Master class on making a laptop! Lapbook technology (lapbook. lapbook) and its application Lapbooks on various topics



teacher speech therapist

MBDOU "Combined kindergarten No. 135"

Nashchekina T.G.

What is a lapbook?

Lapbook – literally translated from English means “knee book” (lap – knees, book – book). This is a small homemade folder that a child can conveniently lay out on his lap and view all its contents at one time. But, despite its apparent simplicity, it contains all the necessary materials on the topic.

The laptop is a relatively new learning tool. Americans were the first to create lapbooks. A laptop is a folding book with pockets, doors, windows, tabs and movable parts, in which materials on one topic are placed. This is a great way to reinforce a certain topic with schoolchildren and preschoolers, comprehend the contents of the book, and conduct research work, during which the child participates in searching, analyzing and sorting information.

A laptop usually looks like an interactive book, the information in which is presented in the form of windows that open, leaves that can be pulled out and unfolded, and other funny details. On the one hand, they are designed to attract the child’s interest in the folder itself. On the other hand, this is a great way to present all available information in a compact form.

  • Why do you need a laptop?
  • Lapbook – activates in children interest to cognitive activity;
  • An opportunity arises manifest myself every child!
  • Helps children understand and remember information better (especially if the child is visual)
  • Lapbook - allows save assembled material;
  • It's simple interesting and creative activity !

The laptop meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education for a subject-development environment: it is informative; multifunctional: promotes the development of creativity and imagination. Suitable for use by a group of children at the same time (including with the participation of an adult as a playing partner); has didactic properties; is a means of artistic and aesthetic development of the child, introduces him to the world of art; variable (there are several options for using each part); its structure and content are accessible to preschool children; provides playful, educational, research and creative activity for all pupils.

Development algorithm:

  • Choose a laptop theme

The topic can be absolutely anything. For example: any lexical topic, automation of speech sounds, etc.

Development algorithm:

2. Make a plan of subtopics to cover the topic


The plan for our “Sound and Letter” lapbook looks like this:

  • Sound and letter
  • Poems starting with the letter
  • Scheme
  • Images
  • Sound people
  • Scheme
  • What does the letter look like?
  • Hatching
  • Make up a syllable, a word...

Development algorithm:

3. Make a laptop layout

4. Collecting materials for a laptop

5. Lapbook design

What you need to make a lapbook

To create a lapbook you will need the following materials:

  • cardboard base folder (you can buy it ready-made, or you can make it yourself)
  • plain paper
  • colored printer paper
  • scissors
  • glue stick
  • stapler
  • colored pencils, felt-tip pens, multi-colored pens
  • scotch.

We cut out the parts and glue everything in place. And after that we begin the lesson with the child.

Layout. The next stage of work, in my opinion, is the most interesting. Now we need to figure out how each of the points of the plan will be presented in the lapbook. There are no limits to imagination here: presentation forms can be any, from the simplest – textual, to games and educational tasks. All these templates are placed in different elements: pockets, notebooks, mini-books, accordion books, rotating circles, envelopes of various shapes, cards, fold-out pages, etc. Then, a plan for placing objects is drawn on an A4 sheet folded into in the form of a laptop. This is done in order to make it easier to understand how to arrange all the elements.

How to make a folder?

1. Reworking ready-made folders.

Most often, I use ready-made cardboard folders (for example, from sets of colored paper or cardboard). Their advantage is that the side folds are stamped in a special way so that they are very easy to bend and unbend. The disadvantage of these folders is that often one of their sides is glossy and it is difficult to glue sheets of paper onto it.

To convert such a folder into a laptop, you need to do the following. Cut one of the covers in half lengthwise. And glue the half that was not attached to the opposite side of the folder. It’s difficult to explain in words, but you just have to look at the photo and everything will become clear.

2. A folder of two sheets of A4 cardboard.

The most affordable option is to glue a laptop folder from ordinary sheets of cardboard, which are sold in creativity kits.

One sheet will be the middle part of the folder, and the second should be cut in half in height - these will be the folds of the folder. They need to be glued on the sides to the first sheet using strips of paper.

3. Folder made of A3 cardboard.

In stationery stores you can buy not only ordinary sheets of cardboard individually, but also large-format sheets of cardboard. A3 will suit us.

To make a laptop folder from this sheet, simply bend its opposite edges towards the middle. What could be simpler? Additionally, I also make a double fold line so that the folder has a slight “thickness” when closed.

I usually allow 0.5 cm on each side for this.

Whichever of these options you use does not matter. After all, then the folder is still covered inside and outside. Therefore, choose which option is easier for you to do.

Stencils, pockets, folding books.

The final stage of our work will be placing all the parts in their places. It is absolutely not necessary (and even not at all desirable) to complete all the tasks included in the laptop at one time or in one day. Many of them are designed for long-term work, studying additional information and conducting their own research. After all, a lapbook is not just a toy book, it is a way to design an independent research project, so it’s not enough to just glue a folder together, you need to study using it.



What does it look like



Where did he hide?


Sound people


From the above we can conclude that the laptop: 1. Helps the child organize information on the topic being studied at will and better understand and remember the material (especially if the child is visual). 2. This is a great way to review what you have learned. At any convenient time, the child simply opens the laptop and happily recalls the material covered, looking at the book he made with his own hands. 3. Teaches the child to independently collect and organize information (in the future, good preparation for writing essays and reports). 4. Well suited for classes in groups where children of different ages study at the same time. You can choose tasks that everyone can do (for kids - pockets with cards or animal figures; and for older children - tasks that require the ability to write, etc.) 5. It is one of the types of joint activities between an adult and children. Or it can also be a form of presenting the results of a project or a thematic week.

Thank you

for your attention!

Today we will talk about how to make a labpuk with your own hands and why it is so important. I will also share with you my planner, which I always use when I make lapbooks, and tell you step by step what needs to be done.

Having once made a lapbook on their own using a template, children, as a rule, are inspired and want to make another one. But on its own topic.

And this is good. This means that everything is going right. This means that you have interested your child in lapbooking. Half the battle is done. Now the most important thing begins...

You need to learn how to create lapbooks on your child’s favorite topic. When children are passionate about something, they do it with pleasure! And, in this case, they can learn absolutely anything.

It is critically important to make lapbooks that will be of interest to the child. For the child, not for you! This is the basic principle. Unless, of course, you want to not just play, but use lapbooking for its immediate purpose - for learning.

A laptop is a simple and very interesting way of learning: children love these mini-books, pockets, windows where they can look, touch, move elements...

Essentially, a lapbook creates spaces for interactivity. But it must be remembered that it does not create the interaction itself - it creates the space! If the space is not interesting to the child, interaction will not happen. It is obvious.

The topic of lapbooks in Russia is not yet very popular and it is often difficult to find a lapbook on the topic that you need. Therefore, it is very useful to be able to make laptops with your own hands.

If your child likes the theme of dinosaurs, then you definitely need to make a lapbook on this topic, and not just whatever comes to mind. This is the basic rule of learning using lapbooking.

The main problem that parents face when creating lapbooks is fear!

Fear that they won’t succeed... Fear that a lapbook is something very, very difficult...

In fact, if you stick to the plan, you can even make a lapbook in one day. As they say, “the eyes are afraid, but the hands do!”

I will share with you my plan, which I developed back when I was studying lapbooking in the USA, specifically for creating a lapbook with my own hands. If you make lapbooks using this plan, you will see that there is nothing difficult about it.

So, the plan...

  1. Subject.

At the very beginning of the work, you need to decide on the topic of the future laptop and come up with a name for it.

Moreover, the topic and title may differ!

For example, if you want to study the topic “house,” then it is better to choose something intriguing. Let's say, “a magical house for a princess!” Or something like that. This way we can immediately arouse the child’s interest and attract his attention.

Let me remind you again: it is extremely important that the topic of your lapbook is interesting to the person for whom you are making it!

Any parent always knows what interests his child. And teachers and educators can conduct a survey among children. You can learn more about how to choose the right theme in the article “Themes for Lapbooks.”

Remember: an incorrectly chosen topic can completely discourage a child from making a lapbook.

  1. Subtopics.

The next step is to write down all the subtopics that you would like to include in the lapbook.

Let's look at it with an example.

Let's say you want to create a lapbook with the theme "farm". What subtopics can be included there?

Animals on the farm, their babies, plants in the garden, berries, fruits, vegetables and so on.

Be sure to consider the gender of the child. Let's say, for a boy it would be good to consider transport: a tractor, a combine harvester and the like...

You need to brainstorm: sit down and write down on a piece of paper all the subtopics that may relate to the topic under consideration.

  1. Sources related to subtopics.

These can be songs, books, poems, fairy tales, cartoons, in a word, absolutely anything. Everything related to the material of your future laptop.

It will also be good to use board games: you can read more about this in the article “Board games for a laptop.”

It is very good to use video clips. It will be useful to create a folder on your computer and collect all the material there.

If possible, you can go to the library with your child and choose books on the topics you have studied.

  1. Cover.

The cover can be of different types: regular, double, curly... You definitely need to decide what the cover of the lapbook will look like - this will help a lot.

It happens that you start with a regular cover, and in the process of creation you add more and more new elements. And gradually, step by step, the cover grows and increases in size.

We discuss the cover topic in more detail in the article “Lapbook Covers.”

  1. Lapbook templates.

You can use ready-made templates for your laptop. You can create them yourself. You can take empty templates and enter what you need.

If you are creating a lapbook with your child, then it is better to prepare the template in advance and put it on the table so that you can see it and use it as needed.

You can watch how to make templates for a lapbook yourself on our YouTube channel.

  1. Images.

You need to select pictures - this is a very important part!

Lapbooks are mostly pictures: there are very few words and little text. But there are a lot of pictures there :)

It is the pictures that attract children; visualization of the material that needs to be learned.

The textbooks contain a lot of theory, they are ugly and do not promote imaginative thinking, which is so developed in children. They have a lot of text that looks boring and uninteresting. Therefore, textbooks do not inspire children. And that is precisely why they are inspired by laptops - they have a lot of pictures.

Remember: pictures are very important!

You can download them on the Internet, you can draw them with your own hands, you can use stencils...

  1. Filling out templates.

Now we just have to fill out the templates.

That is, we take pictures and paste them into templates. We take the material and insert it into a ready-made template.

After this, all that remains is to simply put the template itself into the cover - and we get a ready-made lapbook.

It’s so simple, really :)

I hope that after this step-by-step plan, lapbooking has stopped scaring you and now you will make a lapbook with your own hands for your child.

And finally: to help you, I have developed a planner that will help you make your future masterpieces. You can download it from the link below.

Don’t forget to watch the video instructions on how to fill it out :)

Good luck with your lapbooking!

© Sincerely yours, Anastasia Rykova

A laptop for preschoolers is an amazing and very useful guide that has gained popularity in our country relatively recently. What’s especially nice is that you can (and should) make such an educational game with your own hands. What does a lapbook look like and what is it?

with individual character

A laptop is an educational folder dedicated to a specific topic. This manual is prepared at home and always with the help of a child. The secret of a lapbook is in its design: it is appropriate to use a variety of pockets, additional spreads, “windows” and other interesting design options. A laptop for preschoolers can contain not only a summary of basic knowledge on a chosen topic, but also additional logical and creative tasks. This “game” is perfect for viewing alone or studying with children. And what’s most important is that making a lapbook is not at all difficult, and this process will definitely captivate the whole family and give only positive emotions.

Materials and tools

The most convenient way to make lapbooks is from cardboard ones. But if you don’t have one on hand, you can choose a regular sheet of cardboard as a base. As for the interior design, there are two options: either you draw and glue everything by hand, or you cut out printouts made on a printer. Each of these options is good in its own way, in the first case the scope for imagination is unlimited, in the second you can complete all the work much faster. How to make a laptop for preschoolers using a computer and a printer? Templates can be prepared in any graphics program. We present to your attention a ready-made sample that you can also use in your work. And yet, if the child is large enough and independent, it is much more interesting to make lapbooks with your own hands, using only colored paper, cardboard and various decorative elements. And don’t be afraid to do something crookedly or not carefully enough; children, as a rule, do not pay attention to such little things and value handwork much more than adults, regardless of its quality.

Choosing a topic for a visual aid

Are your creative materials ready and waiting in the wings? Great, it's time to decide what topic your first development folder will be devoted to. The advantage of this is that it can be devoted to absolutely any topic. You can collect in one folder a short summary about the flora and fauna of a forest or meadow, or dedicate such a visual summary to a specific profession. You can also make a lapbook based on fairy tales for preschoolers, about a specific animal or object. The possibilities of educational folders are almost limitless, make such a guide about the types of structure of the Universe, the history of the state.

Lapbook for preschoolers: master class with step-by-step instructions

Take a cardboard folder and cover its inner parts with colored paper or cardboard. Now is the time to start preparing the content for our laptop. It would be very good if there were general data inside in the form of a brief summary on the topic being studied, and assignments for independent work. For example, if you are making a lapbook on traffic rules for preschoolers, make cards with the most important rules and place them in a separate pocket. Prepare separate assignments - riddles on the chosen topic, some not too difficult tasks. The most convenient way is to place the cards in pockets glued to the base. You can also use other design options - fold a rectangular sheet like an accordion, make envelopes with opening windows, use bulky double-sided tape to highlight individual elements. Don’t forget to decorate the cover - you can glue a beautiful printout on it on the chosen topic, draw a picture or make an applique, and for kids who already know how to read, an “adult” book cover with a title is also suitable.

Examples of filling

When you open a standard cardboard folder, you get two or three A4 sheets to fill. What kind of educational material should be placed on them? A laptop allows you to collect in one manual a wide variety of educational activities for preschoolers. For inspiration, you can look at board games and workbooks that your child already has. Depending on his age, these may be tasks such as “make a pair of two cards,” puzzles, elements for coloring, counting material, “find the differences.” Don’t forget about logic problems and riddles - offer your child short stories or rhymes, after listening to which you will need to give the correct answer. A laptop for preschoolers is also a colorful outline. Organize basic information on the chosen topic using diagrams and pictures, lists and signs.

Design secrets

Many mothers doubt whether it is worth involving their child in working on a laptop or is it better to give him a ready-made folder as a surprise gift? It's up to you to decide, but as practice shows, absolutely all children love to make crafts using various techniques. And yes, even if the finished manual may not look ideal, its goal is to teach the child something new and captivate him for a long time. Therefore, if possible, be sure to make a lapbook not only for the child, but also with him. An interesting idea for those who decide to use printouts from a printer: choose black and white outline drawings that your daughter or son will color on their own. Try using various techniques to decorate your useful craft - let the lapbook be decorated with both applique and drawings. You can also glue not too voluminous decor inside, for example, fabric figures, flat buttons or sparkles.

How to work with a laptop?

It is recommended to dry the fully completed educational folder for 24 hours, after which you can start practicing with it. A laptop for preschoolers is not only incredibly useful and interesting, but also universal. With such a folder, a child can study alone or with friends/siblings. You can simply examine the contents of the folder, revealing all the pockets and hidden pages, or you can complete all the tasks and repeat the given facts. And the best part is that a lapbook for preschoolers, made with your own hands, is truly individual; on its pages you can take into account and reflect all the interests of your own child. Considering the low cost of the craft and the speed of its production, try creating a home collection of educational folders about everything in the world, and in the future your child will definitely amaze you with his versatility and flexibility of thinking.

Lapbookor whatever they call itinteractive thematic folderis a homemade paper book with pockets, doors, windows, and movable parts that a child can take out, rearrange, and fold at his own discretion. It collects material on a specific topic. At the same time, a lapbook is not just a craft. This is the final stage of independent research work that the child has done while studying this topic. To fill out this folder, the child will need to complete certain tasks, make observations, and study the material presented.
Creating a lapbook will help consolidate and systematize the material studied, and looking at the folder in the future will allow you to quickly refresh your memory of the topics covered.

Form of classes: Lapbooks can be made individually or in a group lesson. When working with a group of children, two options are possible: either the teacher distributes tasks among the students, and together they collect and fill out one folder. Or the teacher shows a master class, and with his help the children make each of their own copies of the folder.

The size of the finished laptop is standard de facto around the world.- A4 folder folded and A3 folder open.
This size is ideal for a child to be able to work with a lapbook independently: hold it in their hands, write and complete tasks in it, and after class put the folder on a shelf or put it in a briefcase.


Many readers ask how you can make a lapbook yourself (what is it and examples of my lapbooks can be seen on a separate page of my blog “Lapbooks”). Where to begin? How to design all the details of a folder - windows, pockets, envelopes? How to make a template with your own hands? In today's master class, I decided to give answers to these questions and show how I make my lapbooks using the example of a recent lapbook project for September 1st.

Lapbook theme
The theme for the folder can be absolutely anything. As is its complexity. But from my own experience, I can say that the best results are laptops on specific rather than general topics. For example, you can make a general lapbook on the topic “Insects”. But it will turn out to be very overview - it is unlikely that you will be able to fully reflect this diverse topic in the limited space of the folder. You will get a book with the most well-known facts. This is good for very young children, for whom these facts are new. But for older children (however, full-fledged activities with lapbooks are possible somewhere from the age of 5 years), such a lapbook will be of little use. But if you take a specific insect and provide detailed information about it in a laptop, it will be much more productive.
On the other hand, I made a review lapbook on the very general topic of “Ecology,” because this topic is completely new for a preschool child, and the lapbook was intended to only superficially introduce him to this science, the details of which he will learn later.

Once you have chosen a topic, you need to take paper and pen and write an outline. After all, a lapbook is not just a book with pictures. This is a tutorial. Therefore, you need to think about what it should include in order to fully cover the topic. And for this you need a plan of what you want to tell in this folder.
For example, here is my plan for a laptop by September 1st:
1. Introduce the child to school concepts: terminology, titles and names.
2. Introduce the child to the rules of school life (discipline, etc.).
3. Talk about a safe route from home to school.
4. A student’s portfolio - what is needed and for what, and what is not needed: sorting.
5. Provide material on the celebration of September 1 and the organization of the educational process in other countries of the world.
6. Give an idea of ​​what awaits you in the first lessons at school using sample textbooks (for interest - old ones, from the childhood of fathers and mothers).
7. For the development of speech - proverbs.
8. To support interest - a waiting calendar for September 1st.

The next stage is the most interesting:) Now we need to figure out how each of the points of the plan will be presented in the lapbook. That is, draw a layout. There are no limits to imagination here: presentation can take any form. From the simplest - text, to games and educational tasks. And place all this on different elements: in pockets, notebooks, mini-books, accordion books, rotating circles, envelopes of various shapes, cards, fold-out pages, etc. and so on.
Then I draw all this on a draft: an A4 sheet folded in the form of a laptop. This will make it easier to understand how to arrange all the elements later.

Here I will give a photo of the laptop elements that I use myself, combining them in different ways in different folders.


Curly pockets

Regular envelopes

Curly envelopes

Spinning circles

Simple books

Accordion book

Notebook cut

Notebook with pages of different lengths

Leaf folded in half

Leaf folded four times

Strip folded several times

Create a template
Now all that’s left to do is make a life-size folder template in accordance with the layout. Since I have experience as a designer, I make my templates on the computer - it’s easier for me to draw all sorts of squares there :)
By the way, the most frequently asked question is: “What computer program do you use to draw laptop templates?” In response, I will show it here. This is an automated design system "Compass-3D". In the picture below you can see what her workspace looks like.
But if you don’t have any computer technology, this is not a hindrance to creating a lapbook. In fact, drawing a drawing by hand is even more convenient - there is less chance of making mistakes and not taking something into account. And if you are not going to replicate your laptops, then you do not need any additional program. What is needed?

What you need to make a lapbook

To create a lapbook you will need the following materials:

  • Cardboard base folder. You can buy it ready-made (it is sold in some places), or you can make it yourself. I described a master class on making it here: “How to make a folder for a laptop. Three options.”
  • Plain paper. I like to use colored printer paper in my lapbooks, but just white sheets, if well designed and colored, look very nice.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue stick for paper (I love it more than PVA).
  • Stapler.
  • Scotch.

We cut out the parts and glue everything in place. And after that we begin classes with the child.
This is the lapbook I ended up with:

By the way, it is completely optional (and even completely undesirable) to complete all the tasks included in the lapbook at one time or in one day. Many of them are designed for long-term work, studying additional information and conducting their own research. After all, a lapbook is not just a toy book. This is a way to design an independent research project. Therefore, it is not enough to simply glue the folder together. You need to work on it.

Here you can see (and even purchase) the templates of all my lapbooks: "Lapbooks". Come in, watch, get inspired and create your own!

​Project “LAPBUK” as a modern means of teaching for preschool age.

“It’s a miracle - I open the folder, I remember everything I know.” “Zimushka-winter”

Description: This publication will be useful to preschool teachers.

The problem of forming the cognitive activity of preschool children is very relevant in our time. Research shows a significant decline in children's cognitive activity. Children have an insufficiently developed need for independent knowledge of the surrounding reality. By focusing on the child’s conscious search activity and productive thinking, purposefully directing them to achieve certain cognitive tasks, it is possible to achieve the expected positive results in any type of activity.

Developmental pedagogy, based on the requirements of the federal state educational standard for preschool education, has significantly changed the approach to organizing educational activities in preschool educational organizations. Today, the state has set the task of preparing a completely new generation: active, inquisitive. A modern child needs not so much to know a lot, but to think consistently and convincingly, and to show mental effort. The content and methods of teaching preschoolers are aimed at developing attention, memory, creative imagination, developing the ability to compare, highlight the characteristic properties of objects, generalize according to a certain criterion, and receive satisfaction from the solution found. When a child acts with objects himself, he understands the world around him better, so priority in working with children should be given to practical teaching methods.

In this regard, we teachers are faced with the task of finding new non-standard forms of interaction with students. Traditional education is being replaced by productive learning, which is aimed at developing creative abilities and developing interest in creative activities in preschoolers.

Project object: Modern means of teaching preschool children.

Project subject: Using LAPBUK in the process of teaching preschool children.

Relevance This topic is that a LAPBUK is an excellent way to consolidate and repeat materials from a project or thematic week.

Hypothesis: It can be assumed that increasing the cognitive activity of preschool children is possible if the following conditions are met: the systematic use of LAPBUK in educational activities, free access to LAPBUK for children, the formation of a stable interest in preschoolers for the creation and use of LAPBUK.

Objective of the project:

Studying the possibilities of using LAPBOOK as a means of teaching preschool children.

To achieve this goal it is necessary to decide the following tasks:

  1. Study scientific and methodological literature and other information sources on the topic of the project.
  2. Expand the concept of a learning tool for preschool children.
  3. Creation of a LAPBUK in kindergarten, practical application in teaching activities.

“What is a LAPBUK?”

One of the promising methods that help solve this problem, which I began to study and apply in my work, is a new form of working with children - “LEPBOOK”.

"LAPBUK" is a relatively new phenomenon of modern reality. Literally translated from English (lapbook) means “knee book” (lap - knees, book - book). Currently, it is widely used in kindergartens and schools in America. “LAPBUK” is a thematic folder, a folding book, in which materials are collected on one specific topic. On the pages of the folder there are various pockets, windows, mini-folding books, accordions, and pull-out elements containing didactic material.

"LEPBOOK" is a universal manual that can be the result of project-based and independent activities, a thematic week provided for by the main educational program of a preschool educational organization. Can be used in the implementation of any of the educational areas, ensuring their integration.

By combining teaching and upbringing into a holistic educational process, LEPBUK allows the teacher to build activities based on the individual characteristics of each child. The use of "LAPBUK" ensures equality of opportunity and the full development of every child.

The educational function of the "LAPBUK" is that it can be made with children and their parents.

The folder should be colorful and aesthetically designed, all components should be convenient and understandable for a child to use independently. Working with a “LAPBUK” is an excellent way to reinforce a specific topic with children, allows them to comprehend the content, as well as conduct research work, during which the child participates in searching, analyzing and sorting information.

Thus, we can say that LAPBUK is a collective image of a poster, book and handouts, which is aimed at developing creative potential in pupils, children's initiative, which teaches them to think and act within a given topic, expanding not only their horizons, but also developing skills and skills necessary to overcome difficulties and solve the problem. One of the advantages of this work is the fact that the work on creating a LAPBUK can be either individual, paired or group.

"LAPBUK" as a form of work is attractive because:

  1. Creating a "LAP BOOK" develops children's creative abilities and their imagination.
  2. "LAPBUK" helps the child to organize information on the topic being studied at will, as well as to better understand and remember the material covered.
  3. "LAPBUK" is well suited for classes in groups of different ages. You can choose tasks whose difficulty is adjusted according to age.
  4. This is a great way to review what you've learned. At any time, the child simply opens a “LAPBUK” on the desired topic and repeats the material.

Stage of creating a “LAP BOOK”:

  1. Selecting a topic.
  2. Drawing up a plan for the future “LAPBUK” - it is necessary to decide on the elements and subtopics.
  3. Drawing the layout. – this is necessary for further registration of the “LAP BOOK”
  4. Decor.

How to make a LAPTOP?

Everything is suitable for working on a LAPTOP: colored paper, colored printer paper, both cut-out and self-drawn pictures, handwritten and printed texts.

This requires imagination and a variety of materials.

So, to make a LAPTOP we need some kind of thick material or cardboard.

You need to take a sheet of cardboard, bend it into several parts, give it the shape of a book or a cabinet, and the doors can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical. If necessary, cover with paper or self-adhesive film.

Make different pockets of different shapes and sizes.

Each pocket contains a game or a set of materials on the topic

Make games aimed at developing cognitive interests depending on the topic of the LAPBUK.


Topic: “Winter-winter”.

I present to your attention my laptop on the topic: “Zimushka - winter”. This is not just a picture book. This is a tutorial. This is an interactive folder that has a lot of advantages. LAPBOOK translated from English. means “Knee book” LAP - knees, BOOK - book.

This is a homemade folder that a child can lay out on his lap.

The LAPBUK helps to consolidate and systematize the material studied, and reviewing the LAPBUK in the future will allow you to quickly refresh your memory of the material covered.

TARGET: Creating a folder consists of

  • Reinforce the signs of the season with children.
  • To consolidate children's knowledge on the topic of the week in accordance with the educational program of the kindergarten and the teacher's work programs.
  • Expand and consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals, birds, and how they prepare for the winter.
  • Promote the development of memory and thinking through games and exercises.
  • To develop the ability to see and feel the beauty of nature, admire it, and the desire to preserve it.
  • Develop fine motor skills.
  • Cultivate love for the world around us.
  • It is individual, paired and group in nature when working with children, designed for children of the second youngest group.

My “LAPBUK” included the following elements:

  • Nature calendar, signs of winter, winter signs;
  • An envelope with the image of “migratory birds”, “what to treat birds in winter?”, “What animals hibernate?”;
  • Envelope “Winter clothes”.
  • Envelopes: “Winter poems”, “proverbs and sayings”, “riddles about winter”, “rhymes”.
  • Didactic games: “Whose footprints?”, “Whose tail?”, “find the shadow”, “Collect a picture”, “Find the same one”.
  • Envelope with pictures: “Winter fun”, “Paintings by artists about winter”.
  • Pocket with finger games about winter, winter sports. Pocket with outdoor games - winter theme.

After manufacturing all the elements, a layout was created, and a decision was made on the location of all parts of the “LAPBUK”.

My flip book contained a lot of information in a very attractive and interesting way. But everyone can do it in their own way, and most importantly, together with the children. Children treat the creative product very carefully and show interest.

Such an unusual presentation of the material will certainly attract the child’s attention, and he will return to this folder again to look through it, play with it, and at the same time, unnoticed by himself, repeat the material he has covered.

Here's what I got!