Choosing an electric trimmer. Which trimmer to buy for your dacha: reviews, tips for choosing Choosing an electric trimmer

Every owner of a country plot strives to make the lawn beautiful and well-groomed. To do this, it is not enough to water the grass on time and add bait. To keep your lawn smooth and elegant, you need to purchase a trimmer. It will help to quickly process the area of ​​the site.

There are many models of this equipment on sale. The buyer may be confused; experienced users provide information about quality models. Their recommendations will help you choose the right equipment. The features and design differences of a manual lawn mower will be discussed in the article.

general characteristics

When choosing, experienced users will be helped to choose the best model. However, first you need to understand the question of what this equipment is and how its design differs.

A trimmer is a fairly powerful tool that is designed for mowing grass in areas of various sizes. Its operating principle resembles a scythe. However, the entire process is mechanized. Therefore, lawn care using a trimmer becomes simple and fast.

The design of the device is quite simple. A cutting element is attached to a metal pipe. It is driven by a motor. will be discussed in detail below. Knowing all the intricacies of this equipment, you can choose the best option.


There are three main groups of trimmers. They differ primarily in the motor. It can be gasoline or electric. The second category includes devices that require power from the network, as well as battery trimmers for the garden.

A gasoline trimmer is a classic version of lawn mowers. This is a durable, reliable tool capable of processing large areas with thick growth of grass and shrubs. It provides autonomy to its user, so with this tool you can work even in an open field.

Electric varieties are intended specifically for dachas and cottages. Battery-powered models are quite rare on sale. Therefore, an electric trimmer needs to be connected to a fixed network. It is easier and more convenient to process small areas with such equipment.

Gas engine

Choosing a good one inexpensive trimmer for the garden, It is necessary to pay attention specifically to the category of tools with a gasoline engine. Such devices have a number of advantages. Gasoline trimmers are highly powerful. They are hardy and maneuverable. The autonomy of the unit allows you to mow grass in almost any conditions.

If the area is large, overgrown with thick grass with thick stems, or shrubs, this tool will be an indispensable assistant. Four-stroke and two-stroke engines are available for sale. In the first case, you need to refuel the engine with a clean motor. They run on a mixture of oil and gasoline. The first option is considered more reliable and preferable.

However, even best petrol trimmer has a number of disadvantages. The fuel for its operation is quite expensive. The unit makes a lot of noise when operating. A gasoline engine will emit exhaust fumes. This may harm the plants. Also, the unit with a gasoline engine has considerable weight. Not everyone can drive such a car.

Electric motor

An electric trimmer is a quieter, environmentally friendly piece of equipment. Battery models on sale are represented in a fairly modest assortment. This is due to the large weight of the battery. It is inconvenient to operate such a unit. However, such a trimmer can be used in conditions where there is no nearby outlet.

An electric trimmer is powered from the mains using a wire. It is lightweight, quiet equipment. It is quite suitable for processing a small area with soft grass. When operating the scythe, there is no need to fill the crankcase with expensive fuel.

When choosing garden trimmer for women a unit with an electric motor would be preferable. The device will be light, maneuverable and quiet. It does not pollute the environment. There are many models in this category of devices. This is due to the high demand for electric trimmers powered by the network. For a dacha, this option is considered preferable.


Even the best gasoline trimmer may not be suitable for a summer cottage. It will create a lot of noise and release exhaust gases. This can disrupt the rest of both the home owners themselves and their neighbors. That’s why people almost always buy an electric trimmer for their dacha.

First of all, pay attention to its power. It can range from 200 to 1800 W. The higher the power rating, the more the unit will weigh. If the area of ​​your summer cottage does not exceed 6 acres and has small lawns with soft grass, it is recommended to give preference to low-power models. If they are used in difficult conditions, the motor will overheat. In this case, the protection system will turn off the current supply.

If the area is overgrown with tall grass, a more powerful device will be required. Its motor must consume at least 1 kW. It will weigh more, but the area will be processed efficiently and quickly. Low-power models only refine the areas between flower beds, around paths and trees. This is a lightweight, easy to use device.

Design selection

Must also have the correct design, balanced weight. There are models with a curved and straight barbell. In the first case, the rotational movement is transmitted to the cutting element by means of a cable, and in the second - by means of a shaft.

The reliability and ergonomics of the presented varieties differ. Experts say that the most durable design will be a bar with a straight shaft. Such a device is considered more efficient.

You also need to pay attention to the choice of cutting tool. It can be made in the form of fishing line or knives. In the first case, the cutting element is designed for soft grass. Knives are not able to cope with it. But the fishing line will not be able to properly process the overgrown area. If there are thick weeds, you will need to use knives. Trimmer designs that include knives and fishing line are considered universal.


The design of the trimmer includes a handle of a certain shape. It can be J, D, T-shaped. This parameter is also worth paying attention to when deciding which trimmer to buy for your dacha. Reviews specialists will help you choose the best option.

Scythes with a J-shaped handle are used on the most powerful models. They allow you to safely mow thick grass with thick stems. The bevel gearbox of such units is located as far as possible from the user.

The T-shaped handle is considered very convenient if you need to process an area with complex terrain. Your hands won't get tired for a long time. Such handles are also installed on powerful models.

A D-shaped handle is present in the design of low-power models. They are suitable for areas with a small area. This handle design allows for greater maneuverability.

Features of operation

For a summer residence it must be reliable, durable and efficient. To do this, the selected unit must be operated correctly. Even the most powerful expensive models require that work be done in cycles. Taking breaks will help prevent the engine from overheating.

The cutting head must not be hit against the ground, hard objects, or stones. Regardless of the type of engine location (at the bottom or at the top of the scythe), you cannot use the electric device in fog or in damp, rainy weather. Mowing wet grass is unsafe and inconvenient. It will clog the trimmer.

It is also necessary to control the position on the electrical wire section. Maintenance of the device is carried out only when it is switched off.

Do not remove the protective casing. This may harm the operation of the motor and be unsafe for the user. There should be no animals or small children near the operating trimmer.


To choose the best device for the lawn at your dacha, you need to consider trimmer rating. It is compiled based on reviews from consumers and professionals in the field of garden equipment.

Conventionally, all models presented for sale can be divided into budget, household and professional categories. They are distinguished by reliability, durability and cost.

The budget category includes devices whose price ranges from 2 to 5 thousand rubles. In this group, units from the Patriot company are in demand. Their models - RT-480, ET-1200, ET-1255 - are popular among consumers.

Household models are characterized by high quality. Their price ranges from 3.5 to 7.5 thousand rubles. This group includes models of the Alpina, Riobi, and Hyundai brands.

Premium category models are known to be of the highest quality. The cost of such products ranges from 6.5 to 11 thousand rubles. Products from Makita, Shtil, and Efko stand out in this group.

Negative reviews

Will help you understand which trimmer to buy for the dacha, reviews buyers and experts. A large number of negative statements are found about the category of budget devices. Such equipment breaks down quickly and cannot provide high quality lawn treatment. Al-Co and Stern products receive a lot of negative reviews.

In some models, users note certain design flaws. For example, in the Iskra-Ero device the coil quickly fails. Finding a replacement part is almost impossible. Some models do not have a belt, for example the Makita 4030. must be comfortable to work with.

Users note rapid overheating of the engine in trimmers with a bottom-mounted motor. Such equipment wears out quickly. Equipment fails due to improper use. When using such units, you must strictly follow the instructions.

Positive reviews

Among devices with a lower engine, units from Black&Decer and Bosch stand out. These designs are well balanced. They are easy to use, maneuverable and reliable. Such equipment demonstrates high performance and decent results.

Among equipment with an overhead engine, users highlight units from the MTD brand. In this category, medium and powerful models are recognized as the best. The kit may include additional attachments, which significantly expands the scope of the tool.

The most popular trimmers with an electric motor are devices manufactured by Shtil, Bosch, Tsunami, Gardenlux, Patriot, Efko, etc. In order for the selected trimmer to work for a long time and with high quality, it is necessary to accurately match it opportunities with the characteristics of a summer cottage. Only with proper use will the unit last a long time.

Having considered which trimmer to buy for the dacha, reviews buyers and specialists, it will be possible to choose the best option for garden equipment. With proper operation, the unit will be reliable, efficient and durable.

With the onset of the warm season, nature awakens from sleep and delights with abundant greenery. But this time also has some remnants. In particular, active growth of weeds begins. If it is not enough to monitor your garden plot, then there is a risk of turning the territory into an impenetrable jungle. To prevent this from happening, there is a proven and inexpensive method. An electric trimmer will come to the rescue.

Features of the device

Electrical devices are best suited for cutting grass. This is a common type of device that is needed to keep your grass lawn in optimal condition. Caring for plantings with this device is easy and simple. Anyone can control the trimmer, regardless of physical strength. The device is light in weight. Compared to gasoline units, such devices are not so massive.

Today you can buy an electric grass trimmer in specialized stores. They are presented in a wide range. With their help, you can cut the grass in your garden or summer cottage. Electric models have the same operating principle as gasoline units, but their cutting component is powered by electricity. The standard structure of electric trimmers is as follows:

  • engine rod;
  • cutting head;
  • mechanism control system.

The difference concerns the quality of the parts included in the device. Based on all this, we can make a rating of the best electric grass trimmers.

Selection by key characteristics

Garden trimmers are good in the sense that they can be used in difficult conditions. They can be used in areas where a primitive lawn mower cannot reach. Such places include the area around the house, the location of objects for landscaping the site, for example, gazebos and benches, flower beds when weeds have to be cut off without affecting cultural species, and areas around bushes and trees.

Using an electric grass trimmer is not always convenient on large lawns. This is due to differences in cutting height. In this case, you need to collect the already cut grass with your hands. Wondering how to choose an electric grass trimmer, are guided by the following basic equipment parameters:

The rating of electric grass trimmers can tell a lot of interesting things and provide assistance in choosing a device. But you should not rely solely on this information. The relief of the site and its dimensions play an important role here.

Required power

If the territory does not exceed 600 square meters in size. meters and it is level, then the mower can be used to maintain the paths in a well-groomed condition. For this purpose, it is enough to buy an electric unit with a lightweight design and low power ratings.

If you intend to come to the dacha on weekends, then a model with a higher rating is suitable, the equipment of which includes a straight barbell. Low-power devices cannot treat an area overgrown with weeds with an area of ​​no more than 6 acres. They are best used to maintain a neat appearance of lawns and partially remove vegetation in hard-to-reach places. They will not be able to work at full capacity in difficult conditions and are prone to auto-shutdown when overheated.

Based on reviews, an electric trimmer for overgrown areas with tall vegetation should have a minimum power of 1 thousand watts. In your own choice, you need to build on this indicator. If you use a lawn mower to cultivate the main area, the space between trees and flower beds, then you can use units with low power. Even 500 W is enough.

Power type and motor placement

Engine parameters depend on the size of the area. The first priority should be the choice of food type. The best corded electric grass trimmers have significant power ratings and a relatively lightweight design. This is their advantage over battery-powered products. But the latter type of mower does not restrict movement during operation and is distinguished by maneuverability.

The motor can be placed at the top or bottom. If it is located in the lower part, then unnecessary links in the structure are eliminated. If the motor is at the top, then the cutting head is placed at the bottom. In order for one element of the system to receive energy from another element, a shaft or steel cable is used. Typically, in powerful units with a knife, the motor is installed at the top. This ensures ideal weight distribution.

If the engine is located at the bottom, most likely we have to talk about low-power devices, the ratings of which do not exceed 750 W. Battery models have a similar principle. Here at the top is a weighted power supply. Due to this placement of the engine, the body is balanced and the work with the device is easier. This is facilitated by the distribution of overall loads. But in such equipment the design may not be sealed enough (moisture gets inside). This is highly undesirable.

Cutting set and rod

The shape of the rod plays a key role when purchasing a device. This detail allows you to distribute the degree of comfort in operating the device, increases its reliability and ergonomics. Modifications in which the rod is curved and is of the angular type, there is a transmission of torque from the engine to the cutting surface. This is achieved simply. Rotating shafts are used here.

In terms of the reliability of electric trimmers, models with a straight shaft occupy first place. They cope excellently with the function of the transmission element. The cutting set of electrical appliances for mowing the lawn is usually represented by a fishing line. It is fixed on the trimmer head.

Reels for such equipment, together with fishing line, are suitable for mowing grassy plants on the lawn, since a metal knife does not always cope with the soft cover of greenery. The softer and more tender the plants in the garden plot, the softer the cutting itself should be in order to cope with the task. The star-type cutting element copes well with tall nettles and wormwood thickets.

Electric trimmers equipped with line and blade, are classified as multi-purpose. In such units, cutting elements are used to combat small trees, shrubs, and weeds. The fishing line is useless in this case.

Handle selection

There are J-, T- and D-shaped handle shapes, in accordance with the functional features of the trimmers. To ensure safe cutting of tall and dense thickets, it is better to use the first type. This J-shaped handle is usually installed on a powerful trimmer. The equipment of the device usually includes a metal-based knife, which acts as a cutting element.

The T-shape is extremely convenient to use. This is especially true when you have to mow grass on difficult terrain. Suitable for long term use. These products are installed on powerful versions of trimmers. While performing work, the movements that the operator makes are reminiscent of the movements used when operating a hand scythe.

The D-shaped handle is present in small power devices. They are distinguished by maneuverability. For the same reason, it is necessary to evaluate in advance the vegetation that is present on the site.

Additional set of spare parts

If the vegetation on the site is dense and tough, then it is important to pay maximum attention to additional spare parts. We are talking about nozzles of different shapes. Some modifications have a special connector for mounting additional components on the electric trimmer. A number of manufacturers consider it necessary to use such equipment, and therefore you can often find special attachments included in the kit. All this helps to expand functionality. What are the additional features of the trimmer?, which contain nozzles:

  • winter snow removal;
  • soil drainage;
  • removing knots from trees and bushes.

You can easily clean additional accessories, as this is facilitated by the collapsible design. The same goes for transportation. It doesn't cause any problems.

Any design involves the use of additional attachments, which are made by the same company as the main equipment. Each model has its own set of components. It is impossible to find universal options that provide everything you need. That's why you need to immediately decide which range of functions is preferable for you.

Rules for using an electric mower

Many owners of summer cottages wonder whether it is possible to use an electric trimmer to mow wet grass. There are several rules that allow you to safely use devices powered by electricity. Recommendations for using the mower:

There should be no small children or pets near the operating device. It is not recommended to work with damp and wet grass, as this not only poses a danger to life, but is also inconvenient. Damp grass sticks to the internal elements of the structure, clogging them and preventing the work from being carried out efficiently.

Device rating

Some of the most popular electric trimmers are models from Bosch. The company specializes in the manufacture of professional and household equipment for various purposes. Any mower from Bosch differs:

  • long service life;
  • efficiency;
  • proven quality.

The package includes well-sharpened knives, as well as powerful motors.

Makita is also popular. It produces circular saws, drills and screwdrivers. There are also larger instruments in the assortment. There are electric and gasoline lawn mowers here.

Among domestic companies, we can highlight the Champion company. The head office of the organization is located in St. Petersburg. After entering the market, the company offered world-class gasoline tools for sale. A notable feature of the brand is the original color: on the body it is yellow, quite bright, thanks to which consumers were quickly able to remember it.

In terms of which electric trimmer is better, reviews differ somewhat. There are many factors that matter: the build quality and the features of the modification itself. Trimmers with the motor located at the bottom are available from Black and Decer, Bosch. These are well-balanced and maneuverable products that are comfortable to work with. They have excellent performance. Finding a good manufacturer with a top-mounted engine is much more difficult.

Any suburban or requires constant grass care. Previously, a scythe was used to cope with lush vegetation. But technology is progressing and trimmers are increasingly being used to control grass. We bring to your attention a rating of the best electric grass trimmers. Using it, you can choose the most suitable option with excellent functionality and at an affordable price.

Rating of the best electric grass trimmers: tips for choosing designs

To buy a grass trimmer, you first need to study the design and characteristics of such a device. These products are lightweight, which allows them to be used not only by men, but even by women and teenagers.

Such designs are an excellent solution for cutting grass on. This trimmer operates from electrical energy, which sets the cutting parts in motion. Useful designs have the following structure:

  • cutting element;
  • barbell;
  • engine;
  • mechanisms for monitoring the operation of the installation.

Most often, individual models differ in technical parameters. Electric units differ from gasoline units in their light weight and ease of control.

The choice of equipment is quite extensive, so it is difficult to make the right choice. Models differ not only in manufacturers, but also in characteristics, equipment and service life. An important parameter is the compactness of the design, since some places in the garden can be very difficult to get to.

All trimmer designs are equipped with a spool with a fishing line that rotates and cuts the grass. The thickness of the fishing line can be 1.2-2.5 mm. The thicker it is, the thicker the stems it can cut.

Instead of a spool of fishing line, you can use a knife. This will allow you to cut, in addition to grass, small shrubs, dry grass, etc. These designs use knives with 3 or 4 blades. Plastic and metal are used as materials for knives.

This type of technology has the following advantages:

  • environmentally friendly design, as there are no harmful emissions;
  • application of a vibration and noise damping mechanism;
  • you can quickly prepare for work, since refueling is not required;
  • mains-powered models can operate longer than gasoline units;
  • significant power and high level of performance;
  • easy engine starting.

Also, such devices have certain disadvantages. For example, the operator's movement radius is limited by the length of the cable. In this case, you can use an extension cord or battery. In addition, the cable may interfere with operation.

For your information! A small electric grass trimmer can easily process flower beds, areas near garden furniture and benches, as well as grass between trees.

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A review of manufacturers and models, as well as useful tips from experts discussed in this review, will help you make a difficult choice among many device models.

Which electric trimmers are better: an overview of the main characteristics

  • Power ratings for such devices vary from 250 to 1800 W.
  • the type of power supply is carried out using a battery device or from the network;
  • The weight of the product matters; it can reach 7.5 kg;
  • the shape of the bar can be angular, curved or straight;
  • types of cutting tools. They can be with a fishing line and a knife, as well as with each option separately.

The choice of power depends on the size of the site. According to reviews, a low-power electric trimmer is suitable for a small area - somewhere up to 6 acres. Moreover, the main task of such a device is to care for garden paths and.

If the area is more than 6 acres and densely overgrown with vegetation, then the power should be more than 1000 watts.

The type of engine also matters. At the same time, devices with a battery are not as massive and powerful as wired equipment.

It is worth considering that the required power depends on. The larger the size of the plot, the more powerful the unit should be. Cheap equipment is only designed for thin grass. There are many different attachments that are used for both practical and decorative purposes.

For your information! To avoid overheating the engine, you need to work intermittently.

How to choose an electric grass trimmer based on power

When choosing the best electric grass trimmers, the most important factor is power. If the area requires increased attention and care, then you can choose a model with a high level of power, as well as with a straight-type bar. Remember that the more power, the heavier the structure will be.

Low power devices will not be able to cope with heavily overgrown areas. They are used only to maintain lawns and flower beds in well-groomed condition. They can remove vegetation in hard-to-reach places. For a lightweight version, a power of 500 W is sufficient, and more powerful devices must have a power of at least 1000 W.

Rating of the best electric trimmers: motor parameters

The rating of electric trimmers also takes into account engine characteristics. First of all, you need to decide on the type of food. Network-powered designs are more powerful. But models with a battery are more mobile. The engine can be located either at the bottom or at the top of the structure. If the engine is located at the top, then the cutting element will be located at the bottom.

The motor is located in the upper part of more powerful units. Bottom placement is typical for models with a low power rating. For example, battery-powered models also have such a device. Their power supply is located at the top.

If the engine is located at the bottom, this makes the electric scythe more balanced. Such structures are light in weight. This is a budget option with a power of no more than 650 W. Such models are equipped only with fishing line. The lower location contributes to engine contamination. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor this and avoid working during rain or wet grass. This low-power device should be given some time to rest.

Such designs also have certain restrictions on the thickness of the fishing line. If the motors are located on top, the power of such devices can reach 1400 W. These units can be used to trim thick and tall grass, as well as small shrubs. These trimmers can be equipped not only with a fishing line, but also with a knife. They can also cut wet grass.

Rating of electric trimmers: forestay characteristics and cutting equipment

An equally important parameter when choosing a product is the shape of the rod. It not only determines comfortable conditions when using the rod, but also increases the reliability of the unit.

In designs with a curved rod, rotation is transmitted from the motor to the cutting element using a cable. If the rod is straight, then the device involves the use of a shaft that rotates. Devices with a straight shaft are more efficient and reliable.

When choosing an electric trimmer with a knife and fishing line, you need to understand the mechanisms of such a device. The cutting elements often look like a fishing line that is fixed to the head of the mechanism.

For mowing grass, devices with a fishing line are the best option. Since knives cope worse with soft vegetation.

Most often, the fishing line for trimmers has a thickness in the range from 1.2 to 2.4 mm. For grass that is too tall and hard, a type of fishing line called an asterisk is used. Trimmers equipped with both a knife and a fishing line are the most versatile option. At the same time, knives help combat problems such as bushes, overgrown weeds, or even small trees.

Rating of the best electric scythes: types of handles

When cutting thick and tall grass, a J-shaped handle is suitable. With this placement, the gearbox is located away from the mower. This handle often complements powerful models with a knife.

The T-shaped handle is easy to use. It is especially suitable for areas with unusual topography. Working with such a unit resembles the movement of a hand scythe.

For low-power models, a D-shaped handle is suitable. Such devices provide excellent maneuverability.

Electric trimmer spare parts and additional equipment

Particular attention should be paid to spare parts for electric trimmers. For the full operation of the structure, the choice of different nozzles is important. This is important when working with dense and tough vegetation. Some devices are equipped with a special connector for attaching additional accessories. Often included are attachments that significantly increase the functionality of the design.

Such devices allow you to additionally perform the following manipulations:

  • cleaning snowdrifts;
  • loosening the soil;
  • trimming branches and bushes.

For your information! Each individual model has its own arsenal of additional mechanisms. There are no complete sets that would be suitable for all cases.

Operating rules for electric trimmers

Is it possible to mow wet grass with an electric trimmer and is it safe? Many owners of summer cottages want to know. There are certain operating and safety rules for such equipment that must be followed.

  • perform work intermittently to prevent the motor from overheating;
  • it is necessary to ensure that the cutting element does not touch hard objects;
  • when winding wire, thread or grass onto a spool, immediately turn off the device;
  • Do not mow the grass in foggy or rainy weather;
  • when working, you need to constantly monitor the location of the wire so as not to damage it with the fishing line;
  • if you need to replace any element, be sure to turn off the equipment;
  • It is prohibited to remove the casing from the cutting elements. This increases the load on all equipment, and also increases the likelihood of injury;
  • Children and animals should not be present near the operating device;
  • Do not mow wet vegetation. This is very dangerous and not very convenient. Wet grass sticks to the device and prevents it from working properly.

Work should begin with cleaning. In this case, you need to remove all stones, nails, sticks, glass and ropes. You will also need special clothing, for example, thick pants or overalls. You cannot start work if you are unwell.

Before work, the structure must be inspected for damage. Special impact-resistant glasses are required.

If a foreign object gets into the device during operation, the device must be turned off and the object removed. When working, the structure must be held with both hands.

Equipment must be kept clean at all times. Even if you have worked only a little, you need to clean the device well. Damaged structures must not be used. If it rains during operation, the product must be immediately turned off and brought indoors.

The trimmer must be stored in a dry place and protected from dirt and dust.

Which electric trimmers are better: reviews, prices of reliable models

Before purchasing a product, you should find out which manufacturers of electric trimmers are on the market. Bosch Company Along with other professional and household goods, it produces mowers. The products of this brand are known for their long service life. The equipment is equipped with powerful motors and sharp cutting parts.

Manufacturer Makita mainly specializes in various electric instruments. But at the same time it also produces.

Large producers include Champion brand. The company mainly sells gasoline-powered equipment, but there are also gasoline-powered models in its assortment.

Which electric trimmer is best to buy for a summer house: reviews

Reviews from numerous consumers will help you find out which electric trimmer is the best. At the same time, the opinions of buyers are quite varied. Much depends on the build quality, additional functionality and cost.

There are many brands under which similar designs are produced. If we consider devices with bottom-mounted engines, then it is worth considering the companies Bosch and BLACK&DECKER. The designs of these companies have all the qualities that ensure comfortable work on their site.

It is not so easy to find a good manufacturer offering models with a motor at the top. MTD Company offers such products with a high power rating, as well as special attachments. Such designs are suitable for processing tough vegetation. Models may be designated EB and ES, which means that the device has a cutter. Similar units are produced by companies such as SunGarden, Britech And MTD.

Review of the Bosch ART 26 CombiTrim model

Vladlen Sinaev, 38 years old, Krasnodar:“The device attracted me with its simplicity and reliability. Can be adjusted to suit your height. I bought it about 6 years ago, but it’s still working, no significant losses in power have been noticed during this time. I keep it all year round at the dacha. I use it during the season, sparing no resources. Basically a reliable unit. I only changed the fishing line.”

Review of the Makita UR3501 model

Dmitry Golubev, 29 years old, Novorossiysk:“Last summer my lawn mower broke down, so I urgently had to purchase a new one. Friends recommended this model. What I like about it is the adjustable handle. True, the unit is a little heavy, but overall I am pleased. It’s more difficult for his wife to work with him. He says his hand is getting tired.”

Review Huter Get-1200 S

Alexander Darin, 35 years old, Astrakhan:“I liked the model - inexpensive and powerful. There is a protective cover. I specifically chose one with an electric motor so as not to have to worry about refueling. I’ve been working for two seasons now and I’m happy with everything. Weighs about five kg, but is comfortable to wear. When using knives, I cut all the grass and even cherry trees. The normal mowing width is 42 cm.”

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How to make the right choice of device, the basic principles of its operation, average prices, reviews of manufacturers, TOP 7 models and advice from experienced gardeners - read in this material.

Studying electric trimmers: negative reviews

When deciding which products to purchase, you need to study not only positive reviews, but also negative ones. For example, consumers consider low-quality budget products from brands such as Stern or Al-ko.

Customer reviews will help you objectively evaluate the characteristics of a product. Some consumers report frequent failures of the coil in the product Iskra-Ero. It is believed that replacement parts are difficult to find.

Selected models of the company Makita are not equipped with shoulder straps. And without it, work becomes more difficult.

There are also models from some Chinese manufacturers that have faulty coils at the very beginning. Such devices are difficult to remove from equipment.

There are reviews claiming overheating of the engines, which are located in the lower part of the structure. Trimmer owners also complain about faster wear.

For your information! Most often, breakdowns occur when moisture gets into important mechanisms.

Review Bosch ART 26 CombiTrim

Vasily Schwartz, 42 years old, Samara:“The huge disadvantage of this unit is strong vibration. After just half an hour of work, my hands become numb. I read that vibration contributes to the rapid failure of the device and is harmful to health. It hasn’t broken yet, but I’ve only been using it for a season.”

Review of Huter Get-1200S

Evgeny Trutov, 37 years old, Izhevsk:“I’ve been working on this equipment for three years now. Everything seems to be holding up so far, but I don’t like how the bar is attached. The shoulder strap is kind of poor and short, not comfortable to work with. On the third mowing we had to change the reel.”

Review of manufacturers and prices of electric trimmers for the garden

Before purchasing a structure, it is worth assessing many indicators. Particular attention should be paid to the price of electric trimmers with a knife and line, as well as other designs.

Among the popular manufacturers it is worth noting Tsunami, Patriot,Caliber,Champion or Efko.

In order for the device to serve for a long time and delight you with its quality, it is necessary to select the design in accordance with the required range of functions, and also use it only for its intended purpose.

The table shows the most popular electric models and their prices.

Photo Models Characteristics price, rub.

  • Device power – 1300 W.
  • It has a straight rod and a split shaft.
  • The engine is located on top.
  • A fishing line and a knife are used as cutting elements.
  • Mows up to 38 cm wide.

Electric trimmer Gardenlux

  • The design is portable.
  • Power 450 W from the network cable.
  • Mowing width – 26 cm.
  • The line has a thickness of 1.6 mm.
  • Weight 3kg. The bar has a straight shape.

Electric trimmer Bosch ART 26 CombiTrim

  • Portable unit.
  • Motor 1000 W.
  • Powered by network.
  • The mowing width is about 35 cm.
  • The model is equipped with a 2 mm fishing line.
  • There is a shoulder strap and a curved bar.

Electric trimmer Makita UR3501

Huter Get-1200S
  • Power indicator 1200 W.
  • Mowing width 42 cm.
  • Powered by network.
  • The kit includes a shoulder strap, anti-vibration system, knife and fishing line.

Electric trimmer Huter Get-1200S

  • Powered by cable.
  • The cutting width is about 25 cm.
  • 1.2 mm fishing line available.
  • Has a weight of 1.7 kg.

Electric trimmer Skil 0735 RA

  • Power 400 W.
  • The cutting mechanism is represented by a 1.6 mm fishing line.
  • Mowing width 25 cm.
  • The bar has a straight shape.

Electric trimmer Gardena EasyCut 400/25

  • Power value 1200 W.
  • Mowing width – 35 cm.
  • There is a knife, fishing line and a shoulder strap.
  • Straight configuration rod.
  • Noise level 96 dB.

Electric trimmer Al-Ko 112924 BC 1200 E

Rating of the best models of electric trimmers

There is a certain classification of trimmers, which is based on the degree of strength and reliability. These are the types worth considering:

  • budget models cost from 2000 to 6000 rubles;
  • premium ones can cost about 5,000-12,000 rubles;
  • household devices can be purchased in the range of 4000-8000 rubles.

Premium refers to the most reliable equipment. They can be used for quite a long period of time.

Review of Makita UR3502 electric scythe

Let's look at the Makita UR3502 electric trimmer option. This is a compact model with a lightweight body and a durable, straight design. The cutting parts are presented in the form of a reliable fishing line, which allows you to cut both young growth and tough grass.

The equipment is convenient to operate thanks to an additional handle and a height-adjustable handle. A shoulder strap is provided to reduce the load. In addition, there is a special safety system mechanism that turns off the device if it overheats.

A special anti-vibration device also helps to work comfortably. The mowing element is also protected by a special casing, which prevents excessive scattering of grass.

Electric trimmer Makita UR3502

Is it profitable to buy an electric trimmer Makita UR3000

As an option, you should consider the Makita UR3000 electric braid. This option has less power than the previous one. In this model, the body is fixed in one position, which does not allow changing the angle of inclination.

Since the device has special ventilation holes, the device can only be used when the grass is dry and there is no fog. These same holes protect the structure from hypothermia and overheating. In this case, the equipment can be used even without interruptions.

The electric motor does not make much noise during operation. The line has a thickness of 1.65 mm, which allows for a cutting width of 30 cm.

The package includes a shoulder strap to reduce the load, eye protection glasses, an electrical cable and a trimmer head.

Electric trimmer Makita UR3000

Advantages of electric trimmer Shtil FSE81

Before you buy Stihl electric trimmers, you need to know more about their features. The FSE81 model is equipped with a powerful motor with a mowing element. Also available is a soft handle with a vibration-damping mechanism, special protection for the motor and speed control.

This device is suitable for processing small areas. It can also be used to clear areas of vegetation next to paths and around trees. The FSE81 model has a bottom type of placement and a power value of 500 W. The engine housing tilts in all directions.

This design has no ventilation holes, which reliably protects against moisture getting inside. Stihl models are known for the following advantages:

  • compact design with low weight;
  • low noise level;
  • sufficient power level for gardening work;
  • wire limit brackets available;
  • ergonomic design;
  • innovative cutting device.

The models are equipped with a special telescopic rod, thanks to which you can adjust the position of the handle depending on your height. The package includes safety glasses with side protection. Rounded handles for ease of use. There is also a mechanism that protects the electrical cable from unloading.

The FSE81 model is equipped with a D-shaped handle, which provides a secure and comfortable grip. This increases the functionality of the equipment.

The cutting parts have a speed of 7400 rpm, which is achieved with a power of 540 W. The advantages include the presence of a handle that can be adjusted in height. There is also a curved barbell.

Such trimmers are safe for humans, as they are equipped with a special round protective casing. This device provides protection against scattered grass and stones.

Electric trimmer Shtil FSE81

Studying the EFCO 8092 electric trimmer

An Efko electric mower is worth considering. It is designed for mowing vegetation on an area of ​​no more than 50 square meters. m. Since the motor is located in the upper part, mowing can be done even with wet grass.

In addition, the design is equipped with an anti-vibration mechanism to reduce the load on the operator during operation. The device also has a carabiner that protects the electrical cord from sudden jerks. The model has the following advantages:

  • anti-vibration system;
  • handle with adjustable design;
  • protective casing with blade.

This model has a protective casing that allows you to process grass even on difficult terrain.

Electric trimmer EFCO 8092

Characteristics and review of the electric trimmer Patriot ET 1255

The ratings of electric trimmers with a knife and line include the Patriot ET 1255 model. This device is particularly reliable. It can even work with wet grass, since the motor is located in the upper part of the structure. The engine also has a special mechanism that protects against overheating. All these parameters allow you to increase operating life. There is a straight rod, which is equipped with a gearbox. The package also includes additional attachments. The cutting unit includes a spool of fishing line. Moreover, this element has a semi-automatic operating principle. The line is released when the ground surface is pressed. Here are the benefits worth noting:

  • presence of a gearbox;
  • there is a shoulder strap;
  • small dimensions and light weight;
  • soft start mechanism;
  • rod with a collapsible device.

The model is equipped with a high level of protection. There is a casing that protects against fishing line or stones flying towards the operator.

Electric trimmer Patriot ET 1255

Features of the electric grass trimmer Tsunami TE 1100 PS

The Tsunami TE 1100PS electric trimmer model was created for trimming grass on lawns, as well as for processing vegetation around trees or along paths. The device operates from the network. Equipped with an adjustable D-shaped handle. Control elements are located on the back of the handle.

Such a device provides comfortable conditions when working on the site. The working width of the bevel is approximately 350 mm. This allows you to treat even hard-to-reach areas. Both a knife and a fishing line can be used for cutting.

Tsunami is a brand of high quality technology. Products are manufactured using modern equipment and large factories. The products have certificates of conformity and are endowed with excellent performance characteristics.

Electric trimmer Tsunami TE 1100PS

Reliability of electric trimmer Champion ET451

The Champion ET451 electric trimmer model has compact dimensions, which allows the tool to be used by teenagers and women. Such equipment is relevant for processing vegetation of low height.

The design of such a device allows you to mow vegetation in difficult areas: along, around buildings and between bushes and trees.

The design has the following advantages:

  • reliable and economical engine;
  • adjustable handle;
  • small body dimensions and weight;
  • functional design;
  • convenient location of control mechanisms.

The trimmer mechanism is characterized by a high level of wear resistance. For the device to work properly, it needs a little electrical energy.

Electric trimmer Champion ET451

Functionality of the Bosch ART 23 SL electric trimmer

For small areas, you can purchase a Bosch ART 23SL electric scythe. This device is comfortable to use. The design is small in size and dismountable.

The Bosch model has the following characteristics:

  • greater efficiency;
  • light motor;
  • simple control mechanism;
  • balanced device;
  • the design weighs only 1.7 kg;
  • a special reel that protects the fishing line from tangling;
  • the presence of additional handles;
  • Convenient holder for electrical cable.

The design includes a protective cover that protects the operator from grass. There is a mechanism for automatically starting the fishing line when connected to the network.

Electric trimmer Bosch ART 23 SL

Scope of application of the Hyundai Z700 electric scythe

The design of the Hyundai Z700 electric trimmer is lightweight. There is a shoulder strap to lighten the load. The unit is quite simple to operate and does not require special skills. The motor has special protection against overheating. The device also has a low noise level. The handle is equipped with a locking mechanism to prevent accidental launch.

Here are the features of this model:

  • low level of vibration;
  • significant reserve of motor resources;
  • powerful motor;
  • comfortable handles;
  • special casing that protects against cut grass;
  • semi-automatic mowing head;
  • Includes cable holder and shoulder strap.

During operation of such a device, no harmful emissions are emitted.

Electric trimmer Hyundai Z700

Review of the electric trimmer Caliber ET-1700V+

Many property owners use the electric trimmer Caliber ET-1700V. It is suitable for both mowing young vegetation and clearing dense thickets of grass. Therefore, it can be used to treat large areas.

It is worth noting the following advantages of the models:

  • absence of harmful secretions;
  • works in quiet mode;
  • has low weight;
  • Effectively removes grass of varying densities.

The package includes a shoulder strap, a casing, and additional fasteners.

Electric trimmer Caliber ET- 1700V+

Technical characteristics of the electric trimmer AL-KO BC 1200 E

The AL-KO BC 1200 E electric scythe is appreciated by many summer residents for its reliable device for processing even dense vegetation. This device can work with both a fishing line and a knife. The design power of 1200 W allows you to work even in difficult conditions.

The package includes a straight-type collapsible rod with an internal steel shaft. This feature allows you to mow even tall grass. A special gearbox for attaching the knife is located at the bottom of the rod. With this device you can cut even tough bushes. The trimmer operates from a household network, and the motor is located in the upper part of the structure.

The rod has a collapsible device. The set includes a handle that can be adjusted in height. The shoulder strap is equipped with additional adjustments. The motor is double insulated, which improves its quality and safety standards. The model is suitable for working in the country, in the garden or near the house.

The following design features can be noted:

  • you can work with a fishing line and a knife;
  • universal casing;
  • engine safety factor;
  • economical design;
  • adjustable handle height;
  • light weight;
  • Availability of a high level of service support.

Electric trimmer AL-KO BC 1200

German quality electric trimmer Huter GET-1200SL

The design of the Huter GET-1200SL electric scythe is easy to operate and understandable. The device contains a straight rod with a cable drive. This is a collapsible mechanism that simplifies transportation and storage of the product. The D-shaped handle is comfortable. The model is equipped with a fishing line and a knife, which allows you to process vegetation of any complexity. The trimmer is recharged from a regular network.

Electric trimmer Huter GET-1200SL

Advantages of the electric trimmer KRÜGER ETK-2000

It’s not for nothing that this electric scythe took first place in our rating. It has excellent technical characteristics. The main advantage is the increased power of 2000 W, which allows you to process fairly large garden plots. Model equipped with a telescopic handle that is adjustable in angle for maximum operator comfort and absorbs vibrations. The special shape of the handle provides a comfortable and reliable grip.

The rod and shaft of the Kruger electric trimmer are made of durable, wear-resistant material that can easily withstand mechanical damage. The protective casing prevents premature failure of the device. The shoulder strap allows you to transfer the load from your hands to your shoulders, which significantly increases the time you work with an electric tool.

A set of tools is included for assembling and disassembling the Kruger electric trimmer. The package is also supplemented with special discs for mowing weeds, bushes, trees, and a spool with fishing line for soft grass.

Which electric trimmers are better: price per power density

When choosing a suitable model, it is worth finding out the price of the power density. There is a special formula for this: C(device price)/( P(power indicator)/ W(cutting width))= D(power density price).

The table shows the performance of some models.

Image Models Power density price

Bosh ART 23SL185.5






How to repair an electric trimmer yourself

Even high-quality equipment sometimes requires repairs. If you use the product intensively and in violation of operating rules, you will need to repair the electric scythe yourself very quickly.

Breakdowns can be different and vary in level of complexity. You can try to repair the structure yourself.

Tips for repairing an electric trimmer with your own hands in case of mechanical breakdowns

First of all, let's figure out how to handle the situation in case of mechanical breakdowns. Fishing line is used as cutting parts, so the most common problem is stopping the unit due to its supply. The following problems may arise:

  • if the fishing line runs out, you need to wind a new one according to the instructions;
  • If the fishing line gets tangled, you need to unwind it. If damaged, the bobbin needs to be replaced;
  • In some cases, nylon thread may stick together when exposed to high heat. In such a situation, it is necessary to rewind the fishing line;
  • The coil may break. If the bottom has fallen off, you can replace it or even make it yourself. In this case, you will need a piece of PCB and a nut with a bolt;
  • If the engine runs but the head does not rotate, then you need to check the drive shaft. In this case, you may need to contact a service center.

Recommendations for repairing an electric trimmer in case of problems in the electrical part

You should also know what you can do if there is an electrical problem. To perform repair work, you need to prepare a multimeter, a blowtorch and an indicator screwdriver.

Here are the main electrical problems:

  • If there are problems with the power cable, it often requires replacement;
  • if the socket is damaged, it must be checked with an indicator screwdriver or the unit must be connected to another;
  • if the plug is broken, it must be disassembled and replaced;
  • To check the control handle you need to use an indicator screwdriver. If the wire breaks, the contact will not close. Damaged wiring should be replaced;
  • A multimeter is used to check the stator on the motor. In this case, the device is set to determine the minimum amount of resistance. Probes are also connected to the graphite shields. If you can’t measure the resistance, then the winding is burned out. In this case, the engine must be replaced with a new one. In this case, spare parts will be needed;
  • The cause of the breakdown may be broken contact connections. If the winding is not broken, then you need to check all connections with a multimeter, and the broken contacts are sealed.

The electrical circuit is simple. It consists of a capacitor, a motor speed control mechanism and an electric motor.

To check the device you need to disassemble it. First you need to separate the two halves of the trimmer, as well as the control handle with the motor.

An indicator screwdriver is needed to check electrical connections. If there are no breaks, the indicator light of the device will light up. In this case, the circuit is closed on the light bulb. To perform the test, the necessary tool is a multimeter. You can use a pointer option or an ohmmeter.

The ratings presented will help you choose the most suitable device according to your needs. To make the right decision, it is important to take into account not only the characteristics of the equipment, but also the relief features, as well as the dimensions of the site.

Many owners of private houses and summer cottages carefully look after their garden plots. When active grass growth begins, the need for special equipment arises. The modern market offers a choice of lawn mowers, gas trimmers, and electric trimmers. The latter are distinguished by their affordable price, so they remain in steady demand. Electric trimmers are especially effective in small areas where it is easy to run an extension cord. But difficulties also arise at the purchase stage. The range of power tools is very diverse, so a few tips from experts will be relevant and appropriate. What parameters should you pay the closest attention to?

  1. First of all, you need to decide on performance. It depends on the power and speed of the engine. For well-groomed areas where growing grass will have to be cut, a power of up to 1,000 W will be sufficient. There is no point in chasing high performance for another reason. The stronger the engine, the greater the weight of the trimmer.
  2. The location of the engine affects the price and ease of use. Cheap, low-power models have a lower-mounted electric motor. But this design has serious disadvantages, for example, clogging with grass and poor cooling.
  3. For OHV models, shoulder belts will be required equipment. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers provide trimmers with these accessories.
  4. Electric scythes differ in the shape of the handle. Lightweight devices are equipped with D-shaped holders, which make the trimmer maneuverable. And more powerful units are controlled using a handle in the shape of a bicycle handlebar.

Our review includes the best electric trimmers. When compiling the rating, the following criteria were taken into account:

  • performance;
  • price;
  • ease of use;
  • expert opinion;
  • consumer reviews.

The Best Cheap Electric Trimmers

If you want to mechanize your work, but are short on funds, electric trimmers from this category are what you need. All of them cope well with the task, but at the same time they have their own characteristics. Let's look at three popular budget models and decide which one is the best.

5 Monferme 21327M

Stylish look, easy to use
A country: France (manufactured in China)
Average price: RUB 3,690.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The convenient and stylish trimmer Monferme 21327M is designed for comfortable mowing of lawns. French engineers made the device not only beautiful in appearance, but also functional. The model has a bottom-mounted motor with a power of 500 W. A distinctive feature of the trimmer is the 4-position cutting angle adjustment. The manufacturer also provided for the possibility of using the device for people of different heights. The length of the bar can be easily changed, which allows you to choose the most comfortable grip of the D-shaped handle.

In reviews, users praise the Monferme 21327M electric trimmer for its lightness, stylish appearance, and quiet motor operation. The balance handle adds convenience to use. One of the disadvantages is the lack of lubrication in the gearbox. Therefore, maintenance must be performed before starting work.

4 Hammer ETR900

Optimal combination of power and compactness
Country: China
Average price: 4,499 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

An excellent garden trimmer is the Hammer ETR900. The affordable price of the Chinese device goes well with its high power (950 W). The electric scythe is very convenient to use due to its compact size. With a cutting width of 35 cm, it is possible to mow the grass in the narrowest places in the garden or between the garden beds. The upper location of the engine prevents moisture from entering the electrical part of the unit. The manufacturer has equipped the model with a bicycle-type handle, which makes work comfortable and less tiring. By moving the handle along the bar, you can adjust the mount to your height.

The manufacturer also took care of the safety of the operator. There is protection against accidental start-up in the form of a two-button switch. The cover is precisely located in the working area, the grass does not get on the worker’s clothes and shoes. The set also includes a knife for cutting weeds and small bushes.

3 Huter GET-600

Best price
A country:
Average price: 2,330 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Electric trimmers GET-600 are assembled in China under license from the German company Huter. The tool impresses with its low cost, compared to famous brands. But won't you have to pay twice, as the saying goes? Let's figure it out.

The lower engine rotates 180 degrees on the rod. But unlike the previous model, the GET-600 is equipped with a wheel, which makes vertical mowing more convenient.

The D-shaped telescopic handle allows you to increase the length of the trimmer from 100 to 120 cm. The additional handle is also adjustable in height.

Attention! We would like to warn you that in the first models the design of the cutting head was unsuccessful and often failed. Manufacturers have taken this into account, but such models are still found on sale. So be careful. In new models, the head design has been simplified; now to remove it you only need to unscrew 1 bolt. In the old version, it was mounted on a shaft, and in such a way that an attempt to remove it led to final destruction.

Instead of the original low-quality fishing line, a reinforced, square or triangular section is installed. It is many times stronger, and sharp edges cut stems better. You can buy it at construction stores.


  • Excellent performance for its power, mows almost everything, a good choice for the garden;
  • Lightweight and compact;
  • There is a wheel for vertical mowing;
  • Adjustable in height;


  • A large percentage of defects in the first trimmer models;
  • Poor quality original fishing line.

2 Makita UR3000

Best reliability in its class
A country:
Average price: 4,901 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The Japanese company Makita is a brand that has long been synonymous with quality. And the UR3000 is proof of this. The motor of this electric trimmer rotates 180 degrees around its axis. This feature makes it easy to trim the edges of the lawn and trim the grass around bushes and flower beds.

The cutting head has a metal tip to extend its service life. The line is fed semi-automatically. That is, to release it, you need to lightly hit the ground with the steel tip of the cutting head; the excess will be cut off by the knife on the protective casing.

An extendable rod with a reach of 240 mm and an additional height-adjustable handle will allow you to customize the tool to suit you. And the safety button will protect against accidental start-up. Makita UR3000 weighs only 2.6 kg with a length of 126 cm. The model features fixation of the power cord in the extension cord. Another nice touch is that safety glasses and a shoulder strap are included.


  • High-quality assembly;
  • Height-adjustable rod;
  • You can rotate the engine 180 degrees;
  • Light weight;
  • Shoulder strap and safety glasses included;
  • Fixing the power cord.


  • Grass sticking to the protective cover.

Video review

If you read the reviews about the Makita UR3000, you will see that the results of our analysis and the rating presented coincide with the opinion of 90% of users. And many even believe that he is the best in his class.

1 Bosch ART 26 SL (0.600.8A5.100)

The lightest and most compact
A country: Germany (manufactured in China)
Average price: RUB 2,318.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The trimmer is from a well-known German manufacturer, which already speaks of its quality. The tool is almost weightless, only 1.8 kg. Almost silent, you can calmly listen to music while working and nothing will disturb you.

This is the lowest-power model in our rating. But it is also the most economical in terms of electricity consumption, only 280 W. True, sometimes they are not enough: they do not cope well with dense growth and perennial grasses. The engine has a bottom position, the blade rotation speed (1.6 mm line) is 12500 rpm.

Powered by mains, so movement with the tool is limited by the cable. On the other hand, we do not burden ourselves with the weight of the battery. It is compact, in the package its length and width are 46x22 cm. When assembled it is 110 cm.


  • Compact and lightweight;
  • Consumes a minimum of electricity, almost silent.


  • There is no height adjustment of the rod; with a trimmer length of 110 cm, a tall person has to bend over;
  • Movement around the site is limited by the length of the cable;
  • There is no safety lock against accidental pressing.

A great addition to your lawn mower , growing in places where a serious unit cannot get close. Or as a tool for working on 6 acres. The main thing is not to try to set tasks for which it is not intended, leaving it to heavier models.

The Best Powerful Electric Trimmers

In this category, we consider electric trimmers with a power of 1000 W or more. This tool can handle almost any task. You can mow weeds and perennial grasses with a hard stem. And if the kit comes with a metal knife, it is suitable not only for grass, but also for small shrubs.

5 STAVR TE-1700R

Powerful domestic development
A country: Russia (manufactured in China)
Average price: 4,110 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

There are many flattering reviews from users about the electric trimmer STAVR TE-1700R. Domestic development stands out for its power (1700 W) and unpretentiousness. And if you take into account the engine speed (10,000 rpm), then with such a unit serious thickets of grass and small bushes (up to 1.2 cm) are not scary. At the same time, during operation, the trimmer produces a minimum of noise (75.42 dB). The advantages of the device include a top-mounted engine, a rigid drive shaft, and an adjustable bicycle handle. The set includes a special knife for mowing thick grass and cutting bushes.

Consumers are satisfied with the high performance of the domestic trimmer, low noise level, and convenient operation. The disadvantages include the heavy weight of the device, the inconvenient shoulder strap, and ineffective protection from mown grass.

4 Stihl FSE 81

German quality
A country: Germany (manufactured in Austria)
Average price: 9,490 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The products of the German company Stihl are well known to summer residents, gardeners, professional foresters and street cleaners. The Stihl FSE 81 electric trimmer is an example of quality, although its cost is significantly higher than that of its competitors. The device has decent power (1,000 W), a soft handle with vibration protection, which allows the operator to work comfortably even in difficult conditions. The model is equipped with a flexible drive that reduces the load on the motor when the cutting head is blocked. The presence of a support wheel prevents mowing of flowers or plants in the beds.

The high-quality assembly, excellent quality of materials and high power of the Stihl FSE 81 electric trimmer received well-deserved praise from users. The equipment is unpretentious and durable. The disadvantages include the high price and the lack of a belt included.

3 Huter GET-1500SL

Favorable combination of price and power
A country: Germany (manufactured in China)
Average price: 4,420 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Electric trimmer from the German company Huter. The model has a high power of 1500 W and an affordable price. A flexible cable is used as a drive from the electric motor to the cutting reel gearbox. It also acts as a shock absorber when the knives collide with a hard obstacle. Operator safety is ensured by a protective cover. There is also a safety button on the main handle, which prevents accidental starting. An adjustable additional handle and shoulder strap allow you to customize the tool to suit your needs.


  • High power;
  • Good performance;
  • The price is lower than competitors.


  • The build quality is poor;
  • Uninformative instructions, many points of which are not at all related to the product.

Not a bad option for a summer house, especially if you need to mow large areas.

2 DDE EB1200RD

Reliability and manufacturability
A country: USA (manufactured in China)
Average price: RUB 5,081.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The American-made electric trimmer DDE EB1200RD is a serious tool in the fight against any weeds. Can handle even small bushes. This is facilitated by a powerful 1230 W electric motor with a reduction gearbox, increasing torque and increasing productivity. A damper bushing between the gearbox and the shaft going to the cutting head protects the engine from shock loads.

The soft start and braking unit extends service life and ensures safety during operation. And the safety key will eliminate the possibility of accidental starting. There are also two protective covers: small and large.

Semi-automatic cutting reel. To release the fishing line, you need to lightly hit it on a hard surface. The excess will be cut off using a special knife on the casing. Includes 3-bladed disc and fishing line with a diameter of 2.4 mm.

The additional rubber-coated handle is adjustable in two planes. The wide shoulder strap does not dig into the body. The halves of the collapsible rod are connected using a special stopper and secured with a coupling.


  • High performance;
  • High-quality materials and assembly;
  • Reliable, thoughtful design;
  • Convenient to use;
  • Much attention is paid to safety;
  • Good value for money.


  • When mowing with a fishing line, the grass gets packed under the reel; this is not the case with a disc;
  • Increased noise when working with the disk.

1 Makita UR3501

Better ergonomics
A country: Japan (made in China)
Average price: RUB 5,415.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Electric trimmer from a famous Japanese brand. With soft start function, makes work more convenient and safe. Easily cuts both young growth and tough shoots of perennial plants. Well-balanced weight distribution, comfortable handle and suspension system with shoulder strap. All this makes working with the tool very convenient. Moreover, with a length of 1550 cm, the device weighs only 4.3 kg. We can safely say that this is the best model in its class in terms of ease of use.


  • High-quality assembly;
  • Much attention is paid to operator safety;
  • Light weight;
  • Good balancing and ease of use.


  • There is no network cable lock.