Design of lighting for industrial premises. Design of electrical lighting for a production facility Lighting design for a production facility

January 22, 2018

According to the law, industrial lighting must comply with uniform standards. They are regulated in GOST, SNiP, SanPiN, SP, PUE, and industry regulations. With such an abundance of documents, only professional design of industrial lighting makes it possible to obtain a lighting system that corresponds to the purpose and characteristics of the facility.

First of all, in any industrial premises it is necessary to implement two types of lighting: working (general and local) and emergency - backup and evacuation. It is also necessary to fulfill quality requirements, such as light without pulsation, good visibility at workplaces, and the absence of blinding and shadowed areas in the field of view of personnel.

The intensity of illumination is determined by the level of visual work. There are eight such categories and they are divided depending on the size of the objects of discrimination. For example, category I involves working with objects smaller than 0.15 mm, and category VIII involves simple observation of the production process. According to this classification, for categories VI-VIII of visual work, only general lighting is permissible; in other cases, additional local light sources are required.

Separate requirements are imposed on the characteristics of lamps, their locations, and connection methods. When designing a project, the nuances are taken into account and the optimal lighting and electrical solutions are selected. The result is an efficient and reliable system with low power consumption.

Industrial lighting design: stages

  • Preparation of project documentation— solutions are selected based on calculations and comparison of lighting options, electrical and control equipment, cable routing methods, and locations of lighting fixtures.
  • Preparation of working documentation— creation of text materials and graphic images based on approved engineering solutions, on the basis of which elements of the lighting system will be installed.
The design process includes a complex of works. Only full site surveys and calculations make it possible to bring the future lighting system to current standards and approve the project in regulatory authorities.

Studying the object

When designing lighting for industrial enterprises, the characteristics of the facility are taken into account. Inspection of the premises, building and surrounding area allows you to select the optimal methods for laying cable lines, types of lamps and their locations. At this stage, information is collected about the purpose and geometric parameters of all illuminated rooms, the materials of the partitions are determined, and the presence or absence of suspended ceilings and false floors is determined.

Lighting selection

At an industrial facility, four types of lighting can be implemented, each of which has requirements for localization and light parameters:
  • working- all production workshops, warehouses and utility rooms, open spaces for the passage of people and traffic. The main requirement is that the illumination level corresponds to the nature of the visual work;
  • emergency- an alternative in case of switching off the working lighting. Requirements include independent power supply, illumination level in accordance with the purpose of the lighting system;
  • duty— corridors, lobbies, entrance areas, security posts. There are no special requirements for the quality and level of illumination, since the main task is acceptable visibility for observation and walking around during non-working hours;
  • security- perimeter of the territory, facade of the building. Illumination is standardized by the type of technical means of recording and tracking. If there are no video cameras, illumination of 0.5 lux is sufficient.
Emergency lighting is a must for production facilities. A backup system is needed in places where normal operation needs to continue, for example, in control rooms, at stations with pumping units.
Evacuation lighting allows you to complete work and leave the building safely. Used on escape routes, in large spaces to prevent panic and in potentially hazardous areas, such as workshops with moving machinery.

Lighting calculation

Standard illuminance values ​​vary depending on the purpose of the premises. When designing lighting for industrial enterprises, it is necessary to analyze all regulations and comply with the requirements specified in them. If there are discrepancies, you need to focus on the highest standard illumination parameters.

When calculating, it is important to take into account surface finishes in order to accurately select reflection coefficients. For example, painted white ceilings and walls have a coefficient of more than 80%, Armstrong-type suspended ceilings have a coefficient of 50-70%, and almost no light is reflected from Grilyato cellular panels. For convenience and accuracy, calculations can be carried out on a computer - programs like DIALux are available for free download.

Selection of lamps

Optimal lighting technology - energy-efficient devices with maximum luminous efficiency and a long service life. LED lamps meet these criteria. They operate uninterruptedly for up to 50 thousand hours, save up to 90% of electricity compared to incandescent lamps, are connected via cables with a maximum core cross-section, and free up additional power that can be used to connect other equipment. All this offsets the higher initial costs of purchasing equipment. As a rule, an LED lighting system pays for itself in 1.5-2 years. Designing lighting for industrial premises will allow you to accurately calculate the payback period.

Also, LED lamps outperform classic devices in terms of lighting quality. They provide flicker-free luminous flux (pulsation coefficient no more than 5%) and have a high color rendering index of 70Ra. Diffusers and secondary optics provide different CSS, which eliminates the glare effect. In addition, LED lamps can be used both under normal conditions and in refrigeration units and steel shops - there are models with a temperature range from -60 to +75°C.

Design of electrical wiring and lighting panels

Designing lighting for industrial premises includes the selection of cables for lighting networks, taking into account the specifics of the room. Certain facilities require equipment that meets increased fire safety requirements. To lay electrical wiring along the facade, it is necessary to provide protection in the form of steel boxes or galvanized metal pipes.

It is recommended to group lighting networks. You can create one group to illuminate several small rooms, select a separate group for a medium-sized space, or several groups for a large workshop. In the latter case, you can turn on the lamps only in a certain zone or every other one. Small groups should be made single-phase, long group lines should be made only three-phase.

As connection points, it is necessary to use individual electrical lighting panels powered from the main distribution board or from the building's input distribution device. Emergency and general lighting require different cabinets. They need to be located at a distance from each other: if a fire occurs in the working lighting panel, the flames will not damage the emergency lighting equipment.

It is necessary to provide backup circuit breakers inside the switchboards. Ratings are selected in accordance with the calculated currents. It is also important to choose a shield with a housing that will accommodate additional elements for upgrading the electrical installation.

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Design of electric lighting for production premises


1.1 Characteristics of the premises

1.2.2 Luminous flux utilization factor method

1.2.3 Chiseled method

1.3 Lighting calculation

1.4 summary electrical specification


2.1 Calculation of electrical wiring and protective equipment





Lighting engineering is a field of science and technology, the subject of which is the study of the principles and development of methods for generating, spatial redistribution and measurement of the characteristics of optical radiation, as well as the conversion of its energy into other types of energy and use for various purposes.

Modern human society is unthinkable without the widespread use of light. Lighting installations create the necessary lighting conditions that provide visual perception, which provides about 90% of the information a person receives from the world around him. Light creates normal conditions for work and study, improves our life.

The effective use of light with the help of the achievements of modern lighting technology is the most important reserve for increasing labor productivity and product quality, reducing injuries and preserving people's health.

Fatigue of the visual organs depends on the degree of intensity of the processes accompanying visual perception.

The main task of lighting in industrial premises is to provide optimal conditions for vision. This problem is solved by choosing the most rational lighting system and light sources.


1.1 Characteristics of the premises

There is a telephone exchange in the premises

The total area of ​​the production facility is 120 m2. Ceiling height - 3 m.

Reflection coefficients are: pn = 50%, pst =50%, pp.n. =30%

The room is divided into 4 rooms and a corridor:

1 - equipment room: S = 34 m² (Enorm = 200 lux)

2 - CROSS: S = 60 mI (Enorm = 300 lux)

3 - engineer’s office (working with a computer): S = 15 mI (Enorm = 200 lux)

4 - service room: S = 2.4 m² (Enorm = 30 lux)

Illumination is indicated in accordance with SNiP 23-05-95.

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Rice. 1. General plan of the production premises.

1.2 Calculation of room lighting CROSS

1.2.1 Power density method

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Rice. 2. Plan for installing lamps in the CROSS room

1. Select 6 APS/R 4x36W type lamps built into the suspended ceiling and place them as shown in Fig. 2.

H - room height,

at Enorm = 300 lux, h = 2.2 m, S = 60 m².

Ore = 15 W/mI.

where n is the number of lamps.

0.9·37.5 ? 36? 1.2·37.5; 33.75? 36? 45 - the condition is met.

6. Total installed power of lamps P = n· Rl.n. = 24·36 = 864 W.

1.2.2. Using the luminous flux utilization factor method 1. Determine the design height:

hras = H - hp.n.- hcv = 3.0-0.8-0 = 2.2 m.,

where: H is the height of the room,

hp.n - lifting height of the working surface,

hcv is the hanging length of the lamp.

3. Using the table, we find the utilization factor for the APS/R 4x36W lamp.

At pn = 50%, pst = 50%, pp.n. =30%, i =1.7

4. Determine the number of PHILIPS TLґD Standard 36W lamps required to ensure normal illumination Enorm = 300 lux.

Actual illumination:

Since there are 4 lamps installed in one lamp, we accept 20 lamps.

300 = 324 lux

1.08, which is acceptable (SNiP 23-05-95).

1.2.3 Chiseled method

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1. Select 6 APS/R 4x36W type lamps built into the suspended ceiling and place them as shown in Fig. 3.

2. Select point A whose illumination needs to be set. Illumination in t. A from linear luminous elements located parallel to the design plane:

Ia -- the average value of luminous intensity per unit length of the luminous part of the lamp in the direction at an angle b to the plane of the lamp's location;

g - the angle at which the luminous line is visible from the calculation point;

hр - the height of the luminous line above the illuminated surface.

Fl -- the total luminous flux of lamps in the lamp;

l -- line length.

Ia = =963.5 (Cd) - one lamp.

EA1 ==655(Lx) - illumination of the first row.

EA2 = 531(Lx) - illumination of the second row.

Where Kz is the safety factor,

m - reflected component.

Er = = 316(Lm)

3. We calculate the deviation of the actual illumination from the nominal:

What is acceptable (SNiP 23-05-95).

1.3 Calculation of lighting for other rooms

Equipment room using the specific power method, as it is recommended for preliminary determination of the lighting load at the initial design stage.

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Rice. 4. equipment room: S = 34 m² (Enorm = 200 lux)

1. First select 3 APS/R 4x36W type lamps built into the suspended ceiling and place them as shown in Fig. 4.

2. Determine the estimated height:

hras = H - hp.n.- hcv = 3.0 - 0.8 - 0 = 2.2 m, where:

H - room height,

hp.n - lifting height of the working surface,

hcv is the hanging length of the lamp.

3. Using the table (Appendix 1) we find the value of the specific power:

at Enorm = 200 lux, h = 2.2 m, S = 34 mI.

Ore = 12 W/mI.

4. Determine the estimated power of one lamp:

where n is the number of lamps.

5. We select a lamp from the catalog so that the following condition is met:

0.9·RL? Rl.n. ? 1.2·Rl. Choose - PHILIPS TLґD Standard 36 W.

0.9·34 ? 36? 1.2·34; 30.6? 36? 40.8 - the condition is met.

6. Total installed power of lamps P = n· Rl.n. = 12·36 = 432 W.

Engineer's office using the luminous flux utilization coefficient method.

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Rice. 5. Engineer’s office (working with a computer): S = 15 mI (Enorm = 200 lux)

1. Determine the estimated height:

hras = H - hp.n.- hcv = 3.0-0.8-0 = 2.2 m., where:

H - room height,

hp.n - lifting height of the working surface,

hcv is the hanging length of the lamp.

2. Determine the room index:

3. Using the table, we find the utilization factor for the APS/R lamp

At pn = 50%, pst = 50%, pp.n. =30%, i =0.84

4. Determine the number of PHILIPS TLґD Standard 36W lamps required to ensure normal illumination Enorm = 200 lux.

We find the luminous flux of the lamp from the table: Fl = 2850 lm.

We take the safety factor equal to 1.5.

The coefficient of uneven distribution of lighting is 1.15

Actual illumination:

200 = 198 lux

0.99, which is acceptable (SNiP 23-05-95).

We choose 2 lamps APS/R 2x36W.

Service room by power density method.

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Rice. 6. Service room, S = 2.4 m² (Enorm = 30 lux).

1. First select 1 lamp type APS/R 1x18W built into the suspended ceiling and place it as shown in Fig. 6.

2. Determine the estimated height:

hras = H - hp.n.- hcv = 3.0 - 0.8 - 0 = 2.2 m, where:

H - room height,

hp.n - lifting height of the working surface,

hcv is the hanging length of the lamp.

3. Using the table (Appendix 1) we find the value of the specific power:

at Enorm = 30 lux, h = 2.2 m, S = 2.4 mI.

Ore = 3 W/mI.

4. Determine the estimated power of one lamp:

; where n is the number of lamps.

5. Select a lamp - PHILIPS TLґD Standard 18W.

light electrical wiring automatic equipment

1.4 Summary lighting sheet


Height, m

Coef. reflect. Sveta

Type of lighting

Normal lighting E lk


Ud. Power W/mI

Equipment room

PHILIPS TLґD Standard 36W

PHILIPS TLґD Standard 36W

Engineer's office

PHILIPS TLґD Standard 36W

Service room

PHILIPS TLґD Standard 36W

CHAPTER 2. Electrical part

2.1 Calculation of electrical wiring

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Fig.7. Installation of lighting controls.

Group shield


APS/R lamp

Wire selection.

We select the brand and cross-section of the wire based on the calculated load current I race.

Iras = W/U*cos c, cos c = 0.9

1) - Equipment room:

Iras = 438/(220*0.9) =2.2 A

2) - CROSS:

Iras = 864/(220*0.9) =4.4 A

3) - Engineer's office:

Iras = 144/(220*0.9) =0.7 A

4) - Service room:

Iras = 18/(220*0.9) =0.09 A

Taking into account the requirements of the PUE and installation conditions, we choose wire VVG 3x1.5.

2.2 Selection of circuit breakers and input equipment

For each room we select a BA 47-29 1P circuit breaker, according to the rated thermal trip current: C 4; From 6.

We place automatic switches in a group panel of 12 groups (including sockets).

We select the input circuit breaker VA 47-29 3Р С 25.


As a result of the work, electric lighting was designed for several rooms.

One of the premises (CROSS) was calculated using three methods.

The calculation result showed that the specific power method is convenient for initial design, and the point method is convenient for accurate results.


1. Aizenberg Yu. B. Reference book on lighting engineering. 3rd ed. reworked And. add. - M.: Publishing house: “Znak”, 2006 - 972 pp.: ill.

2. Knorring G. M. Reference book for the design of electric lighting. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - St. Petersburg:

Publishing house: “Energoatomizdat”, 1992 - 448 pp.: ill.


Determination of the utilization factor based on the values ​​of reflection coefficients and room index

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Calculation of power loads.

Calculation of power load of three-phase consumers

Table 1 – Initial data

No. Machine type Power Pn, kW Number of n, pcs. K and
Lathes 0,2 0,65
Planing machines 0,2 0,65
Slotting machines 2,7 5,4 0,2 0,65
Milling machines 0,2 0,65
Drilling machines - 0,2 0,65
Carousel machines 0,2 0,65
Sharpening machines 0,2 0,65
Grinding machines 0,2 0,65
Fans 0,7 0,8
Crane beam: PV=40% 0,1 0,5


1 According to the formula P cm = and, i P n, i, we determine the average shift power for electric vehicles operating in the same mode and with the same k and.

Group 1 – turning, planing, slotting, milling, drilling, rotary, sharpening, grinding machines (k and =0.2; =0.65; =1.17);

Group 2 – fans (k and =0.7; cos =0.8; tg =0.75);

Group 3 – beam crane (k and =0.1; cos =0.5; tg𝜑=1.73).

1 gr. Р cm 1 = 0.2(12∙8+5∙4+5∙8+9∙8+2.7∙3+5.4∙2+6∙5+12∙8+5∙10+10∙ 6+30∙2+11∙2+15∙4+26∙3+31∙1)=146.78 kW.

2 gr. R cm 2 = 0.7(7∙2+10∙2)=23.8 kW.

3 gr. R cm 3 =0.1∙(10∙2+22∙4)=6.83 kW.

2 We determine the effective number of EPs by group depending on the ratio Р n, max / Р n, min.

1 gr. n ef = =47 pcs.

2 gr. because Р cm = Р р, then n eff is not determined.

3 gr. because R n, max /R n, min ≤3, then n eff =n=6 pcs.

3 we determine the calculated coefficient K p.

1 gr. n eff =47 pcs.; K p =1.0

3 gr. n ef = 6 pcs.; K p =2.64

4 according to the formula P r = K r cm determine the estimated active power

1 gr. Р р1 = 1.0∙146.78= 146.78 kW.

3 gr. R р2 = 6.83∙2.64=18.03 kW.

The active total load in the machine shop is:

R r∑mechanical shop =146.78+23.8+18.03=188.61 kW.

5 Determine the estimated reactive power Q p using the formula

At n eff ≤10 Qp=1.1∙P cm ∙tg𝜑 i

At n eff 10 Q p =P cm ∙tg𝜑 i

1 gr. Q p =146.78∙1.17=173.73 kvar.

2 gr. Q p =1.1∙23.8∙0.75=19.635 kvar.

3 gr. Q p =1.1∙6.83∙1.73=13 kvar.

The total reactive load in the machine shop is

Q p ∑mechanical shop =171.73+19.635+13=204.365 kvar.

6 We determine the total power using the formula S p =

S p ∑mechanical shop = = = = 278.1 kV∙A.

Calculation of lighting load

Determine the lighting load of the foundry

Given: S p =868 kV∙A.

R ud. =12.6 W/m2

The lighting is done with DRL lamps.

1 Determine the area of ​​the room using the formula

F room = = =2712.5 m 2

2 Determine R mouth.

R mouth =12.6∙2712.5=34.18 kW.

3 Determine P r, osv. , Q r.osv.

R r.osv. =0.95∙1.1∙34.18=35.72 kW.

Q r.osv. =35.72∙1.33=47.51 quar.

S p .dev. = = = =59.44 kV∙A.

Industrial premises lighting design

Utilization factor method

Design lighting for a machine shop with dimensions of 45×25×12 m, height of lamp suspension h c =1.2 m, height of working surface h p =0.8 m, which is made with DRL lamps in RSP 05/G03 lamps. Number of lamps – 45 pcs. Normalized illumination E n = 300 lux, safety factor Kzap - 1.5. The distance between the lamps in length is 5.85 m, in width – 5.5 m (the distance from the wall to the lamp in length is 2 m, in width – 1.5 m)


1 Determine the reflection coefficients from the ceiling, walls and working surface using the table.

Table 2 - Surface reflectance coefficients.

p p =0.3; р с =0.3; р р =0.1

2 Determine the room index using the formula:

where F is the area of ​​the room

h – design height

A, B – length and width of the room

h=H-h p -h c =12-0.8-1.2=10

3 According to the application for i=1.6 and coefficients p p =0.3; р с =0.3; р р =0.1 we determine the utilization factor η=0.65

4 Determine the luminous flux using the formula:

F r. = = = =19904 lm.

Where E n – normalized illumination

To zap – safety factor

Z – minimum illumination coefficient (Z=1.1 for LL, Z=1.5 for

LN and DRL).

N – number of lamps

Based on the value of F r, we select a DRL lamp with a power of 400 W. With luminous flux F nom. – 22000 lm. Since F r.<Ф ном. на 10,5%, согласно условиям задачи корректируем количество светильников до 40 шт.

F r. = = = =22392 lm.

Based on the value of F r, we select a DRL lamp with a power of 400 W. With luminous flux F nom. – 22000 lm.

F r >F nom. by 1.78%, which corresponds to the parameters.

Lighting of industrial premises should ensure safety, high productivity and comfort of workers. Its organization is a fairly responsible process, which is ensured with knowledge of the problem and taking into account sanitary standards. Poor lighting can cause accidents, which is especially important to understand when organizing your own production, office, workshop, store.

In this article:

The essence of the problem

When arranging your own production premises, the lighting design is an important part of the entire organizational complex. It must be developed professionally, taking into account mandatory technical and sanitary standards. Proper lighting in industrial premises solves the following main problems:

  • creating the necessary conditions for performing work;
  • security;
  • maintaining comfortable conditions for work and rest.

Taking this into account, lighting for industrial or office premises must meet the following basic requirements: reliability, safety, efficiency and economy. In general, when designing a lighting system, it is necessary to carry out qualitative and quantitative assessments.

The most important quantitative indicators are:

  1. Luminous flux, which characterizes the power of that part of the world that is perceived by the human organ. This characteristic is usually measured in lumens.
  2. Illumination. In principle, this indicator determines the distribution of luminous flux and is the result of its division by the area of ​​the illuminated surface. It is customary to evaluate the indicator in lux (Lx).
  3. The brightness of an object at its actual angle to the normal incidence of light. It is calculated by dividing the intensity of light, which is emitted precisely in the direction under consideration, by the amount of area obtained from its projection onto a plane located along the normal.

It is also necessary to take into account the quality indicators of lighting for industrial premises, including:

  1. The background or ability of a work surface to reflect light. The indicator is characterized by the reflection coefficient.
  2. The contrast of the subject in relation to the background. Determined by comparing the object and background.
  3. Blindness. An important indicator that reveals the glare of lighting equipment on human eyes.
  4. Visibility or the ability of the eye to detect an object under specific conditions. The indicator depends on the illumination, the size of the object, its brightness and contrast with the background, as well as the duration of the exposure.

Principles of organization

The lighting standards for premises are regulated by SNiP 23-05-95, taking into account the categories of visual work, background parameters, contrast of objects, duration of work, etc. Thus, to ensure activities with different required accuracy of results, the following lighting standards are established (taking into account natural lighting):

  • special accuracy - 2.5-5 kLx;
  • very high accuracy - 1-4 kLx;
  • increased accuracy - 0.4-2 kLx;
  • average accuracy - 0.4-0.75 kLx;
  • low accuracy - 0.3-0.4 kLx;
  • rough work - 0.2 kLx;
  • supervision of work - 20-150 Lx.

The level of illumination has a bad effect on a person, both when it is insufficient and when it is excessively intense. Excessively bright light, as well as light deficiency, leads to eye fatigue, a decrease in productivity and quality of the produced goods, and can reduce labor safety. It is very bad if a lighting device blinds a person. The same effect is caused by heterogeneity and unevenness of illumination, the presence of shaded areas, and excessive contrast of objects. If you work for a long time in a room with improper lighting, health problems may arise.

When designing a lighting system, it should be taken into account that the level of illumination is also affected by the arrangement of the room itself. So, if there are wall and ceiling coverings of dark shades, the standards increase by one step.

There should be no pronounced shine in the working area, i.e. bright reflected light. If there are glossy surfaces, it is necessary to shape the luminous flux accordingly.

The spectral light characteristic significantly affects the perception of objects and visual fatigue. It is recognized that natural light has the optimal spectrum, which means that to illuminate rooms, light bulbs should be selected that are close to natural. In addition, when organizing a lighting circuit, it is necessary to ensure fire and electrical safety, as well as aesthetic issues.

What is the lighting like?

Based on the nature of light, lighting in industrial buildings is divided into the following types:

  1. Natural. It is provided by direct or reflected rays of light from the celestial body and penetrates through window openings, ceiling light openings, glass walls or the ceiling. Natural lighting in a room can be directed from the side, from above, or a combination.
  2. Artificial. It is provided by lighting fixtures of various types.
  3. Combined or combined variety. If you feel that the natural option is insufficient, it is enhanced by artificial light devices. This system has become the most widespread so as not to depend on natural features.

Based on functionality, industrial lighting is divided into the following independent systems:

  1. Working. It provides the necessary illumination in all service and production premises or in areas where internal vehicles move. In different rooms, it is recommended to provide separate control of the power supply and the brightness of lighting equipment.
  2. Emergency. It is organized in such a way that in the event of an unexpected shutdown of the working lighting, light is provided in the most important areas. It can be used to evacuate personnel or to continue work during a continuous duty cycle, for illumination in vital areas.
  3. Security. As a rule, it has a low level of illumination and is used only to illuminate the boundaries of the territory. One of the options for signal lighting is to automatically turn on only when strangers enter.
  4. On duty. The system is turned on during non-working hours, and therefore is organized in an economical mode, i.e. with minimal illumination, which does not require the performance of critical work.
  5. General. It is organized in production workshops. The lamps are located at the top and evenly illuminate the entire room. A variation can be general localized lighting, which provides uniform light over any specific equipment.

What equipment can be used

Artificial lighting can be provided by several types of lighting devices:

  1. Incandescent lamps work on the principle of heating a tungsten filament until it glows. The main types of such devices are: vacuum, coiled, filled with gas or krypton. They are considered energy-consuming devices, and therefore are actively being replaced by modern designs. The spectrum of the lamps is yellow and reddish radiation.
  2. Halogen lamps. In them, the tungsten filament is located in a sealed flask filled with an inert gas. They have a longer service life and increased light output.
  3. Gas discharge and fluorescent lamps. The luminous flux is formed due to a discharge in a gaseous medium, which is maintained for a long time by a phosphor. There are low (fluorescent) and high (mercury DRL, etc.) pressure lamps.
  4. LED bulbs. They use so-called LED technology. The device consists of a semiconductor crystal in which electric current is transformed into light rays. Currently, LED lighting is recognized as the most energy-saving system.

Lighting in production premises must comply with current standards. An incorrect system significantly reduces labor productivity, compromises work safety and can affect human health.


Design of electric lighting for production premises



1 Characteristics of the premises

2 Calculation of room lighting CROSS

2.1 Power density method

2.2 Luminous flux utilization factor method

2.3 Chiseled method

3 Lighting calculation

4 summary electrical sheet


1 Calculation of electrical wiring and protective equipment

2 Selection of circuit breakers and input equipment





Lighting engineering is a field of science and technology, the subject of which is the study of the principles and development of methods for generating, spatial redistribution and measurement of the characteristics of optical radiation, as well as the conversion of its energy into other types of energy and use for various purposes.

Modern human society is unthinkable without the widespread use of light. Lighting installations create the necessary lighting conditions that provide visual perception, which provides about 90% of the information a person receives from the world around him. Light creates normal conditions for work and study, improves our life.

The effective use of light with the help of the achievements of modern lighting technology is the most important reserve for increasing labor productivity and product quality, reducing injuries and preserving people's health.

Fatigue of the visual organs depends on the degree of intensity of the processes accompanying visual perception.

The main task of lighting in industrial premises is to provide optimal conditions for vision. This problem is solved by choosing the most rational lighting system and light sources.


1 Characteristics of the premises

There is a telephone exchange in the premises

The total area of ​​the production facility is 120 m ². Ceiling height - 3 m.

Reflection coefficients are: pn = 50%, pst =50%, pp.n. =30%

The room is divided into 4 rooms and a corridor:

Equipment room: S = 34 m ² (Enorm = 200 lux)

CROSS: S = 60 m ² (Enorm = 300 lux)

Engineer's office (working with a computer): S = 15 m ² (Enorm = 200 lux)

Service room: S = 2.4 m ² (Enorm = 30 lux)

Illumination is indicated in accordance with SNiP 23-05-95.

Rice. 1. General plan of the production premises.

1.2 Calculation of room lighting CROSS

2.1 Power density method

Rice. 2. Plan for installing lamps in the CROSS room

We select 6 APS/R 4x36W type lamps built into the suspended ceiling and place them as shown in Fig. 2.

H - room height,

at Enorm = 300 lux, h = 2.2 m, S = 60 m ².

Rud = 15 W/m ².

where n is the number of lamps.

9·37.5 ≤ 36 ≤ 1.2·37.5; 33.75 ≤ 36 ≤ 45 - the condition is met.

Total installed power of lamps Р = n· Рл.н. = 24·36 = 864 W.

2.2. Using the luminous flux utilization factor method 1. Determine the design height:

hras = H - hp.n.- hcv = 3.0-0.8-0 = 2.2 m.,

where: H is the height of the room,

hp.n - lifting height of the working surface,

hcv is the hanging length of the lamp.

Using the table, we find the utilization factor for the APS/R 4x36W lamp.

At pn = 50%, pst = 50%, pp.n. =30%, i =1.7 = 0.59

We determine the number of PHILIPS TL´D Standard 36W lamps required to ensure normal illumination Enorm = 300 lux.

Actual illumination:

Since there are 4 lamps installed in one lamp, we accept 20 lamps.

300 = 324 lux

1.08, which is acceptable (SNiP 23-05-95).

2.3 Chiseled method

We select 6 APS/R 4x36W type lamps built into the suspended ceiling and place them as shown in Fig. 3.

Select point A whose illumination needs to be set. Illumination in t. A from linear luminous elements located parallel to the design plane:

EA = , where

Ia is the average value of luminous intensity per unit length of the luminous part of the lamp in the direction at an angle α to the plane of the lamp location;

γ is the angle at which the luminous line is visible from the calculation point;

hр - the height of the luminous line above the illuminated surface.

Ia = where

Fl is the total luminous flux of lamps in the lamp;

l - line length.

Ia = =963.5 (Cd) - one lamp.

EA1 ==655(Lx) - illumination of the first row.

EA2 = 531(Lx) - illumination of the second row.

Where Kz is the safety factor,

μ - reflected component.

Er = = 316(Lm)

We calculate the deviation of actual illumination from the nominal one:

What is acceptable (SNiP 23-05-95).

3 Calculation of lighting for other rooms

Equipment room using the specific power method, as it is recommended for preliminary determination of the lighting load at the initial design stage.

Rice. 4. equipment room: S = 34 m ² (Enorm = 200 lux)

We first select 3 APS/R 4x36W type lamps built into the suspended ceiling and place them as shown in Fig. 4.

Determine the estimated height:

hras = H - hp.n.- hcv = 3.0 - 0.8 - 0 = 2.2 m, where:

H - room height,

hp.n - lifting height of the working surface,

hcv is the hanging length of the lamp.

Using the table (Appendix 1) we find the specific power value:

at Enorm = 200 lux, h = 2.2 m, S = 34 m ².

Rud = 12 W/m ².

4. Determine the estimated power of one lamp:

where n is the number of lamps.

We select a lamp from the catalog so that the following condition is met:

9·Рл ≤ Рл.н. ≤ 1.2·Rl. We choose - PHILIPS TL´D Standard 36 W.

9·34 ≤ 36 ≤ 1.2·34; 30.6 ≤ 36 ≤ 40.8 - the condition is met.

Total installed power of lamps Р = n· Рл.н. = 12·36 = 432 W.

Engineer's office using the luminous flux utilization coefficient method.

Rice. 5. Engineer's office (working with a computer): S = 15 m ² (Enorm = 200 lux)

Determine the estimated height:

hras = H - hp.n.- hcv = 3.0-0.8-0 = 2.2 m., where:

H - room height,

hp.n - lifting height of the working surface,

hcv is the hanging length of the lamp.

Determine the room index:

Using the table, we find the utilization factor for the APS/R lamp

At pn = 50%, pst = 50%, pp.n. =30%, i =0.84 = 0.45

We determine the number of PHILIPS TL´D Standard 36W lamps required to ensure normal illumination Enorm = 200 lux.

We find the luminous flux of the lamp from the table: Fl = 2850 lm.

We take the safety factor equal to 1.5.

The coefficient of uneven distribution of lighting is 1.15

Actual illumination:

200 = 198 lux

0.99, which is acceptable (SNiP 23-05-95).

We choose 2 lamps APS/R 2x36W.

Service room by power density method.

Rice. 6. Service room, S = 2.4 m ² (Enorm = 30 lux).

We first select 1 lamp type APS/R 1x18W built into the suspended ceiling and place it as shown in Fig. 6.

Determine the estimated height:

hras = H - hp.n.- hcv = 3.0 - 0.8 - 0 = 2.2 m, where:

H - room height,

hp.n - lifting height of the working surface,

hcv is the hanging length of the lamp.

Using the table (Appendix 1) we find the specific power value:

at Enorm = 30 lux, h = 2.2 m, S = 2.4 m ².

Rud = 3 W/m ².

4. Determine the estimated power of one lamp:

; where n is the number of lamps.

5. Choose a lamp - PHILIPS TL´D Standard 18W.

light electrical wiring automatic equipment

1.4 Summary lighting sheet

RoomS, m ² Height, mCoef. reflect. lightType of lightingNormal lighting E lxLampLampUd. Power W/m ² pnpstrptypenumbertypenumberHardware room343.0505030General200APS/R 4x36W3 PHILIPS TL´D Standard 36W 1212CROSS603.0505030General300APS/R 4x36W6 PHILIPS TL´D Standard 36W 2415Engineer's office153.0505030General200APS/R 2x36W2 PHILIPS TL´D Standard 36W 412Service room2,43,0505030General30АPS/R 1x18W1 PHILIPS TL´D Standard 36W 13

CHAPTER 2. Electrical part

1 Calculation of electrical wiring

Fig.7. Installation of lighting controls.

Group shield


APS/R lamp

Wire selection.

We select the brand and cross-section of the wire based on the calculated load current I race.

Iras = W/U*cos φ ,cos φ = 0,9

1) - Equipment room:

ras = 438/(220*0.9) =2.2 A

ras = 864/(220*0.9) =4.4 A

) - Engineer's office:

ras = 144/(220*0.9) =0.7 A

) - Service room:

ras = 18/(220*0.9) =0.09 A

Taking into account the requirements of the PUE and installation conditions, we choose wire VVG 3x1.5.

2 Selection of circuit breakers and input equipment

For each room we select a BA 47-29 1P circuit breaker, according to the rated thermal trip current: C 4; From 6.

We place automatic switches in a group panel of 12 groups (including sockets).

We select the input circuit breaker VA 47-29 3Р С 25.


As a result of the work, electric lighting was designed for several rooms.

One of the premises (CROSS) was calculated using three methods.

The calculation result showed that the specific power method is convenient for initial design, and the point method is convenient for accurate results.


1. Aizenberg Yu. B. Reference book on lighting engineering. 3rd ed. reworked And. add. - M.: Publishing house: “Znak”, 2006 - 972 pp.: ill.

Knorring G. M. Reference book for the design of electric lighting. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - St. Petersburg:

Publishing house: “Energoatomizdat”, 1992 - 448 pp.: ill.


Determination of the utilization factor based on the values ​​of reflection coefficients and room index