How can you decorate a wooden bird feeder? Bunker bird feeder made of wood: do it yourself

Birds are our smaller friends who delight us with their chirping and singing. And any garden in the presence of birds seems to come to life, filled with new life. Besides Birds help protect summer cottages from attacks by various insects in summer.. And in winter, when they have almost no food, man’s task is to help the birds survive the frosts by feeding them. A good attitude towards birds will pay off handsomely. for birds you can do it yourself quickly, without unnecessary manipulations, it will not only become a source of food for birds, but will also be able to decorate any area.

Many people made feeders for winged birds while studying at school, and some, together with their parents, managed to make more than one feeder while still attending kindergarten. At that time, tasks for making feeders were given at school with the goal of instilling in the child a desire to work and take care of our little brothers.

Now, in most cases, feeders are located in house areas with the aim of luring birds to live permanently in the garden or to take care of them in the winter. There are a great many variations of feeders, but we should not forget that if a person is pursuing a good goal, he must ensure that the feeder is not just beautiful, but comfortable and attractive to birds.

So what should it be like so that birds from all over the area will flock to peck at delicious delicacies?

  1. The feeder should not be bright. Do not forget that birds are inhabitants of the wild, in which bright colors often indicate the danger of any insect or animal. So it is unlikely that birds will fly to nuclear flower feeders. The best option is the color of the wood.
  2. The feeding area should be equipped with small sides so that the food does not fall out of it during the wind and at the moment when the bird lands on the feeder and swings it.

  3. It is important to make sure that the sides and other elements of the feeder are not sharp and do not pose a danger to birds.
  4. The best thing, so that the feeder has a small roof- then the food lying in it will not get wet in the rain, and it will not be covered with snow.
  5. It is recommended to place the feeder where cats and other predators cannot reach it.. Then the birds will happily fly to it. If the place is dangerous, then it is unlikely that you will be able to attract birds.

  6. All openings in the walls of the feeder should be spacious so as not to create the effect of a closed space. Otherwise the birds will be uncomfortable.
  7. It is best to make a feeding place that will withstand various weather conditions and will not collapse after the first season.
  8. The food in the feeder should be clearly visible- Birds use their vision more than other senses when looking for food.

Advice! In order to make the structure heavier and protect it from swaying in the wind, you can place pebbles in it, but so that they do not end up in the food.

Which is better: homemade or from the store?

You can make a bird eating area yourself, but stores now sell ready-made designs and products that you can simply purchase and hang in your garden or outside your window. Of course, this saves a lot of time, but it’s better to make the feeder yourself or order it from craftsmen. Only in this case can you be sure that the feeder is made of materials that are safe for flying inhabitants of nature and will perform its function correctly.

On a note! Undoubtedly, you need to pay attention to the design of the feeder, but if it is not just a decorative decoration for the garden, then, first of all, you should pay attention to its functionality.

It is also important to understand that a good feeder, but made in production or by craftsmen, will cost a lot of money. So it’s worth thinking about what to do - save money and do everything yourself, or spend money and buy a ready-made option.

Provided that in fact the feeding station can be made quite quickly and simply, the DIY option remains the best. The main thing is to decide and decide what and how to make the feeder from, how and where it will hang, and also take into account the availability of skills in making various products. You shouldn’t take on a complex project without proper experience; it’s easier to choose the simplest option. Fortunately, there are many types of feeders.

Table. Types of feeders.


This category includes all types of feeders that are fixed in the right place by hanging. Such a design will most likely require weighting with something to prevent it from swaying in the wind and when birds land. This category also includes simple feeders with lard or grains molded into one lump. They are hung from trees with string.

The most familiar, familiar from childhood and widespread option. The roof of this product is made in the shape of a house; it protects the food from getting wet. It is best if the roof is installed on thin blocks so that there is as much free space for birds as possible.

Such a feeder is a board with sides, attached to something or suspended. It does not have a roof, and therefore the food will constantly get wet or be covered with snow. But this is the simplest option.

This feeder is a small container-hopper containing food inside. Birds, pecking the food that has spilled onto the tray, make room for new food, which gradually pours out of the bunker. Also, in some cases, birds can peck grain directly from the bin. The main advantage is good protection of feed from water and wind.

Feeder designed for shellers. Often sold in stores. It needs to be periodically cleaned of debris, as birds will leave behind large quantities of it and food.

On a note! The structure can be made simply from food, combining grains into a single lump using various nutrients and hanging such a “gingerbread” in a visible place. Suitable for small birds that will peck grain from the feeder by clinging to it with their claws.

What can you make a feeder from?

You can make your own feeder from a variety of objects and materials, from an ordinary board to a plastic bottle or even a Tetra Pak box. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages, and you need to choose what the food supply will be made from based on the presence of certain skills in working with various tools, the availability of free time, funds, as well as the goals of creating a place for eating.

Wooden feeders

The best option for creating a platform for feeding birds was and remains natural, untreated wood. This design will be closest to nature, and its neutral color and smell will not scare away birds from feeding. It is ideal if the natural bark is preserved on the boards. So when choosing a material, you can choose cuts from birch, pine, etc. You can even make a feeder from branches!

Wooden feeder is the best option

But in order to make a wooden feeder, even the simplest one, you will need certain skills and tools for working with wood.

Advice! You should not decorate a wooden feeder with various bright objects, but it can be decorated with natural materials, for example, by camouflaging the roof with twigs, pine cones, and leaves.

How to make a wooden feeder?

Let's look at how you can make the simplest feeder from wooden materials. To do this, you need to buy wooden blocks, a small piece of fiberboard, a furniture stapler, a saw, drawing supplies and a tape measure.

Step 1. You need to cut a square or rectangle from a sheet of fiberboard. You should apply a pattern of a square or rectangle of the appropriate size onto a sheet of fiberboard, and then use a saw to cut off the excess.

Step 2. Now you need to make the sides for the pallet. You need to cut two pieces of the same length from the block, equal to the side of the square or the long side of the rectangle, as well as two shorter pieces, which will be equal to the width of the square or the narrow side of the rectangle minus the thickness of the block.

Step 3. The sides need to be attached to the bottom of the feeder, which was previously made of fiberboard. The easiest way to do this is with a stapler.

Step 4. Now you need to make 4 supports for the roof of the feeder, all from the same block. They must be the same height.

Step 6. The upper parts of the supports standing on one side must be connected by crossbars cut from the same block. You should also make cuts on them at an angle of 45 degrees.

Step 7 Next it is manufactured. It is required to connect two sheets of fiberboard at an angle of 90 degrees. The connection is made using a small “ridge” bar with a length equal to the length of the slope. It is worth remembering that the roof should hang slightly over the tray of the feeder, which means that the slopes should be made taking this factor into account.

Step 8 Next, the roof needs to be fixed to its racks using the same stapler or nails. The junction of two slopes can be glued using some material that does not allow water to pass through. The feeder is ready. If desired, you can steal it with pine cones and branches.

Advice! When fixing the sides at the bottom of the feeder, they can be additionally coated with PVA glue to ensure connection not only due to the stapler staples, but also due to the glue.

Feeders with sides are the favorite of shelling birds, but for the rest, you can make a feeder without sides. The main thing is that the side is not too high.

Similar structures can be made from plywood, refusing to use fiberboard. In this case, the feeder will be more reliable and durable.

Video - Wooden feeder

Simple hanging feeders

These are very simple feeders, they can be easily and simply made in just a few minutes. They are a delicacy placed on a ribbon or in a case and hung on a tree. Often, using this principle, pieces of lard for tits are fixed on trees. You can also make balls from seeds. You can use peanut butter or suet to bind the grains together. And such feeders just need to be fixed on the tape somewhere in a place visible to the birds. To attract attention, you can try tying a sprig of rowan to such a feeder. You need to form the balls outside so that they immediately harden in the cold.

Advice! It is best to make pendants in the shape of a ball, and not in some beautiful and exotic shape. The ball is the most convenient option for birds.

Making a feeder for lard

Let's see how you can make a simple structure for placing lard, the manufacture of which will require twine, wire and an ordinary hoop - an accessory for embroiderers.

Step 1. You need to buy regular plastic hoops in the store. They need to be separated into two halves, but in the lock area the hoops should remain connected.

Step 2. In the lock area, you need to wrap the hoop with wire on both sides.

Step 3. On the other hand, where the hoop is separated, you need to make a wire jumper and wrap it with a “tail” from the wire to approximately the middle.

Step 4. The remaining wire needs to be twisted and formed into a hook at an angle of 90 degrees, which is directed inside the hoop. Lard will be placed on it.

Step 6. After this, the hoop and wire need to be wrapped with regular twine. The feeder is ready. All you have to do is place it in the right place in the garden and put a treat for the birds on the pin.

Making a feeder from a plastic bottle

Of course, you can simply cut a hole in the side of a plastic bottle and hang it on a tree, filling it with grain. But you can get creative and make the feeder a little more complicated. To do this, you will need flower trays of different diameters and a plastic bottle of approximately 1.5 liters. A strong rope will also come in handy.

Step 1. In one of the pallets (which is smaller) you need to make a hole of the same diameter as the neck of the bottle. You can cut it either with a knife or with a special bit placed on a drill.

Step 2. Next, you need to remove the cap from the plastic bottle and screw the bottle itself into the tray with its neck, and screw the cap onto the neck from below. But for now, the structure can be temporarily dismantled. A small hole should be cut in the side of the bottle so that the food can pour out of it and be accessible to the birds.

Step 3. You need to cut off the bottom of the bottle using a sharp knife.

Step 4. Now on the pallet - both on the first and on the second - you need to mark and drill holes for the rope. First you need to make holes on the smaller one, and then, placing it on the larger one, mark it and also drill holes.

Step 5. The final assembly of the structure is underway. The bottle must be screwed to the bottom tray.

Step 6. You need to cut six pieces of rope of the same length. It is better to take a rope that is tight and thick enough. You can also use a synthetic version.

Step 7 Now you need to tie a knot on each rope at the same distance from the edge.

Step 8 You need to thread the ropes through the holes on the small pallet so that the short tails of the ropes are at the bottom.

Step 9 The second pallet will become an improvised roof for the feeder. Now you need to thread the ropes through the holes of the second pallet.

Step 10 The ropes need to be well tensioned. The result should be the same design as in the figure.

Step 11 Now you need to form “tails” from the bottom and top of the remnants of the rope. Don't forget to make a hanging loop on the top side.

Step 12 All that remains is to fill the feeder with seeds and fix it on tree branches using a hanging loop.

Video - Feeder made from a large plastic bottle

Video - Hopper feeder made from a glass bottle

You can make bird feeders from any materials. You can whip up a feeding place even from cardboard, but such a feeder will not last long. If you want to decorate your garden with beautiful and durable feeding places for birds, then it is better to spend your time and make a wooden feeder.

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Making a bird feeder with your own hands is a fun and rewarding activity, especially if you have kids helping you. After all, surviving the winter cold is very difficult for our feathered friends. Sad statistics show that out of 10 birds, only 2 birds survive to see spring sunny days. And by placing an original bird feeder with your own hands in a public garden, park or on your own personal plot, you will save more than one bird’s life from hunger.

How to make a bird feeder with your own hands?

Arranging food station for birds in your garden or summer cottage, you kill two birds with one stone: you relieve birds from hunger in the winter and protect your harvest from numerous pests in the summer. Our feathered brothers are effective fighters against midges and other harmful insects. Birdies will delight you with cheerful chirping, loud trills or funny games and fuss around food, and all this is fascinating to watch.

By showing a little imagination and making an original bird feeder with your own hands from scrap materials, you will decorate your garden with an extraordinary accessory! So what do you need to have on hand to make your own bird feeder? Materials that can be used are empty cans, wine bottle caps, plastic cans and bottles, cuttings of branches, unnecessary pieces of plywood, roofing felt and boards, unused dishes (cups and saucers, mugs, teapots, decorative glass bottles), metal or nylon mesh and other household rubbish. For fastening and decoration, rope, fishing line, various chains, ribbons and nylon tapes, and wire will do.

Despite the variety of materials, all designs can be conditionally divided into four groups:

  1. Sturdy and durable birdhouse-like feeders made of wood.
  2. “Disposable” feeders made from cardboard boxes do not require any costs, but they will not last long.
  3. Easy to manufacture, designs made from plastic cans, cans or bottles.
  4. Feed suspended on threads.

What to use for feeding?

Experiencing a significant lack of food in the cold months, pichugas will eat everything you offer them with great pleasure. For complementary feeding, use any ground cereals: buckwheat, rice, oats, millet and millet - everything will be eaten. Grind any nuts and grains; add a little honey to the seeds of pumpkin, melon, watermelon, quinoa, thistle, hemp, sunflower, and quinoa.

At the titmouse feeder add small pieces of lard or chicken, boiled and finely chopped egg. Any dry berries and fruits will not be left without attention, especially viburnum and rowan bunches.

When setting up a dining room for birds, you must not forget to regularly fill the feeder with a nutrient mixture, since birds, getting used to feeding in one place, are ready to fly quite a long distance for food. And not finding food in the usual place, tired and hungry, they may die. Do not use rye bread, roasted nuts, cereals, grains and seeds, salty foods, citrus fruits, or fresh rolls for bait. Such products will harm birds.

When selecting material for making a feeder, you need consider a few points:

How to make a bird feeder accessible and safe?

Feeders need to be placed in open, easily visible areas, that is, in places accessible to birds. Bird feeding areas should not be provided in dense branches, highly windy areas, or in areas where cats can reach. Bird feeders, mounted on a tree trunk or branch, or on the walls of outbuildings at a height of about one and a half meters, are easily accessible to birds, it is convenient to add food to them and they are inaccessible to domestic predators.

Most of us think of a bird feeder as a small house or birdhouse. This form is an ideal solution for organizing poultry catering.

Whatever material you choose, the design must include:

Lightweight bird feeders made of plastic or cardboard can be easily weighed down by placing a piece of unnecessary linoleum or plywood on the bottom.

The most original bird feeders are grain ones

To make it you will need a mixture of raw grains, seeds, nuts and bread crumbs. We will make the base of the feeder with our own hands from thick cardboard and nylon thread, using scissors and a thick needle. Adhesive backing made from oatmeal, mixed with egg and honey, or from gelatin. Mix 2 tablespoons of oatmeal (not cereal), 1 egg and 1 teaspoon of honey, leave for 30-40 minutes. At this time, we cut out the base for the feeder from cardboard in the form of hearts, stars, and any other geometric shapes.

To attach the delicious treat to the branches, use a thick needle to thread a thread, lace, braid or ribbon through a hole in the cardboard blank. Apply the swollen adhesive mass to the base and roll it in the prepared grain mixture. Place in the refrigerator to harden and after a few hours the treat for the birds is ready!

With a gelatin base, the manufacturing process is even simpler. Mix the finished nutrient mixture with a warm gelatin solution and pour into silicone baking molds. Having inserted a loop for fastening on the branches, we send it to harden in the refrigerator.

An original solution for such feeding would be old dishes. We leave the food prepared in any way to harden in mugs or a teapot that has become unusable. We tie the fastening thread to the handle of the product. We hang treats on the trees and watch the birds feast.

Cardboard box feeder

How to make a feeder with your own hands from a candy box or parcel, milk or juice. Having placed the edges of three candy boxes inside each other in the form of a triangle, we glue or use tape, thread any lace or ribbon through the roof and fasten it to the tree. The feeder is ready. Designs made from bags of any drinks will last a little longer, since they have a laminated layer inside and outside, moisture-proof. Using a knife or scissors, cut out an entrance, a round or square hole in one of the sides, slightly above the bottom of the box. A rope is attached to the top for hanging on a tree. The feeder is ready in a few minutes.

Similarly, you can make a feeder with your own hands from plastic containers: bottles, canisters, cans.

It is easier to secure a plastic feeder with wire. And to protect the birds from injury, seal the entrance hole with tape or tape. With a little more time, you can make a basic bunker feeder from plastic bottles. To do this, two through holes are made in a one and a half or two liter bottle: the first at a height of 10-15 cm from the bottom and the second in the center of the container, perpendicular to the first. Two wooden spoons are inserted into these holes. Holes on the wide side of the spoons expand to release feed. It is convenient to pour food into the feeder through the neck of the bottle; under the weight of the grain mixture, the plastic feeder is not afraid of gusts of wind, the food remains dry and accessible to the birds for a long time.

Having insulated a one and a half or two liter container from the inside with yarn or sisal, you will know how to make a birdhouse from a bottle.

A little more time and skill will be required to make a bird feeder from plywood.

It can be with a gable or flat roof, open or with a bunker compartment. To make even the simplest feeder, like a birdhouse, you will need a drawing that can be found on the Internet or calculate the design yourself. Tools needed: hammer, jigsaw, nails, glue, sandpaper. In addition to plywood, you will need a block.


The plywood feeder is hung by a rope threaded under the roof or a hook screwed into the roof. The service life of such a structure will be extended if it is coat with varnish or oil paint.

Classic dining room made of wood

However, with a little imagination and ingenuity, you can create a real masterpiece!

The minimum tools you will need are: a hammer and nails, self-tapping screws and a screwdriver. Cutting boards can be combined with slabs or branches, preserving the tree bark; small twigs or straw will decorate the plywood roof of the feeder in an original way. The roof of a wooden feeder can be mounted either on four support posts or on two flat supports located opposite each other. In addition, a feeder with two supports can be two-level or bunker. And, having certain skills and appropriate equipment, the sides of the birdhouse dining room can be made of any shape.

Making a double-walled feeder does not require an exact drawing of the bird feeder and adherence to exact dimensions. But there is unlimited scope for creative thought.

The assembly of the structure occurs in the same sequence as the plywood feeder. The bottom is fastened to the supports, then the sides and the roof. Since the bird feeder made of wood is quite heavy and durable, it can be installed either on a support pole or by hanging it from a wire or rope on tree branches.

For the convenience of small birds, titmice and sparrows, thin branches-perches can be attached parallel to the sides. And by cutting out round “windows” in the walls and threading a knitting needle or metal pin through them, it becomes possible to diversify the birds’ table with apples, pieces of pumpkin or lard.

The ideal solution for “remote” food points, especially near birdhouses, is dispenser installed inside a double-walled structure. One of the bunker options is with glass or plastic sides. On the inside of the walls, vertical grooves are cut, not reaching the bottom by about a centimeter, into which side panels made of glass or plastic are inserted. The food will spill out through the gap as the birds eat it.

A feeder that is easier to make, in which a plastic bottle serves as a hopper. Cut off at both ends, it is hung with wire in the center of the feeder a couple of centimeters above the bottom. To make it easier to fill the hopper with nutrient mixture, the lid of the feeder is removable.

Without the opportunity to frequently replenish provisions in the feeder, a filled bunker will well preserve bird treats and allow the birds to remain full for a long time.

By placing a birdhouse made with your own hands from scrap materials next to the dining room, you will provide for tits and other small birds both housing and food.

Whatever idea you choose for making a feeder with your own hands, the birds will certainly thank you! Having tried your hand at making a feeder, you can also make a birdhouse with your own hands from scrap materials.

Bird feeders

Our garden can bring us pleasure all year round. Even in winter, frosty and snowy, we are happy to watch the birds and enjoy their chirping. In addition, birds help trees maintain health during this period by destroying insects and pests, so it is very important to attract birds to our garden plot.

What will you need for this? And just a small gift - a feeder, always filled with food. After all, in winter it is difficult for birds to get food, and you can help them escape from cold and hunger.

Wood is the most suitable building material, traditionally used in almost any work. A do-it-yourself feeder made of wood will serve you for many years, especially if you take its manufacture responsibly and strictly adhere to the drawings and recommendations. All you need in the future is to clean the feeder in a timely manner to prevent excessive clogging and rotting of the structure.

There are three aspects of the work that need to be given special attention. The first is the choice of material. He must meet the following criteria:

  • durability - rain and snow should not cause significant damage to it, otherwise you will have to change the feeder after each serious snowfall or downpour;
  • strength - the birds that are planned to be fed should feel stable, and the feeder should not bend under them;
  • smoothness - there should be no sharp edges or splinters that could injure the birds;
  • naturalness - the material cannot be treated with chemicals, this will harm the birds.

The second aspect is choosing a suitable location. It should be:

  • open - birds should easily notice the feeder;
  • not too noisy - you shouldn’t place a feeder next to the road; sufficiently protected from small children and animals - cats are not averse to feasting on birds, so it is worth making sure that they do not have a chance to feast.

The third aspect is design features. The feeder should be:

  • small if it is for small birds - otherwise large birds will feed from it, driving away smaller ones;
  • sufficiently open - birds should not have problems with access to food;
  • devoid of sharp protrusions, edges and chips - otherwise it will be easy to get hurt;
  • equipped with high sides - otherwise the birds will scatter food;
  • equipped with a roof - otherwise the food will get wet in even the lightest rain.

Only when all conditions are met can the feeder be considered useful.

DIY wooden feeder - option No. 1

Stock up on the following materials and tools:

  • sheets of moisture-resistant plywood;
  • plexiglass (if you decide to install transparent walls);
  • screws and self-tapping screws;
  • jigsaw;
  • paper, ruler and pencil for drawing.

So, first of all, you need to create a drawing that will guide you during assembly. Choose a model that you like and draw a design on paper, determining the dimensions by eye. You will need to consistently work with the required dimensions and carefully adjust them so that the feeder ends up beautiful and stable.

After the drawing of the product and all components is ready, you can begin marking and cutting the material. We will take as an example a fairly simple to implement, average project.

The size of our feeder will be 40 X 30 X 30 cm (length/width/height). Mark two pieces of material of the same size - for the roof and base, and two posts connecting these parts to each other. Marking should be carried out as accurately as possible, down to the smallest detail. This will make the further assembly process easier. Now cut the structural elements and begin assembly.

This feeder looks like a miniature house and belongs to a variety of so-called bunker structures. It is easy to maintain and allows you to fill the space with food in portions to make it easier to look after the birds.

Step-by-step assembly of a plywood feeder with your own hands

Wood, timber, plywood and plexiglass are used for feeders not only because they are fairly common and easy-to-work materials. They greatly facilitate the design.

  1. So, we have two parts of the feeder measuring 40 X 30 X 30 cm: wooden for the base and plywood for the roof. You will also need 2 racks 30 cm long made of thin timber (2 X 2 cm is enough) and 2 more racks 27 cm long. This will provide a slope for the roof.
  2. Attach the racks to the base so that they are strictly vertical. Install them not in the corners themselves, but stepping back a little inward from the edge. It will be easier for you if you mark another rectangle inside the board, stepping back from the edge, for example, 2 cm.
  3. When securing the posts, make sure that the shorter ones are in the right places and not in opposite corners. The easiest method of fastening is self-tapping screws. Pass them through the base into the bar from below the structure.
  4. You can use plexiglass as a material for the side walls. This will allow the birds to be protected from the wind while eating, and you will be able to calmly watch the birds. To secure the plexiglass, make grooves of about 4 mm in it using a milling machine, and use screws to fix it.
  5. Place the plywood roof on the posts and secure it with self-tapping screws on four sides. This is the easiest part of our work if you have chosen a structure with a pitched roof. If the roof is gable, then the posts for it should be the same size, and you will also need to make a ridge. Secure the left half of the roof to the side wall, and fasten the right half and the ridge together. After this, assemble the structure and secure it with furniture hinges.

Please note: it is not advisable to cover the feeder with impregnation or paints, since pungent odors can scare away birds and harm their health.

So, a simple, but at the same time beautiful and functional do-it-yourself plywood feeder is ready. You can install it on any flat surface. And if you want to place it on a tree, make hangers out of rope or twine that you can throw on a branch.

DIY wooden feeder - option No. 2

Making a wooden feeder will not require any effort; to do this, you just need to stock up on the necessary tools and you can get started. To work you need to prepare:

  • tape measure, pencil and carpenter's corner;
  • jigsaw or hacksaw, drill with thin wood drills and screwdriver + self-tapping screws (or hammer + nails);
  • plywood or boards, bars for racks and sides, sandpaper and wood glue.

Please note that a feeder assembled with self-tapping screws instead of nails is more durable.

Preparatory stage

First of all, you should prepare a design for the feeder. You can find suitable drawings on the Internet or come up with an original design yourself.

Based on the prepared drawing, where the dimensions of all elements should be indicated, calculate the amount of materials required. Select the correct length of fasteners for the sides, taking into account the thickness of the bottom and the cross-section of the bar.

But we chose not the same drawing as presented above, but the simplest feeder, which can easily be assembled in five minutes; we will describe it in the future.

Assembling the feeder

Step 1: We mark and cut out the components of our “structure” using a jigsaw.

Step 2: We nail or screw the bars to the bottom, which will act as sides; on the two smaller sides we fasten the bars end-to-end with the edge of the bottom; we fasten the other two with a distance of 5 - 7 mm from the edge, it should look like this:

Step 3: From the sides where we screwed the bars with an indentation, we fasten the side walls with self-tapping screws.

Step 4: Our feeder is almost assembled, all that remains is to securely fix the side walls together. To do this, we cut another burk to the size of our feeder and fasten it on the inside with self-tapping screws.

That’s all, our “house” for feeding birds is ready; by threading a rope through the roof, you can hang it in any convenient place.

DIY wooden feeder - option No. 3

An alternative to a wooden feeder is another design option made from plywood. The material allows you to choose any modification:

  • open;
  • with a gable or flat roof;
  • with bunker compartment.

Plywood is a derivative of wood, but it is much cheaper and lighter in weight. Before you make a bird feeder from wood, you must select the appropriate drawing. In this case, you need to take into account the type of birds living in the region. Large birds such as magpies, pigeons and jays can eat all the food, leaving small birds without food. Therefore, if the feeder is designed for tits, the openings should be such that large species cannot reach the grains.

For work you will need the following tools and materials:

  • water-based adhesive composition;
  • nails and hammer; plywood sheet;
  • timber with a section size of 2x2 cm.

In accordance with the drawing, markings are applied to the plywood sheet. After which all the parts are carefully cut out using a jigsaw. A square element of 25x25 cm will be used as a flooring for the bottom. To build the roof, you need to take larger parts, otherwise moisture will drain onto the feed. The edges of the resulting blanks must be sanded.

You need to cut 4 posts, each 25-30 cm long, from the timber. If the structure has a pitched (flat) roof, a pair of bars should be shortened by 2-3 cm. The cut is made at an angle. All joints between parts are treated with adhesive and then fastened with nails. The racks are installed on the bottom, and the sides are fixed to them. A roof is installed at the top of the racks. The structure can be installed permanently or suspended using a hook and hardware.

Birds in a private garden are pleasantly chirping and animatedly fluttering along the branches. In autumn, when the garden is “bare” and empty, little birds give it a new sound.

Birds play an aesthetic and sanitary role. They are indispensable assistants in the fight against harmful insects. Feeders will help attract and retain orderlies in the garden. You can make beautiful bird feeders with your own hands from scrap materials, for example, from plastic bottles.

General rules for making feeders

With cold weather and the first snow, forest birds experience an acute shortage of food. It is advisable to hang feeders in the garden at the beginning of autumn and replenish the supplies as they become empty. Do not put in a lot of food at once. Over time, rot and mold develop, turning the grain into unusable food.

When choosing a design, be guided by the following:

  • keeping food dry even during rain;
  • unhindered access of birds to food;
  • it is desirable to have perches;
  • the presence of two or more holes, and they must be through so that the bird does not perceive the feeder as a trap;
  • sections are glued with adhesive tape or tape;
  • the height of the sides is 7-10 cm.

The finished feeder needs to be secured with the convenience of replenishing supplies in mind, but it also takes into account that it is out of reach for cats. For the feeder, suitable material is moisture and sun resistant, lightweight, wear-resistant and safe for birds. Plastic meets these criteria, and plastic bottles make an excellent base.

Good ideas with short instructions

The design of bird feeders made from 1.5-liter or 5-liter plastic bottles has 2 types: free access to food and a bunker system. In the first type, windows are cut out of the bottle through which the bird takes food poured on the bottom. In the second case, food is poured with reserve into the “bunker”, from where it flows “by gravity” into a special tray or to the bottom of the feeder as the birds eat it. The second design is convenient in that it is not possible to replenish the “canteen” every day, and the remainder is clearly visible through the transparent plastic.

The orientation of the feeders can be vertical (it’s more convenient to attach with twine through the lid) or horizontal (more birds can feed at the same time).

Let's consider original ideas that will inspire craftsmen to create a real decorative element with a useful function.

A simple and quick way to make a feeder: take a 5-liter container, cut out a small window (preferably two) at the bottom, 7 cm from the bottom, and hang it vertically on a branch by the handle. Make a hole in the lid for a wire from which to hang a piece of unsalted lard.

If you have a 1.5 liter container, then make one hole, but a fairly large one. By treating the edges with colored material, we get both a safe and bright feeder. To secure it to a tree, just tie it to a branch by the neck with a strong ribbon.

A bird-friendly option with perches that go right through the bottle just below the holes. The perches serve as a kind of weighting material and empty containers will not “fly” in the wind. Visors are provided for protection from rain and snow. Holes are made at the bottom with a heated nail to drain condensate. A good place for a feeder is not only on a tree, but also under the porch canopy. At the same time, it is protected from winds and precipitation.

You can make a simple bunker feeder from a 1.5 or 2 liter plastic bottle. To do this, prepare two wooden “spoons” with a long handle, make holes of the appropriate diameter in the bottle and push the handle through. A small hole is made above the “spoon” tray so that a flying bird can take the grains. Spilled grains will remain on the tray and not fall to the ground.

The bottle is completely filled with grain. You should not make the holes too high, as they will sooner be unused, although the container will still be half full. You can make two trays at the bottom and one at the top. To protect the trays from snow, install a roof made from a 5-liter bottle.

You can secure bin feeders by tying a strong belt or twine around the neck, or by threading a metal pin with a loop on top through the lid (it’s even easier to make a loop from a piece of wire or wire and hang it on a branch).

If you glue a plate to the bottom of a liter plastic bottle (an old children's bowl made of thick plastic will do), you will get a convenient dining room with a bunker system. You can secure the plate using liquid nails or other fastening compounds that are intended for outdoor use and are not afraid of moisture. At the bottom, 5 cm away from the bottom, 3-4 holes are made to extract food. The plate serves as both a tray and a perch at the same time.

In addition to plastic water or drink bottles, they use plastic 5-liter canisters for liquid soap, fabric softener or construction primer. First, you need to rinse and dry them well, then cut out the required number of holes. If the container has a handle, then there will be no problems with hanging.

Otherwise, we proceed similarly to the previous examples and thread the cord or wire through the holes in the lid.

A 5 liter canister and a 1.5 liter bottle will make a good feeder with a hopper. It is enough to cut out a large window on one side of the canister, and cut off the bottom of a 1.5-liter bottle and tie it inside the canister with the neck down, so that you can add grain through the lid of the canister. The result will be a food supply for birds protected from wind and rain.

If you show a little imagination and involve children's imagination in the process, then a homemade feeder made from a plastic bottle will become an unusual decor for the garden. The most practical solution is to wrap the container with twine. To secure the rope, it is soaked in an adhesive base.

Fir branches and cones, decorative birds and flowers are used for decoration. The main thing is not to overdo it with decor, the excess of which will scare the birds. If you make only one small hole, you will get a warm and cozy birdhouse.

Master class: convenient bunker-type feeder

To make it, you will need two plastic water bottles, one juice or tea bottle (with stiffer walls) and any plastic container lid of a suitable diameter and with high sides.

Manufacturing process with step-by-step photos:

  • cut off the neck of 2 bottles;

  • We cut off the excess plastic from the resulting “dispenser” blanks to make a small funnel, as shown in the photo;

  • take another bottle and mark on both sides with a marker the hole for the “dispenser” on the lid;

  • Using a stationery knife and scissors, we make a “skirt” in the marked circle for better fixation and protection from moisture;

  • in the covers of the prepared “dispensers”, use a drill to make a hole in the form of a wide slot (grain will flow through it from the hopper), insert the prepared “dispensers” into the holes;

  • Using a drill, we make two holes below the “dispensers” for the passage of a wooden stick (we select the diameter of the drill in accordance with the diameter of the stick), pass the stick through two holes at once; its length should be enough to form 10 cm perches on both sides;

  • We fix the plastic cap to the bottom of the bottle, and we get a practical and convenient feeder, spending 15 - 20 minutes.

Hello, Dear readers of the site

Continuing the theme of caring for our smaller brothers, I previously wrote about how to make one for starlings, today we will learn how to build. This is especially true in winter, when there is not enough natural food, and feeding the remaining birds that spend the winter in our area is most necessary.

In this article I offer my version of a bird feeder with detailed diagrams and drawings.

Making a bird feeder. Drawing of a feeder.

Before proceeding directly to the process of making a bird feeder, let's prepare a workplace.

For work we need the following tools - a jigsaw or hacksaw, a hammer, a screwdriver. We will fasten the structure using self-tapping screws, nails and wood glue.

The material we use is a block of wood, plywood - 4 mm, beading, a wooden corner, mostly remnants from the previous ones.

So let's get started.

1. We begin assembling the feeder from the base. To do this, we use bars pre-cut to size. We lay them out as shown in the figure and secure them with self-tapping screws, gluing the junction points. The result is a box like this.

2. Cut out a square 23 x 23 cm from plywood. It will serve as the bottom of the feeder. Then we nail it to the resulting box.

3. We attach 2 side bars, and later we will make perches on them. We use a block 33 cm long, screw it onto self-tapping screws so that the protrusion of the ends on each side is 5 cm.

4. We install the racks under the roof. We fix four 20 cm long posts on the inner sides of the box as follows.

5. Let's start assembling the roof. To do this, we separately assemble two frames according to the diagram.

Now we attach the frames to the racks using self-tapping screws and glue. One note: to prevent the block from cracking when screwing in the screw, it is advisable to pre-drill a hole for it.

6. We make the roof. As such, we use plywood, cut into two rectangles 21 x 33 cm. We level it and nail it to the frame.

7. To give the roof a finished look, we make a ridge. For the ridge, a wooden corner is suitable, which we glue with wood glue.

8. All that remains is to make the crossbars, the so-called perches. For this I used regular glazing bead and wood glue.

9. I plan to hang the feeder on a tree, and to solve this problem these screws came in handy.

Having previously drilled a hole of the required diameter in the ridge, screwed in two screws.

The product will look more neat and aesthetic if you cover the heads of the screws with wood putty and then sand them with sandpaper until they are smooth.

To extend the life of our craft made of wood, I treated it with a protective solution. In this case, I do not recommend using impregnation with a solvent or white spirit; it is better to use a water-based composition.

Well, to add some zest to our creation, I decided to paint the feeder. I got hold of an airbrush from a friend, mixed some paint, prepared a stencil, and this is what came out in the end.

Now all that remains is to hang it and pour in the food. Oats, dried berries, sunflower seeds, millet, pieces of fruit, etc. are suitable as such. For the feeder, choose a place that is closed from the wind and inaccessible to cats.

So, after spending a little time, they did a good deed. I'm sure everyone can do it DIY bird feeder, and thereby contribute to the care of animals.

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