DIY flowerbed designer. Do-it-yourself flower beds in the country: original ideas for decorating beautiful flower beds for beginners

Flower beds and flower beds on a personal plot are intended primarily for aesthetic pleasure. But besides this, they perform another important role: acting as an extension of the house, flower arrangements allow you to visually combine the appearance of the building with the vegetation of the garden into a single whole. Knowing the secrets of landscape designers on how to design a flower bed will allow any gardener to create flower arrangements in their suburban area that, in addition to aesthetic appeal, will create an atmosphere of harmony and comfort.

When thinking about decorating a flowerbed with your own hands, it is advisable to be guided by the basic rules of landscape design.

Rule #1 – integrity of the picture

A garden is a picture made up of a collection of landscape compositions. The gardener's task is to bring each of the elements of the landscape to perfection. Pointless planting of plants around the site will not give the desired result. Therefore, without being able to landscape the entire territory, to begin with it is worth improving only a small part of it, but making it complete.

Beautiful harmonious flower beds are created by combining mixed plantings, which contain both annuals and perennials, both flowering and decorative foliage plants

Rule #2 – placement of plants by height

The multi-tiered principle involves placing ground cover and low-growing plants in the foreground, which act as a frame for beautifully blooming medium-sized flowers.

Medium-sized perennials, acting as soloists in the flower garden, will become the center of attention. Tapeworms look most impressive against the background of tall plants with decorative foliage or flowers in contrasting shades. Combinations of tall perennials and their medium-sized companions, harmonizing in color and shape, are also successful.

Quite unpretentious and at the same time possessing an expressive leaf texture and color variety, capable of quickly filling empty spaces, they are ideal for decorating flower beds in the countryside

Rule #3 – flower garden architecture

Depending on the landscape features of the site and its size, the design of flower beds can be made either in the form of flat compositions or slightly raised ones and framed with decorative tiles or stones.

The shapes of flower beds can be very diverse, starting with free ones without clearly defined boundaries and ending with original curly and wavy ones.

In order to give an unusual shape to a flower garden, you can use any household items: barrels and baskets, old cars, boats and even beds

In order to design a flowerbed in front of the house, which will become an expressive decoration of the garden and will delight you with its blooming splendor throughout the season, you must first draw its plan on paper. This creative work will allow you not only to organize thoughts in your head, but also to visualize images of flower arrangements, creating the most successful combinations.

For work, it is advisable to use colored pencils: the bright colors of the spots of schematic images of group and spot solitary plantings in a flower garden will allow you to correctly distribute plants with different colors and flowering periods

According to the plan, terry mallows (1) will be placed in the background next to the decorative sunflower Mishka (2), in front of it will be poppy bushes (3) and St. John's wort (4). The lobelia ribbon (5) will add dynamism to the composition. Purple-blue accents will be provided by catnip (6), bluebell (7) and kalanchoe (8). The foreground will be occupied by gravilate (9), sedum (10) and aquilegia (11)

The diagram drawn up is only a kind of rough sketch: the final decision on the optimal placement of flowers will come in the process of planting plants.

Schemes for the original design of flower beds

By painstakingly selecting and combining beautifully flowering plants, you can create many variations of flower beds in which beauty will reign from the first days of spring until frost. Ready-made flower bed designs will make the process of creating a flower bed much easier.

Option #1 – central flower bed

The layout of the central flower bed is one of the simplest.

The shape of the flower garden has the form of concentric circles: the center is filled with dark-leaved cannas (1), which act as soloists of the composition, then green-leaved cannas (2), decorative leafy gnafalium (3) and snapdragons (4) are planted in a circle.

Option #2 – “Vienna Flower”

One of the options for how to beautifully decorate a round flower bed is to create a composition in the shape of a flower. A flowerbed decorated in the shape of a six-leaf flower looks especially elegant and festive, and therefore it is advisable to allocate a central place in the garden for its arrangement.

The center of the composition is the beautiful white gillyflower (1), the frame is a border planting of alpine forget-me-nots (2) against the background of lawn grass (3). The outer contour of the ornament is created by violas (4), primroses (5), zinnias (6), framed by decorative variegated foliage beauties alternathera (7) and achyranthes (8)

Option #3 – “Bizarre Pattern”

A round flowerbed, decorated with many repeating wave-like elements, which are decorated with a motley company of sun-loving perennials, allows you to create a real parade of flowers on a sunny stage.

In the center of the flowerbed there is a squat chamerops (1) with a chic crown of fan leaves, in its shade there is a dahlia zinnia (2), with a contrasting background of coleus (3). Solitaire plantings of dracaena (4) in combination with group plantings of pelargonium (5) and begonia (6) create a fancy pattern of curls that looks impressive against the background of lawn grass (7)

Option #4 – “Piece of Cake” in a corner of the garden

A flower bed of this shape can find a place in any corner of the garden.

A plant composition in burgundy-red tones, bordered by a silver edge, occupying only a couple of meters of area, will become an elegant decoration for the garden

The corner of the flowerbed is filled with three daylily bushes with dark burgundy flowers (1); the silvery leaves of wormwood (2) act as a contrasting background for them. The center of the composition is bright red heuchera bushes (3), the corner elements are Macedonian bark bushes (4), and the silver edge is chistets (5)

The proposed diagrams are only a guideline: in the absence of the desire or opportunity to purchase this or that plant, you can always replace it with a flower you like more, presented in the same color scheme and having similar flowering periods.

Beautiful flower beds and flower beds always attract the attention of others and guests who visit your home. The originality of the options is very great. It all depends on the imagination of the owners. What kind of flowerbed do you have? If you are still searching and thinking about the design of your site, then our article will bring a lot of interesting and useful things into your thoughts.

In mid-autumn, looking at a flower garden, the eye can only catch the fading chrysanthemums; almost all the seasonal work is behind us, so there is an opportunity to focus on miscalculations.

Garden path decorated with flower bed

In the spring, flower lovers make the same mistake: they try to fit as many plants as possible into a limited area. After all, the leaves have not yet blossomed and, when planning planting, we often do not take into account what they will be like in a month or two.

  • Therefore, rule one: keep your distance! This year we had to cut down an old, great-grandfather’s apple tree, the branches of which broke off under the weight of the fruit and fell onto the flower garden, causing a lot of damage. Without the apple tree, it seemed more spacious and brighter, but some that felt comfortable in partial shade (primroses, hostas, ferns, aquilegias) are now in the sun, and in the spring we will have to think about relocating them.
  • And since there are not enough shady places for everyone, fast-growing tall plants, for example, castor beans, sunflowers, and evening primroses, can help. So, rule two: plants also need comfort.
  • Come to the flower garden not only with a hoe and watering can, but also with a notepad and pen. Make a sketch of the planting plan, record the beginning and end of flowering. And this is the third rule.

The art of landscape design

Which of us, visiting flower growers and noticing some new plant, has not experienced a sinking heart: “I want it!” Want! Want!" And also trips to flower exhibitions, and just to the flower aisles at the market, interested in looking at various catalogs with interesting offers. They never noticed how they turned their flower garden into a collection area with a huge number of different ones. They don’t have enough space, they obscure each other, not allowing us to enjoy their beauty, but they add trouble to us.

Create the flowerbed you've always wanted:

  • You have to imagine where to plant it so that it does not disturb anyone.
  • Contemplating the work of landscape designers, you are convinced that plants look best when they grow in groups.
  • Fifteen bulbs of, say, tulips of different varieties and colors, planted in a row, will not look as attractive as a group of the same variety of the same fifteen.
  • But when creating such compositions, it is important to take into account the height, color and size of the leaves, the period and duration of flowering.
  • Each gardener has his own little secrets of success and a list of annoying failures.


Colored spots in a flower garden created by one variety always look more impressive than many different ones planted in one row.

Types of flower beds

Nowadays, more and more often, personal plots and summer cottages are not used for obtaining a rich harvest of vegetables, not for planting potatoes or working in greenhouses. More and more often, our country life is not communication with a shovel, but communication with flowers.

Some summer residents refuse “slave” labor and work for their own pleasure. For them, a dacha is one big flower garden, in which they feel like in a fragrant paradise.

But arranging a beautiful flower garden is no less difficult than forming a bed. To do this, you need to have some idea of ​​what kind of flower beds there are and what plants are planted in them.

Even improvised means are used to decorate a flower garden. For example, an old sink. You will also need here:

  • pieces of chain link;
  • soil, crushed stone;
  • pebbles;
  • stones.

With the help of this equipment, the sink needs to be given a more aesthetic appearance. After this, they begin planting plants. Naturally, the design of a flower garden depends entirely on the wishes of the owner.. This applies to cases of professional assistance.

First you need to create a small hill. After all, the structure should stand out from the rest of the landscape. In addition, it is necessary to give the hill the desired shape. Here you will need a cord, a ruler and other equipment. Additionally, it is worth creating a stone or plastic fence. What will prevent the flower bed from becoming overgrown with grass. After this, planting begins.


The most common type of flower garden in the garden is, of course, a flower bed. But, despite the traditional nature, the variety of flower beds is sometimes amazing. Triangular, square, round, in two, three tiers, in floor flowerpots on long legs or simply standing on the ground. A huge number of varieties that are designed to decorate the place in which the flowerbed is installed. In general, all flower beds can be either geometric or free.

Their shape can be anything, and not just round or square. The main thing is to plant it correctly. The selection of varieties is carried out so that they all have different flowering periods.

On the site you can form a mixborder and a ridge. Moreover, it is possible to implement your plans without the help of a professional designer.

First, you need to solve a number of issues, in particular, choose the optimal combination of shades on the site. You also need to choose flowers. Usually they combine three species in one flowerbed. It is better to choose the geometry of the site in advance and take into account the flowering period.

Types of flower beds

The carpet type is characterized by a rectangular or square configuration. Most often, low-growing colorful vegetation is placed here. Thanks to this, unusual designs and patterns are created. There are also regular and irregular varieties. In the first case, everyone blooms at the same time. In the second, the flowers replace each other.

Quite often, gardeners create a rose garden on their own plot. Here you will definitely need a well-lit place with an area of ​​no more than twenty square meters. First you need to choose a place for the roses, then start preparing the soil and planting.


It is important to know that the rosary is decorated in a special order.

That is, in the first line there are low-growing bushes, the height of which is no more than forty centimeters. Climbing roses that can reach several meters are planted in the last row. It is better to carry out the procedure at the beginning of summer.

Flowerbeds near a pond

Flowerbeds can be quite original. The presence of a reservoir makes it possible to create a floating structure. This will require light and non-sinking material. Polystyrene foam does this job well.

Plants located in such a flower bed must love moisture and water. Wooden structures can be placed on the site. It is better to make them hanging. Otherwise, the material will quickly deteriorate.


In second place after flower beds are flower beds. These are long stretches of land that perfectly form paths and alleys in your garden. The width of the ridge cannot be more than three meters. It can be planted in several tiers, with the farthest row being high, and then in descending order. These flower beds can be placed in the garden along paths, or around free-standing trees. But the flower beds themselves also need decoration. Borders are usually used for this.

The border can have one or two tiers, the width is no more than half a meter. For borders, small, low plants are used so that you can see from the flowerbed. Borders go very well with flower beds and ridges.


There is such a type of flower beds as mixborders. This means that in such a flower garden there will be a variety of plants, not only in terms of flowering time, but also in growth.

But you can’t put plants in a mixborder that love different growing conditions: light and shade, that love water and don’t need it. The mixborder has one more purpose - the flowers of the mixborder can be cut and made into bouquets.

It must have an asymmetrical shape and branches of different lengths.

Flowerbed care

Every gardener, gardener, florist must take care to ensure the protection of his plot from pests and diseases. Doing the work manually is very labor-intensive; this is where all kinds of sprayers come to the aid of fellow summer residents.

This technique is designed to create excess pressure, due to which a fine dispersion of the sprayed mixture occurs. Fine particles of the sprayed liquid fall on the surface of the plants, penetrating into hard-to-reach areas.

In the state of tiny droplets, the solution is perfectly retained on the microvilli of stems and leaves. Even twenty years ago, the choice was limited to a couple of simple sprayers, but now there are a wide variety of models on the market. Competition spurs manufacturers to look for new solutions and create engineered structures.


When creating alpine slides, install the stones firmly, since you will have to move on them during maintenance.

To make very beautiful designer flower beds with your own hands, you will have to spend an impressive amount of time and effort. But now, thanks to information from the Internet, you can implement really interesting decorating ideas from scrap materials. Gardening is an abstract art along with landscape design and architecture.

It seems like the easiest task - buy your favorite flowers and plant them in the ground. And the more diverse the vegetation, the more beautiful the result. Alas, in this way you can only get a pile of different plants, which will create a rather untidy appearance overall. This will be especially visible where the vegetation does not match in height, shape and color. Also, different flowering times can cause problems. It's a shame to get such unflattering results after all the effort.

  • Creating the right composition is a well-planned operation that requires a clear plan of action.
  • Some still prefer to plant their own flower garden. It can be a fun time. It is advisable not to use a wide variety of types, especially if space is limited.
  • To arrange a flowerbed, you will need to choose a height, a blooming calendar, and a color scheme. It is also important to respect the requirements for environmental conditions (light loving, preferred humidity, soil type and acidity, etc.).

Due to the characteristics of the vegetation and the surrounding landscape, the decorated corner acquires its own personality and will be unique.


Don't worry that if you use ready-made designs, your garden flower bed will become typical and uninteresting. After all, it is very unlikely that anyone you know will use the same scheme. Don't be afraid to experiment. Often unique compositions obtained from those who, based on information on the Internet, came up with their own design. Creating your own flower gardens and flower beds can be a real source of pride.

When choosing, think carefully. For example, what size do you want for your flower bed, the size of its border, etc.

Perennial plants in a flowerbed

Perennials are preferred for those who do not want to replant their flower beds every year.

Perennials have advantages:

  • wide range of shapes;
  • relative ease of care;
  • undemandingness.

And the immediate destruction of a perennial flower bed or bulbs can be delayed for several years by cultivating and fertilizing the soil.

However, as a rule, the flowering period of these plants is only 3 weeks, which is not very long..

  • After flowering, a perennial flower bed does not look so bright, so it is recommended to dilute it with annual plants.
  • Choose depending on the flowering season.
  • Often, owners want their flower beds and courtyard gardens to be pleasing to the eye from the beginning of spring until the cold of winter. To do this, take into account the seasonality of the vegetation and flora used.
  • Summer flower beds and garden arrangements can be formed from such a wide range that it is quite easy to get lost in the list. Experts advise paying special attention to long-blooming species or those that can bloom twice. Among the perennial longflowers there are some varieties of roses, geraniums, catnip, and chamomile.


Summer is the flowering time for many annual species. You may be thinking about how to make the flower bed in your own garden more attractive looking. You can plant:

  • beautiful asters;
  • dahlias;
  • coreopsis;
  • various chrysanthemums;
  • calendula.

Related ornamental plants will give a special charm to the selected floral ensemble.

A vertical flower bed will look great with hanging plants. They give volume and shine, and there are lovely petunias, lobelia and verbena that look great in a vertical bed.

Aromatic flower bed

An excellent solution - an aromatic flowerbed of lavender, sage, oregano. It is better to place it directly with the seating area. You will feel the aroma as you walk past the flower garden. It has beneficial effects on the immune system, brain function and cardiovascular system.

To create such a flower bed we will need:

  • Plastic containers.
  • Dye.
  • Sphagnum moss (you can even use old moss).
  • Soil mixture.
  • Saplings.

Step 1

Paint the containers and wait for them to dry. Soak the moss to a comfortable consistency that will allow you to “sculpt”. Moss should be placed in all containers, after which they should be covered with a layer of soil, previously mixed with fertilizer. Subsequently, the soil must be compacted and watered.

“An artist paints with paints, and a florist paints with flowers.” A summer cottage is like a large canvas on which you can create a beautiful picture, expressing your feelings, your inner world. Having barely waited for spring, thousands of summer residents rush to their plots.

Almost every dacha has a corner “for the soul” where a flower garden is arranged. How to place it correctly? How and what flowers to plant? How can you decorate it? These and many other questions visit summer residents who are ready to become landscape designers and decorate their yard with a wonderful flower bed.

Choosing a design

A flower garden and a flower bed are very similar concepts. The flowerbed is called a “cultivated flower garden” because it has a regular geometric shape and is fenced with a border.

The flower garden is called a “spontaneous flowerbed” because its design does not obey any rules, but provides every opportunity for the manifestation of imagination.

We draw up a general plan

How can you place them on your summer cottage? The location or flower garden should be planned based on the type of the entire site, the buildings located, and the division into various functional zones.

There are two ways to include a flower bed in the overall ensemble:

  • combination in style with the overall design of the summer cottage;
  • a sharp contrast, a deliberately artificial element of the overall decor.

It is important to know ! You don’t need to think that you should start decorating a flower garden in early spring. Preparations for this should take place in the winter.

By the time you create a flowerbed, you already need to clearly understand exactly how it should look (and throughout the spring and autumn period), when and what flowers will bloom, and when they need to be planted. In addition, you need to plan in detail the work on preparing the soil, applying fertilizers and caring for plants for the whole year.

Species diversity of flower beds

The site can accommodate not one, but several flower beds with different styles and meanings. According to the “golden ratio” rule, the ratio between their sizes should be 3:5:8. There are several types of flower beds:

The choice of any type of flower bed depends on the space allocated to it. Directly near the house they use borders, flowerpots or tapeworms. The vertical one looks beautiful on the wall of the building.

Border flower beds are often arranged on the sides of wide garden paths. Group plantings are also appropriate here.

In open areas, ridges, mixborders, monoflower beds, and rockeries are placed. A regular flower bed is suitable for a secluded corner, charming with its severity and clear lines.

For a small summer cottage, multi-tiered flower beds are indispensable.

For a large, presentable garden, parterres or arrays are planned. Only experienced designers and gardeners can do such work.

When choosing the type of flower garden for your dacha, you need to proceed from your financial capabilities. Although in many cases this activity is not very expensive.

To construct it with your own hands, you can use a lot of available tools. Such flower beds give a summer cottage a special charm and introduce an element of individuality and originality.

Amateur gardeners, endowed with great imagination, can build interesting compositions from any material. The most common are from tires.

These can be single “vases”:

Or this original and fun slide:

And if you try, you can create a large portable bowl:

The basis for a homemade flower garden can also be used furniture.

Any type of transport easily turns into a hotbed of flowers:

Many things that are already about to be thrown into a landfill can “bloom”:

Building materials or parts of wood are also often used for flower beds:

Most of these flower beds are mobile and can be easily moved from place to place.

How to create a flowerbed

Having decided on the style, location and outline of the flowerbed, you need to bring your project to life. This will take quite a lot of time, but the process itself is not very complicated. In some ways it is similar to planting a plant in a flowerpot.

Making a flowerbed with your own hands

To create a standard flowerbed at the dacha with your own hands you need:

Creating a flower garden using decorative stones is a little different. For a rock garden, choose a well-lit area with natural drainage. First, larger stones are placed at the selected location, and small stones are placed between them. Then all voids are filled with soil. It is recommended to fill it well with water so that the soil becomes compacted and where necessary add more.

Stones can be placed near the pond or an artificial wall can be created.

Types of borders

Another thing to think about is the edging of the flower bed. Many materials are used for this:

It is important to know ! If the flower garden is located among the lawn, as a rule, there is no border.

We select and plant plants

Of course, a flowerbed is, first of all, flowers. And they must be beautiful and well-groomed.

Warning ! When choosing flowers for a flowerbed at the dacha, you need to select species that do not require special care. Otherwise, they will disappear, or you will need to go to the dacha very often, or hire a gardener.

Color composition

Don’t thoughtlessly plant all your existing plants. This will not give a good result. When planning to create a flower bed, you should try to select flowers based on the following factors:

  • flowers must correspond to the same natural conditions;
  • According to the flowering period, select plants so that they bloom throughout the entire period;
  • take into account the size of the flowers;
  • arrange according to color combination.

Since the size of the flowerbed is not very large, it is completely located either in a well-lit part of the site, or in the shade, in a moist area. Accordingly, such conditions should be suitable for all plants that you plan to plant together. Flowers with similar requirements for soil composition and standards of care are planted in one area.

According to flowering time, flower beds can be divided into:

For this purpose, plants need to be specially selected. As a rule, from ten to twenty species of plants are planted in one flower bed. To arrange them correctly, you can use flowering calendars, which can be found on gardening websites.

Creating a flower garden necessarily involves observing the multi-tiered principle. Tall or medium-tall plants are placed in the center, and ground cover and low-growing plants grow along the edges, acting as a kind of frame for the entire composition.

It is also important from which side the flowerbed will be accessible for viewing. Some are located on a hill or in a horizontal plane. In this case, the plants should be the same height and create a continuous flower carpet. In some cases, plants are specially pruned to achieve this effect.

If the flower garden is located close to any object, the tiers should be directed towards the view.

A flowerbed is not only a flower garden; it can also contain decorative deciduous plants. Most often these are perennial plants. It is much more difficult to create such a flower garden, since the composition must look original throughout the entire season.

It is important to know ! In many cases, it is recommended to draw the plan for the future flower bed first on paper using colored pencils. There may be several episodes for different flowering periods.

This method will allow you to imagine the entire flower garden as a whole and select the most successful color solutions.

Planting plants

Flowers can be planted in two ways:

  • seedlings;
  • seeds.

It is better to buy seeds in a specialized store or order online. When choosing seeds, you need to focus on the variety indicated on the package. It is important to read:

  • with release date;
  • expiration date;
  • flower growth conditions;
  • planting date;
  • height of flowers.

If you decide to plant flowers with seeds, you need to take care of this in advance. Already in March, the prepared seeds need to be sown in peat tablets.

You should know that there are three types of plants:

  • annuals - need to be sown every year; after flowering they die off;
  • biennial - such plants bloom only in the second year, in the first year they are used as ornamental greenery;
  • perennial - planted once, bloom annually, and every year more and more luxuriantly.

Annual plants can be sown annually in open ground in April - May, and in mid-summer they will already bloom.

It is better to buy biennials as seedlings, so they will bloom the same year you plant them. In general, planting flowers with seedlings is much more pleasant, because you immediately see the results of your work, and you don’t have to wait for some time for seedlings.

Proper design of flower beds at the dacha is an important component of the landscape design of the site. A flower garden can serve not only as a picturesque corner and a bright accent, but also as a connecting link between green spaces and buildings. In this article we will look in detail at how to competently and beautifully create a flowerbed design in a country house.

General information

First of all, it should be said that people usually use the words “flower garden” and “flower bed” interchangeably. However, to be precise, the flowerbed has a precise geometric shape. It can be rectangular, oval, round, etc., while the flower garden has an arbitrary shape.

Often flower beds are made in the most bizarre shapes, for example, in the form of the silhouette of animals or other figures. In fact, a flower garden is a spontaneous flower bed for which there are no design laws.

Design options

The most common types of flower beds

Before organizing a flowerbed at your dacha, you should think carefully about how it will fit into the overall design of the site, and whether it will stand out from the overall style solution. There are many interesting ideas, and each of them is interesting in its own way, but you should choose based on the surrounding landscape design.

Rabatka It is a rectangular colored flower bed. As a rule, flowers of the same height are planted on it or a multi-tiered effect is created. It looks very interesting on the inside of the ridge - this is an original solution for spacious areas.
Mixborder This complex name denotes a free-configuration flower garden that is familiar to many. Designers actively use such flower beds in their summer cottages when designing the landscape. The main rule when designing a mixborder is that it should always be in bloom.
Monoflower flower bed As you might guess from the name, flowers of the same color grow in such a flowerbed. This option is suitable for beginner gardeners who are just thinking about how to create a beautiful flower bed in their country house. Despite its simplicity, a monotonous flowerbed looks very impressive.
Vertical As a rule, such flower beds are a pyramid of several pots. Each pot usually contains different flowers. It must be said that vertical structures belong to the “aerobatics” of homestead design.
Made from stones and mesh To create beautiful flower beds in your country house from stones, you will need some skills. Such flower beds resemble mountain serpentine. Alpine forget-me-not, primrose or viola look especially beautiful on them.

If you have just purchased a summer cottage, but want to arrange it as quickly as possible, you can pay attention to country houses made from block containers.
Their installation does not take as much time as building houses from traditional materials.

Basic design rules

Of course, how to make a flowerbed in a dacha is something everyone should decide for themselves, in accordance with their individual preferences. However, there are some rules that you should not break, otherwise the result may be the opposite of what was expected.

  • It is better to arrange flowers in groups, since random flowering does not create the desired visual effect.
  • When planting plants, you should come up with some logical arrangement for them. For example, if the flowerbed is round, you can make rings of different flowers. If the area is rectangular, it can be decorated with colored soft waves.

  • The design of flower beds at the dacha usually turns out beautiful if the height of the plants is taken into account. Flowers with long stems should be placed in the background, and flowers with short stems should be in the foreground. If you plant tall flowers in front, then no one will appreciate all the beauty located behind them.
  • An important point is regarding the cardinal directions. Most often, the flower heads reach towards the sun. Therefore, the least attractive view is from the north side.
  • When planting seeds, it is necessary to leave space between groups of flowers, no matter how much you would like to completely sow the entire area with flowers.. Otherwise, the composition will resemble a forest lawn, where there is no place for order.
  • To prevent plants from growing, gardeners create a kind of border made of crushed stone or sand between plantings..
  • As mentioned above, country house design and flower beds should be visually in harmony with each other.. If the flower garden does not match the landscape design, then no matter how beautifully you design it, the overall result will be unattractive.

These are, perhaps, all the principles of design. If flower beds are located near a recreation area, for example, near a gazebo, then you can illuminate this area for relaxation in the dark.

If the site is not connected to power supply, renting a diesel generator for the dacha will help solve the problem.

Making flower beds from scrap materials

Often, summer residents create very beautiful country flower beds on their plots from scrap materials.

In particular, for their borders they usually use:

  • Tree cuts;
  • Old car tires;
  • Natural stone;
  • Brick;
  • All kinds of unnecessary household or even kitchen utensils;
  • Old furniture, etc.

Making such flower beds with your own hands is not at all difficult. The most important thing is to show a little imagination. For example, if you just plant a flower in a car tire, it will look pretty boring. But if you paint a tire and use it to make something like a flower pot, the result will look completely different.

A flower garden made of glass bottles looks very interesting. For those summer residents who have masonry skills, it will not be difficult to lay out a structure made of brick or natural stone. However, in this case the price of materials will be higher.

Here, in fact, are all the instructions for decorating flower beds at the dacha. By approaching this issue creatively, you can turn the site into a real work of landscape art without much expense.


Flowerbeds are the simplest and most effective way to decorate a summer cottage. Moreover, if they are designed correctly, they will perform their function throughout the summer season. For example, autumn flower beds at the dacha can “pleasant the eye” until the onset of cold weather.

You can get more information on this topic from the video in this article.