, if the building is only in plans);
      • maximum hourly consumption of all equipment (MCHR);
      • number and date of issue of preliminary specifications, if they were issued.
    • Documents for a house/land/garage, etc.
    • Calculated maximum gas flow (indicating the type of equipment, its brand, maximum flow). If the consumption per hour is less than 5 cubic meters, no calculation is required (a 4-burner gas stove with oven consumes no more than 1.1 cubic meters/hour).
    • House plan with reference to the territory of the city/village.
  3. Construction of a gas pipeline. Construction work on your site can be carried out not only by the GRO, but also by all construction organizations that have access to this type of work. You have the right to choose. You enter into a contract agreement with the selected company.

  4. Checking compliance with specifications. To go through this stage, you need to have an Acceptance Certificate for completed construction (issued by the organization that built your gas pipeline). The second document that may be required is an act of delineation of property ownership and operational responsibility. In short, the essence of the document is that you are responsible for the gas pipeline that is located on your site. You may also need a plan for ventilation ducts (if the house is under construction) or Certificates on the condition of the ventilation system.
  5. Conclusion of a maintenance contract. Theoretically, this may not be a gas distribution center (not OblGaz) but any service that has the appropriate approvals and a 24-hour dispatch service and personnel for the prompt elimination of accidents.
  6. Concluding an agreement with gas distribution companies for the supply of fuel. Only gas distribution centers supply gas, so there are no options here. When signing the contract, a personal account is created.
  7. Start of gas. The date is agreed upon with the GRO. The service is paid (like all others, by the way). The price includes the volume of gas for purging system components.
  8. Receive the Technological Connection Act.

At this point we can assume that the gas is connected to the house/dacha. It seems that everything is not difficult, but, in fact, it takes a lot of time, effort, money and nerves. Especially if you do not want to use the services of gas distribution companies for the construction of a gas pipeline or there are problems with the connection (there is no technical possibility).

If you are denied connection

It is not always possible to pipe gas into a house without problems. The resolution contains a caveat: the connection is carried out if the connection of a new subscriber does not cause damage to existing ones. This is why it happens that it is not possible to connect to a nearby pipe - the existing pressure is not enough. To gasify a private house, it is necessary to install a regeneration point and/or increase the diameter of the pipe, and carry out other work.

The same resolution No. 1314 spells out possibilities for solving this problem (paragraphs 16-26). Can:

The regional authority, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application, makes a decision on whether to include (or not) this item in the network development program. After the decision is made, a written response is sent to the applicant within 5 days.

If the decision was negative, you should be given connection options “at your own expense.” If you agree to these conditions, write a written consent and submit it to the local State Registration Office (this may be a collective letter). Within 15 days you must be given technical conditions for connection. In this case, all gas connection activities, work, equipment, etc. and so on. are paid at your expense (unless otherwise specified in the technical specifications).

To compensate for costs, a concession for the right to use a certain capacity may be offered. In this case, you become the owner of some part of the gas pipeline and can charge some fee for connecting to “your” branch.

Validity periods of issued technical specifications and their renewal

The issued technical conditions for connecting a house to a gas pipeline are valid for several years. If a site is being developed for building a house - up to 4.5 years, for modernization (gasification of a private house is also considered modernization, as is the replacement of household and heating appliances) - up to 2.5 years. But this is if the flow rate does not exceed 500 cubic meters per hour, the pressure in the pipeline does not exceed 0.6 MPa, the length of the branch under construction (reconstruction) does not exceed 500 meters for rural areas and 300 m for cities. Moreover, these deadlines are valid if the pipeline under construction is located on the territory of one municipality.

If you have to cross the border, the validity period of the technical specifications is slightly longer - 5 years and 3 years, respectively. The same deadlines are given for the implementation of specifications if the gas connection to the house is carried out according to an individual project (at your expense).

When purchasing a house/plot with issued technical conditions for gas supply, they are reissued. The new owner submits a written application, attaching copies of property documents and old technical specifications. Reissued documents should be issued to you within 10 working days. In this case, the validity period of the technical specifications is not interrupted (counted from the date of issue to the first owner). That is, it is necessary to supply gas to the house in a shorter period.

If gas is supplied to the site, but connected to a makeshift building or an old house, and you need to “reconnect” it to a new house, you will again be faced with paperwork. By law, all actions with gas distribution networks must be initially approved. This means that you will need to make and approve changes to the completed project. To do this, you need to contact the organization that compiled the project, explain to them what you want, provide a plan of the site with the new building (the old plan should be in their documents). If the organization no longer exists, you will have to go through the entire process again - from the second point (according to the Law, only the organization that compiled it can make changes to the project).

You will also have to obtain new specifications if gas consumption increases. That is, if you have a gas connection and according to the project the consumption does not exceed 15 cubic meters per hour, and new equipment will consume more, you need to fill out the documents again and pay money for the connection.

How much does it cost to install gas into a house?

The question of the cost of connecting to a gas pipe is the most difficult: there are too many nuances. The payment procedure itself is prescribed in the same resolution (paragraphs 91-92). If the maximum hourly gas consumption does not exceed 15 cubic meters per hour, the connection is made to a gas pipeline with low pressure (not higher than 0.6 MPa), the length of the branch under construction does not exceed 200 m (measured in a straight line - the shortest distance), payment is made in this order :

If the maximum flow rate is more than 15 cubic meters per hour, but less than 500 cubic meters per hour (pressure and distance are the same), the fee can be paid in four installments:

  • 25% within 15 days after signing the connection agreement;
  • 25% within 90 days from the date of signing the same document. If the actual connection occurs earlier, then no later than the day of connection.
  • 35% - within 365 days from the same moment (but, again, no later than the day of connection).
  • 15% - within 15 days from the date of signing the Act of Connection, the Act of Affiliation and the Act of Division of Responsibility.

This procedure is prescribed in the resolution. It also defines the procedure for paying for gas connections for an individual project (if you pay for everything yourself). But in this case, it is better to study everything yourself - to avoid misunderstandings. Because the amounts are quite considerable.

How much it costs to connect gas to a house depends on the region. The same resolution states that the amount of the fee is determined by local executive authorities. So prices vary from region to region, but in general, the cost of supplying gas to a private home ranges from 20-50 thousand rubles. But this is if there is that very “technical possibility” and there is no need for an “individual” project. Otherwise, it will be quite expensive to bring gas into the house.

Here are some examples of prices in different regions:

  • Krasnodar. Gas consumption network, for the construction of a 20-meter route from a steel pipe with a diameter of 25 mm = 39 thousand rubles including VAT. Total - about 2 thousand rubles per meter (including the cost of materials).
  • Moscow region, city of Chekhov. Some companies offer underground installation for 2000 rubles/meter, internal installation (in the house) for 1500 rubles/meter (2017 prices).

What to look for when gasifying a private home

Although, it seems, all the steps for connecting gas to a house or site are outlined in the legislation, there are some nuances that you just need to know. This knowledge comes with experience that the average home owner simply cannot have. Here are some tips from those who have already gone through this process:

These two points alone will save you a lot of time and effort. Knowing them, supplying gas to a private house will not be so difficult.

Private country houses can be heated using different types of boilers. Both electric and diesel and, of course, gas equipment are in demand. Most owners of country houses prefer to install the latter type of boiler. Of course, gasification of private houses must be carried out in compliance with certain rules and regulations.

Types of projects

Gas equipment, compared to alternative devices, has a number of undeniable advantages. The main advantage of heating a house using it is its low cost. Actually, the gas boiler itself is more expensive than an electric and even a diesel one. However, since the price of “blue fuel” is quite low, in the future, home owners can save quite large amounts on heating.

Most often, gasification of private houses is carried out in those settlements where the main line is installed. In this case, the project includes a method of connecting to it, as well as calculations of the length of pipes required to supply gas to the building.

If there is no main line in a populated area, an autonomous gasification project is being developed. In this case, among other things, the location of the gas tank and how to connect the boiler to it are determined.

What standards must be met?

Gasification of private houses is carried out in accordance with the standards established by law. Permission to tap into a highway or connect to a gas tank can only be issued if:

    the site is owned;

    in the house itself there is a room, according to the standards, suitable for

If both of these conditions are met, you can begin to assemble the documentation necessary for gasification and select the most suitable equipment.

Premises requirements

A gas boiler, according to regulations, can only be installed in the following premises:

    Non-residential rooms. Typically, boilers are placed in the kitchen or in a specially designated room. The boiler room can be located on any floor, including the basement.

    Having a volume of at least 15 m3 (deviation from the norm by 0.2 m up or down is allowed) and a ceiling height of at least 2.5 m.

    Having a window with an opening window. The exhaust volume must be at least threefold.

The above standards are provided for boilers with a power of up to 60 kW. Gas supply to a house outside the city most often involves the use of this type of equipment. More powerful boilers are rarely installed by private owners.

What documents will be required?

In order to gasify a private house, you will need:

    A copy of the technical passport for the building itself. They receive this document from the BTI.

    Documents for all purchased gas equipment.

Which authorities need to be visited?

First of all, the owner of a country house will need to go to the local architectural and planning department. This organization is in charge of gasification of private houses. Here you will need to obtain permission in writing. Next, you should visit the fire department (or housing and communal services) and call an inspector to your home to inspect the chimney. If it is available and in working order, the owners of the house will be given a corresponding certificate.

Then you will need to go to the local city gas or regional gas department and get permission to supply gas to your house. Here you will need to write an application on the form provided by the employees. It should indicate the approximate demand for gas volume per hour. It will be reviewed within two weeks. The home owner will then be given specifications.

Project development

This is done either by city gas employees or by engineers of some specialized company. When developing a project:

    a diagram of laying pipes to the house is drawn up;

    The location of the highway's entry into the building is determined.

The cost of the procedure will largely depend on the length of the pipes used to connect the house to the gas pipeline.

Autonomous gasification is carried out using a gas holder. When developing a project in this case, Gorgaz employees will have to determine the location of its installation. Select a site for installation of a gas tank, taking into account the fact that it should be located at least two meters from the fence of the site and at least 5 m from the house itself.

After drawing up the project, an agreement is signed with the organization to carry out connection work. Specialists will be able to begin this procedure only after the project has been agreed upon with the technical department of the company that supplies gas to a specific locality. After connecting the house to the main line, its owners will, among other things, have to enter into a contract for servicing the equipment. Usually this is done by the same company that carried out the tie-in.


Connecting a house to a centralized highway in our time is a pleasure, unfortunately, not too cheap. The total cost of gasification includes:

    Collection of documentation. You will have to pay various types of state fees.

    Drawing up a project. In this case, it all depends on the complexity of the work. The cost of project development can vary within fairly wide limits - from 2 to 20 thousand rubles.

    Layout of the gas pipeline itself. The cost of work in most cases is about 1 thousand rubles per meter.

    Connection to the highway. For such work you will have to pay about 10 thousand rubles.

And, of course, the estimate should include the price of the boiler, pipes, radiators, etc. Equipment of this type cannot be called cheap either. The cost of a boiler, for example, depending on power, can be 17,000-40,000 rubles. Modern bimetallic radiators cost 3-7 thousand rubles. Autonomous gasification will, of course, cost even more. The minimum cost of a gas tank is 60 thousand rubles.

Safety precautions

After connecting the house to the main line, its owners, of course, will have to comply with the rules for using gas equipment. The operation of the boiler can only be started under the supervision of specialists from the company with which the service agreement was concluded. Also, all adult residents of the house will have to spend an hour and a half in the gas station.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1314 “On approval of the Rules for connecting (technological connection) of capital construction projects to gas distribution networks, as well as on amending and invalidating certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation” (download link) regulates the procedure for technological connection (connection) and approves the size fees for connecting gas equipment. In accordance with Resolution No. 1314, Methodological Instructions were developed and approved, according to which fees for connecting to gas networks are calculated. For example, for consumers with hourly gas consumption from 5 m3 to 15 m3 and located at a distance of up to 200 meters from the gas main, the cost of connection ranges from 20,000 to 50,000 rubles.

In 2001, a plan for gasification of Russian regions was approved, which is being implemented by the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation together with the Gazprom company, which bears the costs associated with the construction of gas pipelines to populated areas. In turn, regional authorities must lay out street gas networks while simultaneously preparing end consumers for receiving gas.

The new law on gasification approved gas connections according to new rules. The regulatory documents and provisions on gas connection are based on the Federal Law on Gasification. It contains all the main legal, economic and organizational provisions. In addition, the Federal Law on Gasification regulates the relationship between gas suppliers and consumers, which are set out in detail in the “Regulations on the approval of gas supply rules.” It describes the basic principles of gasification of private houses, dacha cooperatives and enterprises, as well as the calculation of the cost of connection and the procedure for payment for gas supply services.

Gas connection according to new rules

Previously, residents had to wait for years to connect gas to a private (country) home. The new rules clearly define the terms of connection. The gas distribution company is obliged to issue technical specifications within 14 days, and the pipeline itself must be laid within 2 years. The cost of the connection itself has also decreased significantly. If previously connecting gas to a private house cost 100,000 to 700,000 rubles, now it costs from 20,000 to 50,000 rubles, provided that the distance from the house to the gas main does not exceed 200 meters. In the event that the distance to the gas distribution point is greater, then residents of the village (dacha cooperative) can be advised to create a public organization that will seek to bring the gas main to their houses at the expense of the budget. In addition, the new rules specify the connection procedure in detail, which eliminates the possibility of discrepancies (which occurred previously).

Despite the high costs and time required for gasification. It is necessary to prepare and collect all documents, comply with technical conditions, and obtain permits.

Each stage is regulated by legislation, so it doesn’t hurt to get advice from specialists. The connection process may take a long time if you do not follow the instructions that were developed by specialists for this purpose.

Preliminary preparation

To start collecting documents, you need to clarify some points, as this will make it faster.

  1. First of all, you should find out the owner of the central gas pipeline located next to the site. It is from him that you need to obtain permission, then find out the connection amount. It will be affected by the location of the site, the need to lay a distribution pipe, permission from neighbors, etc.
  2. The total area of ​​the house, ceiling heights, number of windows need to be known not only for, but also. To heat 50 square meters you need about 5 kW.
  3. Laying an underground pipe will cost 30 percent more. In addition, you will have to obtain permission from the traffic police or neighbors. The ground method will make it possible to quickly connect, but you need to monitor the condition of the pipe and paint it every year.

Keep in mind: You can collect documents yourself or entrust everything to a specialized company by issuing a power of attorney.

List of required documents

It should be taken into account that some of the papers and acts are drawn up before the start of work, the rest - during their implementation.

  1. A written application is submitted to the organization that services and sells gas in a given city or town.
  2. A copy of your identification document is required.
  3. Papers confirming ownership rights must be attached.
  4. Permission from neighbors will be required if the pipeline passes through their property.

You can read more about installing and connecting a gas boiler by clicking on the link:

Obtaining technical specifications

Cadastral plan of the land plot. (Click to enlarge)

Without the appropriate technical conditions, it will be impossible to obtain permission to carry out gasification. To obtain technical specifications, the following must be provided:

  1. In addition to a passport and identification code, you need papers confirming the rights to the plot and house.
  2. Attached is a topographic survey of the site and a cadastral plan, which can be obtained from the chief architect.
  3. You need the original technical passport for house construction.
  4. The application indicates the heated area, gas consumption, documents for the equipment and its installation location.
  5. A chimney inspection report and a building permit will be required if the house is unfinished.
  6. The time for studying the documents and issuing a permit is 10 days.

If the decision is positive, you need to find a design organization to prepare documentation for installation and installation. She must have the appropriate licenses and certificates that allow her to engage in this activity.

Gas supply system design

Topographic plan. (Click to enlarge)

Before signing the contract, a number of important documents are collected to begin creating the project:

  1. Topographic plan showing all utilities.
  2. Technical passport of the house or the design according to which it was built.
  3. Equipment passport and description of the boiler application.
  4. Information about the location of ventilation and chimneys.
  5. Number of hot water points.

Measurements and approvals are often made directly on site, since the designer will be able to suggest the most acceptable option. Therefore, it is important to include this clause in the contract. The entire stage should take two weeks.

Agreement with the installation organization

Two weeks in advance, while it is being prepared, a cost estimate is drawn up. The issue of project approval must be taken upon by the designer. You will have to obtain permission from a fire inspector who will inspect the chimneys.

To save money, it is advisable to choose a design company involved in installation and commissioning. The contract specifies all conditions and deadlines for the work.

It is necessary to establish the most rational modes for gas equipment, identify all defects in order to eliminate them immediately. It is advisable for the home owner to be present during installation and setup.

Important point: settlement should occur only after signing the act of putting the system into operation.

Connection features

Payment is usually made according to the invoice before tapping into the main pipeline. The dates must be discussed in advance.

  1. On the specified day, pipes will be delivered and laid along the laying lines.
  2. After welding, the gas valve is opened and a test run is done.
  3. It is necessary to collect all the executive and technical documentation in order for the facility to be accepted by the customer, contractor and gas service representative.
  4. Then the meter is sealed and a gas supply agreement is signed.
  5. The owner must undergo safety training and then sign in a special journal.

The organization that entered into the contract is responsible for launching the gas pipeline. The warranty period for boilers or other equipment usually ranges from one to three years.

Watch the video in which the user explains in detail all the stages when carrying out gasification of a private house: