How to make a New Year's wreath on your door. How to make a New Year's wreath on the door with your own hands? New Year's wreath of sweets

Their own homes, workplaces and of course a Christmas tree.

A New Year's wreath is a great way to make any interior colorful and festive.

It is worth noting that such a wreath is a symbol of family warmth and hearth.

There are many ways to make a beautiful wreath for the New Year with your own hands.

On our website you will also find:

Here are some of the most interesting and simple Christmas wreaths that you can make with your children and hang them in the house or on the Christmas tree to decorate your home.

DIY New Year's wreath made of oranges and cinnamon

You will need:

Thin and flexible branches (for the frame)

Hot glue




Pine branches or leaves with berries (natural or artificial)

Dried orange slices (you can use lemons)

1. Make the frame of a New Year's wreath from branches.

* To get dried orange slices, you need to briefly put them in the oven on low heat.

2. Using glue and wire, begin attaching decorations to the frame. You can glue the pine cones, attach the orange slices with wire, and tie the cinnamon with rope or pieces of fabric.

* Simply insert pine branches or leaves with berries inside the frame or you can secure them with wire or glue.

How to make a bright New Year's wreath with your own hands

You will need:

Cardboard or foam frame

Hot glue or tape

Decorations (bows, pipes, toys, etc.).

1. Cut out a frame for the wreath from cardboard or a piece of foam. You may need to cut out two circles and glue them together to make the frame stronger.

2. Start wrapping the frame with tinsel. You can use glue or tape to secure the tinsel in some places, but so that the attachment points are not very noticeable

3. When the wreath is ready, you can attach decorations to it. This can also be done with glue or tape.

DIY New Year's wreath made from candies (master class)

You will need:

Corrugated cardboard (cardboard from which boxes are made)

A compass or round object of the desired shape and a pencil (to draw a circle)

Acrylic paint

Foam rubber

A lot of candies.

1. Draw a large circle on a piece of cardboard (in this example the circle has a diameter of 22 cm)

2. Cut out a circle and draw another smaller circle inside it. Cut out this circle. You can use a stationery knife instead of scissors.

3. Repeat steps 1-2 to make another donut and glue the two donuts together to make the wreath frame stronger.

4. Use white paint to paint the cardboard frame of the future wreath.

5. Cut out a donut of similar sizes from foam rubber and cut several pieces, which then glue to a cardboard ring on both sides.

6. Wrap the frame with a bandage.

7. Prepare the candies - for this example we needed 300 grams. truffles. Try to choose light candies - they hold up better.

8. Cut double-sided tape into small pieces and stick them to the bottom of each candy, then glue all the candies to the wreath.

9. To make the wreath even brighter, you can fill the spaces between the candies with rain, beads and/or tinsel, which is attached with glue.

Here are a couple more options for New Year's wreaths decorated with candies:

New Year's wreath made of candies (photo instructions)

You will need:

Foam ring (wreath base)


Soft candies (preferably jelly).

DIY New Year's wreaths on the door

You will need:

PVA glue

Scissors or utility knife

Aerosol or acrylic paint (if desired)

Decorations (ribbons, bows, small Christmas tree decorations).

1. Cut each cylinder into small rings. Press each ring until it forms a leaf shape (see image).

2. Glue all the rings together so that they form a wreath.

*You can paint the wreath if you wish.

3. Start decorating the wreath with bows, tinsel, Christmas decorations, ribbons, etc.

Wreath made of colored paper and cardboard for the New Year (photo instructions)

You will need:

Colored paper, colored cardstock, or patterned paper

Cardboard (for the base of the wreath)



How to make a wreath with pine cones and fruits for the New Year

You will need:

Kitchen napkins

Green organza (if necessary)

PVA glue or hot glue

Decorations (artificial fruits, pine cones, flowers, leaves).

1. Roll the newspaper into a tube and make a ring out of it. If necessary, use two newspapers to make a ring.

2. Wrap the ring in a few more newspapers to make it more durable and prevent it from unraveling. Parts that protrude can be secured with PVA glue.

3. Give your newspaper ring a more attractive look. To do this, use white paper napkins to wrap around the ring.

4. If desired, you can wrap the ring with organza, securing it with PVA glue or hot glue. You can skip this step.

5. Now start wrapping the ring with tinsel, securing it with PVA glue if necessary.

6. Prepare small artificial fruits, flowers, leaves and pine cones. Start hot glueing them to the wreath.

*You can use any decorations, not just fruits or leaves. For example, you can buy bows, glue bright ribbons or small light Christmas tree decorations.

New Year's wreath made of Christmas balls (master class)

You will need:

Foam frame

Small Christmas toys

Glue (hot, superglue).

1. Remove the fastening from each Christmas tree decoration.

2. Start gluing the larger toys to the foam frame.

3. Continue pasting the frame with smaller toys and finish with the smallest balls.

* Not all New Year's balls are glued to the frame, some are glued to other balls. The main thing is to add toys until the foam ring is completely closed.

Beautiful wreath for the New Year with cells for gifts

You will need:

Corrugated cardboard (thick cardboard from a box)

Colored cardboard


Knitting thread (any color)

Stationery knife (if necessary)

Cardboard cylinders (from toilet paper or paper towels)

PVA glue or hot glue

Acrylic paints.

1. Cut the cardboard cylinders into rings.

* If you want the fan to have not only small, but also large rings, then you can cut out strips from colored cardboard and glue the ends together.

2. If you wish, you can paint all or some of the rings with acrylic paint.

3. Cut out a large circle from corrugated cardboard, and in the center of the circle cut out another smaller circle - this will be the base of the wreath. You can make the base more durable by gluing two cardboard circles together.

* To cut a circle within a circle, it is easier to replace the scissors with a utility knife.

4. Wrap the thread around the base of the wreath.

5. Start gluing the rings to the base.

All that remains is to put small gifts on the “shelves”. You can wrap these gifts in paper and secure with a thin ribbon, as in the image.

DIY paper wreath for the New Year (master class)

You will need:

PVA glue



Acrylic paint (white)

Scrapbooking paper, colored paper or wrapping paper

Pictures on thick sheets (from old postcards, packaging, boxes)

Various other decorations.

1. Prepare several sheets of newspaper and twist them into thin tubes (see image). Glue the tip of the newspaper with PVA glue. The number of tubes depends on the thickness of the wreath.

Do you think that wreaths are hung on doors only on the eve of the New Year? Nothing like this. Craftswomen make jewelry for any occasion. They can serve as the onset of autumn, the birth of a child or the celebration of Easter. How to make a door wreath with your own hands, read below.

Stump decoration

How to make a wreath on the door with your own hands? Build it from stumps. Where can I find them? Go to the forest. A walk in the fresh air lifts your spirits, and if the journey has a purpose, then walking among the trees is doubly pleasant. A girl can take her friends into the forest, who will cut her hemp from a fallen tree. These blanks for the future wreath need to be dried well. But you shouldn't put wood on the radiator. The saw cuts should dry naturally. This may take a week or a month, depending on the thickness of the workpieces.

When the saw cuts are dry, you can make crafts from them. We fold the blanks into a circle and glue the parts together with a hot gun or superglue. When the first ring is ready, you can begin making the second layer. You need to create a circle that will be slightly smaller in diameter than the blank that is available. Dry twigs need to be glued to the lower right needle. We tie a bow from burlap and decorate it with pine cones. The composition can include fresh or dried flowers, physalis, pine or Christmas tree branches, as well as soft pom-poms.

Wreath of pine cones

Craftswomen sculpt this door decoration for the main winter holiday. Even a child can make a New Year's wreath for the door from pine cones with his own hands. There is no need for any special skill or talent here. Collecting pine cones together is very simple. But before you do this, you need to do some preparatory work. The cones should be painted white, silver or gold. While they are drying, you can make a stencil for the wreath. You should draw a circle on a piece of whatman paper. The easiest way to get an even geometric shape is to trace a plate. When the cones are dry, they can be glued together. This should be done using a glue gun. We lay out the cones in the drawn circle and fasten them together. There is no need to glue anything to the paper; the stencil was intended to ensure that the wreath had a round shape. When finished, you can add decorative details to the product. For example, glue rowan berries or red beads. You can buy plastic birds or make them from plasticine.

Autumn wreath

Such a decorative product can often be seen on the doors of shops and children's centers. In general, those establishments that spend a lot of time decorating the premises. How to make an autumn-themed wreath for your door with your own hands? To make it we will need: willow branches, small yellow leaves, cones, acorns and berries. First you need to make the base. It is made from willow branches. They twist together, and then a torus is rolled out of a thick braid. The ends of the branches should be secured with threads. Now you can decorate the form. We attach the cones to the wreath first. They are large and take up a lot of space. Next turn of leaves. They can be pre-ironed with an iron so that they are preserved for a long time and do not become deformed. Lastly, small decor should be glued. Acorns and berries take up little space and can fill the empty spaces between buds and leaves.

Wreath of branches

To make such a craft, you don’t have to go to the forest. You can go to the park. What is a wreath made of? From thick branches. There is no need to trim them from trees; you can pick up already broken ones. It is most convenient to cut branches with pruning shears, but you can do this with a knife or even scissors. How to assemble a wreath for the door with your own hands? Draw a circle shape on whatman paper. This will be a stencil with which the wreath will take on an even shape. We lay out the branches in a circle in a chaotic manner and fasten them with a hot gun. When the wreath is ready, it needs to be decorated. It is best to create such a product in the spring, when nature blooms. And accordingly, you can decorate the wreath with branches of a blooming apple tree, cherry tree or lilac. If desired, living branches can be replaced with artificial ones.

Balloon wreath

This cozy piece is reminiscent of winter. Making a door wreath with your own hands is very simple. To make it you will need balloons, thread and glue. We inflate the balls, but not too much, so that they just take on a round shape. We take a ball, thread its end into a needle and pierce the bottle of glue. We stretch the thread and wrap it around the ball. You need to wind it in different directions and in different directions. When this stage of work is completed, cut the thread and hang the ball to dry. Thus, from different yarns you need to make blanks of different colors and sizes. While the balls are drying, you should prepare the snowflakes. You can either buy them in a store, or make them yourself from liquid silicone. Making them is very simple: just warm up the gun and draw a snowflake on a piece of paper. While the silicone is still wet, you need to sprinkle it with white powder or glitter. Now we take the blanks, burst the balloons that are inside, and lay out a circle from the balls we made. Moreover, we form it not into an even geometric figure, but into an arbitrary, slightly asymmetrical one. Decorate the resulting wreath with snowflakes.

Original wreath

This decor looks very appropriate not only during the New Year holidays, but throughout the winter. How to create a wreath for a door with your own hands? A photo of such a product is shown above; to make it you will need willow branches, thick woolen threads and plastic. The first stage is making the mold. You need to twist a rope from the branches and give it the shape of a circle. In this position, you need to secure the workpiece with threads. We take the branches again, this time we wrap them around the form. To prevent the wreath from falling apart, its right half should be tied tightly with a thick white thread. The base is ready, you can move on to the decor. You need to cut stars out of white plastic. This can be done either with a stationery knife or with a fire starter. Glue the stars onto the wreath. You can place willow branches in the middle of the finished product, which should first be sprinkled with foam or artificial snow. You can also hang plastic balls filled with stars.

Christmas wreath

Making such a decorative element will be very simple. How to make a New Year's wreath on the door with your own hands using a similar technique? We take willow branches as a basis, which we twist into a ring. To keep it in place, we wrap it with several rods. The form is ready, all that remains is to tint it. To do this, dip a sponge in white paint and paint the top side of the wreath with it. Now you can glue snowflakes, beads and other small decor to the base. In the center of the wreath we place the silhouette of a Christmas tree cut out of plywood. This blank can be purchased at a craft store. Glue snowflakes and hearts onto the Christmas tree. We outline the workpiece with white paint. You can tie ribbons and threads to the leg of the tree that match the overall color scheme of the craft.

Universal wreath

This decoration will be relevant both in winter and summer. You can make this decorative element with your own hands. There will be a Christmas wreath on the door if you decorate it with spruce branches, and a summer wreath will be if you decorate it with moss. To create this design, you need to purchase a special sponge from a florist shop. This is what will allow living plants to stay fresh longer. The sponge must be covered on all sides with moss and pressed firmly into the wreath. The main thing is to strengthen the green flooring in shape. There is no need to worry about the moss; it will rise later. Spruce branches are easier to attach. Their sticks will cling well to the sponge. When the wreath is ready, you need to spray it with a spray bottle. The product can additionally be decorated with brown branches, which should be used to braid a torus of plants. White Christmas tree figures should be attached to the inside of the product. These can be either plastic decorative items or New Year's lanterns that run on batteries.

Wreath of spikelets

Such a product is created in an elementary way. A round shape is made from willow branches. And the spikelets are glued to it diagonally. You can use threads as fastening. But it’s still safer to attach it to a glue gun. When the wreath is ready, it can be decorated with natural materials. These can be cones, leaves or reeds. If you want to tie a bow, you should make it from burlap.

New Year's wreath

Since this decoration was first made during everyone’s favorite winter holidays, it is not surprising that today the creation of a torus from fir branches is considered a tradition in many countries. How to make a New Year's wreath for the door with your own hands? A photo of such a product is presented above. To create it you will need spruce or pine branches, and it does not matter whether they are artificial or real. If you don’t have such decor in your household, you can cover the base with tinsel.

A DIY Christmas tree wreath for the door is created as follows. The branches are attached to the foam base using a glue gun. They should not be placed in a chaotic order, but should be given a single direction. When the base is ready, we move on to the decor. We glue cones onto the wreath, which must first be dipped in white paint. You can add balls of thread, buboes of different sizes and a decorative bow made of burlap.

Wine cork wreath

What do people do on New Year's Eve? They drink, eat and visit. But not many people know that you can make a wreath for your door from wine corks. New Year is a holiday that requires careful decoration of the apartment.

How to create a wreath from wine corks? In order to fold an even circle, you will need a round pattern. It can be made from newspaper or paper. We outline a large dish and lay out the corks along the pencil outline. We attach them together with a glue gun. The right side of the wreath should be decorated with spruce or thuja branches. You can stick multi-colored balls on top. And we scatter the colored beads in clusters over the corks.

Spring wreath

We will create such a decoration from newspaper. We divide the printed publication into pages and twist them into bundles. We attach these tubes to each other using a stapler. Now you need to form a circle from the newspaper. When the base is ready, it should be filled with glue. This is done so that the wreath keeps its shape well. When the workpiece is dry, it needs to be wrapped with willow branches or vines. Bird figures and nests should be glued to the lower inner part of the wreath, and living branches will help complete the composition.

Any holiday, especially New Year and Christmas, requires careful preparation. This is not only about buying gifts for family and friends, a festive feast and a Christmas tree with a bright garland. It is necessary to create a festive atmosphere in your home and . And for this we begin to decorate our home from the very threshold. Today we will make a New Year's wreath with our own hands. And we will definitely attach what we get to the front door. And then decide for yourself, outside or inside!

First you need to think about which materials Your New Year's wreath will be made. Believe me, the choice can be quite wide. Namely:

  • a traditional wreath made of thuja or conifer branches with the addition of various decorations
  • from natural cones
  • from New Year's toys
  • from tinsel
  • organza
  • made of artificial materials imitating the branches of coniferous trees
  • from feathers!

This article will discuss options for making a festive wreath from all of the above materials.

You need to start making a festive wreath from natural branches of coniferous plants by preparing all the necessary materials and tools. A tools you will need simple ones:

  • scissors
  • wire cutters
  • glue gun and glue sticks

Materials you may need:

  • branches of thuja or coniferous tree - spruce, pine, cedar
  • wreath base
  • strong and not too thin threads or twine
  • thin, flexible wire
  • glue "Moment Crystal"
  • Christmas decorations
  • serpentine and tinsel
  • gift paper and gift bows
  • organza
  • feather boa

Making a wreath is impossible without a base on which it will be attached. Therefore, first of all we choose her in order to form a New Year's wreath. Read on to find out which base to choose for your craft.

When the basis for the New Year's wreath has already been chosen, we begin to make the wreath itself. To do this, take one or two small branches of thuja or ephedra and tie them tightly to the base. We secure the thread so that it does not unwind. Next, we sequentially apply the following branches and secure them again. And so we move over the entire surface of the base until it is completely covered with branches and you get a wreath.

The size of the wreath directly depends on the size of the base. For a wreath made from natural branches of coniferous trees, choose a solid base, as the weight of the wreath is impressive.

Such wreaths made from natural materials can be decorated with cones and clusters of autumn berries: viburnum, black and red rowan. Of course, such a wreath will not last long: the berries will wither and wrinkle, and the needles will begin to fall off. Therefore, if you want your New Year’s wreath to be more durable, replace natural ingredients with artificial ones.

Artificial elements often look no worse than natural ones.

How to make a wreath from pine or cedar branches, watch this video.

Needless to say, now everything can be bought in stores. But a wreath made by yourself will still be better, even if, due to inexperience, you make it a little “disheveled.” Handwork in such things is always highly appreciated.

Of course, you often want to decorate a New Year’s wreath with everyone at once. But you shouldn't be too zealous. There must be moderation in everything. Choose something from your existing home:

  • small Christmas toys
  • small “gifts” made of foil
  • bumps
  • bows
  • tapes
  • artificial flowers
  • nuts
  • candies and so on...

Decorating a wreath with pine cones is a simple, affordable and, perhaps, correct option. If you took natural branches for the wreath, then pine cones and matting are what you need for decoration.

Natural pine cones also make very beautiful Christmas wreaths. To make them you will need mainly pine cones. But spruce and smaller alder trees will not be superfluous.

Watch the master class in this video and you can easily make a wreath of pine cones with your own hands.

If you don’t have the time or desire to make the wreath voluminous and large, make a simple version - stick the pine cones in one row on a cardboard hoop, add some decorations. You will get a very nice wreath.

In my opinion, of course, the most beautiful New Year's wreaths are made from pine cones with the addition of berry branches.

If you want something unusual, spray paint the fir branches and cones in the color you like. For example, in blue.

Silver color has always been the embodiment of crisp snow in the cold, fresh air and winter holidays. Nothing changed! Everything goes on!

Another video on this topic.

A wreath of coniferous or thuja branches can decorate not only a door or wall, but also a chandelier!

In addition to a New Year's wreath from pine cones or branches, you can quickly make a wreath from organza and Christmas tree balls. To do this, take the organza to which you will tie and simply tie large bows around it. Organza is a fairly stiff material and holds its shape well. Bright balls can be glued or tied to the base of the wreath.

Imagine and come up with a look his New Year's wreath. Decorate it with something unusual, like pretty feathers!

If you do not use natural materials in an organza wreath, then the wreath can decorate your home for a long time.

Doesn’t this “Santa Claus” cheer you up?

Elegant and yet impressive looking feather wreaths. To make them, they use ready-made feather scarves (also called boas) and Christmas tree balls.

New Year's feather wreaths are something romantic and at the same time delightful. Suitable for dreamy and pure natures.

All this is good when you can buy what you need in stores for the holidays. But it’s another matter when you want to do something similar (and maybe even better) with your own hands. When preparing for the holidays, a pre-holiday mood settles in the house, creating that same atmosphere of home where you want to return. If you feel a craving for creativity during the New Year's Eve, do not suppress this impulse within yourself, but give yourself the opportunity to translate this desire into something significant. For example, do it yourself New Year's wreath made of Christmas tree toys .

You can probably imagine how many different compositions can be assembled from Christmas tree balls! But it can also be a wreath made from a variety of toys that you have at home. Or you can collect only cold (or warm) shades for your craft.

To make a wreath from Christmas tree decorations, you can use any kind and stick balls or icicles on it. Or you can string as many toys on a strong wire as will fit on it. To make the wreath more voluminous, glue the remaining balls with hot glue.

Tinsel wreath can be made quite quickly. We wrap a foam or cardboard base with tinsel and decorate it with a Christmas poinsettia flower. Add figures and beads that you can find at home.

A tinsel wreath does not require a strong and reliable frame. A simple cardboard hoop will be enough.

Use the advice of those who have already made New Year's wreaths with their own hands.

New Year is a spiritual, special holiday, giving joy and excellent spirits even a few days before the celebration. It is noted that on New Year's Eve people become a little kinder to others, the atmosphere is saturated with the spirit of the rapidly approaching holidays, filling everyone around with positive emotions and a sense of expectation of a miracle and something new.

Recently, in our latitudes, an interesting Western tradition of decorating a door with a New Year or Christmas wreath has become increasingly popular. This custom is not only beautiful, but also has a beneficial effect on neighbors. After all, it’s impossible to hold back a smile when walking past a door that shows with all its appearance that behind it lies a family that has successfully prepared for the New Year.

So far, colorful door wreaths are difficult to find on sale here, because the tradition of decorating a home in this way has not yet spread properly. Now, for a second, imagine how great it would be to do DIY New Year's wreath 2019! You can hang one on your front door (or decorate the interior door to the hall with a wreath, for example), and give the rest to your family, friends and loved ones.

Master class: New Year's wreath made of spruce or thuja branches

To make a miracle wreath for the New Year and Christmas holidays you will need:

  • frame-base for the wreath (can be made of wire, cardboard, rolled newspaper, etc.);
  • glue (glue gun) or rope (wire);
  • spruce branches or thuja branches (cones, tinsel, berries, dried oranges, Christmas balls, etc.);
  • pruning shears or scissors;
  • paint or artificial snow (optional);
  • red or gold satin ribbons;
  • various decorations (bells, stars, etc.).

Step 1. Cut out the base for the wreath from cardboard (a kind of donut that is better wrapped in paper, as in the photo) or make a circle from thick wire as shown in the photo.

Step 2. Spruce branches need to be cut with pruning shears or scissors into individual small green branches.

Step 3. Now, having connected the green thuja branches together in small bunches with rope or wire, screw or tape these bunches to the frame. Branched small branches of the Christmas tree can be scrolled one at a time.

Step 4. All that remains is to decorate the New Year's wreath to your liking and you can hang the stylish decor on the door.

Ideas for imagination...

It doesn’t matter what the New Year’s wreath is made of, the most important thing is that it brings joy and gives only positive emotions. And you can make this wonderful decoration for your home from everything that the eye of the creator of beauty, that is, you, falls on.

Just grab a lot of clothespins, paint them any color you want and get to work. A wire hanger makes a good wreath frame. You can also take beads of a suitable size and string them on an untwisted hanger, alternating with clothespins. Don't forget to decorate ours with ribbons. It is good to attach a soft toy in the form of a snowman, Santa Claus or deer to the finished wreath.

Take a good look at the empty cardboard egg tray. Turning on your imagination and fantasy, you cannot help but notice that its cells are similar in shape to flower buds that are just about to fully bloom.

You need to very carefully cut out the cells from the tray and, using scissors, give them the shape of buds. It’s great that the cellulose, which is part of the egg tray, can be painted well with any type of paint. This allows us to safely experiment with different colors, creating truly fabulous wreaths.

It’s very funny, but even from socks you can create a wonderful composition. You can string socks cut out at the toes onto the wreath base or twist each sock into roses and glue them to the wreath.

All you need is cardboard, glue and, of course, a lot of buttons in the color of your choice. Just glue the buttons, alternating small and large, to the cardboard “donut” and a very elegant decorative element is ready! You can also string large buttons onto a rope and tie the ends with a satin ribbon.

This stylish wreath is made using the same principle as a Christmas wreath made from clothespins. For greater structural strength, it is better to use two circles of wire. You need to make holes in wine corks and string them on wire, interspersing them with large beads.

Don't let waste paper waste space in your home. Make wonderful “newspaper” decor - Christmas tree decorations, garlands, angels, decoupage-style candle decor, etc. Newspapers also make excellent New Year’s wreaths.

Using paper you can create gorgeous aerial wreaths. Go through old photographs, clippings from colorful magazines, snowflakes, unusual envelopes. Surely there will be something interesting to create a Christmas wreath. Just don’t rush to immediately glue the found “treasures” to the base. Apply, rearrange, arrange and only then proceed with the final fastening.

A great idea is a Christmas wreath with round cardboard slots for small gifts. You can build a kind of calendar using an Advent wreath as a basis. Of course, it’s better not to hang such “wealth” on the outside of the front door.

Did you know that the very first wreaths were made from just such natural materials? This composition looks simply magical, and requires virtually no expenses.

If you want to surprise, then pasta painted with gold or silver paint on a Christmas wreath is the best way! Simply find some oddly shaped macarons, paint them, and arrange them on a wreath.

Dried orange and lemon slices easily stick to foam or cardboard. If you want to make a wreath of apples, then you need to use a very strong wire frame. Rowan or viburnum branches can easily be screwed to the base with wire or stuck into polystyrene foam, “foam” or plasticine.

New Year's wreath made of Christmas balls

A wreath of bright and shiny balls for the Christmas tree looks truly festive. The balls can be strung on wire or glued with hot glue to the base of the wreath.

New Year's wreath of sweets

The only disadvantage of such a wreath is that they tend to “melt” very quickly, especially if there are little sweet tooths in the house. Soft candies can be pinned to the frame with toothpicks, and lollipops can be glued to each other by wetting the candy with water on one side.

All you have to do is tie a lot of balloons around the frame - and that’s it! The creative New Year's wreath is ready.

Don't know what to do with your old, boring ties? Problem solved! Just wrap them around a wire or other frame and you can hang an extraordinary decorative element on the door.

If you decide to make a wreath of pine cones, you can even do without a frame. This wreath made from natural material looks festive and truly New Year’s.

This option is ideal for those who want to get beautiful decor at the very minimum cost. You just need to wrap the frame with tinsel (preferably green) and add small decorations.

New Year's wreath made of beads

This delicate work will require quite a lot of effort and time, but the result will look impressive.

There is room for your imagination to run wild: you can cut out a lot of snowflakes and faces of Christmas deer from felt and collect them all in one wreath; thick threads can be wrapped around a round frame and decorated with ribbons, bows and ribbons; You can make many flowers from fabric and glue them to the base of the wreath.

This is the perfect wreath for a programmer. This version of the Christmas wreath once again proves that in the process of making such decor, almost any material can be used!

- a beautiful Catholic tradition and a wonderful craft for the New Year, which is increasingly taking root among us. Why not: there is never too much New Year's mood. Do you know why it is a wreath, and what it symbolizes?

Typically, Christmas wreaths are made from pine needles or holly, an evergreen shrub with red berries and jagged, spiny leaves. These plants were also used in the pre-Christian period. Evergreen leaves in winter promised the return of the sun, and sharp needles at the tips scared away sorcerers and evil spirits. Christianity brought its own content to the evergreen wreaths: the thorny branches were reminiscent of the crown of thorns that Christ bore in the last hours of his life, and the red berries were drops of his blood.

However, despite the sad associations added by the church, ordinary people happily decorate their homes with wreaths. And they are not limited to traditional Christmas tree and holly motifs. We have collected 15 of the most elegant and original wreaths for.

A wreath that imitates Santa's beard is sure to please the old wizard. To make such a decoration, wide strips of tulle are folded in half and secured in the form of loops on a metal or plastic rim. The beard-free half of the wreath is decorated with a Santa hat.

Faux fur and several cardboard houses create a real winter wonderland. You can wrap the boa base with white fluff.

Another hint at the Santa suit. A wreath of scarlet Christmas balls attached to the base with a glue gun. And on top of it is a traditional black belt.

Classic red berries and poinsettia flowers are located not on a coniferous wreath, but on a circle trimmed with decorative burlap. To create lush folds, thread 3-5 strong threads along the entire length of the fabric and gather the fabric on them.

This wreath is made without any additional base. The patches of wood were simply glued together and decorated with a decorative bow with pine cones and cypress branches.

Wrap the foam base tightly with thread, decorate with a cheerful snowman and roses made from cotton pads. To make roses, cut each disc in a spiral and roll the resulting ribbon into a tight bud.

This wreath, strictly speaking, is not even a wreath. A frame of four cut branches was decorated with branches of various coniferous species. It turned out very elegant.

Christmas tree tinsel and toys will also create a festive atmosphere. Before entangling the base with tinsel, it is worth blowing it out with silver spray paint.

A cozy wool wreath made from balls of wool and twine. Surely a needlewoman lives in this house.

The tips of the cones were slightly dipped in white, and they were tightly covered with a foam base. An inconspicuous garland was stretched between the cones. There are no wires visible in this lush wreath, only cheerful lights are visible.

And this wreath is for those who have not yet finished celebrating Halloween. And the snowman on it looks more like a skeleton, and the coloring is gloomy: the wreath is made of wide laces in black and white.

The most fragrant Christmas wreath. The foam base is covered with spices and decorated with a traditional dark green ribbon.

The wreath does not have to be hung on the door; it can also decorate the house as a panel, like this elegant wreath made of scarlet felt poinsettias.

Such wreaths will definitely not allow old Santa to forget why he came to your house. Candies and gifts are one of the main elements of Christmas.